The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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SEPTEMBER 16, 1911, -———_ The Billboard 85 s-ymour—Seymour Fair & Driving Park. Sept. sso. HH, J. Van Buren, secy. Sept. 26-28. H. H. Moore, secy. Stanley—Fair. st. Croix Falls—Falr. Oct. 36. John 38. iiegiubd, secy. sturgeon Bay—Door Co. Fair. Sept, 19-26. J « Allinger, secy. Vicla—Kiekapoo Valley Agri. Soc. Oct. 4-6. Ww. 1. Griffin, secy. Viroqua—Vernon Agri. Soc. Sept. 19 as. & & Pisher, secy. atertown—Watertown Inter-County Fair Assn. Sept, 19-22. C, W. Harte, secy, West Bend—Washington Co, Agri, Soc. Sept. 1820. Warham P, Rix, secy, Sept. 25 Woestfield—Marquette Co. Agri. Assn, ov. J. H. Wheelock, secy. WYOMING Dougins—Wyoming State Fair. i. MeWhinnie, secy. Laramie—Albany Co, & Inter-Mountain Fair Aesn, Sept, 20-22. L. V. Holliday, secy, CANADA. Ont.—Alliston Agri. Lockhart, secy. erst, N, S.—Maritime Stock Breeders’ Assn. . 47. F. L. Fuller, secy., Gruro, N. S., Sept, 26-29. C., Allieton, Ww. Be Ani Lee, Sec. Oct. 6-7. Armstrong. B. C.—Armstrong & Spallwanchecse } | | = | Soe. 32 Atlantic Avenue, Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-22. Avyimer, Ont East Elyrie Co, Fair. Oct. 4-6. D». HH. Price, secey. Beachburg, Ont No. Renfrew Agri. Soc. Oct. Headrick, secy, geo Ont.—Verniam Agri. Fair. Sept. 26.27 W. Hickson, secy. Bowmanville, Ont.—West Durham Agri. Soc. Sept. 19-20. J. T. Moorecraft, secy. Brighton, Ont.—Brighton Agri. Soc. Sept. 28. Harrison Carr. secy Burford, Ont.—South Brant. Oct. 3-4. W. F. Miles, secy. Colborne, Ont.—Colborne & Haldewland Fair. Oct. 34 Join Morrow, secy. Campbellford, Ont.—Seymour Agrl. Soc. Sept. 26.27 G. A. Hay, secy. Chapeau Village, Ont.—Agrl. Sec. of Pontiac, Div. B. Sept 27-28 I’. MeMahan, secy. Chatham, N. S.—Miramichi Exhibition, Sept. | 11-15 Geo, E. Fisher. secy. Chilliwack B. C.—Chilliwack Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2021. H. T. Goodland, secy. Cranbrook, RB. C.—Cranbrook Agri, Assn. Sept. 19-20 P. Devere Hunt, secy. Demorestville. Ont,—Sophiasburg Agri, Society. Oct. 14. W. Asa Foster, secy. Drayton. Ont —I’eel] & Drayton Agrl, Soc. Oct 3-4. Geo, M, Fox, secy. Dresden, Ont.—Camden Township Agri. Sept. 28-29. J. T. Bridgewater. secy. Duck Lake, Sask.—Duck Lake, Sept. 27. M. Courchane, secy Duncan, BR. C.—Cowichan Agri. Soc. Sept. 2223. Alex Herd, secy. Dunnville, Ont.—Dunnville Agri. Soc. Sept. 192. W. A. Fry, secy. Eimvale, Ont.—Fair. Oct. 2-4. C. S. Burton, secry Exeter, Ont.—Exeter Agri. Soc. Sept. 18-19. Alex G. Dyle, sees. Florence, Ont.—Florence Agri. Soc. Oct. 5-6. Walter Drew. secr. Freelton, Ont.—West Flamboro Fair. Oct. 4-5. Jas. A. Gray, secy. Frederickton Ont.—Frederickton Exhibition. Sept. 16-23. W. S. Hooper. secr. Georgetown, Ont.—Ecquesing Fall Fair. Oct. 45. 1. A. Tracy, secy. Glencoe, Ont.—Mora & Exfrid Falr. Sept. 26-27. M. C. Campbell, secy. Gore Ray, Ont.—Gore Bay Dist. Fair. Sept. 26.27 Andrew Hall, secr. Grand Valley, Ont.—East Luther Agri. Soc. Oct. 17-18 Wm. MelIntyre, secy. Harriston. Ont.—West Wallingford Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28-20. J. M. McKay. secy. Huntingdon—Hountingdon Agri. Soc., Div. A. Kelowna, RB. C.—The Agr! & Traders’ Asen. of | | Shelburne, Ont.—Dufferin Central Fair. Sept. 26-27. R. J. Watson, secy. Summerland, B. C.—Summerland Agr. Assn. Oct. 17-18. R. Pollock, secy. Smithville, Ont.—Deninsular Central Fair. Oct. 5-6. WV. F. G. Patterson, secy. Stratford, Ont.—Stratford Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1316. Geo. Westinson, secy. Streetsville, Ont.—Streetsville Fair. Sept. 20. eon Falls, Ont.—Sturgeon Falls Fair. Sept. 2 Onesime Lafrance, secy. Surrey Centre, B. C.-—Dist. of Surrey Agri. Assn. Sept, 26. H. Bose, secy. Teeswater. Ont.—Teeswater Agri. Society. Oct. 45. John Farquharson, secy. Thamesvile. Ont.—East Kent Fair Assn. Oct. 24. C. A. Mayhew, secy Uttierson, Ont.—Stephenson & Watt Fair. Sept. unt.—Van Kleek Hill Expo. 22-22. J. H. Osborne, secy Van Kleek Assn 19-21. HH. C. Jones. Vernon. B. C.—Okaugan Pxhi. Sept. 19-21. Ira Cutler, secy. Warkwoth, Ont.—Township of Perey Agrl. Soc. Oct, 5-6. TD’. 8. Ewing. secy. Welland. Ont.—Welland Co. Agri. Soc. Oct. 3-4. W. G. Gaines, secy. Windsor, Ont.—Windsor & North Essex Agrl. Assn. Sept. 25-20. H. J. McKay, secy. Yarmouth, N. 8. —Yarmouth Exhibition. Oct. 46. Wm. Corning, secy. Zurich, Ont.—Zurich Fair. Sept 20-21. D. S&S. Faust, secy. GAS AND WHISTLING BALLOONS Only foreign mapufacturer in the U. 8. a Gas BALLOON A. The goods and prices for the Fair consumers. No. So—-gest Gas Balloons, per oy... ” 70. ” ” ” ” ” pee 4.50 " 45.—Whistling Balloons, on Wien Oe vig = = sce ee Decor.ted Snake Balloons, S e 20s Catalog free on application. Deposit required on all C. O. D. Orders shipped same day ae received. FRANCE RUBBER BALLOON MFG. CO. oston, Mass STREETMEN We are headquarters for all the lates: novelties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, Canes, Knives, Carniva) Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. CANES We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Eisenstein & Co. Prices in Cincinnati same as in New York. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO. 122 E. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. The all “Whoop ‘Em Great Music, Crank, the does the rest, nest round ” turn the **Rooter”’ The fiseller of the year for Fairs, Carnivals, Ball Games, Parades, Campaign Gatherings, Pienics, etc; everybody buys, men, women and chiidren. All metal, retails for 10 cents. Write today for further information. THE SEISS MFG. CO. 433 Dorr St., Toledo, Ohio. THE NEW NOVELTIES Just ont; 10-cent sellers. Felt Fobs and Arm | Pennants, catchy wording printed on each, 36 |} cents a dozen, Okanagan Mission. Sept. 26-27. A. W. Hamilton, secy, Kirkton, Ont.—Kirkton Fair. Oct. 5-6. Amos Doupe, secy. & mer. i Ladner, Ont.—Delta Agri. Falr. Sept. 23. A. D. Tavlor, seer. | Lakefield, On Lakefield Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1920. W. Sherin, secy. Langley. R. C.—Langley Agri. Soc. Sept. 27. WV. J. MetIntosch. secy L’Avenia, Qne.—Drommong Agri. Soc. Sept. 1” 1 ¢ St Amant, eecy Lindsay. Ont.—Lindsay Central Fair. Sept. 2123 James Keith seey Listowel. Ont.—Listowel Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1920 F. von Shearer, secy. London. Ont.—Western Fair Assn. Sept. 6-16, | A. M. Hunt, secy Markhom, Ont.—Markham Agri. Soc. Oct. 4-6. | A. Ward Milne. seer. Marmors. Ont.—Marmora Agri. Soc. Sept. 1819 Dr. Lunnder, secy. Monitowaning, Ont.—Manitowaning Fatfr. Oct. 2-3 TY. G. Hurlburt, secr. Meadford, On S: Vineent Agricultural Soc. Sept, 28.29 R. Agnew, secy. Midiand. Ont.—Midland Fair, Sept. 28-20. E C. Guild. seey Nanime. BR. C.—Nanimo Dist. Agri. & Hort. Rac Rent 19 90 Nelson, BR. C.—Nelson Frult Fair, Sept. 25-30. a Horstead, seer Newmarket. Ont.—Newmarket Agrl. Soc. Sept. 19.21 Wm. Ketth, secy. Newstadt, Ont Noramby Township Agri. Soc. S 21-22 Albert Welnert, secy. New Westminster, BR. C.—Provinetal Exhibition. Oct, 3-49 W. HH. Kearey, secy. mer. Norwood, Ont.—Fast Peterborongh Agri. Soc. Oo 10-11 John E. Roxburgh, se cy. Ottawa, Ont Sept. 8-16. Central Canada Expo. FE. MeMahon, secy. Onondaga, Ont.—Agrl. Soe, Oct. 2-8. Wm. Simneon, aeer & mer Ore. Ont.—Ore Agrl. Soc. Sept, 19. H. J. Tudtw secy Peterborough. Ont.—Peterborough Indnstrial Exhibition Sent. 14.16 ys ,. Hall, secy. P ). Ont.-—Prince Edward Agri. Soc, Sept. Sept, 27-28 M. R. German, secy. Paris, Ont.—Paris Agrl. Soc, Sept. 28-29. H (. O'Neal, secy Rentfrew, Ont.—Rentfrew Agri. Soc. Sept. 22 W. FF. Smallfield, secy. nlev, Ont.—Huron Agrl. Soc. Sept. 26-27. \ogens Martyn. seer ton, Ont.—World’s Fair. Oct 10-11, David secy. & mer ville. No B.—Sackville & Westmoreland erl, Soe. Oct. 45. Bliss M. Fawcett, cy. Scholastine, Que.—Acrl. Sec. of Two mntains. Sept. 26-28, B. Beauchamp, v.. St. Hermaa,. 8 *. Ont.—West Lambton Co, Falr. Sept. “7. M, A. Sander, secy. 10 cents for the samples, or circular free of our Felt Hat Bands, Hearts, Cane Pennants and other Felt Novelties. GAUSE FELT NOVELTIES, 523 S. Main Street, Elkhart, Ind. At Liberty ---Balloonist All Occasions. Parachute exhibitions extraordinary. New canaon act extraordinary. Write quick. Address PROF. CHAS. SWARTZ, permanent address, Aumboldt, Tenn. Souvenir Goods In ruby, ruby matt and gold, and green and gold glassware. SUITABLE for Fairs, Carnivals and Streetmen. Good, up-to-date sellers. Write for catalog. ORIENTAL GLASS CO, S.S., Pittsburg, Pa FAIR WORKERS, $3 per 100. Cover Spot Puzzle, use 5 plates, drop one inch from spot. $1 if covered, or the Puzzle for 10c. Send for a trial order. MAGICIAN SUPPLY CO. Colosse, N. Y. WANTED—New novelties and specialties suit able for the mail order trade. Only meritorious up-to-date goods at right prices considered. Give full particulars in first letter. JOSEPH J. MATHIEU, 203 Court St., Brockton, Mass. Largest and chea Labor Day and Co rations, Electric CARNIVAL, CELEBRATION AND HOLIDAY GOODS COLLAPSIBLE ALUMINUM DRINKING CUPS umbus Day Buttons, Badges, Pennants, | Canes, Confetti, Serpentines, Magic Twirlers, Shakers, Hat Bands, Burnt Thanksgiving Goods, Gas Lighters, Paper Bells, Xmas DecoLight Covers—all the Latest Novelties. POSTCARDS. Free Catalogue. line. Crepe Paper Panama Hats, ire Tail Dogs, Wood Novelties, Halloween and W.F.MILLER, 158 Park Row, NEW YORK. JUST OUT! THIS BIG CATALOGUE of Newest Novelties, Specialties, Toys and Fancy Goods, FREE! Here’s the most complete catalogue of its kind issued. From cover to cover it Is filled with an unsurpassable assortment of newest creations—most up-to-date stunts and designs— most novel inventions in novelties, fancy goods, ewelry, toys, etc. You need this catalogue. t will open your eyes to new ways of utilizing epecialties—of new ways to profit. Send for it today—get this free course of education in the latest specialty ideas and let it be your guide. If you are a Concessionaire, Novelty, Jewelry, Notion or Fair Worker, Canvasser, Streetman, Auctioneer, Knifeboard Man, Hoop-la Game, or ——— Merchant, you can not afford to be without it. It contains full and completet lines in newest Novelties, Souvenirs, Watches, Jewelry, Fountain Dens, Optical Goods. Pocket and Table Cutlery, Yankee Notions, Carnival Goods, etc., etc., at wholesale only. By satisfying us that you are a legitimate dealer (as we want to keep this book out of the consumers’ hands), and sending us your permanent address, we will be pleased to send you this book free. SINGER BROTHERS 82 Bowery NEW YORK FLORAL DECORATIONS Home-Comings, Carnivals, Street Fairs, Automobile Parades, Anniversaries, Centennials, Etc. Our decorated auts mobiles have won first ae and honors all over the country. rite for our beautiful catalog—the only one of its kind—containing illustrations of decorated automobiles and floats, conveying valuable decorative ideas and information. Expert decorators furnished on exclusive contracts. Schack original and artistic flowers cost no more than the ordinary kind. Write for Catalog R-9, Send 25¢ in stamps, postage prepaid. Worth many dollars to you. Schack Artificial Flower Co., Inc. 1679 Milwaukee Ave., CHICAGO. yy 67 / 4 wan I. | \h ws "> a hand-power machine with a motor attached. —————~ It can not be imitated. ~—o™" HAND-POWER CANDY FLOSS MACHINBS. OUR CELDBRATED Electric Candy Floss Machines Will make 500 per cent profit Operates entirely by electricity. No gas or gasoline necessary. Compact, light and durable, Weighs only 37 pounds. This machine is not We also manufacture PROGRESO MFG. CO. 244 East 52d Street, NEW YORK CITY BY / & CHICAGO, PADDLE WHEEL a ©? $2 inches in diameter, bered 1 to 60, complete with paddies $10.00 JEWELRY SPINDLE Bize, 28x28 inches, "aio pieces of Jewelry 900.00 Deposit required with order. SLACK MFG.Cco. 10 N, Franklin Street 3] y PEs = ’ = 2 \\\ ° ILLINOIS WHIPS, CANES AND PENNANTS Souvenir Whips, Fancy Celluloid and Gold Lace, Handles, Mounts and Loop, $2.25; $2.50, $3.00, $5.25, $3.50, $4.00 per 100. No, 1 Jap Crook Canes, $1.25 per 100; $11.00 per 1,000. Pennants, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00. $5.00 and $6.00 per 100. ADVANCE WHIP CO., Westfield, Mass. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. ey in ticacemaaeadinanansti dk. coment se Ei. = SETA LOL IONS SS AT SS NI — nate natin nee a TP a PE te ea Ey