The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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a 70 The Billboard iia SEPTEMBER 16, 19.) a a er in Ene or to ne <n a REN a a 16—The Candle of Life (drama); The | 21-—When North and South Met 5 a of Mierobes (comedy) (split | 23-——The Confessional ‘(azemal (érame) oH Pd BOMED nn ceowec ess scccssevcercevcesecs 28--A Daughter of Dixie (drama) |)” = —% nD cccths tusesobeede s% 30—How ‘Tony Became a Hero (comedy) = : *+—The Doorkeeper (drama) (split reel) . ‘a : F September +—Tweediedum’s White Suit (comedy) 4-irant and Lincoln ' i (drama) ...... 8p BP awcrcccqeccsccscvscccces ; oa ten > ie oo) » oa. reels Feet 6—When the Law Came (drama) a 90 —Tweedledum and the Adventuress LUX qtomedy-drama) (split reel) ...... July ° re a aw eee ani | 21—Plucky Bill (comedy) (split' reel> "a ree « nie inh abe ede ee hs 6 9b eebop Ee Senate 21—One good Ty Dose oth 13—Cain’s Retribution (drama); Tin Tom ms a) ts ‘split reel 1) re ee te 59 Wins a dottery Prize wenene? (split | 28—Bill Buys a Bottle of C ‘hampagne (ex DGD) aeskenehutnawedhenwsucanbewaee emily) tsplit) reel) 28—Jim Crow, a Tale of the Tur ' BISON. a Ege »: re wh me (dram ha uty we Red Girl a , Feet August ; Seat 11—A a ri’s Heart (drama) ....... 4—hill Does His Own Was! 14—Generous Cowboys (comedy) ......... (spl re . J ‘a ashing (comed 49 18—Her Captive (drama) .......... .oe 4—An Elopement by Aeropl 1 : Zi—A Cheyenne’s ie (drama) ... | isplit ree ) ¢ eroplaue want) 450 25—Silver Wing’s Dream (drama) .... 1l—-Bill Wishes to Make Butter. ) ' 28—The Tables Turned (drama) ....... ° (spit reel) . er (comedy) ton August Feet 11-—-The Cripple (drama) (split reel) 1—A True-Hearted Miner (drama) — IS--Bill Tries to Make Bread » saad 4—Darkfeather, the Squaw (drama) ... | (split reel) , S—Grey Cloud's Devotion (drama) . 11—The New Cowboy (drama) ........... | 1 ! saneeese } ISA Child's Cours ageous Act (drama) ! ‘ ‘ ° . (eplit: reel) 15—A $i Sp. Tt Pikdtinkeanoveas® é ALesS 5) y TAs oS 25 ‘ollows the tors ers ic 1s —Ae “Indian Love Attalé (drama) ... A year ago the Sale via cmpany w on shipping three am "ele tepiit the Be _ — = 35—Pioneer Days (drama) ves... 2... hundred reels weekly. ‘Today it is shipping over eight JJ) * "ii. p.ffomyer® Pe Cooma) 20—An Indian Legend (drama) ....... | September— ne ; _ Septerbe Sheriff's Love (drama) an: hundred. " ie nS 8 Gamepecper Ceomedy) oti .— po ens Nee ong: I ay inne 1— The hens ble Wrestler (comedy ) (split ” Tae! Kant Ketter» (drama) mV In one short year the Independent cause has been sail Mera isbeies”” Geamaaet "adn »—Lone Star’s Return (drama) ........ ny 0605800800 shmenesd heaencce ani firmly established on a good substantial and legal basis. S—Romance ‘of |@ Wager’ (drama) (spilt » Me AD i ; = ee +e er eeseseevencvesecece wo Bi —wo Little Girls (arama) ee 85) Independent manufacturers have not only brought ates —The Smugglers (drama) .............. ° ° 2 ° Jul) Pee “S% Si ie eagle veer | their plants up to a high mark of perfection, doubled 17 Teddy's Turee Pacis (comedy) (split arama er tercoveyrentecseeeyes the quality and quantity, but have put aside many QJ) 3228 Woy ley ot Narbene arama) ~The Judge’s Story (drama) ......... a ion: fo. wee Le ee r, tr Ray ~B— ieee thousands of dollars to wage a legal war to surround 7 cusgenalbnope all (arama) (api HE pean arientenmpeanagamnel your interests and theirs with the security and proteceo ee ( v8 Row _— a (drama) ...... ti hi th z h ‘ | Fi i h a Connecting Link (drama)... S—The Romance of Lanets’ Tana” (ara lon which was so much required. Eighteen months @) 2)— i. “They Work, in Cinema (comedy %—The Me BP wcwesesewcveneosts . ‘ ~ 4 ispll eel) . m—— rect | ago no Independent Manufacturer, Exchange or Exhibi| 2 Saline da dae Siars "(comedy Eieer teen cab Gin Wate Games k hether his inv . . “ | ng g(SPUE reel) oes e ee eee see ess oe Rome and Sullet inert two} (arama) tor knew whether his investment was going to be wiped JJ) 2-42, ,otsing Young” Man (comedy) di 2 1 uddbis *riestess rama) .... ° ° September ree 15—In the Chorus (drama) .-.-..-..... out over-night. Today allare protected; your business J} °°? C7" account of a Coat foomear). Sa | Z . . — 1l1—-How Poor Babes Are Reared in Pari ee RELIANCE. cer IS your own. You are getting a regular supply of film 11 —iacergtionsl), (eplit, eeeld vas 5; : °6—Her Choice (drama) ..............-. . os : MM MARY. occ ceet eee a 39—Thoa Bhalt Not Steal (aramal "2.2.22. at uniform prices and favorable conditions. 18—Maxie Muse (trish) (sit aa | ——— aaa Shes Ohad Feet 1s— _ “ies the Leaves Fall (drama) (split om ( a eee All this has been brought about by Manufacturers, JJ) 2-* tet Gener Gdramay 000000 towe 2—Th itfall SED weneenecsesec *z °° T 4 y a hl “torr . ; . . 16 —Out of | the ‘Darkness (aramay {xchanges and Exhibitors WORKING TOGETHER gj ao. ee ee Feet | \9at er (drama) ........+.---++Z 15——-At Sea Under Naval Colors (topical) a tie Shimane <-0-<°: A and the further success we all so earnestly look forward J) ot) sn ST oe ec ens straiene Path (arama) °°". to can BE ACCOMPLISHED only by all of us standff} cenit Emsement Rime “Caramay a 2—Clouds and Sunshine (drama) ...... ie hnices gl og 7 . = The Burglar and the Girl (drama) _— &—The Temptation (drama) ....-.20+ing shoulder to shoulder and assisting one another in le ecsept cee Miecwe Pht 1%—The Cobbler (drama) .......... ieee , ° 2—Teddy Trained by His Mother (split a AMERICAN. wall overy possible way. 197 yg gow or uly — " 7 s '—A Traftor to His Country (drama) .. M1 Sere Onna Deliverenee (orem). 1000 Quality may not. have advanced as rapidly as all degyi S°2°°R Fume saramay a 27—The Cattle Thief's Brand (drama) ..1000 : ° 9—A Dreaw with a Lesson (drama) Siathe Parting Trails (Grama) ...-...-: ioe | sire, but consider the tremendous expense manufactsth see ) — “e Me NESTO FGatue, ola ind Ou (comedy-drams)..1000 | Urers have been under and the many other things they JJ} ?!?=p. pisine accom (aramay Fret The Ranch Girl (drama) ......... 1 } ° ae ° ° ~. 25—Mutt and Jeff at the Fortune ‘Teller’. 1¢She Pelee Dene Giemed......... 104) have done. Quality, howe er, is now having first atREIEDS ° on seneaaecactadieenteenine Ww ~The praes of a ——_ evececess aS 3 ate : z z 26—The Settler's Wife (drama) ........ 4 “Rtna Haris fo, the Galeax Swidiiing ° | tention. "he same grit and determination shown in ff] cago! 8! 2°" Make © Hit (eomeisy | arathon ca sp ree . . . . ° 2— Roped d ed (co T+ -Auntie and the Cowboss (comed) -/{§ the past will soon bring our quality up to the required 5—Mutt and. Jef! Get Passes Yo the Bali | am Doctor's Perti (arama) ..1000 ‘ Same , wa 7? ~ sts eee sweeteseneres ad Dusmene vpeglogralitg = standard. 1S— det ons hea end Ge Bn vm Burg wT The 08 Cowboy and the Artist (drama). .1000 ee — Se eS ree Million Dollars (comedy) ...... . . 1%——-Mntt and Jeff in the Banking Business hte Sage Eanes of. Sen toe We Only, however, if we all stick together. PE af Ey ee , 1s—The sot of A es re me 26 — Ld gad ont the Country Judge 2\—The Claim Jumpers (drama) ........ 1000 30—The Parson and the Bully (drama). ) ° September—, — SOLAX. vest 2Mutt and Jeff and the German Bed 'f The Girt and the Broncho Buster (araWEEKLY PROGRAM 5 ey BBR | FBR se Gs gig SM We Sa odd i 31 — ny n’s Bravery (drama , 13—~At Perry's Ranch (dr pied pag a Fg ——, py args MONDAY ----IMP ECLAIR YANKEE AMERICAN CHAMPION 16— Mutt rice and "the 5 eee (eom ) i ieereechrensentseeessrtaserases TUESDAY----THANH’SER BISON POWERS ao—Acroee the Divide “(dae 2222222. | Aucust— Feet Spas Eat ome citar) WEDNESDAY -CHAMPION SOLAX —-RELIANCE AMBROSIO NESTOR Suly— pi ts Poot “ ae and a ™ comedy 6p a pe After Banking Hours (dr« Sereda pbmicmerhficinen THURSDAY —REX AMERICAN ITALA iMP ted After Banking Hours | ‘An rel icita’"san'a lose" Galley FRIDAY -----YANKEE SOLAX LUX THANH’SER BISON sgt ruth Shall Prevail (drama) ... Arama) .nccensccerccccccccccceeeers wets tones ina, Csi)": | SATURDAY -—POWERS ITALA GT. NORTHERN NESTOR RELIANCE | 8 Soo! Sistoot Sa “Very Gan Let Not Man Put Asunder (drama) “te an seoeee eeseeeses 2%—A Gay Bachelor (comedy) .-.....--++ 14—A Children’s Paradise "(educational 25—The Stampede (drama) ...........++SRE PEOED “sankey oe chwas oes %4—The een Shoe (comedy) ....----n — — 18—Her Father's Secretary (drama) S-ptemt« Feet 21—4olleen Bawn (drama) ..... os The ‘Holdup (drama) ......+-sese0+25—Retaliation (drama) ........ -Hector’s Inheritance (comedy) ...-.28-—The Power of Devotion (drama) The Best Policy (drama) .....-eeee ’ September— Feet rs Her Unele’s Will (comedy) .....-++-+ 1 “A Great Wrong Righted (drama) . 5-—The Altered Message (drama) ....-i qanered Heartstrings (drama) .... 5—Woman (drama) ......... &. CHAMPION. Feet 4—Inshavogue jeuehsenensoucesbatess : uty : 5—A Cowboy and a Lord (drama) ....950 10—From Wallace to Grant (drama) .... 9%" 12--Tony Would Re a_ Cowboy soomeny? 9n0 17—A Sonthern Girls Heroism (drama). = S—Faded Roses (drama) (split reel) & SALES 8—Mesmerizing Moe (comedy) («pllit ree! REX. oz July— vet bye “A, Daring Deed (grams) «.+2+++-+0++ 950 13—The Vagabond (drama) . *G—At the Trail’s End (drama) .......--950 20— -She rlock Holmes Jr. (comedy) 3)—The Perils of a War Messenger (draPo ys Way (drama) ......... vis . = ercvoecsceceoncssd me eeeeseee ercecsese Pe: 2 The Artist Financler (@rame) . ugus — “he Thite Red Man (drama) .. 2—The Dubuque Regatta (topical) .... = 1 E. 14th St. NEW YORK CITY 17—The Colonel's Daughter (drama) 7 Ie a. Fig =! pong eh aes 950 y ad 24—Castles In the Alr (comedy) .... . pag F de ~~ en ooo, SS ae Scarf (drama) ....... m ‘ ee §$4—The Three Calis (drama) .....-..-+ae vee Ne 16—How the Girls Get Even (comedy) ... 90 7—Picturesque Colorado (scenic) |