The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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EPTEMBER 16, 1911, The Bi llboard 39 formerly of Birbeck and Staley, }the ‘‘musical blacksmiths.’’ is in town, but | leave s for Colorado immediately to get busy With his mine there Which, acc ording to recent reports is making the socalled ‘wise ones’’ of a couple f years ago wish they had purchased some ares j Among the exhibits of cowboy goods, such as saddles spurs, ete at th (Chevenne Frontier Day Celebration this year will be it of Victor Marden of The Dalhs s, Ore, Mr. Marden declares he out for the Caw®oy trade and his filling an rder of twenty-five first-class | stock saddles for the Lubin Film Company, to be used on their horsis in ecenes for heir Western pletures im! also numerous orders from cowboys with the different Wild West shows oks like he was going to make good his assertion Wish to say we sail next week for America jand all mail will reach me if addressed care | The Billboard Pub. Co., 1440 Broadway, New | York City. [ | back where | count | business | back in Canada auima wets of the largest kind may be | us Well as the highest andl largest serial yahees and with a seating capacity of M i rberds in January, this year, ery ug opposition, and a similar in cus, une the auspices of the local lonley ju me week ahead of this pro ‘ i suspicees of th Moose » of vhibitions ever seen under roof, vay t dreds of people at every per “ ty the « ilready closed for week uber 27 the Canton Mose 1 num ther for the same, show for ies wi y be closed within a few It ‘ ted tha there will be a of om “ to five Weeks The only tha “ prevent such a cireuit: wi be k of large enough and sultable buildings sy yu irge and substantial spac playsiog of the big feature hets that vy belng whked H=RE AND THERE. | By GUY WEADICK. Nugus Pie big str ke that has | at Mrital r oat least hogland and | ~ ! i its grasp f the past two we ks th ly leclared sotthd last Saturday | ne but alitheugh most all of the rail| ~ have sumed the usual schedule again, tram-car men and the deck hands in Liver| I" sid ert « the other eliths in the north | still "tl and af thes writing things are J boul ened thon (wing fo the other troubles it has heen very ! for vamdewille artists to make their jump | nxt town, as the railroad and steamaldp tiles bik sithengh their property was y vient by the seldiers and pelice, had a dim ‘ tire i keeping their lines going An early e emenu f the strike will greatly relieve s beside the trave lng public ms the food | s x et bes raised prices on goods to) a prices on =ahe towns \s af netatee ‘f resorts used by artists to nah the town for their next week's «ngage would say Hiealgee Bros mio Jacobson the journey last Sunday from London Engl cog Neweoastl mTy ne = amt, a dis TD f sone miles, In a mour ca ~~ as othe Jj Moeomday This tree ix now in z ver here i, Me at present booking< for ‘ st theee sears, with only fourt. en » oO ut t u Which will be ! . wet th 1 Acrial Sm ths. formerly with th Ring ng } te Pernom & FPalley Shovs ire x an ehbgagement at the Empire bet n noamd ther snecess seems to be greater e perfe mee It is a double trapeze act iis 8 m antes amd the amount of : ‘ Work that is executed in that time “its z The old stunt after each trick, f riormer taking out a handker mi wiping eff his hands, ets and pases x mt *« partner ithe old stall thing:. ‘| nous ty its absence in the course of \ al Smiths performance ‘ Jack Kelley and Violet Kelley the Australian steck whip manipulators, are at pres ‘ law i having just completed a success ger n Glasgow | the | fiving ' the stock whip man, lef! a Weeks age fo pay an extended en America the King’s friend.’ s her his arrival at New Havet the entry crossing from France ’ money changer’s windew with “ his French money change When it came his turn } entimes (fifteen cents I eturn he received «)x pence meney (thirteen ernts | s says. after much arguing with he desk he was infernmes! they ‘ a hayjenoy tene cent I S. money? f hanging the meogey Wiser says the crowd | ! 1 up behind him were very indignant at the delay he caused, but «aye the next time he changes money at a foreign port he'll know at t it. for “‘what the deuce would a man do who bad any amount to change, when they took so much time te change my «mall ban’ rel.” “Il am really glad I spent all mine in Paris Saves Pete There is some talk over here f the music ball managers getting together to form a com bine which aimed at the power to say te an artis: that bis maximom ealary sheuld be so THE ORIGINAL MISS DAISY. | tsetse al the ‘past ‘the seasons featured with Ring aretha rs’ Cireus as the world’s best eques wen much and as to the sue Dick Staley, bho more There thie are doubts expressed movement, A. B. P. & B. OF A. NOTES. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 3 (Special to The Billboard).—-Bob Linwood just returned from an unsatisfactory engagement with the Forepaugh Sells Show and is on the Center wagon with | ‘Tumble’ Tom Jones. Bob still rides on. the | First Avenue car line. Leo Hart just returned from the ‘Greatest Show on Earth,"’ and landed a job at the Gay; | ety Theatre. Harley White, our business agent, left ld Day for his home in Wisconsin, where he will spend some time with the old folks, and look | he used to play tag and billposter, Bardwell is kept busy these days on acof the state fair. Fay sings ‘‘Nothing Till Tomorrow."" The Princess Theatre Clyde Hitcheock. is to be Edward Clark, who last winter, Fav Toe Deo opens the agent. retired from the show has sold his farm and is the fold once more. He Is advertising at the Unique Theatre, and has Joe for his assistant. “Near-toNature’’ Camp, of which Grip ‘MeDonald president, breaks up fair week as all the bovs must return to work. W. J. Erickson is still ahead of the Vaudevill» Company, is Imperial which is playing somewhere L. Cronkhite tising agent at the on the coast, advertheatre at Oakland, is out leading Edward L. Jones was expected in to spend a or two at the camn but did not arrive on account of being too busy, advertising Foley's Medicine Nick Petit is still with the Ringling Show and eXpects to arrive at winter-quarters some time in October. St. Paul Leeal No John Eblinger in Chicage at 45. seems to do well with its president Val Bosh ll is Star and Garter. ZACH LUCKENS. Treasurer No. 10 as the CIRCUS GOSSIP. with the advance Circus, is now agent Musical Comedy the work with the whe has been of the Ceompbell Brothers’ for the Rankin and Lawrence Companys Mr. Syele handling ahead, and George L. Dunbar is back show Willis Pleom, busin ss, br gade brigade wader the and the Langan W lsen of the Lee Sycle is one of the A-1 banner mer in new with “Kid Wheeler's the John Robinson Circus. won an enviable rerutation Management of Mr. Wheeler, work being excellently done. Pat Fred Day, William Witts, A. E. amt Mike Hawley form the personnel brigade is of has careful The is WANTED-.-Tent Maker One experienced on hand work on show tents. Not expected to do the cutting nor to take charge of department. Communicate with FUL TON BAG & COTTON MILLS, Atlanta, Ga, RIGGS’ WEST, two-car Show Property eo exhibition and gale in Cincinnati, O. Best offer takes It ardiess of value. Address c. RIGGS, Fayetteville, BARGAIN 40x60 ft. White Top and Side wveie. $50.00 HAYDEN, 108 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. AT LIBERTY -A. F. of M.— Trap Drummer Rass Drum, Snare Drum, Orchestra Bells, Cym bal, Crash Cymbal, Woed Drum, Tom-Tom, Steamboat Whistle (wicket, Police Rattle, Raby Cry Rooster Crow, Duck Quack, Cue koo, Pop Gun, Canary Bird, Slap Sticks, Sand Rlocks Castanets, Tambourine, Sleigh Bells, Cocoanut Shells. Cow Bawl, Cow Bell, Pig dirunt, Anvil, wh. Whistle. State in first let ter salary and how many pieces orchestra or | band Strictly sober and reliable. Address EDWIN J. MEYERS, TRAP DRUMMER. $. Union Street, TROY, OHIC. WANTED COWBOYS. With good outfit, for BRallyhoo. Fancy Roping and teke part in West ern sketch. Permanent position year round. No drinkers CAPT. H. A. BRU NSWICK, 3341 West Adams Street, Chicago, Til. TENTS TO RENT M. MAGEE & SON, 147 Fulton St., N. ¥. City. fair week and = ROBINSON'S S FAMOUS SHOWS MURRAY & COMPANY, Inc. 640-648 Meridian St. Established Since 1870. CHICAGO. ; MID-SUMMER BARGAINS IN TENTS, Prices aucted are the lowest. * i} f WHITE TOPS. > Bs : One 20x50, round and gable end; 8 oz, drill, 10 ft. wall. Used one month. Price j ; | One round and gable end; 8 oz. drill, 10 ft. wall.Used one smonth,.Price, . . round and gable end; 6% oz. drill, 10 ft. wall. Used one month, Price round ends; 10 oz. duck, 9 ft. wall. Used two months. Brice tae eine nied ead round ends, laced three. pieces, 10 ft. wall, 6% oz. drill. round ends, laced three pieces; 10 ft. wall, 8 oz. -drill. Used one month. round ends, laced; 10 ft. wall, 8 oz. drill. Used six weeks. Price } 16x16, side wall 16 ft. high. for crazy house tent. Used one week. Price........ ; 60 ft. rvund top, one 30 ft middle, 64% oz. drill, 10 ft. wall. Used ten weeks. Price. ) 60 ft. nen, _lop; one 40 -ft. middle, 616 oz. drill, 10 ft. wall. Used three weeks. ; / { | | | & Wx, | One ‘24N65, One $0x50, Oue 40x70, l’rice 40x60, 40x80, One One One One Une a ee ey ty Aart VOR Trae <r ae pokey Sen A Le | Oue 80 ft, roand’ top; one 40 ft, aiiddte, 6% oz. aril, 10 ft, wall. Used two months. Pricé 300.00 BLACK TOPS. P Ove 20x50, round and gable ends, lin ef black top. Used two months; 10 ft. wall. Une 20x50, hip roof front, gable back! fined black top, 9 ft. .wall,., Used two months. i Price..$110.00 Price 105.0 ~ | ENT TALKS a. No. 5 Rent a tent—cheaper then buying one, time only. Managers of county fairs, “and all other oceasions should write Service the best—shipments prompt, orders filled with C-G Rain-Test CARNIE-GOUDIE MFG. GO., Kansas City, Mo. THE CLEVELAND TENT CO. =| when you want it for a shert chautauquas, political meetings, for our special rental proposition. orders accurately filled, all rental : ; double-woven-edge tents. : 4 , | ite Vee Piatt ; Show TENTS, Black TFNTS, Airdomes te AE ~ and Carnival Outfits. Tents and Sidehi pide! Lit d ~ wall for Sale or Rent. Catalog Free. » | ow 2. : a a ee Superior Viaduct, CLEVELAND, 0. ; T T q ESTABLISHED 1840 E N Ss INCORPORATED 1909 ‘ f a ee We are SPECIALISTS in every kind of canvas work for show equipment. Also Manila and i wire rope, tackle, fittings, ete. We refer to our customers, Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey, Beet ete. Write for our prices. . ey Wy ihe sev-ew: GEO-B-CARPENTER&CO cuicaco Largest Tent Manufacturer om the Pacific Coast 4 HENRIX-LUEBBERT MFG. CO. 136 East St., 143 Steuart St., San Francisco, Cal. Our Trademark Make or rent Show and Black Tops, Sideshow Tents, ete., 60x100, 124x300, and three 40x80" on Loy hand. Make anything in canvas line on short notice. Hot Air and Gas Balloons. : ; ; in HORSEandPONY PLUMES ; if % » if i a For Show Parades, Horse and Pony Acts, Advertising purposes, ete. Send for price . list. Manufactured by M. SCHAEMBS, 6124614 —— = Ave., Brooklyn, SNoY i” ie a | i ie "adie OE ——> Morganfield, Kentucky | will, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1911, at Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky, offer for sale to the highest bidder, all the preperty of Robinson's Famous Shows, consisting of about 100 head of horses and ponies in excellent condition, 2 elephants, 9 lions, 5 leopards 1 Llama, 5 trained dogs, 5 flat cars, 5 sleepers, 1 rs, baggage, wagons, tents, lighting plant, typewriters, harness, saddles and ropes, and all the furnishings and etter ee of a well equipped (19-car_ cireus. TERMS | Credit of 6 months with interest heii date; purchaser to give bond with approved security, or may pay. cash. Sale to begin at 10:30 a. m. and continue till done. W.C. BLAND, Assignee, i jand cages, 4 camels, advertising car, 8 animal ca cooking steves and utensils, cash registers, ih tak han eae ee Ee EO ae ie Nil Ae Morganfield, Ky. ii WANTED ‘| Free Acts and Concessions of All Kinds — Sideshows, Merry-go-Rounds, Ferris Wheel, etc., and all legitimate privileges and shows for Watermelon Day, Webster City, lowa, Thursday, September 28. President Taft will be speaker of the day in big double parks. Big crowds. Celebration annual one. Auspices, Commercial League. Book this one, No exclusives. Address GEO, C. TUCKER, Webster City, Iowa.