The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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.EPTEMBER 16, 1911, The Billboard 45 oo aaa ) vw @ Made to Surface Rink and Dance Floors Made in Three Sizes For Roller Rinks, Amusement Companies, Dance Halls, Contractors and Builders everywhere. Machine easily rented to Couteactors and Builders at a net profit of uot less than $10 to $25 a day. It is very easily operated, as when the handle is raised it ix inclined to move forward of its own accord. Built oo the only correct principle. Guaranteed to be the BEST machine with which to produce an even, smooth surface on any kind of wood floor, old or new, hard or soft. Will fT FREE TRIAL! Over One Thousand In Use surface from 5,000 to 7,000 square ft. once over in 8 hours. Two to four times over will make it smooth and level. Send for our FREE TRIAL PROPOSITION. M. L. SCHLUETER, 103-105 N. Canal St., Chicago, Ills. | 1002 Fiatison banding. 192—SUITABLE FOR RINK 75 x 150. ROLLER RINK MUSIC FURNISHED BY MILITARY BAND ORGANS MADE BY THE NORTH TONAWANDA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WORKS. One user says: “My business was dormant, especially afternoons, but since getting my Style 192 Organ it has increased 100 per cent.” Another says: “I would not exchange my Organ, that was purchased from the No. Tonawanda Mus. Inst. Works, for any band I ever saw, and I have never had one bit of trouble since I put it in 6 months ago.” Both of these men have used bands in Rinks for years and know what they are talking about. Names furnished if wanted. The Rink has come to stay, therefore, get one of our troubieless, endless paper played Organs and make more money than ever before. Catalogues, price list, discounts, terms, testimonials and reliable references upon application. Send today. NORTH TONAWANDA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WORKS, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. centered in Tyrrell, who was the fastest skater in the West some time back, and Fred Martin, the Californian, who has been having things all bis own way. Little was thought of Krueger, except by a few of his friends who knew what was in him, and all eyes were on Tyrrell and Martin In the final, Al let Tyrrell sprint te the front, when he had five laps to go, and kept in second position until be had three laps to go, then he let out all the speed that was in him and was never headed. winning the race, with Martin a close second and Schwartz third. The time for the mile was 2:37 3-5, banked track. FRED MARTIN'S RBCORD. Fred Martin, for the past three years floor Manager of the Auditorium Rink, San Jose, Cal... bas been showing some wonderful speed the past year Although he had a record in 1910 of winning 68 ont of 75 races In San Jose and capturing the Santa C.ara County Champion ship in 1908, and made one of the fastest re ors behind a bicycle, his time being 2:38 2.5 for a mile, his record this year is greater for he has met and defeated some of the best ékaters in the profession Martin severed his connection with the Audi rium Rink, San Jose, Cal., January 12, and lft for Los Angeles, where he skated a one hour race, going the full distance alone, and efeated a fleld of six two-men teams, skating 17 miles and 14 laps on a 10-mile track. His pext championship race was for the final of t Coast championship, against Fred Wolfs in which he won every one of the races, from the one to five miles. He skated his last race Los Angeles in a twelve-hour race against twenty seven starters, and won thie event, cov er ng 160 miles and breaking all long distance records Martin left Los Angeles March 15 and arrived in Detroit, Mich., March 19, just in time for t first heat in the championship meet held there March 19-25 He finished second in the iN mile and won the two mile championshi> From Detroit, Fred went to Grand Rapids Mich., and met and defeated Jack Fotch the best two out of three races, and then came to Chicago. Sinee his arrival in Chicago he h competed in several races and has met and defeated such great skaters as Henry Recker, champion of Chicago; Bdward Schwartz, John MeDonal¢, Frank Neul, Frank Hennessy, Al veger, and numerous others Mr. Martin will leave in the fall for France where there will be some good purses offered for the professional skaters this winter. He intends to race in a few cities before he de ports for Burepe, PAINTER IN BUDAPEST. have received information to the effect ‘| Mr. Alfred Painter, who was formerly ager of the Riverview Roller Skating Pal at Milwaukee, Wia., has gone into the pro Sen of skating rinks in the old country Painter has placed an order with the for " Tepresentatives of the Richardson Ball ‘ring Skate Company for 1,600 pairs of skates bis Rudapest Rink which he will open to public early im Nevember, He will also ® roller rink at Vienna, Mr. Painter red his connection with the Milwaukee over two years ago and left for parts un h, stating that he would some dar show eople how to promote rinks and from the ~ 's pecelved, it looks as though he Was * fo carry out his predictions, RINK NOTES. ‘uc ‘orlam Rink, Duluth, Minn., ts one of le gest and finest rinks in the Northwest overs, L, Hamel Co., and Manager W. L. recta wees2a esae37% pe Downer, are booking a high-class line of at| tractions, and look forward to an exceptionally | good season. e The Madison Gardens Rink, Chicago, Ill., H. +] j McCormack, proprietor, opens September 18. The rink has been renovated and newly deco| x rated, and 32.000 feet of new flooring laid. The rink will be conducted as heretofore, Organized to give greater prominence to bona-fide Professional Skaters—those who “strictly high-class. Mr, McCormack objects have a finished act to offer Managers seeking Exhibition Skaters—and to promote roller to racing in his rink on the grounds that it skating in general. tends to rowdyism, and also is a great dust 2 ker, o ‘count of th mmice or some other ag Se ey gag Sgt = hy All the Stars of the Skating World ARE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION. hold the turns at high speed. If these objecJACK FOTCH DARE DEVIL FRANK tionable features could be eliminated be would | Features The Dip of Death, Fire Tunnel, be glad to f ature racing. With the theatrical season now running full blast, the last of the local pleasure institu tions to respond to the eall of the amusement German Comedian, Fancy and Speed ex Sea Saw, 27-in. Cycles, High and Broad public will be the Music Hall Rink, Cincinnatl, pert roller skater, presenting the most Jumping. Fancy, Trick and Daneing on the Ohio, which opens its eighth consecutive season rollers 25 minutes of thrilling feats the first Monday in November. Roller skating entertaining novelty comedy act before the Playing fimk and veeéeviile. 260 . in the Queen City has enjoyed a big revival public. Address Billbeard, Cincinnati, v. Brookville, Ind. . ; in the past year, and looks like a fixture in those parts. The rink management is firmly convinced that this highly fascinating and popuH. A. SIMMONS : stime st s ke rank with other ae ont eS ecentalibe samen throughGreatest living exponent of the art of Patinage—Su-erior Artistic Trick and Figure Skating on . . season of —Astonishing Stilt Skating—Marvelous Skating on toy wagons. The only real FANCY Ah... eee a on = parks, SKATING BURLESQUE performer. Managers will kindly write early for booking. Adete. The gratifying magnitude of past prosperGress 73 Broad Street, New York City. ous seasons encourages the Music Hall promoters to put forth greater efforts than ever this fall. If a lavish investure of money will bring about the desired results, the New Rink will be a thing o fbeauty, and its equipment and accessories the final word in perfection, all redounding with credit to the capabilities and wisdom of the management. A new skating floor was contemplated, but not considered feasible, owing to a convention occupying the bis hall late in October, but a brand new surface will surely be tn prospect for next year. Ar rangements will be made for booking the best Skating Rink Managers, Wake Up! and save the money of your band Every rink containing a Berni Organ is still open. WE HAVE ORGANS AS GOOD AS BANDS attractions before the public at the present time, with a big feature for the on-ning weeks. | A. BERN I, 220 W. 14th St., N EW YORK CITY Greater attention will be directed toward dis | play advertising. The season's sporting program a ve will contain a monster athletic carnival, in =-= wn $23 cluding the Olympian athletes, and the Cincin = =& nati racing enthusiasts _* es , see a g Pog E46. World's Congress of 8 skaters in action. : ae With the recent hal — amy of several hundrei Want to lease for winter seasen, first-clas S = Se r > . 0.000 Roller Rink, preferably without equipment, o = . pairs of new skates, the magnificent $10, in es fea decorative features of 1911 automobile show, Ddutlding suitable for one in city of 25, o FS £3 the other commodions changes in the Interior, More unless Western town. First-class Prope = es co e™ together with the local attractions, that bave Sitions only. Cash or per cent. Excellen om oS =é 2 proven great favorites, the season of 1911-1912 management. Might buy well located, mediun = Baw at the New Rink-Music Hall will be launched Priced rink of first-class reputation. Straigh = ¢ £3 with the greatest celerity in its history, Miller fink propositions only—no theatre, coliseum o = Ga “se |J. Huggins, the widely known professional ball other combinations wanted, Write all in first t “ee | gB"5 layer, though retaining his holdings in the a compeny. retires this season as active pose of WILTS BROS., sé So ees the rink to look after his extensive real estate Cere of Box 267, RUTLAND, ILLS interests. The directors have installed Herman M. Ritt as manager, and a — os an er i flea de iad JOHN MUZZIO& SON could not have been made. any years of a s making a £ . e Vernons fin a activity in the local field fits him admirably their summer engagements at Honesdale and 178 Park Row, mf New York for this {important position of handling the will rest for one week and then open their Established 1860. New Rink's affairs. fall season in the West. They have received many letters offering time for this winter, but | Skating Rink or Dance Hall Musical The Vernons, Frank and Lillian, played a thelr present imtentions are to sail for Europe | —Plays drums, bells, piano and cymbals; week's engagement at the Honesdale (Pa.) October 23, as they have been offered a number | wind; cost new $750. Best offer takes it. Rink week of July 8 and scored such a big hit of engagements over there. Printing Seale at $30. W. R. SWARTZ, Troy, that the management engaged them for a two ; a 2 ed return engagement, =n eae fagest with the largest attendance in e story of the rink—SOT paid admissions; which is |. Edward a. last season with the Kim-| FOR SALE—Armitage & Guinn Circle Wa at. when it is taken into consideration that | ball-Kelsey m Theatre Co., Toledo, ©., | in fine shape; have run it two months. he population of the town {s only 8,000. The | Bae signed for this season with Rowland & Clif-| cash buys it. Can be seen in operation at rink is enjoying a fine business under the | ford to act as stage director with Dave Lewis | Aledo (Ill.) Fair, September 19-22. This ig no management of BE. H. Cortwright. A new $1,200 im Don’t Lie to Your Wife, which goes to the | junk pile. If you have no money, save stampe, Sand organ, made by the North Tonawanda Pacifie Coast and returns about the middle of | F. S. SHEW,' Permanest address, Grandview Musical Instrument Works, has been installed January to play the Eastern Time, Ta. , Se ONEEE RE! a) a if hy > i ’ : 4 ] i ’ | if } i" I : i j tie, a b i Mi 4 ’ vit + ’ i iss iat ai +e ; Ean Ss, ir lial a alee een — {