The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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Ai! the mud was so bad that It “atk around the grounds West Show was bat on was only was impossible to California Frank's to be a three days’ at aceonnot of the inclement able to give two perform Vi the Tilloan County Fatr kh. Okie the American ' hiplane showed week ’ The biggest and beat . st f the Association ia n Greater Shows, " high dive ‘ras ot the fair UHRICHSVILLE, OHIO, STREET FAIR 0-27 «-28-20-—Wanted, to hear from clean and Concessions, Merry-ao-Rouprd, Ferns es ete ©. W. RICK, Secretary CHEAD COUNTY FAIR, R Jonesboro, = Ark WANTED Merry goFerris Wheel, good Tlusion and good , Shows BE. W. COCKRELL, Business Aseociation. Fred Aerial Company's of September 5 attendance in the Was registered The featuring Captain Col and balloon ascension, were ex Oct. 11, 12, 18, N. SHURE CoO. Madison and Franklin Sts. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS POSTPONED Attractions and Concessions are notified that the Starke County Fair, Knox, Ind., is post poned indefinitely, JAS, M. NEWTON, Secy. ILLUSTRATED PENNANTS A live wire proposition. Sample 10c. ROYAL PENNANT CO., 7 Sanford .St., Springfield, Mass. GREAT COSMOPOLITAN SHOWS Can place one more Tent Show hud one Also Want California tour. branches, write Mont., week Sept. 1ith; Platform Show want Plantation People and White Musicians. Net High Diver; we have complete outfit. H. § Billings, Mont., week Sept. 18th. Carnival and a few legitimate Concessions, for the people in all ager, Helena, The JOHN R. SMITH SHOWS and BUFFALO RANCH WILD WEST EXHIBITION Want a few more Musicians to enlarge for through Mississipp!, Concessions and first-cls Address JOHN Cowboys and Cowgirls ~_ R. SMITH, Prop. and Gen'l and Indians. Snare Drum, Clarinet, Cornet, ymmencing week September 25, 1911. ass Electric Show. A home for the winter. . Mgr., Greensburg, Ind., ete, Those that have written write again. Also A circuit of Fairs now contracted Can_ use a few more legitimate The show that never closes. week Sept. 11th. WANTED FOR THE F.J. Rogers’ Wagon Show Ground Performers, Singing and Talking Clown, all to do more than one act. Salary must be low. Money sure. No booze.. No tickets unless I know you. Join on wire. Route: Caney, Okla., Sept. 18; Caddo, Okla., 19; Bokchito, Okla., 20. Address all letters to F. J. ROGERS. THE BIG CARNIVAL AND HOME-COMING Roachdale, Ind., will be a hummer. fer Shows and Free Attractions. Are opea DR. F. L, McANINCH, Secretary. a NES! 5 i ae z "er — i \ | The Billboard 43 | SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. : . : et : | f sttendance Was 4,600 on the first day; | : : | swoon the second day and 11m — ; hy fhe free attractions Were aeroplane nt ahean Circuit) races and fine band | fiore wae aleo a complete line of mn = ; he races were the best in the ; mt of the association and a number of | k pecerds were broken The entire fair was & stoosteeese, Doth OQnaveially and other ANGOR DOGS UNB + : of the largest of the Tudlana faire is — | . a Shelby Co Joint Steck Agricult Ship ‘ , : r ey ' it + weld gp Shelby ville, this Unrivaled Articles for Vendors, ; | ; ‘ : gis a o Septe ” 3 . i | Mine fe nat nn ley Counts aan vide Paddle Wheels, ete., ete. Beautiful ial } vas suffering from a damaging drought, ao ve a Thy . : i | ee oon a bie enceenn. The attradenee | Turkish pin Mg si in po ribbe youl ©O.000 on the first day; 0.000) ’ x 2 G35 $45, R65: ser 7 sere gama Ges: 12,000 on the third das: bon 14, +s ’ } : oxoon the fourth day and P00 on the 100. : ty daw Exhibits in the hers cattle, hog ; i gricu'tural wemen's tmeehanical and ; : ; | Jepartine bts and in the spoed ring were Clever American Indestructible * ; d. live displays, and every department ‘ | sell filed with exbibiis. The speed ring Dolls that retail for 50¢ and $1.00. ; renter to $3,500, and every class 5 / filleal with entries and pald in full In | : elght years this we r he mever pre poet Send for lists, or stamps for sam« oO rem he fre acts were uth ‘ ie F vente River an Seceteeah: Seren Family, ples. ©€.O.D. orders with deposit. | ak TT) ete Jack Arnold heavy welght | 1 on contortionist; and others. There was Delivered immediately. nolete line of concessions, Inclading merry ie Ferris wheel, Ocean Waves, swings a . ‘ D ‘ all The doin mes’ Wild West Show, candy, lee-cream Teddy Be: ars, Cats. ogs—a ) efreshment stands, ete This falr paye Hs <> y : [nonin aa stock, but all earnings go toward | animals. re y LJ 2 ike | ' a s groneds tur lding= nm Mell — in ‘. been ~ Fat oa ' Hie ng. Louls AMBERG & SON, = a am 569-571 Broadway, NEW YORK cra P4113 K Min August 24. 25, 20 and 27, was the best | The Largest Makers of Doll Babies and Fur Toys in America C b ever beld in pc Lavnle Comes 2 Phen r <uecess In nearly a respects ‘he attendance 1 é sso ansantly Hargett FAIR MERCHANTS | ‘ow oon the secend day Aan oon the third | IN THIS Y ; h , ° ‘ a . our attention is respectfully requested to our las i ant cP me ¢ ey pay. Fees re special ood oe oe this month au: $1.75 eathe “ee vow a : ; rounds would have been taxed to their capac 4 LINE nd is BOG cuseviece ross 450 | j ivy: as it was, the grandstand did not seat Shell Bead Chains...... +. Sao ope half of the people The free acts were! Whips cocccvesecses ee 85 ; sane Might» each day, which were hardly HAN EVER THA EET EE pn caacncenddacadesnecde * a oe ae ef no ohe mameneneet or the | WE DLE YTHING T STR MEN, SCHEMISTS, ~ figme rome ceteeeeeceeecerecs 1 The carnival company who Were to | Trying ama FB ccccccccccccoce hs le ; fur ” othe ee acts did not «ho . WAI EED Magie Pam TWEED 2. cccccccsece 1.65 ir . [ . pn agg A n ‘all > -e. CONCESSIO RES AND VENDORS N P —s Leather Faneea, with Long a ‘ss i . was pot on instead and proved a huge sne Our goods are sellers—no if's and maybe’s about them. We have been long enough in hains ...-. pcbeghoeaapaba lemme ‘ racing prog . ery good ‘ Small Ja Cioth Parasols. ...-...... 10.00 sie — a enapt s nen were the business to know what to buy and what will sell. Our lines for streetmen are made up Brown Wire Tail “ 4.50 one nd » auto and motor ra 2s Py += : also enjoyed. There were thirty eight privileges of rich, flashy, attractive goods at a low cost. That combination spells “BIG PROFITS, — jbatee | Spiders « Ss. . Boe eee ithe erundetand will be en | ff 8% Big Profits spells “MAKING MONEY"—the Game you're out for. Large Red, White and Biue Cloth’ ; nos ext ven ‘ r wist a ‘ = boa oi new agricultural ballding erected After you get tired of failures and experimenting with the ‘‘dope’’ offered by the fiy-byi COR a ea 18.00 night houses, then—TKY US, and we predict your success starts with your first order from us. Ry 4 noes Seissenesa<ss vi Be Shell Boxes, 60 different styles..... ‘* 20.00 : FAIR NOTES. F h P dl D 2 String Beads. each in a box ...... ” 4.25 renc oo e ogs Large Heart Shell Purses and t The Winnebago County Fatr was held just | Chains ....... weeeeeeeeeeeessDORED 1,23 1 an ig Ws Gene One near Reloit “.. Large Stock on Hand. , Small Tinsel parasols : ceoee 2 i Aegust 28. 31 and Sept. 1. This is an Illinots | Large ° ‘araso PRES Sey ae ij q but prom ited by Wisecnsin people. The No. Dozen Gross jf a ae, wae Long Chains.... 7 = + fair had net been successful in previous years t Jewe xes .... sasendie p SY i A had gone ont of existenc The putting of N3826 .. $2.00 $22.50 Red, bn and Blue Fair an a Sou. —_ om A track rrounds am? buildings in shape Was a venir ennants, Ww: assels er x ii ag eapeune but the attendance was larg N3829 ‘* 3.25 36.00 OSS ee aa nag sh Ras ei el aan “ 2.00 ‘ ». eaough to way all these expenses and leave a N3827 Bas dey 4.00 45.00 Best Jap Canes, with American Silk os 2.98 balance te geo o “Xt vear A laTge xX _—_ <= = awa ~ Bi Fhemp ettneed ....cccccdccccs R 7 ngricebtarel act in 7 “. as shown, the N3830 j0 wees os 5.50 63.00 Slip us an order, we will fill it for you right. ahh re full ‘ x , os ar ‘ = ae ill save you money : (iH < were lof fine steck, and there w an 7 50 84 00 as ““‘WE KNOW HOW,” and w | ss display of flowers, agricultural products N3828 ce ee te oe oe oe . . besides. REMEMBER, no schmoose here. We +’ work Liberal race purses were of never disappoint, as we have the goods to de: and as a reenit a field of 120 horses liver. Write for our 1911 CATALOGUE. ‘ tered, the largest card evar flered iy M. GERBER iw . art of the ountry Jimmy Ward lie NOTIONS, RY LERY, CANES i“ 1 vi ray six thrilling fights in his Sloot ay CUT and ‘ g Sta The management were well pleas 729 South Stree OVELTIES. ELP PA. ia \ sult. — ¥> Nea rmined that next THESE ARE BULLY GOODS FOR STREETMEN Kind —_ to all oi oe. 4 fair w ever ” eT i ; ; a ' Dany Fa Danville Va his year Thi 7 s. ‘ s is the act that caused a i : “ , most complete in every deta Depart : H t saa Ee can te kdl ane tee ae Scarf Pins Cuff Buttons Beauty Pin Sets sensation at the Fernbank Dam i a Gal caneiee. Sa Geniiee the vial B h Linke ene Levers Coll Buttons Celebration, Cincinnati, week i... ears, and results will st s he . ie * Inet herse and cattle exhibits this year rooc es 3-pe. Link Sets ar September ¥ ; ‘ ~ seen some of the prettiest ' bred an j . the country Farm products will be Over 25,000 gross in this lot. Value and satisfaction positively guaranteed. To give long The est OPER 4 . n —_ ones — 2 a v che 4 distance customers equal chance with local buyers, we put up these goods properly proporAIR i) w displays proms o be mong t \ ae ‘giteantios re ~ A. of the fair The ions in lots of 10 and 25 gross, and sell them that way only. e e ‘gy larg . , , mos : F = b a are Prmaias twerga tla, eat tur, roet |B st No. 1 contalne 10 rose, ssorte, Lot Ko, 2 couteine 25 grees, ensorted Sensational Act in i than has been realized heretofore. No expense Per lot 810.09 PRE WE: sincisnecaby ee netntepenaneene > fo s being spared ¢ make the amusement fea i $ at ' more extensive and elaborate The Midway th W rd. he et | will be up-to-date in every respect. und the WE SUPPLY OUR STRONG LINE bee — i hows will be of proper tone te appeal to everyy gran as baly. Obfectionable performances w he pro Btreetmen, Vendors, Cerne Jewelry, Watches, Cutlery, fanetion. Bh hibited Date for fair this year, Oct, 17, 18 Rack and Knife Board Men Canes, Sliverware. Yankee NoBest and most brih : 9. 0 Peer oe a alc ? “ 4 Fish Pond tlons, Novelties and Specialries fant night feature i; = See oe tp imrsense variety. Quick 401! } Thrilling electrica The Curtiss Exhibition Company is furnishing Operators, Street Fair and ers in Stationery, Dry Goods fireworks finish the seroplane attraction. with Aviator Chas Carnival Workers, Traveling Sundries. Leather and Rubber Contains many : Walsh 1 the Four-State Fatr and Interna Medicine Shows, Circuses, Goods, Books anu Seuvenirs. original and cee Show. Ogden, Utah. Don Philin Auctioneers, Concessionsires, Premium Gonds, Advertising etartling feats tha vemcet te attend bon ete enenard fer the Premium Givers, Schemists. Goods, Street Fairs, Carnival pe tem to Ghow tes dean na ee es a en M. O. Men and General Merand Picnic Suppiies of al! t attempt. Sh he« aver ; (oe) entries and the Registered chants. kinds, etc., ete., ete no a Dairy Cattle Show and Sale has over 200 en For culars of the rhe The rallread« have come through this “ cord t Year with a one-fare rate for a radine of about 4 3 fH) miles, The prospects point tora big attend WE PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS —— The New Castle Connty Fair at Wilmington, Ky not sending catalogue to consumers; therefore, when writing for catalogue, state what + \ugust 20 to September 1, was greeted t of business you are engaged in, so we can distinguish you from a consumer. LIONEL LEGARE 'y the heaviest raing seen in that section of man . Bethlehem, Pa tha: tentry im yeare. There was only one day We are Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesalers ‘har the fair could do any business, and then