The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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88 —— The Billboard SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. Madison—Lacqui Parle Co. Agr. Soc. 27-29. Meyersdale. Meyersdale Fair & Racing Assn. J. F. Rosenwald, secy. 26-29. D. J. Fike, secy. Marshall, Lyon Co. Fair. 26-29. H. M.| Mt. Morris, Mt. Morris Fair & Agri. Assn. Alaba _Clark, secy. 26-! J. L. Blaker, secy. ‘ CHEAPER A Northfield. Rice Co. Agrl. Soc. 21-22. Geo, New Freedom. New Freedom Farmers’ Imp. Aut Seniebetioe isl wei diam alae Assn, 28-30. W. H. Freed, secy. : I . lo. Agr. % -29. J. y : % : -29. Bir Hl. Sandberg, secy. ee ee Oe ee SAMPLES EACH 10c. "B Rochester. Tieenten ad Co. School Fair. 26-29, Washington, Fair. 25-28. J. W. McKay Tus — d my om secy. secy ‘ 4 , 7 . . If ° K J oseau. oseau Co. Agrl. Soc. 25-27. M. h D: ad ki me Mitdond. aver. & a ee Fourche. Butler Co, Fair you can t nock Ar u wo Harbors. Lake Co, Agr, Assn, 21-23. j O 9 Fa i. Wiebeend anev £ oo 1. : Clark Co. Fair. 28-30. W. I. * don’ t Boost 2 sence ~ ere DY “elif wy na Co, Agr. Soc. 21-23. J. Kimball. Brule Co, Fair Assn, 21-23. P. allt Waseca. Waseca Co. Agri. Soc, 28-30. H.| Mitchell, Mitchell Corn Belt Expo. 25-30. sesh sy etek samy a Se cel eopeenes at he Mele. le ON, Gk AF Uae, aap Coles A. Panzram, secy. eae OOer, send for some new dope on my full line. It will pay you. We are here stronger and grander 5 Wheatoo. menane Co. Agr, Assn. E. N. Pullip, Ceatral Stanley Co. Fair. 26-28. E. than ever with a full line of Gay ’ y. . Banks, secy. : ee Co. Agr. Soc. 20-22. M. Sveeeke. Lawrence Co. Fair. 26-28. S. R. KNIFE SHARPENERS GYROSCOPE TOPS =e ’ askfield, secy. McCarthy, secy. Missouri—Cape Girardeau. Cape Girardeau Fair Vermillion. Ciay Co. Fair. 26-28. James J ae x. Park a. 26-: ~ J, » x Nunn, ‘he Partridge. om ‘ ‘ Send POTATO ENIV ES BUTTONS » TIE FORMS uba. Crawford Co. air Assn. 25-2 . | Tennessee—Greenville. Greene Co. Fair & Fesend and get catalogue. Now is the ti t t . » Liab ag ely ap ype Ag agg Ag a eee vem me to get ready and see what’s new. Fair time ts | Excelsior Springs. Chay Co. Fair. 26-29. W. Humboldt. Humboldt Tri-Co, Fair Assn, 27‘ ‘ ee eee Mr. Demonstrater, with goods shipped the same day as Tw _E. Templeton, : 30. C, W. Rooks, secy. order received. The only house in the world catering directly to good hustlers. Twent -five g b y oe ny. Sussourt valley Fair Expo. 23Kuewvilie. Appalachian Expo. 12-Oct. 1. years experience. Ming ct. 8 Sam Benjamin, sec F. J > Lamar. Barton Co. Fair — 27-30. John aes. Ristate Fair & Expo. 26-Oct. 4 Sp: Pahlow, secy. Frank D. Fuller, secy. 7 _* JAMES KELLEY, 2 5 ° ‘21-23 Ann Street, New York pa M — mR... Kalb Co. Fair. 26-29. E. A. too , Rewrite Co. Agri. Exhibition. 29tol ( 30. en ugee, secy. Monticello, Lewis Co. Fair, 26-29. Ben Meridian. Bosque Co. Fair. 27-30. J. M. " ae. eects Boe 80-0ct. @ . Secsiea. —— ‘i r 28-30. 55 ” | sdaita. issouri State Fair. -Oct. 6. an Angelo. San Angelo Fair Assn. . Gu John T. Stinson, secy. A. D. West, secy. t. Joseph Interstate Live Stock & Horse | pray 0 1 Inter-M . Fal Pe Show. 25-30. J. C. Mann, secy. ah—Ogden. nter-Mountain Four-State Fair. 7 . 22-30. H. Rowe, secy | Tnion Franklin Co. Fair. 26-28. H. L. < js Kan: Grunnell, secy Vermont—Brattleboro. Valley Fair. 26-28. 0. \ {| Vandalia. Vandalia om Carnival & Live F. Penson, secy. r LATEST NOVELTY SUCCESS ci Steck Co. 26-28. i mon, secy. ee. Union Agri. Soc. 26-28. C. S. Montana—Helena. at. State Fair. 25-30. wan, secy. OK § . J. A. Shoemaker, secy. Virginia—Roanoke. Roanoke Ind. & Agri. Beautiful blend of 1 ) stri ips of (silk finish) colcred ef Mebracke—Aizoworth. Brown Oo, Agri. Soe. Meloy MllggdSh macau cgay tissue paper. Now being sold with success at Fairs, =. Big, Springs. | Duell Co. Falr. 20:28, 0. F. 2 gg ag lead Beaches und Celebrations cf all kinds. Gct the genpe Bladen. Webster Co. Fair. 27-29. B. [ eo wy ee uine goods—they don’t cost any more. They are Clay Center.” Clay Co, Fair, 26-20. w. F.| North Yakima. Washington State Fair. 25beautiful. Beware of bum imitations. We ship any " Holcomb, ; itv the : > og Gerings Scotts Blu Co, Fair Asn, 27-29, | West Virginia—iuckhannon, Tpsimur Co, Fatt 2 os the s — day that we receive your order. We carry in stoc Ken A. B. Wood, secy er . . C. Arnold, secy. a) x 9 a hy ee oe ee 75 different poe yinatie ns of colors. The strips ef paper are 20 inches 0 0 T&S ape ature i long. We have the only Rattling Fan in the world. Sounds like a | tow og ey Si hae aed mond Dodson, secy. rapid-fire gun. Jobbers and retailer rs, Write at once. Send 10¢ for C a = oe Co. Fair. 26-29. aie we Wy gy Sauk Co. Agri. Soc. 26sainple. P . 2 " eiton, secy. R Ogallala. Keith Co. “pair. 27-29. 0. F. Beaver Dam. Dodge Co. Fair Assn. 25-29. Ohesebro, secy H. B. k secy. Caete. Douglas ~~ on Soc. 27-Oct. 7. pusees. vane 26.29. G. S. Peck, or 8 MARKS SPECIALTY Co., nas . y. a Crosse Interstate Fair. 25-29. . 8. Ord. Valley Co. Fair. "26-29. 0. P. CromVanauken, secy. 41 Washington St., 7 os ASS. ° well, secy Oshkosh. Winnebago Co. Fair. 26-29. A. 9 e B TON, M Osceola Polk Co. Fair. 26-28. F, H. Ball, R. Maxwell, secy. Originators and alta F Phan) Neale ie Cee eee tn Pears. Price Co. Agr. Soc. 26-29. Geo. R. F e . aw. . . ‘oster, sec Mg, OSE a a Richland Foe oll Fair. 26-29. W. G. Perry, | Fr . . . . secy -29. J. B. Douglas, secy. Seymour. Seymour Fair & Driving Park Assn. | — New Hampshire—Rochester. Rochester Agri. . — ze. A. a vee, seey. <= U Se ae. Se. Se ee ba bos Gn an ees. | — Mar New Mdetsey Trenton. es. Fair Assn. G, Ollinger, secy. | on — | * 25 =" R. Margenum, ang ants mite =. Fair. 27-29. W. B. Stillwell, a L ew Me, was Cruces. Mesilla Valley Fa Assn. eo. Forrest McKinley, secy. Westtied, Marquette Co. Agri. Assn. 25-27. ra Mas New York—Bath. Steuben Co. Agri. Soc. 26-29. J. H. Wheelock, secy. copia Game, complete, Chas. A. Shultz, secy. satel x ’ Pieces, izes, OLE. coccccccccccces , Binghamton. Binghamton Ind. Expo, 26-29. Wrens, OT ucWhincle: oeey: State Fair. 26 improved Cane Auwortment, 240 a4 —— “including 16 Rings. nent, | n Wm. Denning rtmen anes, including 1 RIMGS.cccccccccccee MB Brockport. Moures 2 Oe. Agr. Soc. 27-30. Fred |Canada—Cambleford, Ont. Seymour Agri. Soc. Improved Cane Assortment, 600 Canes, including 200 ines. wenesseeease 35:00 ' H. Shafer, secy. mcbeen, G. A. > secy. Extra Long, Fancy Loop Handle Whips, ass’td colors, best made, per Bross... : “4.50 Cobleskill. Cobleskill Agri, Soc. 25-29. Wm. ~~ ap —~_aleel Shooting Gallery Outfits, complete, 2,567 pieces, for only................. . 22.00 mi H. Golding, secy if W. Hickson, | secy. 200 Assorted Pocket Knives, for Knife Rack, a good flash........ Malone, Franklin Co. Agri. Soc. 26-29. Wal-| Brighton. Ont. Brighton Agr. Soc. 28. HorLarge Catalogue Free. Knives, Watches, Umbrellas, Toy Whips and Cane Ni E ter J. Mallon, secy. ee ae Ont. a ae Deposit, balance C. 0, Jap Canes $11-00 A 000. ets. ‘TERMS—Bult Mineola. Agri. Soc. of Queen & Nassau Cos. wmanville, Ont est Durham Agri. : E 26-30. Lott. VandeWater, secy. 19-20. oorcraft, secy. p20 80. Lott. VandeWater, ecy os oy | cunrenu Vilinge “Ques ager Soc. of the * CLEVELAND CANE COMPANY, Cleveland, O.| , John J. Walton, secy. Co. ot P Patios, Div. B. Sept. P. | 647 WOODLAND AVENUE. ! ¢eMahan out aS petee Agrl. Soc. 28-30. F. Cranbrook. ritish, Columbia. punt oreys A Agri. | 5 I Assn ere Hunt, secy Racheekd eaptings. a ———? Agr. Dresden, Ont, Camden Township Agri. I “4 ° Ay 28-29 . T. Bridgewater, secy. vernon, ne Fair & Race Meet. 26-28. Duck Lake, Sask Duck Lake, Sept. s ey , ot hane, se Versailles. Iroquois Agrl. Soc. 19-22. OrPs Cowl < n A t. 22J witnde Doxtader, eecy, ag oe Ba oat oes. srl. Soc. Sep 23. Wili be held at AIKEN, S. G. Nov. 14, 15, 16 and 17. Record breaking crowds a . Nugent. secy ed Gore Bay, Ont. Gore Bay District Fair. 26certainty. Prosperity reigns. Want to hear right away from FIRsf-CLASS ATMii North Carolina—North Wilkesboro. Wilkes Co. BR — Eins ve. 208. TRACTIONS AND CON SESSIONS We prefer to contract on percentage basis Fair Assn. 26-28. John R. Jones, secy. sa for attractions. HERBERT E. GYLF: : Beach. Interstate Fair Assn. 26-29. Charles me Ts ee — 4 Wellington Agri. 5, Secretary. Mi Harkins, secy. ‘98.99 P Granville.’ McHenry Co. Agri. Fair Assn. 28-| kciowna. B.C. The Merl & Trades Assn. ‘ 30, A. P, Simonson, secy. * of Okanagan Mission Sept. Wahpeton. Richland Co. Fair Assn. 26-29. W. Hamilton. sec on ae eee Co. Agri. Soc, 25-28 Ladner, Ont. Delta ‘het. Soc. 7 . és ‘ ‘ Taylor, secy. Ne Ai weniee, a. Wate Ame, 2029. Wel Langhi -, Agri. Soc. Sept. Four Days—Sept. 27, 28, 29, 30, 1911. e F. Uhle, secy. — he la oe Bowling Green. Wood Co, Agri. Soc, 25-20. Langley. B. C tangles Ast Soe. Sept. Attractions wanted. For Privileges, address R. E. HANSEN, Secretary, ) Canton. “Stark an aon. Soc. 26-29. Ea S&S. Lindsay, Ont. Lindsay Central Fair. 21-23. Forest City, lowa. Wilson, secy. James Keith, secy. Ne Eaton. Preble Co. Agri. Soc. 26-29. Harry | “Listowel. Ont. Listowel Agri. Soc. 19-20. D. Silver, secy. Mesdtord, Ont St. Vincent Agri. Soc, 28 seeeseer eernooe " Jamestown. ; Jamestown Fair Assn. 20-22. ’ >. ¢ ann yp neen grl. Soc. s copes-WesTERN UNION Cable Address—"*MAGICITY'"' PARIS * John . af a. seas. 3 Midland, ‘ont. Ast. Soc. 28-29. E. C. Gulla Ne =. arion Co. Agri. Soc. 26-29. ames ‘ . oom jo Ve , Knapp, secy. . Secs . | Smithfield. Jefferson Co, Agrl. Soc. 27-29. =). SS a Fruit Show, 25-30. e Nx J. O. Hayne, secy. —— . . a Summerfield. ‘Summerfield Fair. 26-29. C. ee Oat. io 4 B ae Agri. EARL’ Ss Cou RT WH ITE CITY MAGIC CITY H. Dew, Soc, 21-22. Albe inert, secy. Washington. Guernsey Co. Fair Assn. 26-29. —_ Ont — Agri. Soc. 19. H. J. TudPe ae . MANCHESTER PARIS . C. MeCreary, secy. Ope, aecy. 4 ain Office—168 Rue de L’ a Oklahoma—Oklahoma. Oklahoma State Fair. | Paris. Ont.” Paris Agri, Soc, 28.29, HL. C. UNIVERS!ITE——PARIS 26-Oct. 7. I. S. Mahan, 4 eal. secy. a Blaine Co. Fair Pm 4 20-23. C. Ripley, Ont. Huron Agrl. Soc. 26-27. Angus . S. McDowell, secy. Martyn, | secy. : Oregon—Canby. Clackamas Co. Fair. 27-30. Ste. Scholastine. Que. Agri. Soc. of Two M. J. Lazelle, secy Mountains. Sept. 26-28. B. Beauchamp, Medford. First 'S. 0. D. A. Soc. 27-29. C. St. Hermas, we.f Sarnia, Ont. West Lambton Co. Fair. 26-27. ‘ Oe 0. D. A. Soc. 26-30. M. A. Sanders, secy. Biggest seller out. CROWN STYLO INK —IL. Entirely new. Put ont Sone 15. Higuly \ Robert Smith, secy. Shelburne, Ont. Dufferin Central Fair, 26| ‘proved. Guaranteed positively non-loakable. Ink will not corrode or change, Very good and . Pennsylvania—Dayton. Dayton Agri. & Mech. 27. R. J. Watson, secy easy writer. Customer gets big value for money. Ever-increasing sales. Put up in an attracAssn. 26-29. C. C. Cochran, secy. J. ay ae Ont. Streetsville Fair. 29. W.. tive, gold-labeled box, with filler and clip. Large profits. Sample 2c. Hanover. Hanover Agrl. Soc. 19-22. B. J. Graydon, secy. ; H ‘ ' Miller, secy Sturgeon Falls, Ont. Sturgeon Falls Fair. Commercial Novelties Company, Sole Mfrs ’ 401-403 N. Desplaines $t., Chicago, Ik 9 Carlisle. Agricultural Assn. of Carlisle Coun22-28. Onesime Lafrance, secy. _ a Ww McCrea, secy. Surrey Centre, B. C. Dist. of Surrey Agri. 9 Hrotiaagsbure. Grange Fair Assn. of Blair —— Sept. 26. H. Rose, secy. 24-30. J. G. Sope, secy. Jindsor, Ont. Windsor & North Eesex Agri. eden -Kutztown Fair Assn. 26-29. CyAssn. 25-29. H. J. McKay. secy. rus J. Rhode, secy. nen : er ee = Stephenson & Watt Fair. 22 Lancaster. ‘Lancaster gril. Fair Assn. . Osborn, secy. 39. I. C. Arnold, secy. at: eh Yorkton, Sask. Yorkton Agri. & Ind. PxhiSe thant ane , — pany: earagy tng (Original) Lehighton. Carbon Co. “Agr' 29. hifion Assn. 25-26. .Thomas A. Water e and most popular drinks for Parks, Fairs, Entertainment lo the Wm. H. Obert, secy. field, sery, . U. 8. Government Pure Food Laws, Serial No. 9346. $30.00 py One ‘pound Lewisburg. Union Co. Agr. Soc. 26-29. ©;| Zurich. Ont. Zurich’ Fair. 2021. D. 8. makes 40 gallons. Price, $2.25. Sample gallon, 10 cents, rite for prices in lar nant ities. Dele Wolfe, secy. Faust, secy. a THE CORNE +, 908 Maryland Street," . : BUFFALO, NEW YORE