The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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< TT 4 | 5 PTEMBER 16, 1911, rhe Billboard 47 : ‘ : * : i, e = aeecereatial ts ; he t pepe, Bernards, Orlinal (Scribner's Stock Show) Serib: ‘ | : Ora , ner, Neb., 13-16 i aw ~_ = Beecher, Will S. (Gilmore) Springfield, Mass., : ree 14-16; (Columbia) Newark, N. J., 18-23. | ef ] Burton & Raymond (Grand) Iludianapotis. me t rl ‘ Bertram-May (o. (Bijou) Bay City, Mich; (Bi5 } ety } é jou) Lansing. 18-28. he of 1 son Boyd, Mazie (Pathe) Tulsa, Okla. ; i! ates Bowers, Walters & Crooker (Temple) Detroit : ,} se 18-23. ‘ en , : Bowser. Chas. W.. & Co. (Majestic) Colorado / th { { Springs, Colo.; (Empress) Kansas City, Mo., in | s y — —--18-23 Pi ° A a j Burt. ‘Nellie (Majestic) Colorado Springs, Colo.; WV jt 8 — (Empress) Kansas City, Mo... 18-25. r | Brewster, Nellie, & Amsterdam Quartet (Washis “ ‘nagers and performers are respectfully requested to contribute their dates for the depart| ington) Spokane: (Majestic) Seattle = 25. Pa DISCOM | ' n Routes must reach The Billboard not later than Friday of each week to insure publication. | — S R. gS a (Majestic) = eo | , > Billboard forwards all mall for professionals free of charge. Members of the’ profession | . 7 / Teac vaahi | Elks ar vited, while on the road, to have their mall addressed in care of The Billboard, and it will | — fais oe —_ stic) Butte; (Washingbe forwarded promptly, Big City Quartet (Poli’s) en Conn. ; { + —— Sager. Ben, & Bro.: 1496 Bryant ave., N. Y. C. | (Orpheum) Brooklyn 18-2 os b je peer : 8 Bouton. Harry & Co. (Washington) Spokane; e beautiful and ares, lat i eh Telegrams inquiring for routes not lene & Gibney: 441 Marion st., Oak Park, | (yajestic) Seattle 18-23. Be unattractive and be desolate. work given in these columns will be ignored. — ae _ 178 ectgabictiiiinen: @ ¢ pap py (Bell) Oakland, Cal.; (Empress) Nova-Veta the Great Beauty Discov. } . < Angeles -23. ry, revitalizes an rings ? = uniess answers are erapme. 4 igeiows. The: 2662 Monroe * Brown, diarris & Brown ({Majestic) Chicago. | the glow of youth at beauty instantly a — i ‘@Gisabes, The: B72 Lowe ot., Appletan, Wie. luiahtens. The: Box A33, Limestone, Me. complexion. Sample Bottle, $1.25. Postpaid, | Hotel MRookery,:Kewanee,. Raldwin & Shea: Fisher’s Booking Exchange, | Mail Orders Promptly Filled. ee nen Bisbee, & Connelly: ‘| PEREORMERS? DATES |," — ~~ Seattle. “ sta ae ee cnemeenannmemied 189th “st. ie Brown re<Nemman (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ga.; (Or. | WIGS, Rey tapered gfe +; tl | pheum) Memphis, Tenn 8-23. . ondon’s Newest | as 14 fPerf lack & McCune: 19 Neponset ave., Boston. | Rall,. Ward & Ball: 1172 Ist st.. Milwaukee. Basket Braids Reg. $15, Special $9. 95 & Bo ay res (An additional dist of» Performers’ |" @, |Barron, Billy (Grand) Knoxville, Tenn.; (Airf eens 10 ae Dates, as well as a list of additional | Blaney, Hugh F.: 248 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, dome) Chattanooga 18-23 Coronation Curls Gpectal’ . $5 95 od routes, received too late for classificaDapest , a3 ag Cae. | Benton & McGowan (iyrte) inten, W. Va.; W ‘i ang he Mh jet ¢ A : $ ° st.. N. ¥. (Family) Pittsbur ’a., 18} , oe ~ or tion, may be found in another column.) —_ _ vee Lincoln st., Johnstown, Pa. Buckley’ s Dogs (Empress) Cincinnati. avy Switches lar, $15, Special $9. 95 | ia so ag * — Page A a ee — ey Troupe: 14 Magill st., Waterbury, i tage Players (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, | The Wanamaker Parisian Beauty Parlors 1 tn x) 8 et vy lied Boyle Bros.: 5634 Ridge ave., Allentown, Pa. Caesar, Frantz: 512 EF. 42d st., Chicago. N. W. Cor. 34th St. & Broad’y, ge A s Corner, int | Sept. 18is to supp . Boynton & Bourke: 3603 Broadway, N. Y. C. Caine *. Odom: 72 Wilson st., Newark. O. 270 6th Avenue, near 17th St. = Ruts Brabam’s Phantographs: Revere House, ChiCr'vert, Great: 164 Averill ave., Rochester, Mme. Co’yY’Le’ “v2 abdatabs, Bis: 42 Jobnson st., Brooklyn. cago. | NY i { ; . Adair, Art; 438 S. Leavitt st., Chicago. . i = Adgie & Her isos . 8. 47th ne N, oS FULL LINE , “ET ghern, Agnes, 23 9 Colorado ave. ° e 2 cage. Ot Na This blank is available for route data in case you have no route) MEYER’S AND STEIN’S em Aitkens, Two Great: ravier st., w vi 2 ws of” lean cards, Cards will be mailed upon application. . nu erati Alderfer, Chas.: Denver, Ind. , rease alnts i} ~~ Allen, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick: 8720 20th ave., . i " ‘ Brooklyn. -, . i ing } Allen & Kenna: Box 596, Anniston, Ala. Bi d P d este Allinel’s, Jos., Peter the Great: 422 Bloomen ing OW ers, etc. ; Geld si., Hobouen, N. J. atte Name_ clos Alsace Lorraine: val st. . z he A rg S., Goats: 1235 N. Main st., DeTHE BELT DRUG STORE Brees eatur BELT & MATHEWS, 3. Wsril Alvin, Peter .: Desoems Oo. ic a, Sixth & Market St : es D 7 faic§ Alvino labto: + Montgomery, . arke s., mington, Det. { each | Ale. Week Theatre Cit State uric] American Comedy Four: 779 24 ave., N. Y. C. y f American Comiques, Three: Revere House, ChiBRANDO | chow cage. oie & ' : f ~a American Dancers, Six: 10 ‘plain *t., Provike eat 4 The Handcuff King a | Show. dence, R. I. See a a ” says: “Your Chate ie the 4 ot "try | American Trumpeters: 1163 Elmwood ave., ProvSte case potsech ane tesmrestions Te makit idence, R. on ~ YOU onthe t it “fT. Amiotts, Three: Fitchburg, Mass. WE TAdoevnie strace 4 Amsterdam Quartette: 131 W. 4ist st., N. ¥. C. Th agagfp Andernca & Ellison: 9608 Locust st., Phila. SECRET cataecue ¢ — Anderson & Evans: A. Gates ave., Brooklyn. ‘“4 . Andersons, Australian 5 ae Care Paul Tausig. SEE FOR YOURSELF \ : — 14 E. 14th ot., N. ¥. Co : ” Ansel & Dorian: 1557 E. 824 st., Cleveland. : ¢orsoM = JORDA 7 | ‘ Apollo Quartgtte: 539 N. State st., Chicago. a Box 1459 N <A Archer > on Greenwich, NY °. BOSTON, MASS ; i i Arizona Trio: 851 EB. 18th st., . ir ner Arlington & Helston: 636 So, 7th st., Camden, ai i N. J. PROFESS!IONAL Aroaul, Bros: Care P. Taustg, 104 B. 14th st., 4 te ONY seit. ope Ce: .4°.....» PERMANENT ADDRESSES : SuEronvEn , it ane “Artiesens, e ave., = +9 or xes. ade of ij i wad Arnold & t Owego, N. Y. = ful a au Strong. 5-in. elastic band, i if Atlantis & Fisk: 2511 First ave. South, Billthes, ; . ] ‘ and strong, soft .under ' —— If you are unable to give route, and desire to-have: your permabs strep, perliy Stasi | Australian Four: 244 W. 39th st., N. Y. C. i i vid j rmati which insures a_ perfecti Soume Family: 1227 EB. Tist *. Chicago. nent address listed, kindly pro € the necessary info on, Wage sah — a. te | i : ‘ . e U ic " . O.; (Or * able acrobats, actors and athletes. Sen : , 5 rke ~ th con aor — =m « using this blank. waist measure. Mailed to any address, $1.50. : a Ardell Bros. (Loic) Butler, Pa . * , DIFFENBACH & CO., 102 W. 42d St. N. Y. C. a = Avery, Mary (O. H.) Neenah, Wis. —— ( —~ Adair & Dako (New Murray) mens, Ind. ; 4 TELEPHONES for the STAGE ' (New Star’ Muncie, Ind., 18-2: k N mh. Made identical like the Real i. Armitage | Savers (Dreamland incon City, ame t rete Phones. In use bv all Theatres, ; tg ch, : . Actors and Actresses. Send for Et Adair, Art (Beapeess) cual (Empress) Mu catalogue. R. ROSEN, 12 Union ih . Waukee 17-23 as t. A, N York City. : Mair’ Belle (Grpheum) Lineglagened.: (OrpbePermanent Address— ee eB Rae a) manses y a. ; EVA TANGUAY, CARSON AND WILLARD Aryi Mysteries (Majestic) Batt (Washington) : Neate ie ee! Sen women CARLY FEAWKLIN AND COMPANY AND Burtington, la., 1820; (Bijou) Quincy, ut, + ws . A a mnt Phangan og SmenaEEES and. Senge Aidrach, Blanche {Scenic Temple) Prov idenoe, JOHN G. COLLINS R. J} Awan @ulonss: 515 Stecle ave.. Dayton. O. | Bifangan & Saville: Pleasant View Farm, me. | Geretah, Fran, eran Marine Mills, Minn. 114 WN Gist Strevt, eri adeiphia, Pa. ivare “a Folies Bergere) Paris, Fr., cow, O. arbrey Bros.: xford st., a. rent awe cPolionBersor Brewing May: Actor’ Socets, 145 W. 46th | Cafdownle Sirs: 425°N Liber) at Afiance, | ANYTHING TODO Win sHO¥ BUSINESS, Al ikens, The Great (Trenton) Lynebburg, Va., st., N. ¥. ©. 0. Picture Films and Machines, bought, sold, rented 14-16 mE... Three Musicai: 729 Liberty § ave., Carl & Rheil: 406 W. 18th st., Kansas City, Mo. aa. exehansed Sead for cur bie list ST Asai, The Great (Shubert) Utiea, N. ¥ rooklyn, Carlin & Clark: 913 Prospect ave., Buffalo. PAUL FILM RENTAL AGENCY, 56 East 7th ~—— LaVelle Trio: 820 N. Christiana ave., | Broadway ye Comedy Quartette: 20 Williams ave., | — se: 104 = gm * ¢ e Street, Suite 205, St. Paul, Minn : Chicago Brook! aron ‘arnom: st., N. a rete, Sect oa : Ra hen & Desmond: 1347 N. 11th st., Phila. Brookes % Carlisle: 88 Glenwood ave., on | Carpos Bros.: 104 E. 14th st., N. Y. 6. Ralilies, Pour: 26% W. Church et., Newark, O.| Brooks & Kingman: 303 Putnam Bldg.. Y. C. Carr Trio: Canandaigua, N. ¥. Cliftons, Four: 104 E. 14th st., N. Y. C. Beker & Cornalla: 142 Schermerborn st.. Brook| Rrown & Cooper: 2016 Walnut st., TF AB | Carroll-Gillette Troupe: 210 Chatham st., New Clito & Sylvester: 224 N. 10th st., Phila. A | Brown, Harris & Brown: Riverside, R. 1. Haven, Conn. : , a per ette Seer: ee Bee. B. ec. | Brunettes, Cycling: 231 Cross st., Lowell, Mass, be ~ ye Troupe: 1426 Holmes ave., = . Musical: 144 W. Seneca st., Osarre t. 12th } ’ . pa tirnat ces Barro + ~ oe | Buch Bros.: Edison st., Ridgefield Park, N. J. | Seance. s —_— , , ie —. oe Budde. Aerial: 26 N. Union st., Aurora, Ill. — & Van: 5428 Monte Vista st., Los AnSS eee 1310 So. First st., Cedar Berry, Mr. & Mrs, Jimmie: Dingmans Ferry, Sm & Buford: 1553 Michigan ave.. | Carson Bros.: 1058 56th st., Brooklyn. Cogswells, Three Cycling: 270 W. 39th st., N ss > . . 1 : A oe BE. Barry & Wolford: ® Hawthorne ave., Clifton, | Bunchu & Alger: 2319 W. Main st., Louisville, Carson & Duvall: White Rats, N. Y. C. 1: & Ny : ° ° Ky Carson & Willard: 2588 W. Cumberland st., | Cole & La Crandall Trio: 264 W. 38th st., N. Bortell & Garfleld: 2609 B, 53d et., Cleveland. Rurbank & Danforth: Berlin, N. H. Phila, Y. C. . Barlos, Three: 819 N. 2d st., Reading, a. | Burke & Urline: 636 Besa ot. w. = Cosnde, 5 Destingten, Wis. mn — Musical Four: 212 W. 42d st., N. Y. Raxte Sid : ” ave.. wae, Cal | Burkhart & Berry: 1 tugenie st., cago. Casa erne: 31 alley st., Dayton, 0. . J Beard. B lig! bape Dray ten mg bavennen: Ge. | Burns, May & Lily: 116 W. 89th et., N. ¥. C. Cavana: Commeretal Hotel, Chicxgo. Coleman & Frances: 1820 Jefferson st., Phila. . ut Doo: 225 High st., Detroit. Burt, ~~ — Same ge as str Castellane, Tony, & Bro.: 248 Navy st., Brook| Columbians, Five, Inc.: Findlay, 0. R. * Evans: 14. N. Oth st., Phil | Buskirk, Musica arrow s§ : . . : N. N , . Beers, Leo: Watertown, ae | Rutler, "Tom: 264 W. 88th st. N.Y. C. in. Chantrell & Schuyler: 219 Prospect ave., Brook. Comer See 804 N. National Bivd., Spring Behe ® Those: 7200 EB, 15th «t., Kansas City. ar & Hermann: 3649 Paxton Road, Cincin tines Sintece: 2680 Betinern st... tettanenctic Conkey, Clever: Wausau, Wis. na : a oe le Rel! Musical Trio: 2707 Sth ave.. N. ¥. C | Ryron & Langdon: 101 E. 84th st.. N. Y. C. Chevriel, Emile: Gloucester, Mass. oe Conlin, Steele & Carr: 5545 Pemberton st., W-. Benoet) Bros.: 258 W. @5th st., N. ¥. C, Rrown. Ritehie (Burnside) Mt. Carmel, Pa. Childers & Childers: 715 W. 65th st., Chicago. Phila., Pa. Beovet: Sisters: 1808 Forest ave,, Kansas City. | Riessing, Mr. & Mrs. (Best) Birmingham, Ala, | Church City Four: 1282 Decatur st., Brooklyn. | Cornallas, Six: 81 Fisk ave., Maspeth, L. L., we | Rrow n. RBros., Six (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can., | Clark Bros,: 2215 So. 3d st., St, Louis. N, ae tt & Marcello: 206 W. 67th at.. N. Y¥. C. | Berliner, Vera (Colonial) Chicago. Clarks, The: 65 Bank st., N. ze Corson, * Cora Youngblood, Sextette: Anadarko, Kerentoe, Mile.: 8844 Washington Bivd., Cb! | Reane, George A., & Co. (Majestic) Butte 1 | apenee. Four Musical: 64 Broad st., Oneida, oo oo os Be — ooh on ‘m 3 ostello roix: wing st., Kansas Rervor és, Original: The Billboard, Chicago. Rrown, Gil, & Lil Mille (Orpheum) Nashville, | Cleveland, Claude & Marion: 597 9th ave., AsCity, Mo. Re « Berry: Great Valley, N. Y. Tenn, (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ga., 18-23. | toria, L. I., N. : Bert & Una: 819 Hughes st., Dayton, 0. Risbee & Connelly (New) Austin, Tex, Clifford & Burke: 267 W. 1434 st., N. Y. ©. (Continued on page 50). \; BAZIN’S FAR FAMED BEPILATORY Pi JR LE DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. ALL TOILET COUNTERS OR MAILED IM SEALED PACKAGES, GO CENTS. MALL & RUCKEL, &. Y. CIT. 4 “a 4 WBER : ai