The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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28 The Billboard JUNE 24, 1911, GENERAL CIRCUS NEWS Yankee Robinson Show Train is in Wreck and One Coach is Entirely Demolished—California Frank Active in Prosecuting Indian Thieves—Other Ring News YANKEE ROBINSON’S IN WRECK. peze. Baker Bros.; performing elephant, Omer Edging=; fiying rings, Mrs. Porterfield; novelty ’ : juggler, Elmer Portertield; Donkey Joco, with The Yankee Kobinson Show train suffered a] Trere re oes te” >rinc Northwestern Ralflroad on Friday morning June > oN rele cae my gy ok Poors pons 9, while making the run from Mondovi to Neits Putuce, bag puncher: Al. MeLuthe, contertion “ sore yng ist; Mile. Reno, club swiaging: Lasch Brovos., ville. The circus train was backing in on a] gatuary act. Ring No. 2—Roman rings, The siding to clear for a passenger train about 5 . ~<a Youngs; flying perch, Wm. Randolph; comedy o'clock in the morning, and came into collision tramp juggler, Happy Hi Hubbard; revolving with a heavily loaded freight train. One of the | jigqer, Hibardo and Baker: unsupported ladder, circus sleepers, occupied by the band boys antl] ott, Chaffin; performing camel, Capt, Meaders others of the company, was completely demol| Roman races, hippodrome. Rube Adams; Prof ished in the crash, another was badly smashel, Llovd Marses musical director of a twenty and still another had the platforms broken off aioe = ty . No one was fatally hurt, but a few were jammed program.—Elmer Porterfield, magic up A fearfal mortality was escaped by the] 41.) Punehb: Mrs Portertield snake charmer first sleeper in the train skidding up on to the | wie. Carre, sword walker; Bingo, South Sea flat car next to it which broke the shock and Islander: Viseola fire king: Valdenado tattoo ar saved the others from telescoping. The floor of | tice. Mons. Putuce bag ‘puncher. The annex the Ingersoll] was literally torn out and the peo|)... 'al) new banners and a new 40-foot top. with ple in it fell through to the trucks. The North two thirties western gent on tourist sleepers for use until The big top is a 100-foot, with two 40-foot the cars can be replaced. A few wagons were | niddies. Lew Koley is boss canvasman. Thirdamaged, but no stock nor animals were killed. | ty tive wagons, eighty head of draft stock and thirty head of shetland ponies are carried. W. H. (Whitey) Smith is boss hostler: C. A. Happs AGENT AND BILLPOSTER CLASH. Hibbard, equestrian director; Geo. Day, supt. a —s privileges; Jas Hohemer has the uptown Wagon, Missoula, Mont. Jane 15 (Special to The Bill| 2M Mrs. C. R. LaMont is the calliope player board).—On account of the exorbitant 1911 ee <. ae to yr ee ag rate, the Sells-Flote Shows placed their bill sige cat yan lar atuaetatatats h posting contract at Missoula, Mont., with the Abe. legal adjuster, Harnois Theatre, the opposition plant. R. H. Garver, the Association man, seriously interfered with William M. Roddy, the contractor, in his CIRCUS MEN PLAY BALL. work, —_—— Mr. Reddy had an occasion to address the The Barnum & Bailey Baseball Team, accom city council, asking for a reduction in the licenses, and the motion was being put to a vote, when Garver Jumped to his feet and harangued the counci] with various statements to the effect panied by about forty fans, crossed bats with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Club Sunday, June 11 at Kalamazoo, Mich. It proved to be an interesting game, resulting with a score of 9 to that the show advertised twenty-five cents and | 5 in favor of the Hagenbeck-Wallace boys. Af did not live up to it; that they indiscriminately | ter the game a banquet was held in the cook scattered bills over the streets: packed a lot] house, where a special menu was served by of banners up in town, for which no one re-| James Davis. who acted as host and steward eelved any revenue, and that he objected to the | for the two teams. The tables were then recouncil granting a reduction. Mr. Garver is not a member of the council, Nor! Kalamazoq Orchestra, which played during the does he hold any city position, banquet, furnished music for the ball, which We quote in part from a recent issue of the | jactea until the guests took the midnight train Missoullan for Detroit. The cook house was beautifully ; M. Roddy, advance man for the Sells| qecorated with flags and bunting. conspicuous Floto Circus asked the council for a reduction | among which were the portraits of Barnum & in license, as he claimed $100 per day was! Rajley, also Hagenbeck and Wallace. entirely too much for a show the size of his, A heat folder was gotten up for the occasion which only charged twenty-five cents admission. | qyith the announcement that the Hagenbeck-Waltillnester Garver interrupted and said that he! jaee Show's baseball club cordially extends a didn’t think the council should reduce the li banquet to the Barnum & Bailey baseball club cense, as the show company is only putting out | June 11, 1911, at Kalamazoo, Mich., also giving MM) bills, and nobody was getting anything out | the menu and the line-ups of each team. of it. The matter was referred to the city propThe menu consisted of relishes, green onions, erty committee, with full power to act. Mr. Rod-| radishes and olives: entrees, chicken fricassee; dy asked for a reduction of one-half. roasts, prime rib of beef; vegetables, new pota toes with cream, new peas and oo on toast; salad. combination salad with mayonARREST OF INDIAN THIEVES. naise dressing: desserts, strawberries, vanilla — ice cream, cake coffee, iced tea and milk. it is a known fact that the cost of securing Hagenbeck-Wallace line-up: George Connors and taking care of genuine Sioux Indians for | manager: Albert Olifan, captain and 8.8; Jit show purposes is very large, as it is necessary | Sullivan, 24 b.: Bill Hesse, Ist b.; Andy Dob to send a man to South Dakota and pay a cou, bins, c¢.; Jack, Joyce, p: Al. Miller. 34 b.: ple of weeks’ expenses there, pay for all cloth| Frank Smith, |. f.: John Rogers, r. f.: E. Boing required by the Indians, all railroad fares | dino, ¢. f.: subs—Reno McCree Jr, Albert Camp to place of opening show, as well as the ex-j| bell, Tom Linsley; Charlie Navarro mascot. penses of securing bonds to the Government, ete. Barnum & Bailey: Orrin Davenport manager This amounts to two or three hundred dollars per | and 3d b.; L. Glinseritti, captain and s.s; Cleve Indian. Dayton, Ist b.: Fred Egner, c.; Charles LaMar. Some of the smailer shows and men employed , c. f.; J. Jess. p.: J. Phillips, 24 b.: T. Comrade by them around the country wait until the large |]. f.; Pat Valde, r. f.: saubs—H. Waak, Butch am!) more responsible show have secured these | Siegrist: Bro. Florence, mascot. Indians; they then steal them and use them for the season and then turn them loose, as they are under no obligations to return them to the agency Such a scheme was concocted and parI A. B. P. & B. OF A. NOTES. tially carried out by parties at Hillside and ana Electric parks, Newark, who attempted to steal Minneapolis, Minn., June 16 (Special to The some Indians from the California Frank Wild | Billboard).—Leo Chaffin’s band of banner men West at Montclair, N. J., resulting in the ar| arrived safe and sound and bannered Minnespolis rest of Alfred Standing Rear, Thomas Grass | as it never was bannered befere. Fred David and John Moninga for conspiracy and an —e son "yas the squarer and he surdid land some at disorganization. These men sre now in tail | locations. at Montclair, and ate held over for the SeptemLeo Hart is the only member of No. 10 to her term of the grand fury. Warrants are out | pull in soe far this season. Hart says he will for others interested Lawyers have been se| always be with the Barnum Show euresd by the Showmen’s Protective AssoA few days after the tack-spitters arrived, ciation, of witch California Frank is a member, | Car No, 1 came in with twenry-stlx warriors of am! prosecutions will follow to the limit, sue brush. and after a few lively hours were spent at Billposters’ Headquarters. Tom Connors was called npon to speak, which he did real REPLY TO BURROUGHS. | well, and believe it or not. this is Mr. Connor's tatieitaiatindy twenty-fourth year as a trouper and a membe S ' : . of Local No. 4 Philadelphia. W. D. Winn The Billboard Cohoes, N. ¥., June 10, 1911. will perhaps some day catch up to Mr. Conners, Gentlemen—Under the heading A RBillposter's , ** this is Mr. Winn’s twenty-second year on the Complaint, in your issue of Pune 10, page 24, | O84. In all the boys had a very nice time while 1 would like to say in behalf of the clreus thag |)! Minneapolix. and the only thing they regret good reasons were likely had for not taking | '* 70t being able to stay longer. at ‘ny more space from Brother Burrows tn Auaecey: ae. See Saeeeee. ON, ) Pees burn. Ind. all the ecards and found every man on St. In regard to-cireuses not taking all the space | Cl@f’s car valid up and in good standing : . 7 “ “ W. J. Erickson, who left Minneapolis some oo mah es oa — es eee time ago ahead of an onera under canvas, has an the apace Shey ogres Se feraten 3 not been heard from letely, but we trust the In one special instance this season in Hagers-| show has not blown away. town, Md.. your Krother Thomas E. Speilman | Word comes from Rob Linwood that all is made 9 contract with our contracting agent on | well and he expects to be home with a large May 16 to furnish the No. 1 Car with 1.000 sum sheets of snace on May 23. The No. 1 received Rusty Daviesen. who was advertising agent for less than 700 sheets. The contract alse called | the Orphenm in Winnipeg, was expected home for Mw sheets for the No. 2 Car on May 30. The | this week. but failed to arrive. No. 2 received Jess than 300 sheets. The Barnum Show did net use the billboards On May 17 the agent of the Forepangh-S lx | here, but the grand banners &-sheet boards and Show made 4 contract with Speilman to fur lithos nish their No. 1 Cur on May 30 with 1,000 Young Allen from Duluth Local No. 48, was a sheets. visitor Saturday. Who is at fanit here and who gets the Look at your cards and see if you are behind of it? Surely it is not the showmen who are R. ¢ Langy ay hax said good-bye to the show at fault E. E. HUTZLER business for some time, ax he now has the North Young Buffalo Wild West Show | and South Dakota territory fer the American To ee Sa baceo Company. g K Treasure, LAMONT BROS.’ ROSTER. ZACK ne ENS, Treasnreg Care Shubert Theatre worst A complete roster of LaMont Bros.” Two-Ring Circus, which opened its tenth season at winter ARTHUR BURSON DEAD. quarters, Salem. Til., May 6. follows: Program of big show.—Ring No. 1—Clown Arthur Burson, a dene performer fell from sme. Ohas. Raker: hand balancing, Bugene! a high wire at Kemmerer, Wyo., June 4, and Perkinson: trained ponies, Prof. Chas. Ran-. received injuries from which he died the fol dolph; slack wire act C. A. “Happy” Hibbard: | lowing day. He was with the Kit Carson Buf riding baboon set. Chas. R. LaMont: flying tra falo Ranch Show moved and a large stage erected. Abraham's | UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO WALTER F. DRIVER, Vice-Pree. EDWARD R. LITZINGER, Seoy WE ARE GIVING AWAY Are you getting it? This is information that means dollars and cents to you if you are thinking right now while you are thinking 10 Band Uniforms For Sale at a Bargain WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR BOLTE & WEYER LIGHTS. EDW. P. NEUMANN, JR., Pres. JOHN C. MoCAFFERY, Treas. ° e 22-28 North Desplaines Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Lots of free information every day concerning show equipment. of outfitting a show. Write us of it. 30 YEARS REPUTATION BACK OF EVERY TENT GOSS’ SHOW CANVAS sack TENTS circus FLAGS Waterproof Covers SEND FOR NEW CATALOG AND SECOND HAND LIST The J. C. GOSS C Phone Canal 3664 Established 1865 Thomson & Vandiveer Manufacturers of CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT 816 East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, O. The Kunkely Tent & Awning Go, Circus asi Show Canvases Canvas Work of every description 163 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK CITY TENTS SHOW TENTS, BLACK TENTS, CANDY TOPS, MERRY-GO-ROUND COVERS, and everything in canvas. Send for catalogue. DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT & AWNING CO. 109-11 South Main Street, St. Louis, Mo, SGENERY THE FINEST SHOW PAINTINGS AND DYE DEOPS AT LOWEST PRICES. Tell us what you need and we will send LOWEST estimate nd catalog. ENKEBOLL ART CO., Omaha, Neb. MONSTER LION SLAYER BABOONS, MONSTER CHACMA BABOONS, Big Snakes Small Monkeys, Lions Leopards, Bears. also ~ ry American. Mexican and Foreign Animals and Snake Four Monster Dane DogsPUTNAM'4 WILD A: IMAL STURE, 490 Washington Street. Buffalo, N.Y. SNAKE SHOWS —I can sell you snakes for Wild Girl Shows, and cheaper than others. Snakes fixed safe to handle. Orders shipped same day received. GULF COAST WILD ANIMAL FARM. W. A. (Snake) King. Mgr.. Brownsville, Texas SNAKES, MONKEYS AND BIRDS. Choice I’ytbons, Bull, Pine and Turtle Head Snakes In all sizes. Broke to handle. Monkeys, Birds and small animals for show pases rposes. Lowen! prices. J. HOPE. 35 N. Ninth St.. Phila... Pa FOR SALE—White Squirrel, $10.00; Coor , $2.50 each; Chipmonks, 50c each. W. T. HODGEN, Box 222, Campbelisville, Ky. PORTABLE LIGHTS FOR ALL PURPOSES THE BOLTE & WEYER CO. 126-127 So. Center Ave., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Ie Answering Ads, Mention THE BILLBOARD. TENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now is the time we need the work and can give quick action and close price. QUALITY THE BEST THE COLUMBUS TENT & AWNING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO. WE HAVE FOR LEASE, CARS, 5 ft. long, for shipping scenery, automobiles, advance, baggage. privilege, stock and wt a Desirable for show and circus com Reasonable rates. THE ARMS PALAC “HORSE CAR CO. Room 614, 183 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. | Dealers in Wild Animals, | 160 Greenwich Street. New York City. Circus and Juggling Apparatus | Clubs, Batons and Novelties. Stamp for catalogue. EDWARD VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, Ohio. TENTS and Show Canvas Black and white; new or second-hand. Bargains in second-hand tops. OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. OMAHA, NEBR. West of Salt Lake City, Utah. SUN TENT & AWNING COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Circus Tents LARGE AND SMALL. ALL DESCRIPTIONS Manufactured by W. H. LUSHBAUGH, Covingten, Ky. SECOND-HAND TENTS FOR SALE. CIRCUS TENTS Seats, Banners, Lights The Buckeye Tent & Awning Co.,Colembus,0. HORSE AND PONY PLUMES For Show Parades, Horse and Pony Acts, Ad vertising purposes, ete., Send for price list Manofactured by M. SCHAEMBS, 612-614 Met ropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. SHOW PAINTINGS E, J, HAYDEN & CO, 106-10 Broadway, . BROOKLYN, N. 1 COLTS 4EMY AUCTION BARGAINS eee (5 8S Bs U.S. ARMY COLTS $ ee Cal. 45 Revolver, wtoen, Gout act Inc wool = bees @ finisb, eae rumeet leather heleter and severity lanyard. Used ® abort tine, Fine working order, (Fee eed Kueyclopedia. sled for ib coute (stam ps) FRANCIS BANNERMAN, 601 BROADWAY, N.Y.