The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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ume TPP st SEPTEMBER 16, 1911, -_ The Billboard 77 trea f Tonight, Henry Plerson, mgr.; Chas. Thall, bus. mgr.; Bloomington, Ll, Aug. t i Princess, Sam Myers, mgr.; Chas. Meagent: Bloomington, Hil., Aug. 23. ul Brealers, Otto Cleves, mgr.; Walle ker, agent; Jollet, Ill., Aug. 27, SMITH, C. JAY, $14 W. Superior St., Chicago, lil—Frank P. Prescott, G. Pp. R.; Cecil F. Wiliams, G. S. D. tm f Country Kids, Ray Bankson, mgr.; C. ~ Canby, agent; Benton Harbor, Mich., July si. lerkins, Eddie Delaney, mgr.; J. F. Kellar, cont, Bouth Chicago, Il,, Aug, 1 1 a. Robt. Sherman and C., Jay Smith, . Arthur Hockwald, agent; Belleville, Sept. 4 Ca » Comedy Co., Geo. Lovelace, mgr.; W. A. k. agent; Hart, Mich., Sept. 22. STAIR & HAVLIN, INC., 1493 Broadway, New York City. ‘ » the Pacific, “ Sister. I sta. 1 Eternal, s Days salau Sanderson, 1 wine. 1 bi Makers. STERLING, JOHN R., Hotel St. Claire, Detroit, Mich. sis Hopkins. STERN, A. S., & CO., 1122-23 Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., New York City—J. M. Abrams, G. P. R.; Fred Reichelt, G. S. D. f the Cirens, with Ida St. Leon, F. Keichelt, mgr.; J. M, Abrams, agent; BaltiMd., Sept. 4. v the Cireus, with Georgie Olp, James Wittendale, mgr.; Chas. Allen, agent; Elmira, x. Aug. 18. freveliog Salesman (Central), Harry Chappell, gr J. Buchbinder, agent; Michigan City, lod. Sept, 18, traveling Salesman (Western), E. Greenburg, ug E. J. Buckley, ag nt; Binghamton, N. \ Aug. 28. THOMPSON, MONTE, 39 Court St. Boston, Mass.—W. C. McKay, G. P. R.: Walter Woods, G. S. D. fue Rosary, Ira E. Newhall, mgr.; Frank D. erst, agent; Athol, Mass., September 4 Man on the Box, Will L. White, mgr.: W. H Hoskins, agent: Caribou, Me., September 4 Yale Stock Co., J. Warren Chase, mgr.; J. D. Hutchinson, agent: on tour Avery Strong Co., Pr. Twitchell, mgr.; Sept. 21. Avery Strong Co., F. C. Twitchell, mgr.; Sep» ver 21, TROUSDALE BROS., Cedar Rapids, H. Brown, G. §. D. lLi— i Aviator, E. E. ‘Trousdale, mgr.; Sidney Iie Lone agent; Waterloo, la., Aug. 28. 1 Aviator, G, L. Lawrence, mgr.; M. M. | sdale agen Traer, Is., Aug. 31. Me Jane's Pa., E. H. Brown, mgr.; C. W. usdale, agent; Webster City, Ia., Aug UNITED PLAY CO., INC., 1503 Masonic Temple Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Lion and the Mouse, Thint Degree (two companies). VOELCKEL, R., 601 Times Bidg., New York City—Jerry Mills, G. S. D. tlek Patti Musical Comedy Co., R. Voelckel, mer.; Jas. W. Boyd, agent; Goshen, N. Y., Ang. @ Ganty Dixie Minstrels, H. D. Collins, treas.: hd W. Cook, agent; Washington, D. C., Sept 4 WADE, F. A., 731 Knickerbocker Theatre Bidg., New York City—F. . we G. P. R.; Herbert J. Carter, Three Twins (Western), F. A. Wade, mear.; Wm. Almdolph, agent; Chicago, Sept. 3 G Who Dared, Herbert J, Carter, mgr.; J. \ Davis, agent; Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug t er of the Ranch, Frank Flesher, mar.; Wilter Rolls, agent; Milwaukee, July 16. WAGENHALS & KEMPER, Astor Theatre, New York City—John Pratt, GP. R.; Collin Kemper, G. S. D. Soe Days (Astor Co.), Perey Sage, mer.: M T. Middleton, agent; New York City, \ucust 28. Seven Days (Eastern), James B. Moore, megr.; I ry Lambert, agent; Tyenton, N. J., Sep uber 4, = Deys (Coast), John Moore, mgr.;: W. H Wood, agent; Harrisburg, Pa., September ‘ aid mn Full, John Hogan, mgr.; Jack Brehany, ‘sent, Newark, N. J., August 28. What the Doctor Ordered, James L. Buford, wr. — Pratt, agent; Toronto, Can., Sep vinber ’ WEBER, JOS. M., Weber's Theatre, New York City. 4 ‘ian of Honor. Ava, Where Do You Live? ! ‘max (two companies), sr t nn WEE, O. E., 1402 Broadway, New York City—Palmer Kellogg, G. P. R.; Louts Lytton, G. S. D. ‘ty Sherif! (Western), M. C. Jenkins, mgr.; ; ', Jameson, agent; Monticello, N. Y., July ) Sherif! (Pastern) Chas, H. Brooke, mer.; nee mellegs, agent; East Pepperell, Mass. ; 4 >. fown Marshal, AL Reekerich, mgr.; Robert |, agent; Wiseasset, Me., Aug. 2. at f the Mountains, Harry Myers, mer.; “tty J. Spellman, agent; Camden, Me, July WERGA & LUESCHER, New York Theatre Bidg., Broadway & 45th Sts., Yew York City—Frank C, Payne, G. > P. R.; George Marion, G. S. D. Mod. with Christle MacDonald, R. W. ‘rian’, mer; New York City, August 14, Maid, with Mizet Hajos, Leon Mayer, , A Nachelder and Frank Buell, ‘s: Atlantic City, Auguet 7 Miss Fixit, BL A. MeFarland, mgr.; es Marks, agent; Cincinnati, September ‘ “ 8 Mushand Willard Coxey, agent; A” N. Y., September 12. pends on the Womaa; iu October. Alice Lioyd, in a new musical comedy; opens in November. Joly Peasant; opens in January. Bub Gter Maedel (Boy or Girl); opens in De cemb Tf. WHALLEN & MARTELL, 1402 Broadway, New York City. Whirl of Mirth, Phil Paulseraft, mgr.; Frank Metzer, agent; Brooklyn, Aug. 14. Kentucky Belles, M, Fenton, tugr.; M. Walters, agent; Toronto, Aug. 7. Sam Devere Show, Lou Stark, mgr.; James Iiearne, agent; Pittsburg, Aug. 21. WHITNEY OPERA CO., INC., F. C. Whitney, Pres., 45 W. 34th St., New York City; F. P. Weadon, G. S. D. Chocolate Soldier (A), L. Stern, agent; Albert Bien, treasurer; Springfield, Mass., September 8. Chocolate Soldier (B), L. Keene, agent; L. F. Zimmerman, treasurer; Harrisburg, Pa., September 18, Chocolate Soldier (C), James Doolon, W. G. Tisdale, agents; Atlantic City, Sept. 21. Baron Trenck. The Cavalier of the Rose. At Last Alone. Corsica, WOODS, A. H., 1493 Broadway, New York City—J. J. Rosenthal, G. P. R.; Geo. Marion, G. S. D. Fascinating Widow, J. J. Pierre, mgr.; J. J. Rosenthal, agent; Atlantic City, Aug. 28. Gypsy Love, Ralph Koln, mgr.; J. J. Rosenthal, agent; Philadelphia, Oct, — Rebel, Louls Houseman, mgr.; Chicago, Sept. 2. Thomas E. Shea in Repertoire; Detroit, Aug. 13. Girl In the Taxi, J. Isaacs, mgr.; Jno. Montague, Girl in Broken Rosary The Greyhound. Miss Dudelsack, Little Nemo. Dancer of Cairo. Love's Agency. Pretty Little Milliner. Modest Suzanne. Widow Wise. WOODS, FRAZEE & LEDERER, 1482 Broadway, New York City—Walter Kingsley, G. P. R.; James Darling, Madame Sherry (A); New York, Sept. 2. Madame Sherry (8); Milwaukee. Sept. 3. Madame Sherry (C); Norfolk, Va., Sept. 4. Marame Sherry (D); Long Branch, N. J., Aug. 31. Madame Sherry (E); Albany, N, Y., Ang. 23. WOOLFOLKS, BOYLE, ATTRACTIONS, Cohan Theatre Bidg. New York City—Boyle Woolfolk, G. S. D. Sunne Side of Broadway. Winning Miss. Max Bloom in a new production. ZIEGFELD JR., F., New York Theatre Bidg., New York City. Follies of 1911. ATTRACTIONS Actress, The. Charles Frohman, mgr. Across the Pacific, Stair & Havlin, Inc., mgrs. Alias Jimmy Valentine, with Hl. B. Warner, Liebler & Co., mgrs Alma, Where Do You Live, Jos. M. Weber, mer. An Everyday Man, with Thos. W. Ross, Frazee & Lederer, mgrs. Arab, The, Henry B. Harris, mgr. Astrologer, ‘The, The Shuberts, mgrs. As a Man Thinks, with Jobn Mason, The Shuberts, mgrs. Assassin, The, Chas. Dillingham, mgr. A Little Play, Charles Frohman, mgr. A Thousand Dollars, The Shuberts, mgrs. At the Mercy ef Tiberius, Vaughan Glaser, mgr. At the Old Cross Reads, Arthur C. Aiston, mgr. At Last Alone, F. C. Whitney Opera Co., ngrs Aviator, The, Trousdale Bros., mgrs. Raby Mine, William A. Brady, met. Balkan Princess, with Louise Gunning, The Shaberts and William A, Brady, mgrs. Ralthazar, The Shuberts, mers. Barefoot Dancer, The Shuberts, Barog Geod-For-Notbing, m mers. Henry W, Savage, Raron Trenck, F. C. Whitney Opera Ce., mgrs. Behman Show, Jack Singer, Lic., mgrs, Black Patti Co., R. Voelckel, mgr. Relle of New Belles of the mg Ren York, Philadelphia Am. Co., mgrs. Boulevard, Forrester & Strong, ury Klaw & Erlanger & Jos. Brooks, mgrs. Best People, The Shuberts and William A. Brady, mer Beverly of Graustark (two companies), A. G. Delamater, mgr Bigamists, The, Lew Fields, Bive Club, The Shuberts, mers. Rine Mouse, E. J. Carpenter, mgr. Fine Bird, The Suberts & Liebler & Co., mers. mgr. Bohemian Girl, Milton & Sargent Aborn, mgrs. Boss, The, with Holbrook Blinn, William A. Brady, mgr. FRought and Paid For, William A. Brady, mgr. Brewster's Millions, Al. Rich Droducing Co., mere Bright Eyes, Joseph M. Gaites, mgr. Broken Rosary, A. Hi. Woods, mgr. Rrought Home, Cohan & Harris, mgrs. Rub oder Maedel (Boy or Girl), Werba & Luescher, mers. Runty Pulls the Strings, The Shuberts, Ruster Brown, Leffler-Bratton Co., mgrs, Butterfly on the Wheel, with Marie Doro, Charles Frohman, wer. Case of Recky, with Frances Starr, David Belasco, mgr Cat and the Fiddle, Chas. A. Sellon, mgr. Cavalier of the Rose, F. C. Whitney Opera Co., mers. mgrs. Cave Man, with Robort Edeson., Henry B. Chentecler, with Maude Adams, Charles Frobman, mgr. Charlemague, The Conqueror, William A, Brady, mer. Chocolate Soldier (three companies), F.C, Whitney Opeta Co... mers. Climax, The (two companies), Jos, M. Weber, mer. Cloak Model, The Shuberts, mgrs. BE A GUN MA of the 1 first bought dow, 1 must keep asked. The sale wade a bit, and I A customer at a quantity: ‘Sold gross.’’ as before, % tionery, Cleburne, % actual size, Ave. D, San An They ALL want it. ay it. A perfect miniature of a SIX-SHOOTER and HOLSTER—typicai gun-carrying days of the West. leatber, with wetal gun. cradle of Texas Liberty. ALAMO LEATHER & NOVELTY CO., Gentlemen:—Y came in today, and opened with a ready sale. souvenir business for the last ten years, and have handled various novelties aud souvenirs. but this new sensation that you have sprung by placing on the market the Fob, beats anything I have tried. are constructed of real leather and a Miniature Six-shooter and Scabbard, complete in every respect; also that they are manufac tured at San Antonio, near the OLD ALAMO, all tends to help the Suying public appreciate the nobby souvenir. ladies and children all are anxious to pay the psice. Send me at once by express, gross Novelty Send Twenty-five Cents we both lose money. ALAM tonio, Texas. Say ‘‘Billyboy’’ when writing. SELL OUR PISTOL SCABBARD WATCH FOB Boys and girls simply can’t get aw: from Made of splendid _— Made within gunshot distance of the Alamo, Sells strictly on its merits as a novelty. Okemah, Okla., July 19, 1911. San Antonio, Texas: our last shipment of Pistol Scabbard Watch Fobe 1 have been in the I have bad success in most every effort. The fact that they in small lots, but find to hang one card in wina large supply inside, as there are no questions is made on sight. Traveling men, preachers. You have wish you much success. Yours truly, G. H. FARNUM. PENDLETON, OREGON, writes, after ordering them all in less than an hour. Please rush five Please send us prepaid, % gross Leather Tistol Scabbard Watch Fobs. You said they Watch Fobs. This is the best would sell very fast. WELL! novelty we have ever struck 1 guess they do sell. fms Sold three dozen today. less than one dozen %m hand. Respectfully I sold five dozen in one week. . Respectfully yours. BOTTLER BROTHERS, M. D. HUZZA,. Books and StaBooksellers, Houston, Texas (coin) totee for oomale and prices, o1 O LEATHER & NOVELTY CO., 425 Texas. THE POCKET UMBRELLA The evolution of the umbrella into the Pocket Umbrella is the only one which gives the proper service to the traveling people. when caught in have one when proof. This is the leather case, as Just drop it in your toilet bag and you find it there rain. If no rain, you can not lose it. The average person spends many times in a year for umbrellas and soiled clothing than our Pocket Umbrella costs, and still never needed most. Our Pocket Umbrella is always with you, and will last a lifetime, as same is absolutely rust only proper umbrella for a lady. Put in a a handsome music roll. As one lady remarked when buying one, ‘‘A woman’s heart could not stand the temp tation of seeing one, but she must buy it.” There are no parts to be taken off or put on, but simply telescope it to about one-third its length. When wanted as a cane, it can be used as and it only telescopes when purposely done so. is no difference in its appearance from any high umbrella. Fill out the blank and mail today, and we will by return mail send you our booklet, which illustrates and and also our guarantee for describes the umbrella, Any child can open it in five seconds and close it in twenty. such, [THE POCKET UMBRELLA CO., There Findlay, Oblo: grade Gentlemen:—Send me prepaid your instructive matter about your umbrella. and guarantee Name "THE POCKET UMBRELLA CO. FINDLAY, OHIO. —4 HUMANATORE CO., 104-106 HUMANATONE (Trade Mark Registered). The Most Marvelous Musical Instrument Ever Invented Nothing like it in the world. Produces sweetest music, whether it be the joyous notes of a quickstep or the solemn strain of a church bymn; ip fact, any class of music can be played on the Humanatone without practice, as it is almost a self-playing instrument. Played with a piano or any other accompaniment, the effect is entrancing. The best seller and money getter for fairs, carnivals, celebrations and demonstrations. Send for jobber’s new price list. Samples 27e. Nassau St., New York Gity For Premiums | or Fairs { ; 4 xt = 2 sects a r¢ be led. A boy BO cI RLS will ote ome even if he GROw has to w r the quaror . SROWN-G; | ter to bay i: q . J1i OLE, ¥ 7 Price, $2.00 Doz. SELF WINDING . \ — [M ey \wstRucTiye 3 AND REVERSIBEE, WAUBARMLEO”” ewtiric, " Selchow & Righter near wet ty econo ge ~R DURABLE. COMPANY ond Poscerd with I&@ grece ond beauty 265 Canal St., N. > 2 @ PAPACNUTE., --ROLL TICKETS-.- “THE BIS TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICK" Your own special ticket, any printing, any colors, accuratel numbered, every rol guaranteed. SPECIAL PRICES R THE BIG ROLL TICKET. 5,000— $1.25 20,000—$4.60 50,000—$ 7.50 10,000— 2.50 25,000— 5.50 100,000— 10.00 Prompt shipment. Cash with the order. COUPON TICKETS, 5,000— $2.50. 1x2 STOCK TICKETS—SIX CENTS. Get the samples. NATIONAL TICKET CO., >~ —— Shamokin, Pena. “Pee ggte ramet wenn = i) ‘ i | oak | : 4 ; . ie ie Ee. 14 i + ik : ce | ae t . ts § 4 . & —% b Z E —.—_ ~ sets Sta Tees ab diulieal ” . ee en PF SO NI IL gS RRO ORIN EAT a a j , : ; e % | | 1