The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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se? TEMBER 16, 1911, The Billboard ‘ 57 —_— Mons, Geo. Gregoire and Mile. Elmina —PRESENT— “THE FURNTURE TUSSLERS” OPEN NOW Will consider reasonable offers. Address MR. G. GREGOIRE, 229 West 38th St., New York City. <s ™~ wo cay ABS SOME Of OUR ORIGINA TRICKS INTRODUCING “MLLE. ELMINA™ (NOT A PERFECT WOMAN) BUT “The Most Perfect FORMED and Only Lady in the World Performing Those Particular Feats.” N. B.-$5,000.00 offer to any lady who can duplicate form and feats of Mlle. Elmina. NEW YORK FORECAST (Continued from page 16.) preparation be has Senorita, a new musical production, in which he will appear. Daniel Frohman, im addition to Seven Sisters, produced Thy Neighbor's Wife at the Lyceum September 6. sory W. Savage will present to the metropolis for the season of 1911-12 The Girl of the Golden West (opera); Henry Kolker, in The Great Name, The Million, adapted by Leo Ditrichstein; Little Boy Blue and Somewhere Else. by Mr. Hopwoed and Gustav Luders. In addition, Mr. Savage has The Grape Girl, The Prince's Child, The Divorce Fiend, Baron For Nothing and The Lieutenant's Ward in consid: ration for early production. John Cort and The Author’s Producing Co. will handle Leslie Carter's tour in Two Women and The Gambler's tour, besides taking care Yakko “Egawa Wonderful Japanese Wire and Risley Act. —BOOKED SOLID— Under management of PAT CASEY of Lawrance D’Orsay, in The Earl of Pawtucket, and producing Jingaboo and Sadie. One of the most elaborate productions of the season which, if successful, should popularize the Century theatre ad libitum is the Liebler producticn of The Garden of Allah, a play made from Robert Hichens’ well-known novel. and for several seasons under consideraten by various managers. Lewis Waller is to be brought over to this side for the role of Androvsky, the Monk. Mrs. Fiske will appear in two new plays—one, The New Marriage, by Langdon Mitchell; the other, War of Souls, by Paul Hyacinthe. Margaret Anglin will appear at the ThirtyBinth Street theatre in a repertoire of plays, of which two at least—The Next Religion and Green Stockings—are new. Grace George will bead the repertoire company, which William 4. Brady bas planned to keep at the Playbouse, shifting attractions every three weeks after the preliminary season of Douglas Fair banks, in A Gentleman of Leisure, has vacated his pew theatre. Even Shakesperian Piouuctots ave to be offered. George Arliss fon comes to Wallack’s with his success.ul vehicle by Louis N. Parker, Disraeli. Wilton Lacnase will b> secon in The Stranger, while Elsie Ferguson comes to New York in October in Dolly Madison. James K. Hackett is to be invested with two new plays, one by James Fagan. William Faversham will appear ‘i a new play by Edward Sheldon. Robert Edeson will appear in The Caveman, a comedy by Gilette Burgess. Helen Ware is slated for the metropolis in November, = her vehicle being The Price, by George Broadhurst. Viola le 4llen will star in a new Louis N. Parker play. Gertrude Elliott returns to New York 1 othe | (2 & Joseph M. Patterson production, Rebel‘TINO| “0D. Margaret Clark will be seen in a new 1968, } Wely by Owen Davis, called When All the es Va — Was Young. Tom Wise and Jobn arrymore will be presented in Uncle Sam, eames} ?Y Anne Caldwell. Frank Mcintyre started at the Hudson on Labor Day in Snobs. WilnN Ham Coller will appear in a new comedy, Taking My Advice, Julian Eltinge comes to a first = York on the 11th of this month in The » Sign vescinating Widow. Blanche Ring will porWould Fr rhe Wall Street Girl, Dustin and William like top, OU Opn the season in The Littlest Rebel, THE GREAT KRIDLER In his novelty and sensational slack wire and grotesque contortion act. An A-1 act for vaudeville or open air. Write or wire offers. 1. H. KRIDLER, 77 Williams St Oneida, N. Y. White Cloud and Goldie In a Novelty Comedy Sketch, entitled, Coon In a Strange Land Coon and Indian. Ready for booking. Can be booked now. Open 1911-12. 707 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa. George Oram LECTURER, PUNCH, VENTRILOQUIST. Nellie King OORNET SOLOIST, BUGLER, CALLIOPE PLAYER, -—— Permanent address 1100 W. Vine Street, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. BONESETTI TROUPE European Ladies and Gentlemen Acrobats. by Edward Peple, while Minnie Dupree will ave a new play as will William Courtney, alee James T. Powers and Eddie Foy, Lew ‘elds will produce the Wife Hunters at t he Herald Square, and will also launch Lillian | ‘vein in The Never Homes. Meany musical shows and dramas have al| enjoyed ante Labor Day premiers, in| he Girl of y Dreams; Henrietta Cros| _ in The Real Thing; Douglas Fairbanks, f,) Gentleman of Leisure; John Kellar, in a | Bit plece repertoire; Donald Brian, in The . Jobn Drew, Man; Seip obor's Wife; in Maggie Pepper. and Frank Melntyre in Snobs. *.. ‘ng other plays that will be seen seco are: The Fox, The Weakling, What the ay Ordered, The Greyhound, The O'Flynn, ‘© Antelope, The Arab, The Wild Olive, Dame ‘ce. White Magic, The Affair in The BarThe Right to Love and In God's Coun on... ’Ritade of musical attractions will be firs ‘he connolseurs of the metropolis for be, Sseection, many of which have already ' cumerated, Others are; The Prince's Th, " Weeping Josephine, The Cloak Model, u ‘ Waltz, Der Ledige Gatle, The Sum rn. + Forty, Fortuymte Fool, Madame Ro ‘dies’ Day, The Barefoot Dancer, The Beecvas cin The Queen of the Night, The rT. \* Student, Cousin Bobby, The Blue Club, al. v, J, Vietor Herbert. The Shuberts are ty) 2 sing Gaby Deslys over the end of * mc th for the Winter Garden, 3eason 1911 with Ringling Bros. Show EDWIN HODDY S**s50"Gp'sideown San” . << Dates wanted, © rations, Fairs, Carnivals or Parks. Address S. Adams St., Peoria. Tl! A. H. Woods has the following musical offerings in addition to those already mentioned to offer: Modest Suzanne, Tantalizing Tommy, Slumming, The Pretty Litt'e Milliner, At Last Alone, The Dancer of Cairo, The Widow Wise, The Whip, Thermidor and The Girl From Maxim. Many other new operettas are scheduled including: Gypsy Love, The Forbidden Kiss, Fritzi Scheff, in The Duchess, Senorita, The uaker Girl, The Singing Teacher, The Doll irl, The Bigamists, e Merry Bachelor and The Violet Widow, Thus, with such a plenitude of meritorious attractions from which to draw, the Gay White Way should never be without thousands of easiees theatre goers crowding its pavements and riding in its snorting vehicles. New York is pleasantly supplied for the coming season. mAIDERS SUPREME. Europes Greatest Riding Novelty Act Known the world over as the fastest and most up-to-date riders on earth. First and the only artists ever impersonating the American Indians in their life and pastimes on the plains—riding the American Mustang. (The only Riders on earth that stand on the Bucking Mustang, and doing stunts and wild riding that causes old and young to wonder with astonishment.) This act is as far away from all other socalled big riding acts as the sky is from the earth. Directors and Managers, beware of copyists and imitators. Plainly speaking, they will only be burlesques. It is easy to copy, but it is hard to have brains to invent something new. There is one and only one riding family—the Original 4 Llovds—featured with the aad a & Wallace Shows. Address, W. LLOYD, Of the Famous + Lloyds, as per route Hagenbeck & Wallace Shows. LANTERN SLIDES Made to order for Lecturers, Moving Picture Theatres, etc, Highest grade of work and reasonable rices. My 45 years in the to guarantee satisfactory work. ts wi n every city where there is a Moving Picture Theatre to handle my Premier t Lecture sets of all the principal yes" of interest throughout the world. GEO. J, GOLDTHORPE, 244 W. | Street, ” Sane ee ea ep aeaeeern Po a ee pene iene « tila tac ita é ?. ie ee aR tame gs ie ‘ee eS MR BEE emer t So ee | : see * & = 4 é 7 ‘ . eee aE ee Bape oe iin : pie pe rN Serle ect 20 ARERR a. ea nrc atic ete tag ttt Cnty ee , oa es ee