The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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Sve rrvw JUNE 24, 1911. The Billboard 29 NIFORMS For Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part, Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc., etc. Send for CATALOG. Be Sure and Mention Kind of Uniform Wanted. Western Uniform Co. 2148. CLARK ST. CHICAGO TENTS Tarpaulins, Canvas Goods of ali Descriptions ARTHUR F. SMITH S83 Jonn St., . New York City Telephone 636 John TENTS Now, every kind, and near new. 80x160, 80x140, 890x120, 6Ox150, 660x120, 60x90, 50x80, 40x60, 88x68, 35x50, 30x45, 20x50 (black), 20x30, 200 camping tents, 3,000 ft. side wall, 500 folding canvas benches. All bargains. Write D. M. Madison St., Chi KERR MPG. CO., cago. Phone, Monroe 2448. EVERY CIRCUS WAGON in the United States is equipped with our Genuine Bunting 50c. Flags of All Nations. AMERICAN FLAG MFG. CO., EASTON, PA Send For Booklet How To Decorate. ° FOR SALE—A Num.ights ber of Bolte & Weyer and other Lights. As good as new. Address, LIGHTS, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. Wanted for Tanners Wila West Wiaying Fairs in Wisconsin. 1 have six good ones, all booked uy I want Dell Rack Men, Cane Rack, Candy Wheels, Concessions of any kind. No gambling of any kind. Can use some good Horses, Pacers and Trotters, and two good halfmile jumpers DR. B. TANNER, Colby, Wis Gelette Brothers, write. MONEY FOR MEDICINE SPIELERS Circu# Men, Medicine Men, Side Show Spielers, Street Men, you can make money band over fist with Dr. Elders’ Tobacco Boon and Dr. Elders’ Mantone Remedy. 100 per cent profit. Big Sellers. Specially prepared argument that delivers the coin. Can't resist the logical talking points. Write today for full particulars. ELDERS’ SANITARIUM, Dept. 101. St. Joseph, Mo. TEXAS SNAKES, Iguanas, Parrots and Wild Animals, Pit snakes, with all poison snakes, fixed safe to handle. Assorted kinds for $10, $20 or $30. Have given satisfaction for the past 15 years. The old reliable. W. ODELL LEARN, 715 W. Commerce St., San Antonio, Texas. Feature Acts WITH THE GENTRY BROS. SHOWS MARCELL & LENETT in that RAPID-FIRE COMEDY BAR ACT CEVENE TROUPE EUROPEAN WONDERS OF THE TIGHT-WIRE. JOHN RAJAN NOVELTY ACROBAT and Sensational High Backward Ladder Dives TENTS TO RENT M. MAGEE & SON, 147 Fulton St., N. Y¥. City. NEW SHOW BOAT. Cuptain Ww. P. Needham, owner and master of the palatial steamer, Nellie, who for several years has been engaged in the show business, is now building «a modern and Well-appolnted showboat at the foot of Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O., which will be known as The American Floating Theatre, and operated by The Needham Amusement Co., Incorporated. The interior is similar in style to the Blacxstone Theatre, Chicago, is 150 feet long by 34 feet beam, and will have a seating capacity of 2S It will be equipped with a gasoline engine, to which is attached the tiller ropes, similar to a steam steering outfit This same engine will furnish power for a well equipped printing of fice now being iostalled in the aft end of the eabin, All the printing for the show will be done on the boat. Two steam engines will operate a 1.000 pound jee and refrigerating plant, steam laundry, elec tric fans, vacuum cleaners, ice cream freezers, steam calllope with thirty-eight whistles and two large dynamos. The boat will be beautifully decorated electrically, the main decora tlon being » waving American flag in colors, containing 7) lighte. The seats on the side are to be elevated so as to make them the most desirable in the house. There will be two boxes on the lower floor and two In the balcony. There will be steel ‘‘I"’ beams throughout. The hold and the roof and balcony are carried upon = steel. A complete telephone system from all parts of the showboat and steamer will be installed. A spud has been placed on each side of the head and stern, to be used in case of quick landing, ete. The pilet house will be octagon and large enough to use as a band stand. It will be constructed In sections so that it can be taken down on short netice if occasion demands. The boat will be ventilated with blowers. The advance brigade will travel in a commodjous gaseline yacht. Capt. Needham contemplates opening in Cincinnati about the first of July, am! with the crew will carry 45 people, which will include a band of fourteen pieces and an orchestra of seven pieces. First-class people only will be employed and the program will consist of dramas, vaudeville and motion pictures. The boat will traverse the Monongahela, Kanawha, Ohio, Mississippi and Illinois rivers. AJAX NEEDS ASSISTANCE. Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, 1911. The Billboard, Cincinnati, O Gentlemen—Please be so kind as to publish the following in your paper: -I am a well-known performer and showman and am down and out and need belp badly. Try to take up a fund for me I am out of work and have a wife and two children. My wife has just given birth to the second child, a boy, born June 2, 1911, and is still very sick The oldest child is also very sick I was with the Welsh Brothers Sideshow but had to leave on account of the illpess of my oldest child. Please be so kind as to publish this for me, for we have many friends in the show business who I am sure would help me. I am in debt for rent and doctor bills. This is the first time I have asked for help, and hope you will please grant me this one favor. fours very truly, JOSEPH MILANA (Prof. Ajax). 1908 South Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MADAME CORDELIA DESTITUTE. Madame Cordelia, onetime feature equestrienne with all the principal circuses of the days of her prime, is destitute in Cincinnati, and has asked The Billboard to appeal to her friends for funds. Madame Cordelia’s was once the name to lead all subseription papers for the relief of fellow ‘rformers in need. Never was there a more generous nature than hers. She gave freely: now she has to turn to others for assistance. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED. Amount previeusly reported ............ s ¢. L. Topping . Semee Merrit Relew aah oi) % mis Since & eda We acer Ernest La Marr .. Dave Nicholson Jack Shumate Cem sea e puke es Frank Lovine eS ee eee oe NO ye Oe re eee N ttt et et tt =x ~ ee er cee ™) Ee NS, an ae ee CES US hE ae ae ec mo Fa W.) Woomer Nat one CUR EwSS ON mo SS PEL EL LT CULES TERETE ™ Joiony Wicks Ps |, PRAT eT H. OG MeQuistor ace ph a9ee 665 oes 000 oes am SS eee rr ee eee : ™ Oe, ie NN an oa 6 6 wegeeute 08.06.46 806 on ee ™ ES 8 ee eer om CIRCUS GOSSIP. MeFall’s Dog Cireus has just finished twelve weeks on the Pacific Coast for Bert Levey aud is on ite way East again. This cirens will play a few weeks in Texas for Tuttle before going Fart. They are also arranging te play seme big parks and fairs this coming summer. The entire company of the Fleming Vaude ville Show visited the E. G. Smith Shews at Grindstone, Pa. and spent a pleasant day with their friends, the Dirmleps. Atterbury Bros.’ Show had a blow-down at Eugene, Mo... June 5. It is sakl that two bushels of hall stones were scooped off the big top after the storm. Two of the W. H. Coulter Shows’ flat. cars were smashed at Red Oak, Towa, June 7, in a collision, Other cars Were secured by Supt. Ehiredge. Harry De Cleo, aerial artist with E, G. Smith Shows, is making a decided hit with his comedy robe turn on the flying trapeze. Frank Lemen, retired ecireuws owner, visited the W. TE Conlter & Go. Shows at Red Oak, Towa, Chas. Ward, principal clown with the E. G. Smith Shows, is scoring with bis hurdle mule act, Major Lillle rejoined the Two Bills’ Show last week after a short visit home in Oklahoma. Cy White joined Atterbury Bros.’ Show at Mugene, Mo., to take charge of the big top. The Renzos, aerial team, have displaced the Zeonedos with Atterbury Bros." Show, Koss Hostler FL D. Dunlop has charge of the draft steck with Kk. G. Smith Shows, J. J. Ray Dee ia presenting several acts with the EK. G. Smith Shows. C-G Tents Have Double-Woven Edge Before you order a new tent, get our free sample of C-G Rain-Test Circus Drill—it will convince you that C-G tents wear longer than other tents, although they cost no more. C-G Rain-Test Cireus Drill has a patented double-woven edge—so that it stands up better under rain and wind. Write for our handsome catalogue of tents, awnings and covers of all kinds; it’s free, together with sample of C-G Circus Drill. CARNIE-GOUDIE MEG. CO., COAG) Kansas city, Mo Ask for prices on our Airship ‘“‘Tent-Garages.”’ — a. We are SPECIALISTS in every kind of canvas work for show equipment. Also manila and wire rope, tackle, fittings, etc. We refer to our customers, Ringling Bros., Barnum and Bailey, ete. “etaew. GEO-B-CARPENTER&CO cutcaco ELEPHANTS, LIONS, Iilinois St. Leopards, Camels, Gnu, Llamas, African Poreupines, Monkeys, Swans, Ducks, PYTHON SNAKES---ALL SIZES LOUIS RUHE, 248 Grand Street, New York New and Second-hand Tents Always on Hand MURRAY & COMPANY, Inc. 640-648 Meridian St., CHICAGO SELDOM EQUALLED—NEVER EXCELLED J. U. TSCHUDI’S SHOW BANNERS—CARNIVAL FRONTS AND SCENERY. 728 S. Second St., . St. Louis, Mo. THE JOHN R. SMITH SHOWS AND BUFFALO RANCH WILD WEST EXHIBITION Is bigger, better and stronger than ever. My Wild West Show is one of the best ever carried by any similar amusement company, carrying 25 Arabian and broncho horses. Not the biggest on the read, but among the BEST. Can furnish ten paid attractions, and twenty to thirty concessions. FAIR ASSOCIATIONS, take notice! April 13th we celebrated my fourth year of continuous business with this outfit, having never closed for a single week. I have concession people who have been continuously with me for 3% years. I am now ROUTING into Western Pennsylvania. Celebrations and Gala Weeks, get something new. I don’t claim to be the cheapest. 1 carry shows of merit. Always room for good people in all branches of the business. Could place Ferris Wheel and Palmist, Japanese Ball Game, Knife Rack and Cane Rack; also one other high-class money-getting show. Week June 19th, Culpeper, Va.; week June 26th, Alexander, Va. Address JOHN R, SMITH, Proprietor and General Manager. New Catalogue Wild Animals cca iene Ornamental Birds Portable Machines | and Monkeys | Five Elephants, Tigers, Lions, Bears, Sun Now Ready 2 | Bears, Reindeer, L aon Blue Foxes, Polar Foxes, Ostriches, Vultures, Monster A number of new and) ; m “NAS eae greatly improved under-can| Regal, Python Snakes, largest ever im vas, A and tee light| pares ing devices ary offered Wire WENZ & MACKENSEN, Systems for concession and | Dept. R. YARDLEY, PA. streetmen. The “Hydro-Photo’’ Portable | Light Machine for photographers. Write | BILLPOSTERS AND CIRCUS MEN for new catalogue and prices. Merit long We have changed our Chicago address to Suite 6, established. Oxford Bldg., 118 N. LaSalle Street, where we Wi N D HORST & co. are handling our line of Billposter’s Supplies. in 104-6 N. h St. £t. Louis, Mo, | cluding our EXTRA EXTRA CIRCUS BRUSH, aoe ay i ed 1897 os : and our special brand of COLD WATER PASTE. Send for price ss 2 ENTS AND SHOW OUTFITS—Send for FREE SESS SSE Seer BARGAIN BOOKLET NUMBER B : RIGGS’ WILD WEST, two-car Show Prope’ R. H. ARMBRUSTER MFG. CO., = = on exhibition and sale in Cincinnati, 0. 4 Springfield, Illinois. | offer takes it regardless of value. Address, In Answering Ads, Mention THE BILLBOARD. CS a Sapeenay La