The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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The Billboard SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. 81 LIST OF FAIRS The Information Contained in This List is Invaluable to Performers, Manufacturers, Fair Followers, Carnival Promoters, Etc.---Corrections and Additions will be Made Weekly ALABAMA, mPaoee-Desvate, State — Agri. 77. sy oe oe Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. ein 4 7 Nov. 8-18, “ . fright, pres., Savannah, 21. . awn, secy. alexentee Cy en te’ 1. Peir Aose. Oct. | G,. Guthrie Center—Guthrie Co, Fair Assn. Oct. Ay iste wn—Calhoun Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 1-9. ©. | Moultrie—Colquitt Co. Fair Assn, Oct. 26-28. 3-6. R. M. Crane, secy. r. Douglas, secy F S. D. Little, secy. Hampton—Franklin Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 26-29, \thens—-Limestone Co. Fair Assn, Oct. 17-20. Sylvester—Worth Co. Fair. Sept. 26-29. J. D. C. D. Williams, secy. in. H. Walker, secy. ; Martin, secy. Missouri Valley—Harrison Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. sirmingham—Alabama State Fair. Oct. 5-14. | Tallapoosa—Tallapoosa Fair. Oct. 10-13. W.| 18-21. A. B. Hosbrook, secy. E = Chaffle, secy. | W. Summerline, secy. Marengo—lowa Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 19-21. Alex. Clanton—Chilton Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 25-80. Tifton—So. Ga. Agri, & Land Expo, Sept. 28McLennan, secy. 7 em am. Oct. 7. H. B. Layton, secy. er ey es Fair Assn. Sept. 26-29. C. ae ed ian ae _ _ . Patten, secy. r allman oe = —_ 2 an, Sa Fair IDAHO. Marshalltewn—Marshall Co. Fair Assn. Sept. Demopolis—Black “Belt Fair Assn. Oct, 31| Boise—Boise Intermountain Fair. Oct. 9-14. 11-16. W. M. Clark, secy. Nov. 4. E. R. Berry, secy. . A. W. Hodges, secy. a aia 7”, RP von Co. Fair Soc. Sept. 26-29. sntevalle—Shelby Cou . -29, | Caidwell—Canyon Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 3-8. ° si odes, secy. Nena’ aon oe. 8. Oe mer A. Clark, secy. New Sharon—New Sharon District Agrl. Soe. Mont somerr— Ale. Agri. & Ind. Expo, Oct. 16| Lewiston—Lewistou-Ciarkston Fair. Oct. 9-14. | Sept. 18-21. C. F. Momyer, secy, ontg i = tee esee. . John E. Nickerson. secy. Northwood—Worth Co, Agrl, Soc. Sept. 25-27. Selma—Central Alabaina Fair Assn, Oct. | Parie—Bear Lake Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 26-29. E. H. Miller, secy. 9 28 Morgan Richards secy W. &. Melmes, seez7. tae a ee Tuscaloosa—West Alabama Fair Assn, Oct. Twin Falls—Twin Falls Commercial Club. Oct. J. G. Vanderberg, secy. ‘16-21. B. L, Clarkson, secy. | 36. Robert W. Spangler, secy. Carl H.'s ‘ee, ig rosette : 1. Be ~ ae Le : -Nov. | ? Sar Spaanum, sec ——— Meee — _ Sie | ' TLLINGES Pella—Lake Prairie District Fair. Oct. 3-6, . ~ F sme pie Oh. 6%. | Aledi—Mercer Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 19-22. W. Chas. Porter, secy. aa ne a Ay . . D. Emerson, secy Rhodes—Eden District Agrl. Soc. Sept. 19-22. _ Jno. ae. lich Ge, Vale bam Cat Amboy—Lee Co. Fair Assn, Sept. 19-22. Wm. H. M. Weeks, secy. Cnion Springs—S ‘ . Il. Leech, secy, Sioux City—Interstate Live Stock Fair A#sn. 10-14. BE. J, Pierce, secy. Reerae--at. Clair Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 12 Sept. 16-24. Joe Morton, secy. ARIZONA. . Toledo—Tampa Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 26-29. A, ereentz—Aricena Fair Asen. Mov. G11, Shis-| Beecse—Brocee D. & F. Ase. Sept. 1938.) G. Smith, secy. oenix—Arizon > OMe . August W. Grunz, secy. & mgr. West Point—West Point Dist. Agri, Soc. Sept. ley Christy, secy. Carroliton—Green Co. Fair Assn, Oct. 17-20. 26-28. John Waljasper, secy. ARKANSAS. _S. E. Simpson, secy. What Cheer—What Cheer Dist. Argl. Soc. Cattate~Oeateel Azk. Pale fame. Cet, 2620. | “Uerille—Mecowis Ca Fair damm. Oct. 1] Sept. 35-28. Geo, A. Poll, secy. eg , . 3. 8. T. Carmody, secy. Wilson—Wilson Fair. Sept. 13-16. H. WildJ. F. Gillespie, OneF* as Oct. 8& J Chicago—International Live Stock Expo. Dec. spain. secy. Conway—Faulkner Co. Fair Assn. : ° 2%. B. H. Heide, secy. » | Winti-ld—Winfield Fair Assn. Sept. 13-16. A. A. King, mgr ver A Oct Cowden—Annual Tri-County Soldiers & Settlers L. Bergsten, secy. rayetterifie—Wannington Co. alr Assan. ° — = Homecoming. Sept. 27-29. 0. KANSAS . Jewett, secy. a “+ agg aa Assn. Oct. gg Co. Fair. Sept. 25-29. a tg Fair Assn. Sept. 26-29. C. e . enry Coulter, secy. A. Morton, secy. Hot Springs— Arkansas State Falr. Oct. 9-14. | prwood—Elwood Fair. Sept. 27-29. Marion E. | Beloit—Mitchel! Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 27-30. J. L. Wadley, secy. Eib, secy. W. S. Gabel, secy; Wm. Winn, m Morrelton—Conway Co. Fair Assa. Sept. 25-30. | Gajena—Jo Daviess Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 26Burden—East: rn Cowley Fair Ase. Bent 20Jordon Sellers, secy. 29. G. C. Blish, secy. 22. kK. V. Gratton, secy as =~ a er Fair Assn. Oct. 25me ag og Co. Agri. Assn. Oct. 4-7. C. | Burlingtun—Coffee Co. Agil. Fair Assn. Sept. secy. Cc. Kerr. > 25-29. J. H. Rudrauff, secy Hardin—Calhoun Co. Agri. Fair Assn. Sept. 27| Chunute—Four Co. Dist. Agi. Soc. Sept. 26CALIFORNIA. 29. Chas. H. Lamar, secy. 30. W. W. Stanfield, secy. Fresno—Fresno Agri. Assn. Oct. 3-7. C. G.| \weNabb—Magnolia Grange Falr. Sept. 26-29. | Chetopa—Chetopa Fall Fair Assn. Oct. 4-7. A. Eberhardt, secy. * Theo. Smith, secy., Magnolia. R. Bell, secy. Hanford—Fair. Sept. 25-30. Magnolia—Putnam Co. Fair. Sept. 26-29. T. | Cirearron—Gray County Agrl, Society. Oct. 5-6. COLORADO J. Smith, secy. Charley Bull, secy ‘ 4 Martinsville—Clark Co. Fair. Sept. 12-16. H. | Coffeyville—Montgomery Co. Falr Assn, Sept. Colhen—The Mi Paseo Co, Fale Fn og Oct. 5Gasaway. secy. ‘ ine te he 26-29. Elliott Irwin, secy. 8. Milas M. Johnson, Simla, Colo. Mt. Vernon—Mé. Vernon Fa Agri. Assn. | Concordia—Cloud Co. Fair Assn, t. 19-23. a we Me Inter-State Fair. Sept. 2-16. Sept. 26-29. Chas. R. Keller, secy.; J. W. Fred W. Sturges Jr., secy sins 3. A. Wahlgreen, secy. Louth, mer. songlas—Agricultural ‘Soctet; ~ Oct. 47. 3. A. Denver—National Western Stock Show Assp. | peotone—Eastern Will. Co. Dist. Fair Assn. Clay, pg mer. ’ Jan. 15-20, 1912. Fred P. Johnson, secy. Sept. 20-22. Fred Carstens, secy. |e oe OE Fair Assn. Oct. 4-6. C. Grand Junction—Mesa Co. Industrial & Fruit) pinckney Villa—Perry Co. Agri. Soc. Sept.| BE. Sells. secy. Fair Assn. Sept. 2629. Chas, Gasho, secy. 19-22. J. C. Wildy, secy. | Harper—Harper Co. Agri. Assn. Sept. 27-29. Greeley—Weld Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 18-22. W. | piper City—Ford Co. Fair. Sept. 12-16. J. P.| & ¢, Lobangh, secy E. Kousella, secy. Glass. secy Hoxie—Sheridan Co. Agrl. Assn. a < ge Fair Assn. Sept. 19| poy Kud—Randolph County Fair. Sept. 26-29. cided. C. R. ce cnae. saasireadiie 22. S. V. Hobaugh, secy. W. J. Verkins, secy. Hnutchinson—Kansas S x fe 27. fueblo—Colorado State Fair. Sept. 18-23. A. Robinson—C rawford Co. Grange Fair. Sept. A. L. Sponsir, p Pty _ Pair — L. Price, secy. 25-29. Henry Coulter, secy., canville, Dl.; Lawrence—Douglas Co. Fair Assn. Latter part Trinidad—Trinidad-Las Animas County Fair W. A. Wood, mgr. of Sept. Elmer E. Brown, secy. & mgr. Assn. Sept. 26-29. Charies Bailey, secy. Sparta—Randolph _ Driving Club & Fair Assn. \inneapolis—Ottawa Co, Fair Assn. Oct 3-6. Oct. 3-6. A. A, Brown, secy J. E. Johnston, secy. . . . CONNECTICUT. Springtield—lIllinois State Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 7. woran—Allen Co. Agri, Ty P-gp Bog Berlin—Connecticut State Fair. Sept. 26-29. Jas. K. Dickerson, secy 16. E. N. MeCormack, secy L. W. Gwatkin, secy Warren—Union nertouboarel Society. Sept. 19Necs Litr—Ness Co. Agri. pod Sept. 26-29. Brooklyn—Windham County Fair. Sept. 19-21. 22. J. W. Richardson, secy ba Cason, secy J. B. Stetson, secy. Watseka—Iroquois Co, Fair. Sept. 18-23. Geo. Ottawa--Franklin Co, Fair Assn. Sept. 19-22. Chester—Chester Agrl. & Mech, Soc. Sept. 20. B. McNamee, secy. J. R. Finley, secy. W. PB. Holdex, secy. Oct INDIANA Rohinson—Wolf River Vall Fair. t. a Danbury—Danbury Agricultural Society. ; a CaP ers Apngola—Steuben County Fair. Oct. 10-13. C. Harry M_ Teslle, eecy. b aa Fe Grange Co. Fair. Sept. G. Heckenlively, secy. nk. cn aidan sanideemitgns: 17. Geo. M. Smith, secy. | Bremen—Bremen Fair, Sept. 26-29, Jas. Bo yt nuh: kefield Agri. Soe. Oct. 4-5. E Granby—Granby Agri. Soc. Sept. 27-28. Edgar, Suyder, secy. “ “Elk ~ anne _ ‘ erieey B. Case vecy , E Bremen—Marshall County Fair. Sept, 26-30. J. Winfield. Cunt a pot. & Ea Stock A Guilford -Guilford Agri. Soc Sept 27. R. B. Snyder, secy. Se t. 28 on. a ? Da be Aaa ai DeF Bristol — ‘ Bourbon—Bourbon Fair Association. Oct, 3-6. pt. <0). B. Dauber, pres. re: ; ae : . ‘i Bh. W. Parks, secy. KENTUCKY a ™ Re Sh. UNS. SEGA. SPS Det at aie Oe. Sel Oat eee he rea Stark, . : : ; Chrisney. secy. ord—Trimble Co. Fair. pt. 29-30. ; Sean a — Soc. Sept. 10-20. Alex Cenverse—Miami Co, Agrl. Assn. Sept. 19-22, B. McClain, secy. al Will W. Draper, secy. Bowling Green—Warren Co. Fair Assn. Oct. Mestiqee—thge,_ Peeymen s i. =e week Decatur adeus County Fair. Sept. 19-22. Chas. 47. L. G. Duncan, secy. 2 n Jan s, = ne = — FF 3. D E. Magley. secy. Dalmouth—Falmouth Fair Co. Sept. 27-30. R. < Beatie = ™R Pp. No. 2 ‘Tarring| Evansville—Evansville Business Men's Driving L. Galloway, secy. entley, secy.. + NO S, | Club, Sept. 19-23. A. J. Ragan, secy, and Glasgow—Glasgow Fair Assn. Sept 27-30. ton, T) ) : end alle .|_. mgr 1omas Dickinson, secy. ie oy Valley Fair, Oct. 12 J | Ft. Wayne—Ft, Wayne Fair Association. Sept. inae ona County Fair. Sept. 20-23. <0 h—Ne on . t.| 12-16. BP. T. Strider, secy. & mgr. . V. Bell, secy. sgt ~~ 3 on ne Hort. Soc. Sep Huntingburg—Dubois Co. Fair. Sept. 11-16. E. Lawrenceburg—Lawrenceburg Fair Assn. Sept. Rock ill Rockville Pair Assn. Sept. 19-21. F. | W. Pickbart, secy. | 7 OY Rn an ‘ Cooley, secy, & mgr. ey a »-—Noble = ounty ‘air. pt. -22. . te — ~ — State Fair. Sept. 11-16. » oun » Cc. Brouse, sec r Shy, secy. Simsbute Pale. Sept. ‘ a. B tates Knox—Starke Co. Fair Assn Sept. 13-16. Jas. — Ky. Fair Assn. Sept. 27-30. Ren Geum I : 7 y Mo Newton, secy. . Pryor, secy. ee ete oD ane apstege Agri. See North Manchester-—North Manchester Fair. Sept. Murray—Calloway Co. Fair Assn., Inc, Oct. Pal a a 26-29. John Isenbarger, secy. 11-14. M. D. Holton, secy. SuMeld—Palr. Oct. 3-4. J. F. Graham. vectia, | Piper City—Ford Co, Fair. Sept. 12-16. J. P. Morgantown—Butler Co, Fair Assn. Sept. 21 ae Sladen . : : Glass, secy. 3. : unch, secy. orey., Watuaery. “oan. Rockvilie—Rockville Free Fall Carnival. Oct. Olive Hil!—Tri-County Fair. Oct. 10-14. Col. FLORIDA, E. Lambert, secy. S. V. Bocook, secy. Ocala—Marton Co, Fair Assn, Nov, 21-24. Dav| Terre Eaute—Terre Haute Trotting & Fair Assn. Owensboro—Daviess Co. Fair. Oct. 4-7. C. id S. Williams. eecy Sept, 18-23. C. B. Duftin, secy. A. Payne Ir... secy. Oriando—Orange Co. Fair, Jan 30-81 to Feb. | Vincennes—Knox Co. A. & M. Soc. Sept. 1lPadueah—Padueah Fair Assn, Inc. Oct. 3-6. SS Wr Neal, secy. 18. Jas. M, House, secy. Rodney C. Davis, secy. Vensacola—Pensacola interstate Falr Assn, IOWA —. eo n . ounty Fair Assn, Sept. 14Nov. @11. N, J. Lillard, secy. ‘ e 6. 8S. J. Read, secy. r Albia—Monroe Co, Agri. Soc. Sept. 26-29. LoGEORGIA. ren Perrin, secy. LOUISIANA Augusta—Georgia Carolina Falr Assn, Nov. 6| Algona—Kossuth Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 19-22. | Bastrop—Morehouse Fair. Oct. 17-20. J. L. ll. Frank E, Beane, secy. T. P. Harrington. secy. ; Morris. secy. Barnesville—Tri-County Fair Nov, 5-11, W. | Arion—Crawford Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 26-27. r— Rridge—St. Martin Parish Falr. Oct. C. Wakefield, secy. O. M. Creswell, secy. 58 A. J, Dauterive, secy. Calhoun—Gordon Co. Fair Assn. Oct, 17-21. J. Audedon-Audubon Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 19-22. Chatham—Jackson Parish Fair Assn. Oct. 17T. MeVay, secy. Cc. Curtis. secy. 20. Glen Fleming, scy. Carrollton—Fourth Dist. A. & M. Fair. Oct. mt. —~ Boone Driving *ark and Fair Assn. Sept. | Calhoun—North Leuisiara Campmeeting. Sept. 24-28. J. W. Stone, secy. i221. John 8. Croo secy. 27-29. N. E. Calhoun, secy. Dalton—Whitfield Co. Fair. Oct, 9-14, T. S. | Britt—Hancock Co. Ag Soc. Sept. 19-21. H, Conshatta—Red River Parish Fair. Oct. 3-5. Mc@ums secy. A. Early. secy. P. C. McLemore. secy. Dougihs—Coffee Co, Fair & Poultry Show. Nov. | Clarinda—Clarinda Fair Assn. Sept, 18-22. J. | Crewtes---Areadia Fair Assn. Oct. 17-20. Dr. 141% Melvin Tanner, secy. C, Beckner, sec W. T. Patterson. secy. y. Eatonton—Putnam Co. Fair Assn, Oct. 24-27. | Clint®—Clinton District Fair; \Seps.. 10-22. a Paison—Winn Parish~Palr. Oct. 10-13. Dr. H. Reid Hearn, secy B. Ahrens, secy, Lyons, Ia. R. H. Talbot, secy. Lexington—Middle Co. Fair Assn, Oct, 23-28. | Fairfield—Jef Co, Agri. Assn. Oct, 3-5. R. W. | Gihsland—Blenville Falr, Oct. 10-13. S$. I. John Knox, gen. mer. Lamson, secy. Colvin, secy. Macon—Georgla State Fair, Oct, 10-20, Harry | Forest City-—Winnebago Co, Fair. Sept. 28-30. | Homer—Claihorne Parish Fair Assn. Oct. 17-21, C, Roberts, secy. R. BE. Hansor, secy, Dillard Hulse, secy. & mgr. PINAFOURS A TOY THAT Children Cry For and “GrownUps” Must Have For decorating automobiles, motor cycles, steam launches, canoes, baby carriages, and other vehicles. An enormous sale of the and Pleasure Resorts all over the country Twelve colored discs, mounted in four. The three small wheels revolve in one direction while entire toy moves in opposite on handle, creating a surprisingly pretty effect. From your jobber, or write us direct. DO IT NOW The Pinafour Toy Manufacturing Co. CANTON, OHIO PENNANTS, GANES, NOVELTIES FAIR SOUVENIR Hat Bands VELTY DEALERS, ot ae PEOPLE, STREETMEN, FAIR AND Pa A FOLLOWERS, KNIFE RD MEN. NOTICE—We are the ome priced house for Souveairs, Novelties, Holiday Goods, Celebration Goods, Canes, Pennants, Buttons, Badges, Ticklers, Confetti, Noise Makers, etc. Felt Pennants made to order for all occasions. Largest Novelty Supply House. Thousands of satisfied customers. Orders shipped same day as received. 1911 Catalog FREE. co. NEWMAN MFG. 641-647 Woodland Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, AFRICAN DIP Co. Box 34, ZANESVILLE, 0. AFRICAN DIPS AND SAPPHO TIPS The greatest moneygetters. Write for Catalog. and Prices. WHIPS, BALLOONS, CANES AND PENNANTS Painted Colored Pennants for all occasions, SR I, WE ON das oc ee'e ceccceedsesvas 3 GAS AND WHISTLING BALLOONS. ON a vas i caéneveondentencee oe ” Et hee ate dessiautebaiaein _— wean de amirepinnahade eee FANCY SOUVENIR WHIPS. Die TA, POF GUD hn tineeeessideciggesss ee ae eT @teneeneekesttedauyeuuns » Rog WY geht hedetegtegamees anes st eo Shidvawssneseweineeeaee Orders shipped same day as received. De posit required on al] C. O. D. orders. New catalog just out. ~----= NASELLA BROS., $2 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. CHOCOLATES FOR FAIR MEN AND CARNIVALWORKERS We manufacture 9 tnd pack assorted chocolates in fancy %. 1, 2 and 5 Wb. boxes. Particular attention paid to package goods for paddle wheels and other games. Will give you lower prices for goods of quality than anyone else in the business. Immediate shipment. Write for prices and samples. W. W. REID, JR., Sales Manager, Reinking Candy Co, 626 Washington Street, New York City. SHOOTING GALLERIES, BALL GAMES Circulars for the asking Diamond Novelty Co., Schenectady, W. Y. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. es ave ce > am anaes hed F * eg oa 1 ONES OBOE TOPE BN AR a PIE A NLT a Ce ae eer itz SA im a ee te th tl alg lla ag A ee t aon ae