The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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The Bi 1911. llboard Py JUNE 24, DO NOT FORGET T0 ORDER FROM US Ss FOR PROMPT DELIVERIES AND PRICES, TRY US. scope Tops, Ladies’ Pride (the sharp edge) Vegetable Knives, ete. CHEAPER THAN MATCHES Samples Each 100 The Fischer Manufacturing Co. Dept. EP. NEWARK, N. J. “MANAGERS NOTICE.” That ceming “4th of July “yt tion,”’ picnic, fair, etc., will incomplete without our BALLOONS. Break the monotony of the occasion by having Burlesque Airship ascensions. Balloon and / Interesting and amusing to all. Positively free from danger. Patent inflators fur? SRM nished with each balloon. Order NOW ifrom (the Old Reliable Firm). Be prepared and pleased with your pur— Our 12 ft. Exhibition Airship, \ y -" furnished with a big car underneath, ‘ Y and oy up a8 you suggest, only $1.00 oa. or $10.00 per dozen. (SEE ILLUSv 4 $ TRATION One ay balloons, 4% ft. high, complete.......... opovavecespocesse coeneccce . $1.00 One dozen balloons, 6 ft. high, complete............. a 2.00 One dozen balloons, 7% ft. high, complete...............seneceune eee long, complete, with car............. One dozen AIRSHIPS, 8 ft. F One dozen 6 ft. Balloons, with parachute and dummy attached, “which release Dey we nt 2) 2, «cc ieinesnnehOebresabeotmnne eee’ eoceccccccce Oe One dozen 11 ft. balloons, with parachute and dummy attached........... ee esececccocscccsces $8.00 One dozen 11 ft. balloons, with double dummy leap (See illustration)....... 0000cercseceseeoce 10.00 Orders shipped same day received, (Terms Cash). We have balloons all sizes and styles. Aerial pavustiaien: our specialty. If this advertisement does not bear enough information, send for catalog today. Send (short notice) orders by special delivery or telegram. THE BRAZEL NOVELTY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 1700 Ella Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. SNAKE CAMERAS The latest craze. A great novelty. Sells to everybody. Has snake coiled and painted to represent a real live one. A barrel : * of fun. Dozen, $1.75; gross, $20.00, TEZEE DOGGIES Made in all colors. A swell article for all celebrations. Dozen, $2.00; per gross, $23.00. Our celebrated line of Toy Whips, Balloons, Squaw ke ers, Shell Goods, Canes, Pennants, Hat Bands, and al! goods for Streetmen THE TIPP NOVELTY CO., Tippecanoe City, Ohio, Miami Co. FAIR AND CARNIVAL WORKERS, STREETMEN !, We Are Headquarters for Gas andAir Balloons, Canes, Cane Racks and Rings, Whips, Knives, China and Shell Novelties, eto., eto. ALL THE BIG SELLERS Novelties, Fireworks, Confetti, Flags SPECIAL PRICES J WRITE for CATALOG B 107, TODAY FABRICIUS TOY AND NOTION CO., ST. LOUIS ——— Z CF: | Your supplies, as Gas Lighters, Gyro| PUT YOUR “AD” ONA PANAMA HAT A sure ‘‘winner’’—a novelty as an advertising medium, These hats are made of heavy water-proof crepe paper, Panama color, with printed directions on each one. These hats can be used at the beaches, summer resorts, picnic grounds, etc. Then, too, they’re just the thing for dinner souvenirs. Send us copy of your ‘‘ad,”’ how many you want, whether printed on one side or both, and we'll pencil your ‘‘ad’’ on a sample, giving you an idea as to how it will look, and quote you the most reasonable price for quantity named. Park, Summer Resort, Celebration and Carnival Goods Burnt Wood Souvenirs, Canes, Pennants, Banners, Balloons, Whips, Serpentines, Confetti, Postal Cards, Buttons and Badges, Safe and Sane 4th July Badges, Labor Day, Hallowe'en and Thanksgiving Day Specialties, Xmas and Holiday Toys, Dolls and Novelties, Wasbington’s Birthday and St. Patrick's Day Souvenirs. —— SEND FOR FREE CATALOG. W. F,. MILLER, Manufacturer and Importer, TWIRLER 158 Park Row, New York. YOU CAN MAKE With our No. 6 Wonderful Fe rrotype Machine, which takes three sty | of photos, from a button up to a 24%x3% square plate. 1 and is just what you need for all-round work. Our Biack Diamond Plate, It is reversible, Machines from $7.50 and up. the best in 1891, and is the leader today. Will not soften or yellow, and developes in 10 seconds. Black Diamomi ate, 1%x2%, at 75c per hundred. Machines, at 75c per bundred. veloper, at 15c per set. the day received. CIRCULARS. JAMESTOWN FERROTY PE CO., 1118 8S. Halsted Street, Dept. 45. Chi . M. BRODY, Gen. a — AGENTS! Black Mounts, at 20c per hundred. DeThe finest supplies on the market. Orders filled | Deposit required on all orders. WRITE FOR FREE STREETMEN! DEMONSTRATORS! ~ THE QUEEN PAT APLO FOR The Stylographic Wonder Ink Pencil and Queen Stylo are the biggest sellers ever produced. Ir red, black, imitation rubber or aluminum finish, with clip and filler, in neat gold-labeled individos boxes, or in bulk. one dozen ip a box. Sample 25c. Write for prices. OOMMERCIAL NOVELTIES CO., (Sole Manufacturers), 403 N. Des Plaines St., Chicagre SEND YOUR ROUTE TO THE BILLBOARD TO-DAY. $10.00 to $20.00 Per Day Button Plates for all Automatic | 4~A +p z I make 12 styles of galleries to suit any place anad pocketbook. road gallery, runs any place, any time; no motor, catalogue of amusement supplies. Get description of my new po gasoline engine. A cami gets my new CRAFT Let us get together for business. A, J, NORTH ° 3033 Clark Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. AEROPLANES--NOVELTIES--AMUSEMENTS Ve Want the Best and Latest for the BIG F FAIR AT COLUMBIA. TENNESSEE SEPTEMBER 5-9 Five days and four nights. Concession and Privilege Men, here’s your chance! Address W.S. WILLIAMS, General Manager, MAURY COUNTY FAIR, Columbia, Tenn. & 3, SesGarlands, Festooning, Art Flowers "PERET x of all kinds for decorating purposes. Especially CARNIVALS, STATE AND COUNTY FAIRS, suitable for stage use. « Write for my large Catalog B-6, showing complete assortment. You will surely find something contained therein to satisfy your requirements. 23 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago. SHAKE CAMERA — The Hit of the Season. PENNANTS. Printed and sewed, with special inscriptions, made SNAKE CAMERA. to order. Write for prices. CELLULOID se All New tot ew Motto's, Size ‘ Per 100. et 1000 Go To It, Kid; Don't | 4x12 Ob You Kid....... $2.4 5 : Swear, It’ Sounds Like 4x12 Souvenir .......... 3.00 $27 = Hell; Gee, I Wish I Had | 5x14 Souvenir ...........8 50 $2. a Girl; For Ladies Only: | 7X21 Souvenir .......... 50 50.00 Cheer’ Up, There Ain't | SAMPLE SET of 4, showing sizes No Hell: If You Want and colers, by mail, 25c. to Fight, Join the Army Per 100, S5e; per 1000, $8, Special inscriptions to order. Write for prices SMASH—CRASH, The Latest Novelty. When dropped reproduces a loud, startling sound in th as of pi Per 4 on of window glass broken Price per dozen. coos conse ABOP ousands o eces, Per doz., @c; per gr., $7. Sample by il, 1he« Sam e, y mail, 2% F. STERNTH per gr. § uple by ma p » Mfr. of Novelties, Pennants, Novelty Buttons, ~~ 358 W. Madison Bt., Chicago. Feature Acts for Fairs, Parks, Carnivals and all Outdoor Events, EASTERN THEATRICAL FXCHANGE Is now placing Soune, mer ne Musical, Animal and Novelty Acts of every description, for any event. eroplane Flights re for all occasions. Address quick. WALTER DcORIA, nager, Gem Theatre Building, St. Louis, Me. oe