The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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The Billboard SEPTEMBER 16. 191), Photos Direct on Postcards. NO NEGATIVES! Big money making photo postcards. Nere’s your chanee, Mr. Hustler —grab ii. Siart your own business on a small investment. 500°5 PROFITS ON SUPPLIES. The Mandel Combinaticz: No 3 Postcard Camera makes two sizes Photos Direct on Posteards (3x4% and 2x2) without the use of negatives. Absolutely no experience needed. Complete instructions with each outfit. You can learn the business in about 30 minutes. NO DARK ROOM NEEDED The camera is a coinplete “ portable photo gallery.” Weighs six pounds and makes photo postcards at the rate of 3 per uinute. PRICE OF CAMERA, $15.00 COMPLETE OUTFIT, ONLY 25.00 NOTICE — Onlyga,few more days leftsto get the Mandel No. 3 Camera for?$15. The price is, going up—order at once and save money. Tv — outfit incrudes the “ Mandel’? COMBINATION$No, 3 POSTCARD wRA, Tripod, and everything necessary to start making money right «way; also two hundred large and one hundred small Postcards. Send $5.00 deposit today, and we will ship the compiete outfit to you and collect the balance C. O. D. Write for FREF. CIRCULAR. The Fair and Carnival Season is On Write Today for Free Circulars CHICAGO FERROTYPE CoO. Dept 220 Congress and Laflin Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. ‘ATTRACTIONS SEASON OF 1911.12 SEPT Accom HENRY W. SAVAGE ‘Thebiri;,. Golden West’ |Henry KOlKEr“Thesresttone A comedy of sentiment from on David Belasco’s famous drama the German of Vieter Leen of the same name. To be sung and Leo Feld. Adapted by in English and to mark Mr. Savage's reSeclasel aaa one entry into the field of Grand Opera in remarkable success in =e Otek that has already had Berlin. American premiere such netable enterprises as é , his productions of *‘l’arsifal’’ cost concen fn <itenme, aud “Madame Butterfly.” Tour will begin about November t. “Everywoman”’ Walter Browne's great Morality Play of universal experience and appeal. Four months at the Herald Square and Lyrie Theaatres last seasen, and still the reigning success of Broadway. TWO COMPANIES— where it ran for fourteen weeks. Will be presented in New York in October. “Excuse Me”’ Rupert Hughes’ Pollman Carnival. Broadway's bieeest farcial snecees, based on the troubles of railway travel. Five montha at the Galety Theatre last season, and still going strong. THURER COMVANIES— In Th EASTERN, WESTERN AND SOUTHERN. “Little Boy Blue’ A romantic operetta with Tarisian and Scotch locale, Score by Henri Bereny. l'roduced in Vienna under the title of “Lord iecolo."" American verxion by A. E. Thomas and Edward Paulton. ‘“‘Nadame X”’ Alexandre Risson’s «npreme drama of mother love. with a specially selected company. Fourth season. EASTEKN AND WESTERN. “The Millio.’ A French farce from the Palais Koyal, aris, dealing with the Bohemian artistic colony. American adaptation by Leo Ditrichstein. “Somewhere Else” A fantastical musical comedy, set ip the land of Nowhere, by Avery Hopwood and Gustav Luders. In addition to this list. Mr. Savage has under consideration for early production, “THE GRAPE GIRL,” a oew romantic musical comedy from the French. by James Clarence Harvey and Gustav Luders. Hu PRINCE'S CHILD.” “THE DIVORCE FUND.” “BARON GOOD FOR NOTHING.” “THE LIEUTENANT’S WARD,” and a number of other imported suecesses, and several unusually promising works of native authors to be announced later. The tetal will make this season by far the most active in Mr. Savage's career as a producipg manager, ¥ The Pain Fireworks Display Company of America H. B. THEARLE, -.) PRESIDENT HEAD OFFICES AND FACTORIES NEW YORK, CHICAGO AND SAN FRANCISCO Have purchased the entire plants of Pain Fireworks and Spectacles. ‘the largest producers of Public Fireworks Displays and Fireworks Spectacles in the world, including “THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEN,” “THE BATTLE IN THE CLOUDS,” “PIONEFR DAYS,” “THE NEW MT. VESUVIUS” and TEN OTHER MAMMOTH PRODUCSIONS. THE FOLLOWING” ARE SOME OF THE IMPORTANT CONTRACTS THE SEASON OF 1911: The Great Civic Celebration of a week at Minneapolis, Mir. The Fiftieth Anniversary of the First Regiment of Minnes ‘tans at St. Paul. The Great Civie Celebration of a week at Cape Girardeau, Mo The Rose Festival at Portland, Ore. The Panama-Califurnia Exposition, San Diego, Cal. The Great Festival week at St. Joseph, Mo. ‘Lhe Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, lowa. The Nurtk Iowa Fair, Mason City, Iowa. The Great Minnesota State Fair, Hamline, Minn. fhe Wisconsin State Fair, Milwaukee, Wis. The Kansas State Fair, Topeka, Kan. The Central Kansas Fair Association, Hutchinson, Kansas The Colorado State Fair, Pueblo, Colorado. The Utah State Fair, Salt Lake City, Utah The Missouri State Fair, Sedalia. Mo. The &. W. State Fair at Jeplin, Mo. The Arkansas-Oklahoma Fair, It. Smith, Ark. The Tennessee State Fair, Nashville Tenn. The Alabama State Fair, Birmingham, Ala. The Appalachian Exposition Co., Knoxville, Tenn. (three weeks) The Virginia State Fair, Richmond, Va. The N-tsu-oh Carnival, Houston, Tex. The International Fair, San Antonio, Tex. The Spokane Interstate Fair, Spokane, Wash. The Great Pioneer Days Production, St. Louis, Mo. Repairing Supplies Machines We have the best equipped machine shop In the West, do all kinds » rig price, and gnarantee all work, We unlle” ouareuntner in Moving Picture Thee ne etter prices on anything you peed. We sell lowers, Motiograph, Edison, Edengraph, Selig and La Machines, and buy second-hand heads of all makes. Send us your repair work. We can loan a head to use while yours is being repaired. SPECIALS. — eC nae Se NEES . WNDU, < cnnencconoaunandsarevecesccec ceed = | —— re GEO. M. HOKE SUPPLY CO. 176 North State Street, Bet. Lake and Randolph, — Chicago, J T. A. MACK EXCHANGE 140 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. Furnishes the BEST PILME SERVICE. WRITE US. Chicago Theatrical Costume Co Are m their new quarters at 26-28 WEST WASHINGTON STREET You can save from 10 to 20% by having our catalogue in your pocket. Sid 2 P : mate it. have the largest manufacturing in the West of Cowboy, Cowgirl and indies" oun So Dresses to order from $12.00 up. Thousands of costumes for rent and for sale. , New __-** THE DANDY” ——-x A COUNTER GUM VENBER WITH PROFIT-SHARING TRADE CHECK ATTACHMENT. ; ————"" PERA’TES EVERYWHERE Delivers premiums in a number of trade cheeks: works on same principle as Libe Bell and smilor machines). HOLDS 200 PACKAGES OF GU Write for further particulars about “THE DANDY.” AUTO VENDER Co., 654 W. Jackson Bivd., CHICAGO, ILL THEATRICAL CUTS The Newspaper Kind, 75c. or To. per inch — The Better Kind, $1.00 of 10c. per in LETTERHEADS OUR SPECIALTY Send your photos and copy today. We save you money HAMMERSMITH &3eRayire CHICAG( 501 South Dearborn St, COMPANY POR MUTUAL BEWEFIT MENTION TdE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVER PES! ES RICES #0; 5 TERY ively |