The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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cEPTEMBER 16, 1911. The Billboard a eons nl" ~ ncaa = oe os 5 ea pa f ee cot leew the — rr ee pa 2 =~ ; . nally, th enly two days in which to finis« ; '\ OVELTY SLIDES the work, he gets Bedford away from the work “ iid AN by means “ fake telegram, and then tangents The : LAR= with a machine go that it breaks dowae. en rad ARTISTIC COLORES ony Dillon causes the men to quit work altegether, * he PERFECT PHO GuING but Mre. Bedford, hearing of the conditions, ” 1} Pts ORIGINAL DESI goes to the scene of operations. Dillon tears rth Wh le ‘ The wis do you use Cheap Slides when Novof his disguise and the whole plot is clear. At Oo aad l " {| elty Slides cost no more? the point of a revolver she holds Dillon up until ‘ GET ACQUAINTED—QUICK! NEW YORK. ~ MOVING PICTURE MACHINES STEREOPTICONS SUPPLIES, REPAIR PARTS CATALOG FREE AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO. 414 M. Dearborn Street, . Chriocage WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Moving Picture Machines and Films. Complete Moving Picture Outfits fer sale. We eel! all makes of Moving Picture Machines. Write for catalog. MOVING PICTURE SALES OOMPANY Dept. B, 634 South Dearborn Street Chicago Geod Sign The fact that I am selling more machines than everis proof that the moving picture business is going to have one of the most tremendously prosperous seasons on record this Fall and Winter. If you want quick service on ANY MAKE OF MACHINE, or quick service on the best films in the world, send me word in a hurry Immediate deliveries are my special delight! CARL LAEMMLE, Prest. t . . The Laemm'e Film Service OFFICES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 204 W. Lake St., Chioago, tii. 1517 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Sykes Bi'k, Minneapolis, Minn, 1110 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo. 5156 Mulberry St. DesMoines, ta. The biggest and best Film Renter in the world. | If you see ff In The Billboard, tell them eo. she explains things to the men, who, when they understand the situation, jump to work and the job is finished on time. edford returns hom. discouraged, but his wife dashes in and there is a joyful explanation, SALES COMPANY. IMP. THE GRBAT CHARLESTON HU BRICANE FLOOD (Tepical; release Sept, 18; tength, 500 feet).-Views taken in Charleston, N. C., showing the havoc -wrought by the great storm the latter part of August. It was the most severe storm experienced on the coast for years, many vessels were lost at sea. The views were taken in the wind and rain by an Imp phetographer, who wae hastily despatched to the storm center, and sueceeded in getting some fine views of the wrecked city. Op the sume reel is: THE BICYCLE BUG'S DREAM length, 500 feet).—A convict minister, who offers him consolation. prisoner pounces upon the dominie, changes clothing with him, and making good his escape from the prison, appropriates a bicycle, and a funny chase ensues. There ig an exhibition of trick riding that is marvelous, the prisonor being chased. performs all sorts of seeming!y impossible antics to return to prison and again take up his position on his rude busk. He awakes to discover it has all been a dream. THE REGISTERED MAIL (Drama; Sept. 21; length, 1,000 a poor mechanic, with a wife and child, receivis a letter from a wealthy aunt, offering to adopt the child. After consulting his wife, they agree to the aunt's proposition. They soon find. however, that they miss the child more than they thought they would. At first Ethel is delighted |} with life at the home of her aunt, surrounded (Comedy: releas by every luxury, but it is not home, and she soon grieves for her parents. At last she determines to return home without letting her relatives into the secret. She has no money, but remembers the kindness of the mailman who delivered letters at her old home, and in her childish ingenuity conceives the idea of mailing herself home. Securing a stamp she writes her home address on a piece of paper and pins [t on her breast. How she is eventually returned home by the men jin the mail service is a pretty story. She is finally carried into the presence of her parents by the postman, and their surprise and joy repays her for the return, NESTOR MUTT AND JEFF } NEWSBOYS edy; released Sep tember 16; length, —— feet). — Mutt and Jeff buy stocks and speculate with their entire fortune of ten dollars. At first they win and Jeff wants to close out, but Mutt refuses, and in the end they are cleaned out, with but a dollar left. Jeff. angry, severs partner ship and goes his way. From a newsboy he learns that selling papers is a profitable business and. entering this field, goon becomes the owner of a busy newstand. Meantime, Mutt has also got the newspaper idea, and, in knickers, we see him with a bundle of papers. He is not. however, successful, and later takes a job peddling papers for Jeff. He does fairly well, until he attempts to buy a drink at the corner emporium—being a boy, they refufse to serve him, and when he remonstrates, he Is pinched by the truant officer Jeff goes to court and reclaims ‘his «on"’ after a_ series of highly complicated scenes. ACROSS THE DIVIDE (Drama; release feet).—At Lem September 20; length —— Bassett's invitation, John steps to get a drink, and soon gets in such condition that he loses hia job. He returns to the saloon, {fs thrown lout, and taken home by Bassett. As soon as |Lem was left alone with Mary, John’s wife, and | is visited by a] The | feet).—Amos Grantiy, | Film” Wednesday, Sept. 13 AT PERRY’S RANCH Western— Beautiful and Powerful. Saturday, Sept 16 MUTT and JEFF and THE } NEWSBOYS Wednesday, Sept. 20 ACROSS THE DIVIDE Western Thriller Par Excellence. Saturday, Sept. 23 MUTT and JEFF and THE DOG-CATCHERS FEATURES! —Two Worth-While Nestors a Week — FEATURES! DAVID HORSLEY, 147 Fourth Ave., New York. 1 Mot. Pio. Dist. & Sales Co., Sole Distributors. — = 4 ! A FILM UNIQUE! | THE RED DEVILS ‘ae Wednesday, September 13, 1911 | ioaaeeineniay: HI Exclusively Purchased From i SIDNEY DREW ‘, It is a great Western Drama. Special Sheet Music Free. For every Exchange! For eve:y Exhibitor! Order it. Book it Shew it. tue |CHAMPION FILM COMPANY ¢ RED f eves MARK M. DINTENFASS, Manager 3 A 12 East 15th Street, NEW YORK CITY 1) ; 4 4 (| : INTERNATIONAL FILM TRADERS ‘a NEW EXCHANGE Weestern Dramas Films from We to $1.00 per reel. new and second-hand machines. Reliable Film Exchange ROBERT LETT, Prop. INCORPORATEL a SECOND-HAND, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FILMS ‘a If you are in the market for second-hand films, write to H } the largest and most reliable dealers in the United States 5 West 14th Street, New York City | \ . s NEW FILMS Repertory Comedies Write for particulars, 500 new and second-hand Chairs, All supplies cheap. Room 260, Monon Bldg., 440 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago. THE BILLBOARD MAKES A SPECIAL ON ADVERTISING TO MEMBERS OF THE PROFESSION ON PROFES. SIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND AT LIBERTY CARDS COMPLIMENTARY RATE ~ eg A.J. CORCORAN, Inc., Develop your films to perfection. Save time and reduce your expenses by using a “Corcoran Film Development Tank.” All up-to-date houses are now installing the “Corcoran System.” THE INDEPENDENT MOVING PICTURES REX COMPANY CF AMERICA CHAMPION THE POWERS PICTURE PLAY COMPANY MELIES For Reference as to Quality Consult the Foliowing: THE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA THANHOUSER COMPANY Send for Price List No. 4. | No. 9 John Street, NEW YORK CITY aah