The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. The Billboard 79 . SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GUS SUN CIRCUIT 7 Chris. O. Brown, Manager Gus Sun Booking Exchange Co., New Sun Thea‘ General Booking Offices : tre Bldg., Springfield, Ohio: : 1440 Broadway, New York New Sun, Springfield, O. ~ | y N I Gen. Business Office: Sullivan & Considize Bldg., Grand, Hamilton, 0. vy n t e gents Oo Book Them Third and Madison Sts., Seattle, Wash.; Star, Muncie, Ind. : Fred Lincoln, Gen. Mgr. Branch Offices: New Murray, Richmond, Ind. & Paul Goudron, 69 S. Clark St., Chicago; a Orpheum, Lima, 0. 4 a | tert Pittman, Majestic Theatre, Denver, New Orpheum, Mansfield, 0. f ‘ eOKING OFFICER OF AMERIO TS ee er j cee | Col.; W. I’. Reese, Am, Theatre Blds., ers a Canton, 0. , reED BOOK ue as os MERICA. WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS’ | — Sar Franciseq Cel.; Mam‘ce J. Burnx, ew pe orden Arte 1 Putnam Blde., 1493 Broadway, ASSOCIATION | Seattle Kep. aes yas ll > hlepiaieggel ‘ , . : . . . | New Orpheum, Marion, O ; : way and 43d St Ne . B ; : amen a ; Wag Yelepbone, 3710 Bryant ew York Cc. E. Bray, General Manager Majestic, Butte, Mont. New T’riscilla, Cleveland, O. . <a Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago | Hijou, Winnipeg, Man. Arcade, Toledo, 0, i . | Larsce: amiebinds Unique, Minneapolis, Minn. American, East Liverpool, O. y ne pe Lag INTER STATE CIRCUIT Grand ¥: amily, Fargo, ao en pat Rags er yg F a. P | * eitl Natio i mto = anes ‘ “ ew mupress, Cincinnat iberty, us -iberty, a. ith’s, Lowell, Mass. Inter-State Amusement Co., (Proprietors) New Majestic, LaCrosse, Wis. Orpheum, Franklin, Pa. | heith's, Lam, ~ B. a. Muchonfuss, Gen, Mgr., Majestic Theatre Bijou, Virginia, Minn. Orpheum, Oil City. Pa. f i helth'’s, ortiaud, Suilding, Chicago: Majestic, Denver, Col, Areade, Niagara Falls, N. Y. i i. T. Jordan: Majestic, Birmingham, Ala. Bijoo, Duluth, diinn. New Savoy. Syracuse, N. ¥. : seith’s, Uhiladelpbia. Majestic, Little Rock, Ark. Majestic, St. aul, Minn, é » ‘ | v. Darl ng: Majestic. Fort Worth, Tex. Miles, Minneapolis, Minn. THE VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS’ ASSOCIA/ ceith’s, Providence. — Majestic, Dallas, Tex. Unique, Des Moines, Ia. ' TION } ifth Ave.. N, ¥. City Majestic, Houston. Tex. New Majestic, Evansville, Ind. Majestic, Albany, N. Y. { ot aie Majestic, Galveston, Tex. Othello, Eveleth, Minn. Derli bag seer Naty. 7 ‘e P Majestic, Beaumont, Tex. one ete botemed | ind, Syracuse, Majeatic. San Antonio, Tex. Maj-stic, Sioux Falls, 8. D. Lyceum, Amsterdam, N. Y, i snd Opera House, Pittsburg Majestic, Montgomery, Ala. Bijou, Superior, Wis . Gem, Little Falls, Be. Ee H Kelth's Hippodrome, Cleveland Majestic, Hot Springs, Ark. Princess, Winona, Minn. Grand, Herkimer, N. Y. | Keith's, foledo, O. Orpheum, Savannah, Ga. Lyceum, Minot, N. D. lontiac, an _N. ¥. ; } Fk. Proce = dr.: Orpheum, Key West, Fla. Bijou, Mason City, Ia. | Grand, Troy, ¥, . ‘ z | wetor’s ewark,. Majestic, Jacksonville, Fla. Hopp. Rock Island, Tl. Happy, Whitehall, N, Y. | ‘wetor’s, Albany Majestic. Charlesto } Idjehour, Grand Rapids, Mich. Happy Hour, Ithaca, N. Y. is 5 c, Ch ton, 8. C, \ / G Whiten, © A. Vk Jones: Majestic, Columbus, Ga. Orpheum, Eau Claire, Wis. Sree, — —e. N. Y. omlal, &. ity Lyric, Mobile, Ala West End Star, Duluth, Minn. ran on, N. | Orpheum, N, i! City r . Auditorium, Albert Lea, Minn | Idle Hour, Rome, N. Y. a amhre, N. Y. City ; — emg Minn. | i whee ¥. Arthur Klein: WILLIAMS-KUEHL * Magic, For odge, Ta. | : » Nw. X) trenax, N. ¥. City ene “ 0 CIRCUTF Marlowe, Chicago, Ill. Savoy, Syracuse, N. Y. sreenpoint, Brooklyn Williams, Kuehle & Co., Southern Headquarters. Schindler's, Chicago, 11] | Hushwick, Brooklyn — 901-2-11, Van Antwerp Bldg., Mobile. Theatorium. Lansing, Mich. | Wa Bonmmeretels. Aaron Router; i a.: — Sittner’s, Chicago, Ill. ' Hammerstein's Victoria, N. Y. City eaner’s, Mobile, a. National, San Francisco, Cal. } he . ; Hammerstein's Paradise Roof Gardens, N. Y. Wintergarden, New Orleans, La. Fell, Oakland, Cal. i . city Elks’, Baton Rouge, La. Wigwam, San Francisco, Cal. ; ‘. ‘ ries J, Stevenson: Columbia, Baton Rouge, La. Grand, Sacramento, Cal. hase’s Wemtagtes Poe ~~“ ee La. Garrick, Stockton, Cal. Majestic, Johnstown ‘astime, New Iberia, La. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cal. } Pred Schranberger: People’s Majestic. Galveston, Tex. American, San Francisco, Cal. | a Kernan’s Maryland, Baltimore Royal, Houston, Tex. Queen, San Diego, Cal. H Ml. Shea: : ; Dixie, Jackson, Miss. Mission, Salt Lake, U. | Shea's, Buffalo, N. Y. Gem, Meridian, Miss. Majestic, Denver. Col. | Shea's, Toronto, Can. Vandette, Gulfport. Miss. Majestic, Butte, Mont. 4 Ca Lothrop: Elite, Gulfport, Miss. Majestic. Seattle, Wash. remple, Detroit, Mich. Dixie, Gulfport, Miss. Orpheum, Vancouver. B. C. } lempl Rochester, N. Y. Dukates, Biloxi, Miss. Grand, Portland. Ore. Pr Alonzo. Edward Renton: Orpheum, Pensacola, Fla. Washington, Spokane, Wash, Poll’s, Wor ster, Mass. Alamo, Birmingham, Ala. G ae a Yash. **, Sering rfleld, ome Star, Cordele, Ga. ? P baie bacon h ‘c. ‘s, New Haven, Conn. jesti Albany, Ga. Star. Seattle, Wash. 's, Rridgepert, Conn. and O. H.. Brunswick, Ga. Empress, Milwaukee, Wis. li's, Hartford, Conn, Amuse-U, Jacksonville, Fla. | *s, Weterbery, Conn. Empire, Montgomery, Ala. PANTAGES THEATRE CO } ‘oll's, Scranton *a. ‘ 2g 5 } a voll °. wate Barre, Pa WILLIAM MORRIS AND LOEW CONSOI1| Alex. Tantages, Mer.. Seattle, Wash.; Louis | | TF ogg DATED ENTERPRISES. Edwin’ ane St teams Win, Chieagee Keith's Prospect. Cleveland. ; Executive Offices: Richard VDitret, European Agent, 47 W. 2Sth +i i olonial, Lawrence, Mass, Columbia Theatre Bldg., B’way and 47th St., St., New York: ’ , ay =~ Tp Mass. New York: Tantages, Seattle, Wash. : ; . re th London, Eng.: 418 Strand, W. C.: San Fran Lois, Seattle, Wash. Or ron seen oe ’ cisco: Monadnock Ridg.; New York: Amer l'antages, Tacoma, Wash. ' “um, erry Ta. fean Music Hall: Chicago: 167 Dearborn St.: Pantages, Spokave, Wash. i Orpheum, Easto Pp Boston: 413 Washington St.; New Orleaus: Pantages, Rellingham, Wash. 4 ) h um. aul town, Pa Maison Blanche Bldg.: l’antages, Vancouver, B. C. Orphe ent ‘n, ° pe, 7 is Pantages, Vietoria, B. C. | J \ipha, Erle, Ta. span, See se Pantages, Tortland, Ore. H A\nditerlum, Tynon, Mass, a eaainied Pantages, San Francisco, Cal. t Grand, Cleveland, 0. Ainerican, Boston Pantages, Sacramento, Cal Forsythe, Atlanta, Ga. Fulton, Brooklyn Pantages, Denver, Col ; , Hijon, Jacksonville, Fla. American, Rockaway Pantages. Tneblo, Col. eS Henderson's, Coney Island American, Chicago > 4 5a | is F] Montgomery Moses: ; American, New Orleans nee tb cp tgs Be Cal ; i t, Trent. Trenton, N. J. Orpheum, Cincinnati > : . 5 | 2 ; Clark Browr: . American, Indianapolis Pantages, Detroit, Mick. He i Orpheum, Montreal, Can, Majestic, Toronto ‘ . Be Temale, Homilten, Can. Dominion, “ Innipeg THR PROPLE’S AMUSEMENT CO. ana r i Dominion, Ottawa, C atker, natpes 5 5 ‘ortiand, Ore. Pt flarry Seamon: _ American, San Francisco om eager ote. Foes . 9 if lyric, Dayton, O. American, Los Angeles Star, Portland, Ore. ; Tho. Baylies: American, Oakland Arcade, Vortland, Ore. e ‘tathaway's, Lowell, Mass. American, Sacramento Oe Jog. Furtiand. Ove. a \iatheway's, New Bedford American, Spokane Hippodrome, Portland, Ore. F. Nash: American, Denver a. Tortland. Ore. ; : indson. Union iM, N. J. American, Omaba Rilow te Rs 1 Thee HAPPY MAMIE SEITZ, World’s Handsomest, 3 i Rroadway, Camden, N. J. merican, Sait Lake The Deceus, Fectiand, Ore Best Formed Fat Lady; just finishing my Morrison's, Rockaway Beach American, Seattle Casi Vortland, Ore 1 aseon with the Great Patterson Show; Dave Robinson: American, Tortland pee: oak . Wash sixteen weeks last winter with Clark & Snow’s _New Brighton Beach American, Vancouver Pp heey ret aay at le Big Museum, Los Angeles. Cal. Now open for Frances R. King: Acts desiring to play the New England Circulft, Odeon * Seattle * Wash. engag ments for the coming winter season, with Club Dept. communicate with Boston office. Olympte. Srattic Wash circus sideshows or any first-class amusement rE M. Robinson, Zue MecClary: Star "La Grande, Ore. — places of museums. Permanent address, 1808 12th ree enn te Iincoln Sq., N. Y¥. City Grand, The Dalles, Ore ‘Ave., Altoona, Pa., or Patterson Show, en West End, N.Y. City Star, Caldwe ai route. MIDDLEWEST CIRCUIT. Majestic, N. Y. ‘City eee ey nO ie Ma je ; . ° val Yorkville, N. Y¥. Cit — an . x my RS. et eee The Grand. N. Y. City MOVING PICTURE CO. OF AMERICA. Decorate tng “Den” with : cg ae . Columbia, Brooklyn Wm. J. Gane, General Manager; Booking Offices, “Art Gems.”’ oe Bs meg Royal, Brooklya 1441 Broadway, New York: , , os oma gp Bee female J > yric, oboken > oveliness, vwwitching poses, Haymarket, Chica aes . 4 Manhattan, N. Y. City . ‘hicage Opera feuse peek 7 eabeth Cirele, N.Y. City A. ek, t % oew's, New Rochelle Tremont, N. Y. Cit photograph free with every order yore a Chicago Criterion, Brooklyn Victoria’ Phila. for six. Our Dollar Special: Two ‘chuenbe : a ue Louls Grand Street Theatre, New York City. Palace, Phila.. Pa. 6x8 patographe, 6 cabinet a tn. St. Lontis Loew's National, New York City. pip dong yg size and 32 small photos, all forlnmbla ns Indianapolis Loew's Seventh Avenue, New York City Savoy, Phila., Ta. : $1. Our pictures are ail real oo — a .-— Liberty, New York City. Roval. Phila... Pa. photographs. No reproductions of Mery im, Bes — Circle, New York City. Casino. Phila., Pa. memes oe —, trash. ’ : —— Jones Theatre, Brooklyn. N Palace "Re > onev bae s not pleased Majestic L vew aiace, eading, Pa. , Maj atic. Milwaukee « Rijon Theatre. Brooklyn, phys oo By ART PHOTO CO., 2009 B.B., Grand Rapids, Mich. . & ’ . Colonial, Peekskill, N. Y. I nbin’s, Cincinnati, O. New Academy, Buffalo, N. Y. New, Easton, Pa WANTED ) ORPHEUM CIRCUIT. Family, Buffalo, N. Y. ee , 14% Broadway, 4700 Rrvant Court, Newark, N, J . ea Martin Beck, Gen, Mar. New York Office, Put | Theatre Francaise, Montreal. , by nidata Ranney am Pidg : Frank Vincent Rooking ‘ler Family, Ottowa. Wm. J. Fox, Dewey Theatre, New York: or arce ome ; Chicago Office Ma jes The : this. Grand, Cleveland, 0. Dewey, N. Y ‘ity has Bechler, epee” ae Savoy, Fall River, Mass. Gotham N y ; City ; ; 7 : Ritoe, Fail River. Mass. Star. N. Y. City Must join on wire. Woman for general business, ‘oy mn Francisco, Cal, Salem Theatre, Salem, Mass. Family "SN ¥ Cit omic gy es. Ply By wpa ig sy } Ri os Angeles, Cal. rphenm, Boston, Mass. Canede. Tireakion ys Character Man. Il'ianist must arrange and trans: 4 ' kland Cal New Rrunawick. N. J. r sIly, mc yn pose. Long season; sure money. State lowest. BE 27% T atee Sty, Uien Fishkill, N.Y. | eek tiesiin Pay own. Wire L.'L. VALLEY, Jobnsiown. Pa. be one nae Hub Th atre, Roston, | FI “j y tee. he Mo. South, East Boston | Hh ; ' ™ : Seenle Temple, Fast Boston, Mass | ‘ 2 wapolis, Minn . | 7 conte Temple, Chelsea, Mass : w Orleans, La. ype , Y ‘ 5 ' nha Neb Colonial, Lowell, | Mass, 115 West te f A mphis, Tepn. Comique, Lynn Mass, : £ : Vaul. Minn. mera Honse, Plymouth, Mass P| ttle. Was I'remier, Fall River, Mass, 42d S : 3 te, — La North Attleboro. Mass = c,, ite | kane, Wash. Niekel Woonsocket, R. 1. ; ; | lant, Ore. Star, Westerly, R. 1 e ew ior o j len, Utah Riton, Newport, R. I, “F onipeg, Man, tratley Th atre, Putnam, Conn 2 \ luth, Minn, Mystic, Mystic, Conn. ity. p ; , coln, Neb, Orpheum Theatre, Dover, N. H b ansville, Ind, detain oem annie *. Albee, General Manager . . nog 5 ra gras: . 4 : ; : D. F, Hennessy, OMce Manager Frank Keeney Pron; . feos fom". Chas. Fitz —To the Profession. New ideas in post r J. Mhwmer, Lester . Mayue patrick, 1402 Broadway, 4. ing and lightin & § i Rooking Representatives Keeney's Third Ave : . oa & Ff : Fred De Bondy hKeeney's, Binghamton, N.Y. : Reproductions made. Try the Sketchograph. Bess ' Booking over 200 [ouscs Keem)'s, New Britain, Conn, for displays. 100 Cabinets tor $8.50. Send 10c. stamp for sample.