The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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54 The Billboard SEPTEMBER 16, 91; SH se! he attempted to embrace ber, but her ery brought ‘John, who attentied Lem. In the YOU CAN’T BEAT °E. ~ of struggle Mary was pushed aside and fell, strik OH 10 RIGHTS That's Just What You Will Say After ing her head, and iay unconscious, Bassett runs out and John, believing his wife dead pursves. and in a de pe rate struggle Lem falls NOVELTY ANNOUNCEMENT SL rm over the cliff, John flees the state, and Mary, recevering later, : told that her husband fell 9 We guarantee our slides to be th: vey over the cliff. ven years later, John, whe best that brains and money can proiuee, has become'a ‘“‘gentleman of fortune,’ is lying will you let us prove this to your satis. in wait for the stagecoach, wh n his daughter faction? Write for catalog NOW, who with her mother and brother had moved West, ha He i ti fae gers happened upen them. is attempting to protect her from his men John is wounded, but ——ALSO-— the others run off, and the girl signs the stage i ae TEMPTATIONS OF A GREAT CITY PRIESTESS | (Doraina: NOW OPEN FOR BOOKING jength feet) A young missionary, his wife and little dauch ter, start for a section of Japan where white men are wuns set BO nen ll 710 Columbia Building, Cleveland tance info the jute Handling all Features Educational Catalog in Preparation rior, the missionary and his wife are stricken with the plague. and their native escorts flee. leaving them helpless. The fleeing bearers loot » Buddhist tefiifle carrying off a jeweled idol. The missionary and his wife die, and the child left alone, wanders off. She comes to the temple, and finding it deserted : . falls asleep on the uitar, where she is found by natives, who think e e she is their idol come to life, and worship her xX 1 | ors as their god. Some years later an American Naval officer, while hunting, discovers the girl. They soon fall in leve. and the officer attempts NEW YORK ms ons a ; eee CHICAGO BRANCH—1928 Milwaukee Ave. Managers and Exhibitors invited te view Special Exhibition | THOS. G. WHITE, Mgr. ‘y carry her away with him, but they are atknow and appreciate the benefits and profits that accrue tacked by indignant natives. They take refuge . ° . ° in by temspie. pat by mene of a eS from the projection of a manufacturer's special release. xe elp rom 1° young Officer's ship, us an » . = ° ° time to save him and his future bride. Properly advertised, it fills the theatre to its capacity and IN THE CHORUS (Drama; released Sept, 15; . Gentle :—Kindl i be ote Y length, — feet).—A young widow, ia weed, causes the audience to marvel at the wonders of motoone Gh Gar uur Ee cee ie places ber little daughter in a charitable in ° ° on It’s yours for 25c. Catalog, of course, if stitution and secures work as a chorus girl. The graphy. To the discerning exhibitor we announee wish it. NIAGARA SLIDE CO., Lockport, Ny little girl runs away from the institution and . is adopted by an old couple. The asylum authorities inform the mother that the child has a been drowned, and she tries to drown her sorrews in a life of gaiety. Ten years later a theatrical manager passing a farmhouse hears a sirl sing, and offers her an engagement. which she accepts. The mother is a member of the same ~ chorns, and with the other members of the vompany langhs at the girl’s country ways. Ac@ @ e cidentally she discovers a scar on the girl's shoulder and recognizes her as her daughter. . but the girl does not know her. She determines to save the girl from the path she has followed, and leads her back to the home of her foster parents. When the girl is asleep at night, sie leaves her, steals cut into the night. determined a beautirul story of Old Cahfornia, to lead »w life, and in time becomes worth ary “ reveal herself io the daughter she had lost, the greatest Melies subject since (for altei nating current. mit found again. . e SOLAX. HER UNCLE’S WILL (Comedy released Sep the famous “ lmmortal Alamo.” aes r 1: lomertha. wt To be released September 28, 1911. feet).—Ethel Neweomb stat iat marta, BOOK IT NOW. when Ethe! receives word from her uncle yy G. MELIES, 204 East 38th St, NEW YORK CITY. fortune on condition that she marry his overseer, Donean Hale. Should she refuse to marry Hale, ehe is to lose the money, should Hale refuse to marry ber, she is to get the money. Ethel and her sweetheart are much perplexed as to what to do, but Ethel’s brother Yob comes to the Pesene by dressing as an unattractive girl and making love to Hale, who gets so disgusted that he willingly ssus a g paper refusing to marry Ethel Newcomb, after which Bibel and Frank are married and all ends merrily : ne , , ’ THE ALTERED MESSAGE (Drama; released Are always in demand because they contain the most novSeptember 15; length. — feet).—Col. Grant, ns : f : : ; : . commanding officer at Fort Reno, receives a elties and the projecting quality and coloring is perfection. message to “7 his entire re gime nt in the field Og i Ee THE AUDIENCE ALWAYS APPLAUDS THEM : th » Colonel's ds xr, Nellie, velt— cycles price § t ere butte om it Send for ca.alogue of over six hundred songs, itlustrated 110 60 ne a . 2 e setheart, is to be left. Later the Colone > . 5 .» H . receives a telegram asking the mame of the off with the finest alides made. 220 volt—G0 cycles, price... 55.00) =: cor he left in Seameme of _ —* He —— _— waar: rr a mistake has been made and sends an « : “ » post to place Capt. West under “N’ TQ. th one —S Hamed phe aie ~ ng Nellie De WITT C. WH EE LE R, Inc. DIM EN SIONS ° te accompanies the back to field headquarters, A 2 Yes ; | 3 te ard ae the way they are attacked by smug 120 West 31st (Betablished 13 Years) NEW YORK CITY Height over regulating lever, 14 inches J w : ces : s for id, an on es s Street pa ba ; er, w fie ayy merts her father and Capi, “Stand ; Floor space required, 10x12 inches. th the way meets her father and ay ing. The Colonel directs the Captain to return A sat eh to his troop and iametiesey sressets to the Approximate weight, pars al the. rescue of the two imperiled officers S100 Garcaran| __'NDEPENDENT FILMS FOR RENT |,” belt, ots toed MOLION PICTURE PLOTS : former, designed to meet «f Why don’t you write them? We teach you Prompt shipment. 12 Reels, Posters and Banners, $12.00, . : sd by ynail in ten easy lessons and help sell universal demand for some)» a ay ealigln As titrenee eecoey” "Ora THE FILM EXCHANGE, ; Details, And “ASS'D M. P. OOLS, 910 §| GA West 14th Street, ~ NEW YORK CITY. form of satisfactory curren ts Chicago Opera House Block, Chicago. Large stock of Reels for sf at low prices. ’ : saving device at low cost}? : SUESERERESESESESHSESESESEESERSSEREEEESSCEESESOESERESS |, hi eat x : Exhibitors, Take Notice Film Manufacturers and Exhibitors, (One | TAKE NOTICE :——— TRADE MARK " Flags and Pennants have proved to be the most popular SOUVENIRS that of astute managers have yet hit upon for MOTION PICTURE THEATRES. People carry them home and hang them on the walls , thus keeping p 4a constant advertisement of the theatre before n them. We originate and manufacture the finest 1 and fullest lines of Flags, Pennants, Pillow ® ’ | 6 Reels, one shipment ....5-sseee eeeee $ 6.00 12 Reels, one shipment ....-----+++++555 12.00 We sell all makes moving picture machines and outfits on the instalment plan. Write for catalO& DEARBORN NOVELTY CO., Dept. BR, 634 8, Dearborn Str, Chicago. : BARGAINS BARGAINS Tops, Stamped Linens and Society Specialties a Motion Picture Machines, $35 up; Lubin, | 1906, and are able to fill the largest orders on the (NOORPORATED,) only $65. Power's No. 6, Edison Model B — P shortest notice. 11 Lak 4 . Standard, a specialty. Model B Gas Outfit. All Bart tte ed for tan Si A. W. HANINGTON & CO., 413 Broome St., New York City. ee of bargains in used machines, — , Volos PIOPURE MACHINES WANTED | [iq eeee ORANGE, N. J HARBACH & co., ; CO ee REESE SEER EEEERERESEEEEEEE 4 : 809 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISEKS If you see it in The Billboard, tell Thibn! »°: delenit a> oy thats Me q .