The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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ve % The Bi llboard SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. The insen’s at Wednesday, which consists of 100 head of horses and ponies, cages, dogs. highest , te the next stand, but preferred to pay CIRCUS AND WILD WEST Property of Famous Robinson Shows, Recently Placed in Hands of Receiver, to Be Sold at Auction Sept. 27 at Morganfield, Ky.--Miscellany ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF CIRCUS. Morganfield, Ky., September 8 Billboard). An assignee’s sale of the Rob Famous Shows’ property will take place Morganfield, Ky... beginning at 10:30 a. m., September 27, 1911. The property (Special to two elephants, four camels, five flatears, bidders. nine five llama, will be lions, one etc., and trained to the leopards five sold A DAY ‘OF ENTERTAINMENT. The littl town of Weston, Va... was livened up something out of the ordinary Sun| day. September 3. The No. 2 car of the Young | | | Ww. Buffalo Wild W st arrived on Saturday after noon While the Great Empire Carnival Company | closed a week's engagement the same The beys of the Young Buffalo car vited out to the carnival and wer» most roy ally received and entertained for the eventing. | On Sunday morning, after the carnival equip ment was loaded, a ball game was the order of the dav. “The crew of the Young Buffalo car challenged the carnival team, furnishing a game of udusual interest and was won by the Y Ruffalo boys at a seore of 9 to 2. evening were in oe the public in this section are very much interested in the State Fair, which takes place here very soon, Thursday, Wichita, one dead state in the Union. While our. business was not as large as on our last visit, it was good at both performances. C. P. Rock, a business associate of Major Lillie’s, and a number of the Major’s friends from Pawnee, Okla., were visitors here, spending a _ very pleasant day. From this point Mrs. Lillie re turned to her home in Pawnne. Friday, Emporia, from the general appearance on our arrival one would imagine that we had made a mistake and stopped off at the wrong town, consequently every one was greatly sur prised at the business done: in the afternoon capacity and at night an exceedingly big house for such a small town. the one live town in the Saturday, Topeka, the capitol] City. Business was fine here. Join J. (Whitey) Hayes, who for the greater part of the season had charge of the No. 2 side show canvas, has left in order to assume charge of the Collie Ballet in The Top O° The World production, a position that he held with the original production. Throughout this entire season I have failed to mention the fact that Robert Coverdale, familiarly called “‘Bob’’ by his associates, is in charge of the reserved seat tickets here. ob has been connected with this show for a FRANK A. ROBBINS ADVERTISING CAR NO. 1. This car is managed by Chas. A. Chapman. Mrs, Chas, A, Chapman is contracting press agent. ' About noon the company of the Leon Comedy Company, with two cars of equipment, were placed in the railroad vards for a six-hour stopever, en route to Salem, W. Va.. and joined the happy crowd. Many acquaintances were re newed and many old friewds met for the first time this season. Dinner was ordered sjfread in a near-by grove beside Lake Agate, one of the most picturesque spots in West Virginia. The Leon Comedy Company carry an exeentiona'ly fine quartette which furnished some excellent music for the occasion. The roster of the Leon Comedy Company, all of whom participated in the festivities includes Miss Daisy Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Professor E. Leon, Skipt S‘ratzel, Morris Luther, Armilla E. oe, Gus Clark, Lew Palmer, Grace Bennett, F. Bales and Walter Bidwell. « i THE TWO BILLS’ SHOW. By F. AL, PEARCE. ,Our run from Pueblo, Colo., Kan., was the longest mage so far this season apd as there was plenty of time to make it, the fact was taken advantage of. and we did mot arrive at the Sunday town till after 1 p. m. However, as the town itself was very small and exceedingly dujl and uninteresting, mo ope Was sorry, and to add to the unpleasantmess, the day wax far from being pleasant, being cold and dreary. Monday we gave but ome, show, as our next run was rather long and there was nothing in the town to warrant remaining over for a night show, though busi to Garden City, mess was very satisfactory at the one performance we gave there.--Some of our people seemed to be infatuated with the town, for they failed to take advantage of the show —_ their own fare on the regular trains. ‘Tuesday, Angust 29, Great very early, unloaded on the lot, sleepers located fianhdy, a pleasdnt feature. The weather here was very. pleasant, and the visitors arrived early. Businéss very at both performamees, making it a rather ideal day. Wednesday, Hutchinson, again we were in eerly making a very quick run. Business excellent in tbe afternoon and very fair at night, Bend, Kan., in great many years. Not knowing just how many I will refrain from stating the number. How ever, he is giving his present position the close attention that has won success for him in the varigus lines that he has followed in the amuse ment business, in which he has a legion of friends who will no doubt be pleased to learn of his suecess at present, as well as that of his daughter, Miss Minerva Coverdale. at present one of the headliners at the Folies Bergere in New York. And now we are off for Kansas City, going 10 spend Sunday there, @he first big town for a Sunday in a long tim®, and all you troupers that read this can imagine with what pleasure we are looking forward’ to this, for we are all just naturally wild to see the-.tall buildings once more. B. & B. SUED FOR DAMAGES. 7 yhe » (Special to between the »cirtrust is said to be Port Huron, Mich., September & The Billboard).—The battle cus trust and the billboard at the bottem of several suits which have been started in the Cireuit Court here against the Barnum & Bailey Show. The Barnum Show was unable to secure billboard epace to advertise their date here. This necessitated the securing of advertixing «pace elsewhere Bils were tacked on buildings owned by people of the city and in some cases without the consent of the owners. It is alleged that suits were instituted against the circus for damages, and when the show arrived in Port Huron the property was attached. By giving bend the circus was allowed to proceed to other citles. The case will be fought out in court. INDOOR CIRCUS FOR CANTON. W. A. Hoberdier, manager Amusement Company, Canton, a contract with a local Moose Lodge for one week stand, Indoor Circus, to be held Thanksiving week, November 27-December 2, in the of the Lyric 0., has closed Janton Auditorium. Mr. Hoberdier has fér the past seven years, as manager of the Lyric Amusement Co. been conducting annually, either indoor circus or hippodrome enterprises in Canton and other cities, In the Canton Anditoriom, a large building. admirably adapted for the biggest of shows, order. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR STUDIO Any orders received for Banners, high-class work, perfect shades and lights. Special paintings on freaks of all kinds. turned out in three days from the date of Banners EDW. P. NEUMANN, JR., Pres. JOHN C. MoCAFFERY, Treas. UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. 22-28 North Desplaines Street, WAL) .f F. ORIVER, Vice-Pree. EDWARD RA. LITZINGER, Seoy. 5 a " CHICAGO, ILL. % 30 YEARS REPUTATION BACK OF EVERY TENT GOSS’ SHOW CANVAS sack TENTS circus FLAGS Waterproof Covers SEND FOR NEY CATAION AND SECOND WAND LIST The J. C. Goss CO. Phone Canal 3664 Established 1865 Thomson & Vandiveer Manufacturers of CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT 816 East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, O. TENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now is the time we need the work and: ean give quick action and close price QUALITY THE BEST THE COLUMBUS TENT & AWNING CO COLUMBUS, OHIO. WE HAVE FOR LEASE, CARS, 50 ft. long. for shipping scenery. automobiles, advance, baggage. privilege, stock and merry-go-rounds. Desirable for show and circus companies. Reasonable rates. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR CO., Room 614, 193 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. Dealers in Wiid Animals, 42 Cortlandt Street. New York City. The Kunkely Tent & AwningCo. OF NEW YORK Manufacturers of Circus and Show Canvases Canvas Work of every description 163 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK CITY TENTS SHOW TENTS. BLACK TENTS. CANDY TOPS, MERRY-GO-ROUND COVERS. and everything in canvas. Send for catalog. DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT & AWNING CO. 109-11 South Main Street, St. Louis, Mo, SGEN ER NE NE THE FINEST SHUW PAINTINGS AND DYE DROPS AT LOWEST PRICES. Tr!l us what you need and we will send LOWEST estimate and catalog. ENKEBOLL ART CO., Omuha, Neb. SNAKES AND **RAGONS BIG LOT PIT SNAKES JUST ARRIVED. REGULAR PRICES AS LONG AS THEY LAST. Yan Monkey, fine large Monkeys #10: Baboons, Tame Pigtails; moneter Python Fnakes, tame Male Lion. two years old; large Catamount 615. Sacred Turtie (very rare, can be featured). Canaries for whee « 6 dozen. PUTNAM’'S WILD ANIMAL STORE, 490 Washington St.. Buffalo, N. Y. MONKEYS, PARROTS, BIRDS, Ete., for show purposes. ROBISON BROB., 1260 Market 8t.. San Francisco, Cal TAME BLACK BEAR, $65.00 W. T. HODGEN, Bor 232. Oampbelievilie, Ky SHOW PAINTINGS E, J, HAYDEN & CO, 106-10 Broadway, BROOKLYN, N. ¥. PORTABLE LIGHTS FOR | ALL PURPOSES THE BOLTE & WEYER CO. 128-127 Ge. Center Ave., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Circus and Juggling Apparatus Clubs, Batons and Novelties. Stamp for catalogue. EDWARD VAN WYCK, Cincinna‘i, Obio. TENTS and Show Canvas Black and white; new or second-hand. Bargains in second-hand tops. OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO OMAHA, NEBR. —West of Salt Lake City, Utah— SUN TENT AND AWNING CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Circus Tents LARGE AND SMALL. ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Mawofactured by W. H. LUSHBAUGH, Covington, Ky. SECOND-HAND TENTS FOR SALE. TENTS Save freight, eave De. gare money. Quict bipmen ROME TENT & AWNING CO., ROME, GA. CIRCUS TENTS Seats, Banners, Lights The Buckeye Tent & Awning CoColumbes 0 TENTS Canvas Goods of alt descriptions. Get an idee of my line for your Fair Tent. See me fur your fall canvas needs. ARTHUR F. SMITH, 98 John Street, New York City. Telephone 485 Jobo. ‘SHOW PAINTINGS BANNERS THAT GET THE MONEY. BEST WORK—PRICES RIGHT. A. W. MILLARD. Jr. 2690 W. 8th Bt Coney Island, N.Y. ents Tucker & Millard).