The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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The Billboard JUNE 24, 1911. CIRCUS GOSSIP Personal Items Gathered by Correspondents and Contributed by Circus Attaches in All Departments of the Arenic World Roster of the Frank A. Robbins’ Jr. Show, Wild West and Circus, which opened at Cliffside, N. J., April 29: F. A. Robbias Jr., prop.; Chas. A. Robbins, manager; Mrs Chas. Robbins, treasurer; Gus Fairbanks, advance; Harry Allen, manager side show; Harry Hall, privileges; Har Tyron. twenty-four hour man; Mrs. C. A. bbins, Sam Cohen, J. B. Cullen, ticket sellers; B. Cullen, legal adjuster; Sam Cohen, announcer, Harry Allen, supt. commissary department; Eddie Conners, boss canvasman; Jack Stoddard, boss hostler; Performers—Wm. H. McDonald (Nebraska Bill), equestrian director, trick and fancy rider, sharp shooter and roper; Lena McDonel4, lady rider: Marion Hall, bucking horse rider; Violet Stoddard and Mabel Deer, cowgirls; Jim Kenney, fancy rope spinner; Ora Penola, Mexican vaquero; Chas, Curtis, fancy rope spinner; Bert Blair, pony express rider; Chas. Hackney, Hank Kenney, Earle Jack, Al. Georges, Joe Casey, Steve Bailey, El Paso Jim, Mexican cowboys: Tommy Deer, Louis DeBoult, Little Fawn, Thunder Cloud and Blue Feather, Indians; Hall-Bennett Troupe, European acrobats; Joe Cramer, Max Holden, Joe Rennett clowns; Sam Cohen's troupe of ponies; Banda Lepore, of sixteen pleces. Dashington’s Vaudeville, Dog and Pony Shows are playing through Illinois to good business. Following is the roster: J. J. Dashington, owner and manager; Mrs. Dashington, treasurer: Harry Robinson, leader of band and orchestra; Joe McLaughien, bose canvasman, with six assistants; “‘Blackie’’ Styvart, in charge of the ring stock. Among the acts are Dashington’s doge and ponies; Spot, the high school pony, and Sparkle, the talking pony: The Robinsons, In a musical comedy act; Van Tell, acrobat and contortionist: Master Nell Price, trapeze and rings; The Great Chester, magician, and several others. An eight-niece band and orchestra ts carried. Frank Miller has charge of the cook house, and Harry Chester the advance, Boss Hostler Honghton, with the Two Bill Show, has placed in use one of the most convenfent and useful things that ever was carried with a tent show. It is a canvas watering trough about ten feet long, four feet wide, and will hold about four feet of water. This arrangement gives all the horses a chance to water one half hour before loading, and has met with the approval of all the drivers as well as the heads of the show. Another important improvement that has been made is the nse of a side girdle to place on the cars to keep the team from falling between the cars, also the first one to use steel tuns for unloading the wagons. Major Little Finger (Robert H. Huzza) and Anna Kastberg, midgets with the Welsh Bros.’ Newest Great Shows and London Hippodrome, were married at the afternoon performance at Huntingdon. Pa., June 6 The ceremony was performed by Jestice of the Peace Black before a large audience. Immediately after the ceremony that made the Major a benedict for the third time, a public reception was held in the annex, which was thronged with big and little folks extemling their congratulations to the newly-wedded pair. An elegant wedding dinner was provied by Mr. and Mrs, John T. Welsh. A. E. Diggs, press agent for the ForepaughSells Bros.’ Circus, was in Barnesville, O0., last week, making arrangements for the appearance of the cirens in that town, June 27. While in town Mr. Diggs met many of his old acquaintences, who took an hour off to show him a pleasant time, and also assure him that his show would be as welcome and do a good day’s business. Everybody in Barnesville is now getting ready to greet the circus, and a big crowd is expected. There has been organized a Mistake Club by the reserved seat attaches of the Ringling Bros.’ Cirens. The officers are as follows: President, Blondie Powell; Secretary and Treasurer, Eddie Dowling. The object of this club is to look into mistakes, and every one that is made by a member, he is fined twenty-five cents. which goes Into the treasury for an outing. Swede Nelson has already been fined for tearing off both ends of tickets, one of the worst mistakes that could be made. On June 10 Rackman’s Animal Show enconntered the most terrific and destructive storm in its history. While playing Muskegon, Mich., under the auspices of the Eagles, the entire show, with the exception of three hand-carved wagons, was razed. The front of the show was saved through the efforts of the entire force. Chas. Sumner, press agent. who was back with the show, was rather severely bruised by flying debris, but fortunately no one else was injured. A good thing has been started in the dressing tent of the Ringling Show by a few of the boys, and that is the Corban Club with the following officers: President, Johnny Tripp: Secretary and Treasurer. Carl Luster. Object—instituted for the saving of money by those who are in the cluk. The money is divided at the end of the season to all members. Money is deposited each week, and there are fines for misdemeenors. While In Mont Clair, N. J., California Frank C. F. MWafley) of California Frank’s Wilda West received news of the death of his father, S. H. Hafley, at Napa, Cal On account of being so far away he was unable to reach there tn time for the funeral. but the RB. P. O. Elks wired that they wonld assist the family in caring for his father. &. H. Hafley was sixty-five years old, and has been sick but a short time. Among the show folk who visited the Forepaugh-Sells Show at Long Branch, N. J., June 10, were Charlie Grapewin and his wife, known to the stage as Anna Chance; Miss Belmont, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bowers, Frank Martenau, of the Klaw and Erlanger forces; Pink Hays, Chas. Allen, Ed. McDowell, Fred Fleck, Jos, Mayer, Fred Peel and Harry Alward. While the Two Bill Show was at Portland, Me., a hot ball game was played between the Cowboys and the Indians, the former winning out by a score of 9 to 4. Mexican Joe was the busiest man on the diamond. It is hard to tell just how his ledger was balanced after the game was finished, In the concert with the Frank A. Robbins Jr. Wild West and Circus are Cramer and Watson, Hebrew comedians; Miss Marian Hall, harmonica soloist; Miss Myrtle Daly, singer and dancer; Hall and Allen, singers; Curtis Bros., {mpalement act; Sam Cohen, strong man; Jas. Cullen, Irish comedian. Roy Wheeler, boss property man with the Two Bill Show, is still throwing the balls for Johnnie Baker in the shooting act. He is always busy at one thing or another around the different tents. His services are always in demand. No matter how hard they push him there is never a grow! heard. Carlo Myles is puttiing out 85 feet of rope around two horses with the Two Bill Show, which is some stunt. This is the closing rope act, which takes the audience by storm. He is also handling the Indians in the ballyhoo, on the street cars and street, as the show does not give any parade. A welcome visitor to LaMont Bros.’ Show at Pittsfield, Ill., June 5, was Harry Potter of the Peerless Potters. Mr. LaMont and Harry are old acquaintances, Happy Hi Hubbard, now with the LaMont Show, and Mr. Potter were together years ago with the Billie Sells Show. Mrs. Marie West, wife of Diick West, who died May 19 at Sacramento, Cal., wishes to express her thanks to friends of the Sells-Floto and Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows for their prompt assistance attendant upon Mr. West's death, also to Mr. Ryan of Sacramento. Program of Frank A. Robbins Jr. Sideshow: Sam Cohen, expansionist; Grace Bolton, snake charmer; Eva Watson, tattooed lady; Harry Tateello, elastic skin man; Ida Dolf, mind reader; Henry Dolf, punch and magic; Princess Walla, Oriental dancer. Rice, Bell and Baldwin. comedy acrobats with the Ringling Brothers’ Circus, are doing nicely, and have a very nice route laid out for them the coming fall in vandeville. Rice is still wearing his original wash tub hat on the track in the clown numbers. Matt P. Merger, proprietor of a hotel at Council Bluffs, Ia.; Miss Talbert and Mr. and rs. Orval Brown, proprietors of the Majestic Theatre and Airdome. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Scott with W. H. Coulter’s Shows, at Glenwood, Ia. Oscar Zumar, the fire fiend, who is one of the features with the Two Bill Show, has been with this well-known organization for fifteen ears and has always found everything to his iking the way the Colonel and General have used him. There is one in particular connected with the Two Rill Show that never lets a Sunday pass by without going to church, and that one is the popular girl, Luln Parr. She is one good girl, as the people in the dressing room will vouch for every time. The Ringling Bros.’ Cirens were late in starting their parade when they were tn Portland, Me. Notwithstanding the delay the streets were crowded and the people were more than repaid for their time spent in waitiing. Miss Letta Wilson, lady bronco buster, was | seriously tnfured June 5, at Hillyard, Wash when the horse on which she was mounted pitched inte a small depression in the ground and f-ll on her. She was internally injured and received nmumerons cuts snd bruises. It was only on May 7 that she snstained a dislocated shoulder bone and was just recovering from the Injury, The Hagenheck-Wallace Cirens did a tremendous business at Kalamazoo, Mich., on Monday of last week. The circus was the biggest attraction that has hit the “‘burg’’ in many a long day, and all the country consins made it a grand rennion meet. The different attractions were well patronized and the immense crowds were satisfied to their heart’s content. | door, keeping Mr. Burgess and Mr. Curren com Mrs. John Fuller, high school horse rider with the Two Bill Show, who was badly injured in the wreck at Lowell, Mass., is still in the hoe pital at Lowell, but is improving slowly. Her many friends are hoping for a speedy recovery. Boss Hostler Ernine Houghton of the Two Bill Show, has done away with the lead bars and body poles on big teams. He claims that it saves the wear on the necks of the horses, extra help unhitching at the runs, also extra expense Shorty Lambert joined the Two Bitll Show at Portiand, Me. He is doing the pony express act. Shorty Is rigkt there with the goods. He is no novice at the business, and there is no doubt about his making his usual tour a enccess. Miss Ada Sommerville. with California Frank’s Wild West, has accomplished the feat of working two cake-walking horses at one time while driving them tandem in parade. Her dancing horse, DeAvio, still gets the big hand, Johnny McCracken returned to the California Frank Wild West after burying his father. who | died snddenly at Philadelphia, Pa. Johnny is | certainly making a great showing In his trick riding as well as topping wild steers, William Emery, who has had charge of the elephants with the Ringling Pros.’ Cireus, has resigned. Charles Smith who for several years past has been with the show as boss animal man, has taken charge of the elephants. Tee Williams of Dockstader fame, has accepted the position of secretary of California Frank’s Wild West, and can be seen on the front pany playing the Dayton piano. Fred Howard, with LaMont Bros.’ Shows, made a fiying trip to Chicago on business recently. He brought back wiith him Mr. Young's little danghter. who has been added to the flying trapeze act of The Youngs. Bee-Ho-Gray, with California Frank’s Wild Vest, sprung a new one on the boys the other day by throwing and catching with three ropes, throwing one with each band and the other with his feet, Cy Compton, chief cowboy with the Two Rill Show band of cowboys, is still delivering the goods at every performance and meeting with the best of enccess. Cy is certainly one good fellow THE CLEVELAND TENT CO. and Ceraival Outfits. Tents and Sidewall for Sale er Rent. Catalog Free. Superior Viaduct, CLEVELAND, 0. The Nettie Carroll Trio TIGHT WIRE EXPERTS BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS. Can always use Young Lady Wire Walker. PERFORMERS AND ACTS WITH THE John Robinson 10 Big Shows, 1911 High-class and Sensational ester and Andrew THE ORIGINAL 6 WALTON TROUPE lich, Dove, Arthur, Charlies, THE ORIGINAL JOHN MANGELS The Boy with the Educated Acrobats 7 aa Rolling the season with Joba Robin+on Circus competition the world WARREN L. TRAVIS The Monarch of the Nation, in Human Physica] Power; open Fearless Mile. Margueritte and Her Five (5) Performing African Lions over. Helen Leach & -and Revolving Teeth —A BIG FEATURE— Doing some Original Wire Act F. W. BLASSER and MISS MAY FRANKLIN —PRESENT— FRANK’S PERFORMING POODLES Twenty in number. The cutest Animal Act in America. Co. Act. Gymnasts THE FOUR HOWARDS Sensational Aerialists and LINIGER TRIO Acrobats Premier Open for Winter Engagements. MY WORD, LOOK WHO'S ’ERE! HAL NEWPORT ENGLISH CLOWN Clown JAGK KLIPPEL Principal and Producing BERRE& HICKS Noveity Gymnasts Sensations! Ladder and Table Act EQUESTRIANS THE GIRLS WITH THE APPEARANCE sanan HACKETT SISTERS <u Ella, the girl who can ride any way. EMMETT SPLASH Is cutting quite a dash as a elown and comedy juggler. Second season with the 10 Big Shows Simulator FRED BIGGS Character Sex THE LEGERTS BUSY THE 3 FLYING DACOMAS The Original and Only Real Act Using This Title THE GREAT LA ROSE Famous Athlete and Strong Man Open for Winter Engagements. as his troupe will vouch for. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.