The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. The Billboard Madison Oo. vw. L. Dinkins, ( obombus—Miss 21 a. Ge vinth—Aleorn Co. M. sStriplin, seey. jloster—Falr. Nov. Oct, 17-21. Fair Assn. Oct. 10-13. R. D. Canfield, Central Fair & Live Stock Assn. Wm. P. Ferguson, sey. Delta Fair Assn. Nov, 6-11. L. Fair Assn. secy. & mgr. & West Ala. Raudle, secy. Fair Assn, Canton Oct. 8.10. w. seey. Grenada 17-21 Greenville Oct. Miss. & Gulf Coast Howle, sees, Springs —North Miss 17-23 ‘ H. Card, secy Houston — Chickasaw Co. Fair i W. A. Marion, secr, Jackson —Miss, State Fair J. PF. MeWKay, sees Loulsville—Winsten Co, W. C. Hight, secy. Meridian—Miss Fair Assn. kK. M. Spripling, seey. Natchez—Postlethwalte Stewart Co, 7-21 J. R. Manser, seecy. Shovuta Dist. Folr Assn. lielidelberg, secy Fair Assn, Expo. Co, Nov. Falr Assn, Oct. Assn. Nov. 14 24-Nov. 2. 3-7. 16-21. Oct, Fair Assn. Oct. Oct Fair. Oct. Oct. 11-14. Oct. 11-13. T. Sept MISSOURI. Rutler—Pates Co. Fair 4. leay sey Caltlae—Ma Conk Assn Sept. 19-22. T 19-21. 7. Camptell — aenghe r es Fair. Oct. 18-21. Cape Girardean Fair 26.30. J. T. Nunn Jr... Assen Sept. Geo, S&S. MelIntosh on Co. Fair. Sept. Cape Girardeau AsSD Sept Jefferson Co J. Davidson, secs Springs——Clay Co Templeton Farmington—St, Francois Co 16 W. W. Waters. secy. Jett Cole Co. Fair Fr. Guy Chinn Kansas City-——American Rovral Live Stock Show, Sept. 19-22. C. Falr seey. Sept. 26 Falr Sept. 12 reen City Assen Sept. 19 21. RecN, Det, O14. A. W. Thompeon, secy., Nashua, Mo Kansas City—-Missourl Valley Fair & Expo. Sept. 23-Oct. S. Sam Benjamin, secs. Kansas City—Jackson Co. Negro Fair. Sept. 21-Oct. 5. J. Weaver, sec Kennett—Dunklin Co. Fair Oct. 11-14. L. R. Jones, secy lama Rarton Co. Falr Assn Sept. 27-30. John Pahlew. secy Lock wood—Dade Co. Agri. & Mech. Soe, Oct. 10-13 Dr. R. A. Frvre, seex Marsville—DeKalb Co. Fair Sept, 26-29. E A. Runton, secy Moor ell Lewis Co. Fair, Sept. 2629. Ben \) lertor seer 1 mont—Tri-Co, Fair Assn Oct. 4-6. U. I Jones, sect Seialia—Miesourl State Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 6. John T. Stinson. aecr. & mer Si. Joseph—Interstate Live Stoc k & Horse Show. Sept, 25-30. J. C. Mann, secy.; J. B. Kerr, Su) n—Tri-Co. Fair Assn About Oct. 1. J.P Willlams, secy Sikeston—Scott Co, Fair Sept. 19-23. Union—Franklin Co. Fair Sept. 26-28. H l.. Grunnell, secy 1 r Creve Coner—St. Loule Co. Falr. Sept. a4 Geo. BRB. Bowles. secr Vandslia—Vandalla Corn Carnival & Live Stock Co. Sept. 26-28 E. C. Leman, secy. MONTANA. Rig Timber—Sweet Grass Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 19.22 fi. Utermohle, secy Pil ings —Yellowstone Valley Fair. Sept. 18-23. W. A. Selvidge, secy. Chlnook—Chouteau Co. Falr. Sept. 12-15. G H. Willman, secy Glendive—Dawson Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 19-21 Fred J. Goulding. secy. Helena—Montana State Fair. Sept. 25-30. J. A. Shoemaker, secy. Kalispell—Fair. Oct. 10:13. W. B. Rhoades, aeecy Missenla—Wesetern Montana Apple Show. Oct. 1621 A. J. Breitenstein, secy NEBRASKA. Ainsworth —Brown Co, Agri. Soc, Sept. 27-29 C. W. Potter, secy. A'bion—RBoone Co. Fair. Sept, 19-22. Mansfield, secy. Alllance—Box Butte Co. EB. Task. secy. Wig Springs—Duell Co, Fair. Chesbro, secy Fair. Er. M Sept. 20-22. J Sept. 26-28. 0 L TRiaden Webster Go Falr. Sept. 27-29. E. McLaughlin, secy Rutte—Boyd Co, Fair. Sept. 13-16. J. N. Puller, secy. Reatrice—Gage Co. Fair. ot 06 &. Vi Riesen, secy. Chambers—Holt Ce. Fair. Sept. 20-22. J. W. Holden, secy. Clay Center—Clay Co, Fair. Sept, 3-2. W. F. Holcomb, secy. Culbertson—Hitcheock Co. Fair. Sept, 21-23, W. Z. Taylir, secy. David City—Rutler Co, Fair. Sept. 19-22. John DD. Hasik, secy Cering—Scott's Bluff Co, Fair Assn. Sept. 2?29. A. BR. Wood, secy, & mer Gordon—Sheridan Co. Fair. Sept, 19-22, Frank 1. Letson, secy. Greely—reely County Fair. Sept. 26-29. Thos. F. Byrne. secy. Hastings —Ceutral Nebraska Fall Festival. Oct. 914. “McFadden, sec Hayes Conten ere County Fair. Sept. 28-30 Db. R. May, seey. Hooper—Dodge County Fair. Sept. 19-22. J. Hi. Heine, secy. Indianola—Red Willow County Fair. Sept. 262y. Jas. E. Ryan, secy. Minden—Kearney County Fair. Oct. 3-6. Val Junsen, secy. Nelson—Nuckolls Co, Fair. Sept. 19-22, Geo, Jackson. secy. Omaha—Douglas Co. Agricultural Society. Sept. 27-Oct. 7. G. W. Hervey, secy. Ogalalla—Keith Co. Fair, Sept. 27-29. oO. E. Chesbro, secy. | | | Ord—Valley County Fair. Sept. 26-29. 0. P. Cromwell, secy. Osceola—Polk County Fair, Sept. 26-28. F. H. | Rall, secy. Pawnee City—Pawnee Co. Fair. Oct. 4-6. J. C,. Dert, secy Seward—Seward Co. Fair. Sept. 27-29. Wm. H. Smith, seer. Stanton—Stanton Co. Fair. Sept. 19-22. Alfred Pont, secy. . | Stockville—Frontier Co, Fair. Sept, 19-22. L. | AL. Cheney, secy. Agrl. & Mech. Assn. Tecumseh—Johnson Co. Sept. 27-20. J. B. Donglas, secy. Thedford—Thomas Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 14-16, | Harry W. Kirby. secy NEW HAMPSHIRE Plymouth—Union Grange Fair Assn. Oct. 2-5. Richard Pattee, seey. Rochester—Rochester Agricultural & Mechanteal Waterloo—Seneca Co. Agrl. Ed. Nugent, secy & mgr. White Plains—Westchester Co. Soc. Sept. Soc. Sent. 26-28. Hort. & Agrl. 18-23. Daniel W. Maloney, secy. NORTH CAROLINA Asheville—Western North Curolina Oct. 10-13. Owen Gudger. secy. Burlingtton—Almance Fair Assn. Oct. 3-6. J. H. Harden, mgr. Fair Assn. a a ig ~cklenburg Fair Assn. Oct. 24-27 w Chambers, secy Elleabeth City—Fair. Cet. 23-28. E. F. Lamb. secy. | Favetteville—Cumberland Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 24-27. Z. P. Smith, secy. Greensboro—Cestral Carolina Fair. Oct, 10-13 Garland Daniel, secy. King—Stokes Co, Fair Assn. Oct. 17-19. Will | R. Kiger. secy. North Wilkesboro—Wilkes “_ a Assn. Sept. 26-28. John R. James, y. Oxford—Granville Co, Fair. Oct. “4-25, q. #. Webb, secy. Raleigh—North Carolira State Falr. Oct. 1620. Jos. E. Pogue, secy. tmithfield—Johneon Co. Fair. Nov, 2-3. Waynesville—Haywood Co. Fair. Oct. 3-6. J. D. Boone, seer. Winston-Salem—Piedmont Fair Assn. Oct. 3-7. Webb, secy. NORTH DAKOTA Aneta—Aneta Fair. Oct. 2-8. W. E. Smith, secy. Bexch—lInterstate Fair Assn. Sept. 26-29. Chas. Harkins, secy, Granville—McHenry Co. Agrl. Fair Assn. Sept. 28-30. A. P. Simonson. secy. Underwood—McLean Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 3-5. J. T. Hoge, secy. Wahpeton—Richland Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 2629. R. J. Hughes, secy. wilt ——<_.~ ams Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 20 Association. Sept. 26-29. Frank B, Maguire, secy, & mgr. NEW JERSEY Githsboro—Annual Fair. Sept. 15-16. L. Scote. fecy. | Mein: Helly—Mount Holly Fair. Oct. 3-6. B. l. Wills, sees. Trenton—Inter State Fair Association. Sept. | 2.20. M,. R, Margerum, secy, & mgr, NEW MEXICO Albuquerque—New Mexico State Fair. Oct. 9 14: J. BR. MeManus, secy. Clayton—Union County Fair Assn. Oct, 3-6. Howell Ernest, secy Farmington—Farmington Falr Assn. Sept. 1922. Charles W. Bowne. secy. a> Cruces—Mesilla Valley Falr Assn. Sept. 26-28 Forrest McKinley. secy. Raton—Northern New Mexico Fair. Oct. 18-21. C. O, Fisher, seer NEW YORK alpion-—Oricons Co, Agri. Soc. Sept, 13-16. cS. Frank, secy, Sete a—Genessee Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 20-23, Albert E. Brown, secy. Bath—Steuben Co. Agri. Soc. Sépt. 26-29. Chas, A, Shults, secy. Binghamton—Binghamton Ind. Expo. Sept. 26zy. Henry S. Martin, secy. Brockport—Monrve Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 27-30 Frei H. Shafer, secy. a ae a ld-Madison Agrtl, Soc. Sept. Is F. M. Spouner, secy PS i Co. aa "Soc. Sept. 2123. C. L. Morey, secy. obleskill—Cobleskill Agri. Soc. Sept. 25-20. Wm. H. Golding, secy. Cooperstown—Otsego Co. Agri. Soc, Sept. 1921. Edw. L. King, secy. “uba—Cuba Fair and Racing Assn. Sept. 1922. Geo. H. Swift, secy. Oundee—Dundee Fair Assn. Oct. 3-5. @. L Woodruff, secy. Elmira—Chemung Co. Agricultural Soc. Sept. 18-22. Chas, S, Lattin, secy. Fonda—Montgomery Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 2-5. J. BKB. Martin, secy. Hemlock—Hemlock Lake Union Agrh Soe. Oct. 3-5. E. H. Westbrook. secy. {thaca—Thompkins Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 19-22. W. E. Pearson, secy. fohnston—Fulton Co. Agri. Soc. Date not given Wallace Yost, sevy, Malone—Franklin ©o. Azrl, Soc. Sept. 26-29, Walter J. Mallon, sey. Mineola—Agrl. Soc. of Qiewns & Nassau Co. Sept. 26-30. Lott Van de Water, secy., Hempstead, N. Y. Morris—Morris Fair Assn. Oct. 3-5. D. F,. Wightman, secy. Newark—Newark Fair Assn. Sept. 21-23. Chas. E. Leggett. secy. Ogdensburg—Ogdensburg Fair & Horse Show. Sept, 18-22. Julius Frank, secy. meonta—Oneonta Union Agri. Soc. Sept. 1824. Shirley L. Huntingteo, secy Palmyra—Palmyra Union Agrl. Soe. Sept. 2s30. John H. Walton, secy. Perry——Silver Lake Agrl. & Mech, Assn. Sept. 18-20. D. R. Andus, secy. Reed i gy Agri, Soc. Sept. 28-30. PF. H. Henry, Richfiell Springs Richfleld Springs Agricultural Boclety. Sept. 25-28. 4. R. Getman, serv. Riverhead—Suffolk Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 19-22. Harry Lee, secy. Schoharie—Schobarie Co. Agri. ay Sept. 1821. E, L. Auchampaugh, Syracuse—New York State Fair. Sept. 11-16. &. C. Shaver, secy. Vernon—Vernon Fair & —— 9 Meet. Sept. 26 28. C. G. Simmons secy Versallles——lIroquois agree Orlando Doxtader, secy. * Soe. Sept. 19-22. . S. Champine, secy. OHIO Athens—Athens Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 25-28. H. H. Haning, secy. Attica—Attica Union Fair Assn. Sept. 26-29. Will F. Uhie, secy. Akron—Summit Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 3-7. P. G. Ewart, secy. Rowling Green—Wood Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 2529. R. S. Sweet, secy. Cadiz—Harrison County Agrl. Soe. Oct. 3-5. Cc. M. Osburn, secy. anal Dover—Tnscarawas Co. Fair. Oct. 17-20. J. S. Karns, secy. Canton—Stark Co. Agrl. Society. Sept. 26-29. Ed. S. Wilson, secy. Coshocton—Coshocton Co. 13. A. P. Stgwart, secy Eaton—Preble . Agri. Soe. rv D. Silver, secy. Elvrria—Lorain Co. Fair. Nieding, secy. JEWELRY Our catalogue, nothing but 5c, GOODS, quest. WEINTRAUB & LEHRERS, 556 Broadway, New York City. OXFORD Farmers Exposition and Street Fair Oxford, Ohio, Sept. 18-23. Wanted—Dog and Pony, Wild West, Plantation, Musical and other clean shows. Address FRANK NESSELHAUF, Ass't Secretary, Oxford, 0. Balloon Ascensions ANYWHERE Have open time for Home-Comings, Celebrations, Parks, Fairs, ete. We build balloons, parachutes, inflators, ete. Write for full particulars. H.P. FRENCH, Mgr. Waverly Park, Lansing, Mich. WANTED — Privilege and Concession Men For Fair, at a Ind., Sept. 20-23, ip clusive. A. J. RAGON, Secret tary. Fair Assn. Oct, 10 Sept. 26-29. Har Sept. 19-22. Anthony containing 10¢ and 25e mailed Free on re Agents, Demonstrators, Streetmen, Schemers! FOUNTAIN PENS With plated lieve me, ers combined, seeing is believing: take a_ tip. IRA B. T, Fountain Pen King, Beekman Established ISS5. Write for B St., New York, catalog. yints, in pearl, silver, gold; beI sell more pens than all manufactur because I give the biggest values: Opticians. Estab. 1892 Chicago, Ill. 199-201 E. Madison Street, LOOK HERE! We are the lowest. price wholesale Jewelry and Novelty House in | America. CATALOG ‘GUTPRICE GORDON & Bases ess ss MORRISON?" =" "=" Wholesale Jewelers and SOVELTIES We are exclusive U.S.A. Agents for } the greatest money | makers, Hamlet & Raynold Watches; also Hamiltun best selling Razors. GORDON & MORRISON Wholesale Jewelers, Chicago, Ill. AUTOMATIC MOVING SHOOT! NG GALLERY AND BASEBALL NOVELITES Write for price 208 N. Second list. WM. WURFFLEIN, aor. St., Philadelphia, Pa., U. Ss. A CU Im hest « b. Grand Rapids, Mich. LJ. DeLAMARTER, Mer., Ramona Resort. FOR SALE THREE LARGE B BEARS $90 f. vo. Write ft condition. Wanted An Engagement With a good 1912. Will Jumping-Horse SWARTZ, Tol Carnival Co. for the season of FOUR COUNTY FAIR, Ga., November 2.500: receipts, city, counties, works. Thrifty agricultural section. Good concessions to clean attractions, Address H. 8. JACKSON, Commerce, Ga. put on the mad a new Parker Carry-Us-All, Address FRED wa, Il. to be hekd at Commerce, 6th to 11th. City population, population four counties, 76,178. Cotton 22.000, Cotton production, four Electric lights, water 107,000 bales. MONEY FOR MEDICINE SPIELERS ~Medicine Cireus Men Streetmen, you with Dr. Eiders’ Remedy Mantone ets. Specially the coin—can't —write today SANITARIUM, Men—Sideshow Spielers, can make money hand over fist Tobacco Boon and Dr. Elders’ 100 per cent profit. Big Seilargument that delivers logical ae _particulars. RS’ 101, St. Joseph, “x prepared resist the for full Dept. f aryland State Fair and Industrial Exposition | two BIG WEEKS-OCTOBER 16 to 28. —£vervsopy WILL BE THERE. Liberal terms to concessioners. Want good Carnival on percentage. Address, D. W. FONNER, Superintendent of Privileges, . m » ro stelatthlinedlnteat anamasene neta he Nothing too big. LAUREL, MD. 6 eee od : ; ' } 4 age ate gto 27% Sl ea i t fe iH 2. yy be ae PRO ERG ae “ _ — — pk cake cetiok dare TIE ee. prmaee er A An ena tn fn ae aaa nae ot if ' f ' i : ye ype ime gh oaraincindiagiree