The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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Feet eet SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. 7 The Billboard 71 GREAT NORTHERN WORLD’S FINEST FILMS WATCH FOR THIS SEASON’S NEW PRODUCT! DEMAND OUR FEATURE FILMS THEY BRING RESULTS PIONEER OF INDEPENDENT FILM MAKERS EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS DANTE’S INFERNO (MILANO FILMS.) 5 REELS. —-FOR—— MASSACHUSETTS and RHODE ISLAND Opened Providence Opera House, August 28, and rebooked for a week September 4. Bookings now open. Wire, write or phone FEIGHERY & PLACE, 145 W. 45th St., NEW YORK CITY. CINES CO. ROME APITAL. Preferred ey esonsetsccconees seenen Lire Ordinary Breew on cccccssssscese 3,750,000 Lire Fully ‘Pala: ‘up. 6, 5,750,000 Lire. STUDIOS AND FACTORIES ROME ANC PADOVA EXCHANGE MEN WRITE TO US FOR PARTICULARS OF OUR FIRST RELEASE BRANCH FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | 445 Broome St. B’way, New York City, Telephone, Serus ave Telegraphse, Cines, New York | BUILT RIGHT —RUNS RIGHT — IS RIGHT The Makers of THE MOTIOGRAPH have been manufacturing Motion Picture Machines for MORE THAN THIRTEEN YEARS, and EVERYBODY that is ANYBODY in the Motion Picture world knows that our motto is QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY. QUALITY IN PRODUCTION IS OUR WATCHWORD, in two reels. Condition A-1. poe the —_* time advertised. Price, $75.00 eit ‘'S BAD BOY, $25.) McCOYsAstiED FEUD. $25.00. OUTLAW AND E GIRL, $15.00. CHINA AT THE PRESENT DAY, $10.00. We Also Have NEW YORK’S CHINATOWN AND THE BOWERY, consisting of 58 hand-colored Slides and Lecture, 00. We are manufacturers in the true sense of th We make in our own factory EVERY GEAR SCREW. SPROCKET— BUSHING and part that goes to make up THE BEST CONSTRUCTED MOTION PICTURE MACHINE IN AMERICA, REMEMBER—We do not depend on other factortes. OUR GUARANTEE covers the FREE REPLACEMENT OF ALL PARTS broken through defective material or workmanship. BEWARE OF THESE FACTS ADVERTISED BY OTHERS. THEY ARE NOT ALWAYS TO BE DEIENDED UPON. IT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT THAT THE MOTIOGRAPH IS FAST REPLACING MACHINES OF ALL OTHER MAKES. Ir IS ALSO A WELL KNOWN FACT THAT THE MOTIOGRAPH LAMP HOUSE AND ARC LAMP ARE BEING FITTED TO ALL OTHER MAKES OF MECHANISMS—WHY ?—Because it quired with order to guarantee express is the LARGEST—HEAVIEST AND BEST. charges; balance ©, O. D., subject to examina tlon. The Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Company, °° ‘G,R27¢°'"® Chicago Chinatown Picture Company ——————— 403 SchilerBiég, _-_—_—Chicage|( ANTI-TRUST FILM COMPANY Es aay Sasa |{ BEST FILM SERVICE IN THE WORLD 1 ups “Also “Film for zeot cheap. “Pow | AT OUR NEW LOCATION—128 W, Lake St.. between La Salle and Glark, CHICAGO. grin prices: COMMRRCIAL FILM SUPPLY 825\4 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.; 128 Canal St., Grand Rapids, Mich. CO., 1810 N. 2d Street, Philadelphia, Pa, RISON LIFE IN THE OHIO PENITENTIARY, 60 hand-colored Slides and Lecture, We can furnish pest and outfit for street drive for JESSE JAMES and CHINATOWN AND BOWERY at a reasonable price. TERMS ON ALL SHIPMENTS—$5.00 re —SPECIAL INDUCEMENT— oe ae and Licensed Exhibitors 2 Program Sheets, size 28x44 Three-Sheet, 42x84 1 Set of Title ‘Strips, weekly output 100 Stock Strips, assorted reading matter, as “WESTERN TODAY”, ete. 50 Blank Strips The above, amounting to a value of $2.50, will | be forwarded to you upon receipt of $1.00, one Marvelous Bargains in USED FILMS Have you seen our latest FILM BULLETINS? We are offering good clean Films at ONE CENT a foot, and you are missing a goiden opportunity if you don’t get in on some of these bargains, We are receiving letters every day from Satisfied customers, telling us that they can’t see how in the world we sell such good films so cheap. e fact that we guarantee every Film we sell or refund your money seems to ‘‘make a hit’’ with everybody who wants to buy film. We stick to every promise we make and that also pleases them. If YOU are looking for a firm to deal with that will give you a SQUARE DEAL at all times, let us hear from y Send for our sts. If you know exact what you want, tell us, and if we haven't got it we will try to get it for you. Write today. COMMERCIAL FILMERS } Bape. S CRABB, Mar. 17a N _ Green St., near Lake St. CHICAGO, ILL. foot. Cinderella, Mishaps, New York-Paris Auto Race, Mad Miner, Bad Man of the West, Power of a Smile, Imp, etc. Send for Hst. BOX 71, Ashland, Ky. FOR SALE—Six full Reels and Power’s Na 5, bevel gears, just from shop, A-1 condition, Trunk, 2 Rheostats, Head Box, Rewinders, — a $50.00. HERBERT GRANT, Roanoke, Va. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. OWERS PICTURE PLAY gee py AN OLD-TIME San ‘7 Tuesday, September 19, A Split Reel A Real Novelty on the same Reel Saturday, tes + 23, dag Regular Indian LOST IN A HOTEL) NiGurmare {RED STAR'S HONOR A Daffydil about a stage-struck maiden, who J Without a doubt the most Original Children’s | A story of the Friendship of a White Man and liked to go visiting after the show. Picture by this or any other Film Company. § an Indian. Stronger than Damon and Pythias q $y) POWERS MOVING PICTURE COMPANY, NEPERA PARK, N. Y. “ty Ke TE Mat . Py 4, LEER R BTEC E ia oe emer,