The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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The Billboard SEPTEMBER 16, 191). STAN DARD No. FIREPROOF =| STEADY => FLICKERLESS Will outwear any two machines on the market. No repairs required. We have machines working for two years and a half that have not had one cent’s worth of repairs. Why take chances Besides, if you are awake, write and 3} 4 * 4 e Cy AMERICAN:MOVING PICTURE 101 Beekman Street, NEW YORK CITY. THE MACHINE THAT GIVES RESULTS cnets SEM a oa, at care. with some inferior make? get a copy of our guarantee before purchasing. You are in the game — why not play it right? Here is something to think over: More light, rock-steady, ABSOLUTELY FLICKERLESS on 20 miflute run, less complicated, and good for a lifetime with ordinary Will be glad to furnish particulars upon receipt of your name and address. a“ MACHINE CO. FILM SYNOPSES Brief Outlines of Stories Told in the Latest Productions of the Patents and Sales Companies—Release Dates and Lengths of Subjects Are Given PATENTS COMPANY. MELIES <2 aoe MAR, FILMs 2) o EGister® A SHATTERED DREAM (Drama; released Sept. 14; length, 1,000 feet).—Father Martin had lived carefully all his days in order to save STAR,, enough money to enable him to fulfill the dream of his life, a visit to his birthplace across the seas. On the eve of his departure, a parisijoner came and confessed a theft, exposure of which would spell his ruin. The amount of the theft was the same as Father Martin has accumulated. The clergyman, on héaring of tle young man’s plight, hesitated only a moment. when, with magnanimous nobility he gave up that which was his dearest passion, to Save a soul from disgrace. More noble charity would be dificult to conceive, EDISON. THE SHERIFF (Drama; released Sept. 16; length, 1,000 feet).—The sheriff is a youngish man devoted to his wife. but he has no patience with his brother-in-law, who puts in most of his time at gambling. This young man is without funds, and in order to -e plenish his finances holds up the stage. The actual] hold-up is not shown on the screen, but it is made evident that the coach has been rob bed and the robber got away with the mail bags after being wounded in the arm. As the sher iff is out on the trail of the robber, the latter comes home, his sister soon learns the facts, but on hie promise to lead a better life, as s‘sts him to escape. By arousing the sheriff's alonsy she keeps him in the house until her rother has time to get away. The young man writes back that he hos returned all taken from the stage coach. and that he will lead a etter life henceforth, and the wife is forgiven for her innocent deception. THE SAILOR’S LOVE LETTER (Drama; release Sept. 19; length. 1,000 feet).—Jack is visiting the girl of his choice, Mary. Nora happens in and asks Jack to see her home. Jack is called away suddenly without saying farewell to Mary. He writes a love letter wninh Nora intercepts and reads. While she is musing over the letter Mary comes along and play fully snatches it out of her hand. Nora does not reveal that the letter is for Mary and not herself. Poor little Mary reads its contents and leaves without a word. She becomes Iil with brain fever, and while in a state of delirium wanders out and searches along the shore for her lost one. Nora finds her and brings her home. A week later Jack returns and Nora confesses her guilt and Mary comes into her own. AN UNKNOWN LANGUAGE (Comedy; release Sept. 20; length, 985 feet).—A boy and a girl, sweethearts, concoct a letter written in a reverse hand and send it to the girl’s father just for a lark. The fathers of both are lin guists and cronies. When the letter arrives they enter into discussion rerarding same, one one declaring it to be Archaic Greek, whil> the other insists it is Hebrew, with the resul* that they quarrel and forbid the young peopl: to speak or write each other. The young man dictates a message on a phonograph cylinder and sends it to the girl. The message was ove asking her to elope, which they do. The fath ers pursne in an automobile, and then in a boat, which capsizes, and the young people rescue them from the water, but only after they consent to the wedding. The mysterious letter is then exnlained. and all ends in a blessing and a hearty laugh, THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR (Drama: -elease Sept, 22; length, 1,000 feet).—Showing Lord Nelson leaving the admiralty room whe he made his famous speech, and then giving his captains details of the plan of the battle. The episodes of the letter, In which Nelson callea back the mail ship. Then to the morning of the battle. when the fleet of the enemy is sighted. Nelson bidding farewell to his cap tains. having at that time a presentiment of death. Then comes the real battle. the ships in action, the firing of the guns, shins on fire, and then a close view of the deck of the Vic tory, the fighting top of the Redoubtable, the fatal shot, and Nelson's fall. His farewell to Cantain Hardy, news of the victory and final ly his death. THE BIG DAM (Drama; release Sept. 2%; length. 1,000 feet).—Young Bedford marries the girl that Dillon, a rival contractor, is als9 in love with, and then gets a contract for a large dam, to be completed within stipulated time under forfeit of $25,000. Dillion is vindictive and determines to be revenged. He Alsguises himself and gets Bedford to hire him as foreman. He excites discontent among the The Celebrated Schug Moving Picture Electric Light Plants We have the finest electric light plants for Moving Picture Theatres, Tent shows. Circuses, Carnivals, etc. Why use the calcium or acetylene gas lights, with al} Its dangers and unreliability, or pay excessive electric Ight bills for unsatisfeetory service, when for a smal) investment you can install one of our electric light Plants which can be operated at an expense that amounts to a trifle, and have the finest kind of lighting obtainable. Write us at once for Rulletin No. 19. We have a good agency proposition to offer hustlers. SCHUG ELECTRIC MFG. CO., $14 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich., U. 8. A. .» PRESTO.. SYRACUSE, EMERGENCY CLAMP FOR MOVING PICTURE LAMPS. Patent applied for. Quick action. Avoids delays. lamp. Prepaid to any address, $1.25 each. Cut shows clamp applied to Descriptive matter on request. BOX 264, NEW YORK. -»-WORD TO THE WISE... To be successful, you must have GOOD Y, Fall of Troy, Younger Brothers, copies or old. FILMS. Write to us for Sosteve ouniret, we will supply you with anything in this line. film or an *assion Play, and hundreds of others; new NEW YORK FILM RENOVATING CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 12 Union Square, E. REEL TICKET NEW YORK CITY TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 ALBANY ST. BOSTON, MASS. Send for Samples and Prices