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The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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90 The Billboard ~ 3 SEPTEMBER 16, 1911 = _— ; 25 ite For Our.... Greensboro. Central Carolina Fair. Oct. 10Natchitoches. Natchitoches — h Fair. 25 a | 13. Garland Daniel, secy. 28. James B. Tucker, sec} a Catalog & Samp es Ohio—Coshociou, Coshocton Co. Fair. 10-13. Shreveport. Louisiana State ‘P air. Si-Nev. ni ae Sannin ee aitBeld Lo 11-14. | Mi ‘i wa Se Misstep Stat Fair Good Clean Shows for 1911-12 . al ele o g Soc, ‘ sSissimp ackse ss ’ © s . x r Me ane cll Pg “ 24 Nov. 2 J.F. MeKay, see : ia Annual Fair Cutabome ~-Fairview Major Co. Fair Assn, | North Caro inaCharlotte, Mecklenburg a , sccm Menteeiies Gi OE ail, Oh -BRétte | t. 10-13. Chas. A. Wright, secy, Assn. 24-2 W. J. Chambers. secy, — , Only — ‘companies 3 wanted “— : Hallet. Pawne Co. Fair Assn. 11-14. L. —— City Fair,” Oct, 23-28. EP. For Bands, Shows, Thes | goed. Four counties to draw from. Busivoxs Johuson, secy. amb, secy. s > i ¥ ag prospects first-class, Address FELTON OPERA ee ee ae AE SNS: Mone igo One ae tre and Park imp oyeet HOUSE t Ww e Felton, Owner, Dalhart, Texas secs y % Smith, secy a . _ sas * > ’ Mus ke wee Muskogee Fair. 9-12. Emma R. Oxsers. eerie Co, Fair. Oct. 24-25. Base Ball, Ete. Also FOURTH ANNUAL Knell, secy = * Jebb, secy. . ~ . Caee. : kewey Co. Fair Assn, Oct. 10-13. | South Carolina Columbia State Acrt, ———_ Catalog of Band Soldiers and Settlers’ Reunion & Home-coming Ce " G. Delaney, secy. Soc. of S.C, 0-Nov. 3. J. . re ; < oy oR « : Oregon —John Day Fifth E. 0. D. A. Soe. 10 secy. ; : =) 4 a In. truments & Supplies. Cowden. 1lin ris, Sept 27, 28, 29, 1011, Gro da 14. €. P. Haight, secy. Greenwood, Greenwood Co, Fair, 25-24 ; . lighted by eleetrie ity; free entrance; nig it Pennsylvania—Newport. Great Perry Co. Agr. trooks Marshall, secy., Se Weare also headquarters | tractions: ‘rowds til TL op. m.: good business, Soc 10-15 J. 4 F. Stephens, secy. Lexington. Lexington Co. Fair Assn. 24-26 for Banners Paintings WANTED Iwo or three clean Pent Shows ion Tennossee trownsville. Haywood Co, Fair. C. M. Efin, see : . ’ ~ '} Ball Alley Concessions and Privileges No ~ 10-13 J. E. Chapman, secy. Spartanburg Spartanburg Co. Fair. Last Badges, Buttons, Cosgambling or objectionable features, 3 a eSenegemnery (Co. Fair. 11-14. H. a wee 2S ico. Fair halk : tumes, Ete. Get our oO. A. JEWETT. Secy “ chel, secy, insboro. : el Oo. Pair. 2H. J. oe : : Dyersburg. Dyer Co. Fair Assn. 10-14. M.| Frank Foosehe, secy. a prices before buying. We W. Euell, secy. Virginia Eenperia. By mperia Agri. Fair Assn furnish the best goods Jackson, West Tennessee Colored A. & M. $1l-Nov. 3. 2. E. Goodwyn, secy. Fair. Oct. 11-14. J. Wesley Banks, secy, Pemnee rg Riding & Driving Assn. at lowest prices. Am Sweet water East Tennessee 10-13. pews. 8s ts art, secy. 1a : H e ee ‘freshments *%oodle Dog. Is ls Lin Matthews, Matthews Fair, Oct, 26-27. Per DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Ct ee ee Ser” ae tenn mit Virginia—Martinsviile. Martinsville Ath. Assn. cival Hicks, secy. eS s P . eee" shows. Single Sideshow, Three-in-One. M 10.12 T. H. Seef, secy. Suffolk. Suffolk Fair Assn. 24-27. a 1030 South Fourth $t., Greenville, Ilnois 4 tg tt a .. Fp awry av b. ~ 1 wr Virginia State Fair. 9-14. Mark FitzGerald, seey. Moose Cireus, Canton, O., Nov. 27, amd other ' R. Idovd. mer ‘ermanent address W. A, HOBERDIER, Mao ae Wisconsin—iavs Mills, Gays Mills Fair Assn. FIFTH WEEK. — ° Lam S$ rocco Boge lo = ; 12 E. G. Briggs, secy. Virginia—Southside. Southside Fair. Oct, 351 ager, Cz ‘ . Mont : Canaday—Demorestville, Ont. Sophiasburgh Agrl. Nov, 2. Percival Hicks, secy. Soc. M4 Asa Foster, seey For Parks, Theatres and Snows WANTED Selim Norwood, Ont. Bast Peterborough Agri. Soc. i ig Jd 10-11. John BE. Roxburgh, secy. d Att ti Rockton, Ont. World's Fair Rockton. 10-11, NOVEMBER. \\ Clear, 6¢ Colored, 7¢. A Goo rac ion Phoet John Malcolm, secy. FIRST WEEK. era EARLY ‘or second week in October. Prefer one with ; Me THIRD WEEK. Alabama—Demopolis. Black Belt Fair Assn. ie ey _ week, COLONIAL THEATRE Pies Nov. 1-4. E. R. Berry, secy. Trenton, Tenn. al err ~Athens. Limestone Co. Fair Assn. | Georg Augusta. Ga.-Carolina Fair Assn. 6 SAFETY ELECTRIC CO., 20 ie, Walker, ae, “Tit dat jackeon, peer. oe | FREE ATTRACTIONS Mon xomers. Alabama Agrl. & Ind. ExposiBarnesville. Tri-Co. Fair. 5-11. re i tion 16-24. Geo. T. Barnes, secy. Wakefield, secy. _— : Tuse aloosa. West Alabama Fair Assn. 16-21. Messe, “Ganenta State Fair (white). 8-18. ca THEATRE MANAGERS WANTED Ro _E. L. Clarkson, secy. R. R. Wright, secy. To introduce the merits of our] — . Free Street Fair Ho Ft. Smith. Kansas-Oklahoma Fair Assn. | Loulsiana—Jeanerette. Iberia Fair, 3-8. 8. AERIAL NOVELTIES in the way | For the ninth annual Bellevue Free Stree Yor S _ Oct. 3s 21. Glen Flemming, secy. B. Roane, secy. of an attraction for peat theatre, at Bellevue, Ohio, Oct. 17, 18, 19 and 20. Bor Mi Georgia—Cathoun. Gordon Co, Fair Assn. 17 Mississippi—Gloster, Fair. 8-10. W. D. Can fair, etc., we herewit otter aS | privileges of all kinds address W. B. SNYDER Littl 21. T. McVay. secy eld, secy. a sample, OUR BIG BALLOON, Assistant S.cretary. . é Hlinots Carrollton. Greene Co, Fair Assn. 17 Greenville. Delta Fair Assn, 611. L. P. 11 ft. high, with a4 J DU . —_ 20. S$. E. Simpson, secy, Smith, seey. MIES AND PARACHUTES AT 5 Agri, Louisiana = actrop. Morehouse Fair, 17-20. Gulfport. Miss. & Gulf Coast Exposition Co. TACHED, each 9 ft. in length, Wanted for Georgia State Colored Ne + Orris, SeCcy. 6-11. J. B. Howie. secy. which are arranved to release . : 0 Chatham. Jackson Parish Fair Assn, 18-20. | North Carolina—Smithbfield. Johnson Co, Fair. themselves alternately when balcultural and Industrial Fair be! Glen Fleming, secy. Nov. 2-3. loon is high in air, by time fuse]. ¢ ¢ Nov. 18. 1911. at Macon, Ga., firetLitth Crowley, Acadia Fair. 18-21.) J. A. Grimil | South Carolina—Camden. Kershaw Co. Fair. OUTFIT furnished complete for class Attractions. The Fair always bas paid. Cc lion, secy. 8-10. H. G. Corison, secy. the ascension, with full diree Privileses ané Conceasions for sale. MAJ. R. Lirth Homer Claiborne Parish Fair Assn. 17-21. Walterboro. Colleton Co. Fair Assn. 7-10. tions, ONLY $1.00. SIX OUTR WRIGHT Pres., Savannah, Ga rit ee Hulse, secy. y. W. Smoak, secy. FITS, $5.00. Arouse public in . “ : Be. . Ke arksville Avoytles Fair. 17-20. L. B. | Texas—San Antonio. International Fair Assn. terest in your behalf by taking . . Fields, Race 3-12. J. M. Vance, secy. advantage of THIS BIG $1.00 Goncessions and Sideshows Wanted Les one. ' Sabine Parish Fair. 17-20. J. 6G. Bertram. Timpson County Fair. Nov, 1-3. OFFER TODAY. ” Se _ @lisle, secy, Geo. G. White, secy. ‘a Plain Dealing. Bossier Parish Fair. 17-20. Waco Texas Cotton Palace. 4-19. S. N. THE eee el ane. fi aw eton, NN. D. oak started bason, seen OE gel, ey acs. onic. | Richland County air a . : a ag, “he gg Agrl. Soc. SECOND WEEK. 1700 Elle St., Cincinnati, = Septener 26, 27, 29. Four big om. Ss Sa Minnesota—Dassel, Dassel Fair Assn. 20-21. Arizona—Phoenix. Arizona Fair Assn. 6-11. — —“Aiteartions ine WwiRest* County Oscar E. Linguist, secy. r C PC eee ne ana o Dake r 3 Shirley Christy, secy. Fair in North and Sonth Dakota. Shows apd St. Paul. Northwestern Live Stock Assn. 17| Florida—Pensacola. Pensacola Interstate Fair : 20. Geo. A. Pierson, secy. ssn Li v ‘oncessions a : wa ate for Fair at Wheaton, Missiasi Assn. 6-11. N. J. illard, secy. Cot ssi 1 ' d pi Canton, M adison Co. Fair Assn. ( i Doug! Coff Cc Fai « Poult E ll L d Si ras a ah ss ig ~~ 7 : seorgia—Douglas. ‘offee Co. Fair yultry t ° HES c Wahpeton, N. 17-21. W. L. Dinkirk, secy. . Show. 14-19. Melvin Tanner, secy xce en a y ipger © an — nis — — ver Grevada. Central Fair & ’ Live Stock Assn, | Louisiana—Lafayette Fair. 11-14. F. Vv. Mou 17-19. Wm. P. Ferguson, secy ton, secy Ce ae Soeetnase te Sees oe CONCESSIONERS Holly Springs. North Mississi i Fair Ass ‘ aii WEEK spot light. work. Highest feferences and ex17-23. €. H. Curo, ey. re . 7 THIRD ’ cellent voice. Mezzo-soprane. Experienced in TAKE NOTICE! Meridian. jliss.-Ala. Fair Assn. 16-2 Loulsiana—Lake Charles. Calcasien-Lonisiana | the largest and smallest theatres. LENORE |. ; liad M. Striping. prom air Assn 16-21. R. Fair Assn. 21-24. Leon Chavanne, secy. KLEINER. 3315 Jackson Street, Dubuque, Lowa. Conccomiene Eee lt OER. Bellefonte, oe —_ Natchez, Postle ee Stewart Co 17-21. | Missi aa wan Chicksaw Co. Fair, Assn. GREAT K EN iM E CO. F. ’ : J. KR. Maneer, see . . 14-1 W. A. Marion, secy. ve 3. 4, 3. . an EEK. SELLEFONTE FAIR ASSN. eee —< aurpbell. Danbet Fair. Oct. 18 FOURTH W AT LIBERTY t Montana—Missoula, West ‘ st. Mont. Apple Show. eT a wo -_— Texas Fair Assn. DAN BU RY FAIR A. J. Breitenstein, secy. 27-De A Larkin, seer. preps Nebraxk a— Hastings. ; Central Neb. Fall Festi Liberty. Liberty County Fair Assn. 24-25. reno oO. The Langue Exhibition in New England. val. 16-21, Will S. Trites, secy. Clarence Chambers. . “aro -~King ‘Sioke y . Vashi on—Sp« . ‘oupt + i : A October 2, 5, 6 7. For privileges apply ere Carolina pHing. Siokes Co. Fair Assn, | W —_ go ona wea i Apple Greatest High Wire Walker in the World. to N. T BU L KL EY. Secy. Booths and Stands, Raleigh. North Carolina State Fair 16-20 H. Rice. For terms and catalogue giving full particulars | Danbury, Coon. FOR SALE—The exclusive for Qo Jos. E. Pogue, secy. ; wi a of these acts, MRS, A. A. SWARTZ, Man| Photographs Ohio—Canal Dover, Tuscarawas Co, Fair. 17 ager, 252 Fulton St., ow York City. 20. J. 8. Carns, secy. DECEMBER. —ATTENTION— o Oklahoma—-Brokea Arrow. Tulsa Co. Fair. 14 FIRST WEEK. e 16. W. N. Williams, secy, Nlinois—Chicago, International Live Stock & Ex C f A W d Tulsa. Tulsa Fair Assn. 16-21, M. A. Youn position, 2-9. B. H. Heide, secy. are ttractions ante Uren. secy. South Carolina—Aiken, County Fair. 4-9. HL. : ‘ SOS we < oat, Pennsy!vania—Gratz. Gratz Agr. & Hort. Assn. “ r. Gy oe — a , From September 20th. Experienced Bookkeeper | For Frank McCormick's Double Deck . — . 17-20. T. 8. Klinger, secy. c Cashier aud Business Manager. Will travel o | Feature Orchestra, Music, Special Cafe Vaudea" Pittsburg. National Land & Irrigation Expo. FOURTH WEEK. locate. ville turns. onan a Address m.. 12-28. Francis C. McC arty, secy. Maine—Freeport, Freerort Poultry Asen 26 7 oe South Carolina—Abbdeville. Abbeville, Co. Fair 29. Geo, P. Coffin. seer, , ‘ LEO N. SELTZER, Minneapolis, Minn. > 20. J. B. Loyal. secy. "| Canada—Amberst. N. 8. Maritime Stock Preedbs ne hy igen Fair. Oct. 18-20, w. ers’ Fair. 4-7. F. L. Fuller, Gruro, N. 8. Care Lakewoods Park, filler, secy . San ne 4 | Box a2s. cov ive Wanted---Concession Men |: South Dakota—Ratesburg. Tri Co. Fair Assn. Papeete 17-21. Walter J. MeCarthy, secy Sideshows for Midway Wheel and Paddles San yy, & ¥Y. 4 sey hs nneNcdbaabiettie’« thartoa ek. instead JANUARY. AT LIBERTY cr ati ey Fe me Fair Assn 18-21. J. M. Anthony, secy MW “ district. New Falr always takes with every Texas—Dalias Texas State Fair 14-29.. A i THIRD WEEK. ‘ c body Four days in a live city September San ney Smith. secy. ; nee a S¥E | Connecticnt—Hartford, Dairymen’s Assn, Third 19-22. W. L. LEECH, Sec’y., Amboy, Il. i Virginia— : week in January. J. W Schwenck, secy : San irg = a—Danville Fair Assn., Inc 17-20. G. ona Ib * Geoghegan. secy. ve rr 7 -—~ . Southside Va. Fair, 17-21. J FI , FIFTH WEEK. ; WANTED Pn atterson. secy ‘lorida—Orlando Orange Co. Fair. an. v: _ . ‘ —e omen . Washington—Wilbur. “Wilbur Fair Assn. Oct 30-31, °12. W. RB. Neal, secy. With three hig feature acts. Now|A Good Dramatic or Miastrel Troupe ‘ 17-20. F. W. Owen, secy. ; rs > — st > » To show at Howard. Kansas, during fair week, Canada—Grona Valley, Ont. Bast Luther Agri. booking Fall and Winter months. ! ' n 8 Sorc. 12-18 Win. Oct. 36 Must have tent: epera house burned MeIntyre, seey , 4 y. rite f sarticulars Adress Will have Ase ul crowds. Address A, F. SIMS, 7 Summ rian. B. ¢ Summerland Agri. Soc. W rite for partic ular: ‘: A , Ire S, Howard, ansas 18. R. Pollock, secr. y Sar MRS. W. M. KING 0 Alsbama—Tos Poko § tag A Agri, Pair, | Hitstien, must be sober, and. can join at once, [608 Third Ave., DETROIT, mich.| WANIED---ATTRACTION Vie 31-Nov. 8. Geo. T. Hill eecy . -1C. . FRIE Ay care O. L. Adams’ Amuse, For Store Show. Have large yacht on Miasis ! Sclma. Central Aishama Fair Assn. 26-98 Co., Weldon, N. C FOR SALE sippl River can make eo TH ences, Shen ) ry shards. secey a . : xive tine board, ete Write particulars in fir outs Morgan on man i ety be as : WANTED —Lady Partner with little money and ites Admeees MO GE T2E SDORFF, General Ce ansas—Pope Co. Fair Assn. 25-28. C. W.| stage experience, for Medicine Show, one who Delive St. Louis, M Dodd, secy. plays preferred; paying proposition to right pepe 3 cmeweme pal Birds, Tebein of Trainea elivery, § AAS, MO Georgix—Carrollten, Four is y Pair varty. Other Medical people write; must change ozs, and Educated ony, ogether or separ r ¥ “ = eee oe th Dt t. A. & M. Fair satel rg Ea — "eae a Pe wan work | ate. Enclose stamped envelope for reply. Ad | FREE ATTRACTIONS —Ounr special open ou Co Eatonton. Putnam Co. Fair Assn, 24-27.| year round. Open opera October 1, Enclose | dress “PAMAHASIKA,” 2324 N, Fairhill St., | Vaudeville Attraction Is the oreo -¥ t he : H. Reid Hearn, secy. photos and state all in first. Address PROF, | Philadelphia, I’a. ‘ drawing and pleasing F ree Aticootion the . ; Lexington. Middle Ga. Fair Assn. 23-28. | LUVIA, Manager, Assumption, III vce agg gga Eg SE onde gga Det John Knox, Gen. Mgr. _ FOR SALE—60 ft. round top, 30 ft. middle. | Pinced. ialloc Agee lon eae es at ‘ Moultvie, Colquitt Co. Fair Assn. 2628 | WANTED—For long season with Marsh Bros.’ 10 lengths 10-tler seats, 200 reserves, stage, | 1; + ascensio 4 with fire on lisplay ’ Write Des 8, D. Little. seey. Big Musical Comedy, Cornet, to double light —_ scenery lights. Cost $1,250. Ready | , . -. +p op ‘ge itt aaa “a et ils and 0 Kentucky Green, Warren Co. Fah | comedy parts Bass Drum. te double prop u complete. I'rice, 8500. PARK B. od = “TED SPARKS: aM CONT. CO. ro tury Dey t = B. BE. Wes. cncy. Other musicians write, No towne, so drunks | PRENTISS, Crawfordaville, Ind. Bids. (opp P. 0.), Kansas City, Mo.’ ' Louisiane—Mansfiel?. Desale Parish Fair Assn —— yr! R. W. BAKER, Bandmaster, Clarks SS. Nepp 5. V.), RARSAS Ly, U6, , 24-27. J. M. Rogers. secy. Verne, 20WS8. FOR SALE——Handeuf Act, Magic Act, Black Pur Minden me Websat«r Parish Fair. 24-29. E. ’ Art Outfit, Cabinet Mystery, New Card <Aet, Biue Mound FALL Festival C. ulliven seer. Comic Magie Act, Box Mystery, Mail Bag: also 4 % . nee . “re v Monroe. Monroe Fair Assn, 24-28. H. D. Wanted for Stetson S U. T. C. Co. 100 other tricks and illusions. Catalog for stamp, an ray Sa00 daily Attrections. eat Bri Apgor, secy. Leader of Orchestra, who doubles brass; Stage |]GEO. A. RICE, Dept. 4, Auburn, N. Y. GRISWOL D, Blue Mound, Ml. ’ Carpenter, who can play small part«: Man for : R FOR ALL me ote = feta Ac vod Rae = ne —y FOR SALE Laneh Car, OxIXx8, fully outapes WANTED. GOOD ACTS for the Wilmington Br: colores ase Sing’ or quarte also ” * “en : ‘ mister ao dishes i . q ”" . o see Tents to Ren PURPOSES female quartet; Singers one Dancere. Address for Business: 12 st pats, pred seston, : : (Ohio) Fale. Se 4s 26-28 All concessions ‘ : . ete, Send for terms and photo, A. NEWELL, [on the ground Saturday, Sept. 16. Add, ( M. MAGEE & SON, 147 Fulton 8t., N, ¥. City, | ON WASHBURN, Chester, Pa care Newell Cafe, Jancaville, Wis, GEO. A. KENNEDY, Sardinia, Ob’.