The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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100 The BilJboard SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. =a, ery | ie STOCK & REPERTOIRE Nestole Associate Players, B. i. Nestell, mgr... | Porepargh Sells Uros.*: Algena, ta. 18: Charles Jones’, A. H., Concession: (Exposition) Knox Cadillac, Mich., 11-16; Manistee 18-23. | Clty 14: Acbert: Lea, Mian 1d: lowa Valle, ville, Tenn., 10-Oct, 2. " Nickerson Pros.” Stock Co.. Chas. A. Merrill, | da.. 16; Newten IS: Albee 10: Oskaloosa 20; | Jones’ IL D.. Riding Devices & Concessions, Academy of Music Stock Co., Wm. Fox, mgr.: mgr.: Springfield, Mo., 10-16. Keokuk 21: Rushnell, 1, 22; Canton 24, _C. A. Do@ey, mgr: Greensburg, Ind., 11.16. N. Y¥. C.. Aug. 20, indef. Opera House Stock Co.: Paterson, N. J., Aug. | Fountain, Bobby, Shows: Melton, Mo., 18; East | Rerstone Shows, Dock & Russell, mgrs.: Kil Aleazar Stock Co., Belasco & Mayer, mgrs.: 21, indef. Lyune 14; Clinten 15 168: Ma lonville IS; Butmarneck, Va., 13; Lancaster C. H, 14; Lit Sau Francisco, Cal., Aug. 29, indef. Orpheum Players, Grant Laferty, mgr.: Phila.. tertield 1%: Rogers, Ark., 20; Gravette 21; walton 15; Sharpswarf 16; Emmertou 18; 4 Alhambra Stock Co., Roche & Marvin, mgrs.: indef. Rentonville 22. Warsaw 19; Newland 20; Leedstown 22. Chicago, I... Juiy 24, indef. ay may Nance, Stock Co.: San Francisco, Cal. Gentry Bres.": Grand Forks. N. D., U8; Farge | Lewis, L. W.: Grant’s Pass, Ore,, 15; Medford Auditorium Stock Co., Wm. Stoermer, mgr.: Los Aug. 21, inde 14; Ortoaville, Minn., U5; Montevideo 16; 20. Angeles. Cal., July 10, indef. Obrecht Steck Co.: LaCrosse. Wis., indef. Northfied 18; Faribantt 19; Masen City. La. | Littl Rassian Prince, G. W. Lester Willard, Avenue Stock Co.: Wilmimgton, Del., indef. Payton, Corse, Stock Co., Corse Payton, mgr.: | 20; Eldora 21; Marshalltown 22 Centerville mgr.: London, Ont., Can., 11-14; Detroit Alman, Daniel, Co., E. C. Eger, mgr.: WorBrooklyn, N. Y.. Aug. 28, indef. | Gollmar Rros.":; Stuart, la.. 14: Knoxetile 1; Mich., 16 27. cester, N, Y., 11-16, Phillips Lyceum Stock Co.: Brooklyn, N. Y.. Sigourney 16; Fairtield IS: Carthage, UL. 19; | Mascot, Educated Horse, H. 8S. Maguire, mgr Baker Stock Co.: Spokane, Wash., Sept. 3, inindef. Mt. Sterling 20; Vittstield 21; Barry 22; CoSpringfield, iL, 11-16. def. Princess Stock Co., Elbert & Getchell, megrs.: lumbia, Mo., 2%. Milane Uante’s Inferno Co., Jas. F. Sullivan, Belasco & Stone Stock Co., Belasco & Stone, Des oMines, Ia,, Aug. 27, indef. Haag, Mighty, Shows: Publication of route promgr.: Chicago, Ill, Aug. 27. indef. mgre.: Los Angeles, Cal., indef. Pringle Stock Co.: Seattle, Wash., indef. hibited, Mail addressed care The Biliboard | Milano Dante's Inferno Co., Harry Scott, mgr Relgrade Stock Co., J. Lewis, mgr.: Rome, | Proctor Stock Co.: Newark, N. J., July 17, forwarded. St. Louis, Mo., Ang. 26, Indef, Y., Aug. 14, TAY indef. | HagenbeckWallace: Mountain Grove, Mo., 13; | Mysterious Smith Co., Albert P. Smith. mgr. Bijou Steck Co., Geo. A. Haley, mgr.: Woon| Pickerts, Four, Co., Willis Pickert, mgr.: War. | Springfield 14; Monett 15; Rogers, Ark.. 16; Stuart, Ia., 13-14: Anita 15-16: Griswold 18 socket, R. LL, indef. wick, N. Y., 11-16; Salem, N. J., 18-23. Fayetteville 18; Ft. Smith 19; Clarksville 20; 19; Glenwood 20-21; Elliott 22-23. Bishop's Players. W. H. Bishop, mgr.: Oak| Royal Stock Co.. L. A. Figg, mgr.: MartinsRussellville 21; Conwas 22; Newport 23. Norwoods, The, Hypnotists, M. H. Norwood, =land, Cal., indef. ville, Va., 11-16, | Henry’s, J. E.. Wagon Show: Liberty, Neb., mgr.: Topeka, Kan., 11-16, Bonstelle, Jessie, Stock Co.: Detroit, Mich., July | Sandusky-Stockdale Stock Co.: Seattle, Wash..| 13; Barnston 14; Odell 15; Lanham_ 16; | Raymond, The Great: were Egypt. Oct. 17, indef. Aug. 6, indef. Rarnes, Kas., 18: Waterville 19; Blne Rapids 4-7: Calro 8-11; Port Said 12-14: Mecca Buckley, Louise, Stock Co., Harry Hamilton, |Sherman Stock Co.: Elgin, Ml.,. Sept. 4, indef. 20; Frankport 21; Vermillion 22; Centralia Arabia, 16-18; Bombay, Indiq 28. Indef. mgr.: Detroit, Mich., indef. Spooner, Cecil, Stock Co.. Blaney-Ppooner Co.. 23. Starrett’s, H. S., Shows: Sturbridge, Mass. Burbank Stock Co., Oliver Morosco, mgr.: Los mgrs.: N. oe C.. Aug. 5, indef. Honest Bill Show: Rockville. Mo., 18; Shell 11-16, Angeles, Cal.. indef. Starkey Play J. N. Montgomery, mer.: | City 14; Harwood 15; Walker 16. Thomas & Pearl's Show, Jno. T. Thomas, mgr.: Barrow-Howard Players, Jas. Wallace, mgr.: Jachecnvilic,, Fla. Aug. 15. indef. Howe’s Great London Shows: lublication of Wagner, S. C., 12-16. Vincennes, Ind., 11-16; Champaign, I11., 18-23. | St. Claire, Winifred, Co., Earl D. Sipe, mgr.: route prohibited. Mall addressed care The | waiden, Dana, 8. Worden, mgr.: Palatka, Boston Comedy Co., H. Price Webber, mgr.: Sidney, O.. 11-16, Billboard forwarded. Fla., Aug. 21-Sept, 16, Jonesport, Me., 11-16. Spence Theatre Co., Sohns & Ravis. mgrs.: Com| Jones Bros.’ Show: Mansfield, Ga., 14, Zenola: Helena, ont., 10-16; Billings 17-23. Boyer, Nancy, Stock Co.: Zanesville, O., 11-16, merce, Tex., 13-14; Ladonia 15-16: Bonham | Kit Carson Buffalo Ranch Wild West: Wymore, Cleveland Players: Cleveland, 0., August 21, ente e: we — ha -23. Neb., 15; Washington, Kan., 16. 9 indef. aylor, Harry «. Stoc 0.2 unton, ass., | Lewis & Clark Show. F. L. Kirsch. mgr.: Kerit} Cody, Leis J. W., Stock ~ nar Dull, mgrs.: y _e oe — Seciais eee } stone, Cal., 14; Calexico 15: Yuma, x. 16. Additional Performers Dates Stamford, Conn., Aug. , indef, ale, Travers, Stoc 0.: Hoboken, N. J.. Au. Lucky Bill Show: Naples, Ill, 13; Bluffs 14; ’ College Stock Co.: Chicago, Il., Sept. 4, in-| 21, indef. Chapin 15; Lynnville 16. Austin & Carvin (Orpheum) Marios, 0., 16-30; ef. Van Dyke & Eaton Co., F. Mack, mgr.: Flk| Miller Bros.’ & Arlington's 101 Ranch Wila| , (Orpheum) Mansfield 21-23. Columbia Players, Frederick G. Berger, mgr.:| hart. Ind.. indef. | West: Carthage. Mo., 13; Neosho 14; Ft. | 4@4ison & | Livingston (Dreamland) Mobile, Paltimore, Md., Sept. 11-Oct. 6. Woodward Stock Co., 0. D. Woodward, mgr.: Smith, Ark., 15: Muskogee, Okla., 16. Ala., 11-16, ; Craig. John, Stock Co.: Boston, Mass., Sept. Omeha, Neb. Ang. 28. indef. Ringiing RBros.’: Los Angeles, Cal., 18-20. College Trio (Forsythe) Atlanta, Ga. 18-23. 1, indef. Wheeler Sisters Stock Co., Ton Carroll, mgr.: Rippel Bros.’ Show: Hammond, Ill., 13: La Escardos, Three (Grand) Pittsburg, Pa., 11 Crescent Stock Co.: Brooklyn, N. ¥., Sept. 2,| Parkersburg, W. Va.. 11-16; Ironton, '0., 18 Place 14: Lake City 13: Dalton City 16: Reth. |. 16; (Hippodrome) Cleveland, 0.." 18-23. indef. 5 any 18; Finley 19; Windsor 20; Strasburg 21; Ferguson, Dick (Bijou) Battle Creek, Mich., Chase-Lister Co., Glenn F. Chase, mgr.: Atlan| Wight Theatre Co., Hilliard Wight. mgr.: WavStewardson 22: Shumway 22. _ 10-16, tic, Ia., 11-16; Audubon 18-23: erly, Ia.. 11-16; New Sharon 20-23, Robbins’, Frank A.: Rowlesburg, W. Va., 13; | Groves. Wm. (Wilson Ave.) Chicago, 11-16; Chauncey-Keiffer Co., Fred Coouneey, mgr. : | Keyser 14; Brunswick, Md., 15; | Annapolis (Virginian) Chicago, 18-23. a me Ya 11:16; 5 Ly Se. Fe. 18; Bel Air, Md., 19; Havre Sona, yg: Reynolds,, Ind., 11-16; hicago Stock Co as ossKam, mgr.: de Grace q WS STO =>. * Alliance, 0., 1116: Fremont 1-38. CARNIVAL COMPANIES Bebtasen. John, Shows: Fayetteville, Tenn., 13; } na ll a Rohsoter, ier” 11 Culhane’s Comedians, Will E. Culbane, T.: untsville, Ala., 14; Winchester, Tenn.. 15; | .. *9 U real, Can.. -23. Piper City, I., 11-16. me Atwood’s Combined : oe D. M. Atwood, megr.: So. Pittshbure 16: et aren as: oa Kashima (King Edward) Montreal, 11-16, Davis Stock’ Co., Harry Davis, mgr.: PittsPy =. eo Nl. a1.46 cla as 11-18. q, 28+ ,19:, Cartersville 20. LaRanb & Scottie (Fair) Port Huron, Mich., burgh, Pa., Aug. 28, indef. R oe ae S| tarts on. N. C., Sanger's Combined Shows: Publication of route 11-16, : 7 Dominion Stock Co.: Winnipeg, Can., Aug. 28, arkoot Shows, K. G. Rarkoot, mgr. : al prohibited. Mail addressed care The Bill| McNutts, Nutty (Palace) Asheville, N. C., indef. ehian Expo.) Knoxville, Tenn.. 11Oct board forwarded. 11-16, DeArmond Sisters Co., Geo. E. Dawson, mgr.: | C@tara Carnival Co. S. J. Cantara, mer. Sells-Floto: St. Louis, Mo.. 11-18: Jefferson , Montello: Reynolds, Ind., 11-16; Brookston Sedalia, Mo., 10-16; Ft. Scott, Kan., 17-23. —, aris, Me.. _. : : City 14; Sedalia 15; Lexington 16: Kansas | _ 18-23. DeGuerre & Ross Players. Wm. Ross, mgr.: wh . Lae: * D. Corey. mgr.: Rice Lake City, Mo., 17-18; Kansas City, Kas., 19; St. | Nawn, Tom, & Co. (Orpheum) Omaha, 17-23. Franklin. Neb., 11-14: Bloomington 15-16. ae ‘s.. Be a a —-. Joseph, Mo., 20; Topeka, Kas., 21; Emporia | Priest, Billy (Princess) Woodstock, [l., 11 Dymont Stock Co., A. M. Diamond, mgr.: Vinaden to. NO. hg R. —22: Wichita 23. 16. cennes, Ind., 11-16; Brazil 18-23. 18 23. enterville, Ia., 11-16; Ft. Scott, Kas Sopses. John H., Shows: Piedmont, Moe., 14: Tayler, Mae gi oarety) Indianapelie,. jet. 11 ‘4 P ¥ . oniphan 15: Corning. Ark., 16. New Sun) Springfiel< a Devers, Peeve, S.. pnd Saceewe. mgr.: El gg 2, H. Snyder. mgr.: Tespiias’ wile West: Winchester, Ven. 11-16. a ene & Fulton (Gem) Conneaut, 0.. 14 . “ vi > _ | Yankee obinson aremore 4 ‘ —_—s beta ie Y Jed Carlton, mgr.: Greeneet, OS, Poseee. Sieve: Philadelphia, Pa.. Young Buffalo Wild West: Marietta. 0., 18; | University Four (Family) Lafayette, Ind., 14Earle Stock Co.. L, A. Earle. mgr.: Hicksville, | Four RProther Shows: Sylacauga, Ala., 11-16: | en, Va., 14; Huntington 15; a Frcacten) Srenaee, Ml,, 18-20; “(Gat 0., 11-16; Muncie, Ind., 18-28. a 18-23. : be } Vassar Girls (Chase’s) Washington, D. C., GagnonPollock Stock Co., Eat Cc. Gagnon, — at c. M. Goodell, mgr.: Lawrence11-16; (Colonial) Norfolk, Va.. 18-23. mgr.: New Orleans. La., indef. re meal Winchester, Ed. (Scenic Temple)’ Pawtucket Giaser, Vaughan. Stock Co., W. B. Garyn, | Gowdy Shows, M. A. Gowdy, mer.: Devalls R. I.. 11-16: (Merri ¥ mgr.: Detroit, Mich., Sept. 3, indef. Bluff, Ark.. 11-16: Argenta 18-23. BANDS & ORCHESTRAS Mass., 18-23. ‘ — aw Gotham Steck Co., Perey Williams, magr.:|Gtrat Empire Shows. J. W. Hampton. mar: Wright, Lillian, Lloyd & Clayton (Wilson) Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 2, indef. untington, W. Va., 11-16; Rinefield 18-23. | Banda Verdi, Francesco Creators. director: | Chieago, 11-16; (Willard) Chicago, 18-23. “ y G ° Shows 4 ~ . “ : Grew. Wm., Stock’ Co.: Houston, Tex., June 24, yd Pg a 4 J. J. Eylward, megr.: (Schiits Palm Garden) Milwaukee wie | Oana Mexican, Family (Majestic) Rock indef. Island, Ill, 11-16; (Academy) C ; Gillespie's, Arthur Players: Woodstock, Ill, | Greater United Shows J. R. Warren, mgr: Rutier’s, Helen May, Band: Chicago, Il 23. a 11-16: Sterling 18-20: Ottawa 21-23. gees. Ky., 11-16: Nashville, Tenn.. “Tb. 28-Sept. 23. 4 * > "" | Zenoz. The Great (County Fair) Elkader. Ia., nn a a te 18-28, inten, J. Frank, Shows: Ft. Wayne, Ind.. 11Corrado’s, Albert, Band: _ fence Park) Mobile, 11-16; (County Fair) Kimball, 8. D., 18-23. 1 Pine Biuff, Ark., 11-16; DeSoto, Mo., 18Ala., April 30-Sept. Hall, Louis Leon, Stock Co.: Jersey City, N.| snvenal’s. J. M.. Stadium Shows: Charleston. Ferullo Band, ay " Gallo, mgr.: (State J.. Ang. 28, indef. Mo. 11-16 Fair) Salem” Ore., 11-16, Hoes) Stock Go... M, Holden, mar: Wash-| jones’, ‘Jonny J ..Rxposition Shows: MorganOT¥gory's Italian Band: (Tuna Park) Los An. Hillman’s Stock Co., F. P. Hillman, mgr.: SumBee ne I om atl Paris. Tenn 11-18: | Kryl’s Bohemian Rand, Salvatore Tomaso merfieid, Kan. 11-16; Concordia 18-28. Huntingdon 18-28. ; co mgr.: (White City) Chicago, {ll., 20-Sept » Hiiiman’s Idea! Stock Co., No. 1, Herbert Thay| Kjine Shows, Herbert A. Kline, mer.: Peru, = > -er. mar: Sabetha, Kan., 11-16; Edgar, Neb.,| “nq. 12-15: Hutchinson. Kan... 18-26. Lambardi Grand Opera Co., Fortune Gallo, mgr.: 1 Krense, Greate Ss} ° Ro = t ‘ Oakland. Cal., ind Hiliman’s Pavillion age Frank Manning, "eon or + ga ag ak we = #44 Lozito’s Band: (Palisades Amusement Park) ; , « ra en 23. . 4 rar 1811 Catalogue ts ready po. mgr.: Relleville, Kan.. 11-16. Tandes Rros.’ Shows: Cedarvale aT Palisades, N. J., indef. Himmelein. John A., 5 estab Players, Ira Leonsed ola eg Egy ge et oy oak Ohlmeyer & His Corona Rand. Menry Ohlprgedipcoeed today” ite E. Earle, bus. mgr.: Sandusky, 2, Soe. 8 Guide Rock, Neb.. 11-16. . mezet. , mar.: (Idera Park) Oakland, Cal., Himmelein, John A., Imperial Stock Co. » + | MeMahon Amusement Co., J > es, mgr.: thst tad ARNIVAL eeons Grayhill. bns. 2 Montpelier, 0., 11-16; | Seneca, Kas. 1-18 and —Beet. on, Ones, wr | (tate New Lexington 18-23, Macy’s Olympic Shows, J. A. Macy. mer.: Thayat haga ” (Exposition) | cubber Balls, Rubber Balloons, Balloon t Henderson Stock Co,, WwW J. & R. R. Henderer, Mo., 11-18: Trumann, Ark., 18-22. neittsbare, _ » 18-28. “ Vhips, Canes, Dusters, Confetti, _adeg 4 mgr. Ottawa, Kan.,. 4-16; Lawrence, | Moss Pros.’ Greater Shows, J. 0. Moss. mer.: 1 oa — Ladies Orchestra: Sandwich, | ind Novelties of all kinds. 4 Eminence, Ky., 11-16; ¢ It 8-23. °° = Hall. Ren C., Renertoire Co.: Ladd, ML, 11. | New Exposition Shows, Chuck Meek, mgr.: | Wheaton Family Orchestra: (Waverly Park) 1@: Trinmph 18-23. Rensselaer Ind.. 11-18. Lansing. Mich., May 27-Sept. 15. + and JEWELRY Hickman-Ressey (Co., J. D. Proudlove, mgr.: | Nigro & Loos Shows: West Terre Haute. Ind.. Canton, 1M1., 1116. 11-16: Rrownstown 18-22. told Plated @loeks and Metal Jewel Bos ti. Hont Stock cos M, A. Hunt, mgr.: Midland. | Parker Shows, Ned Stonghten, mer. Huron, 8. al Goods, Cutierg, Rasors and Ky may tr & Associate Players Kerr Patt Bn TE gy Bye ys Topek MINSTREL a oS Eee ene. L ’ , Tson § ‘ mgr.: Topeka, Amnse. Co., megrs.: Falls City, Neb., 14Kan., 11-16. ‘ * a oe RIGHT PRICES. Sept. 92 Reid & Honkins’ Son Shows: Tam, W. VaV., Coburn’s, J. A.: Richmond, Ky., 13: Nich e O. D. without « cash deposit. Kellera. John E., Stock Co.: N. Y¥. C.. Ang. 11-18: Tazewell. Va.. 18-23. olasville 14: Stanford 15; Corbin 16: Mid eos ener 21. indef. Rice & Woods Alamo Shows: Milwaukee, Wis.. desboro 17-18; Harriman, Tenn., 19; Morris . Kniekerhocker Stock Co.. Seer 2. ere 11-17; Minonk. IT!., 18-23. seid ha Greenville 21; Johnson City 22 mgr.: Lees Summit, Mo.. 11-16: Rntler -22. | Rovell’s Great Shows, F. re Rozell, mgr.: Cheristol 25, © 0 on King Dramatic Co.. Chas. P. King, mgr.; Sweet| noa, ML, 11-16. er = er ed ay: Ot Evans, mer.: Cle xs water, Tex., 11-16. Reiss, Nat, Carnival Co.: Lexington. Neb., 11-16. cinnatl, O., at. 822 Lawrence, John, Players: Cincinnati, 0., Aug. | Smith. John R.. Shows: Colnmbns, Ind.. 11-16. Fields, AL G.: Danville. Va.. 13: Richmond -824 N. 8th Street, oT indef . 3 : 4 < Smith Greater Shows: Ruerrns 0. 11-16. 14: Norfolk 15-16: Tetersburg 18: Ralvelgb. | TT, LOUIS ° e uv. SA mete , one St. Lonis Amneement Co., E. W. Weaver. mer.: m. €.. %: er 20; Charlotte 21; 4 c Lonergan. Lester, Stock Co.: New Bedford, ams we” Ste Spartanburg, 8S. Mase., Ang. 14, Indef. . ee : ; -|U. S. Carnival Co.. J. F. Calkins, mer.: LaF \ wtel ‘ Cc » = ‘ox’s, Rov F.. I ‘st : WN ieee ev. beren 30. Nnaer. gts porte, Ia.. 11-18; Wilton 18-23 11-13; Dangerfield 14-18: Pitteharg 1830” \\ BRO FRIENDLY DOGS. Lockes Stock Co.. Guy B. Browse, mgr.: Oakba we Amnsement we H. Welder, megr.: Renis Broa.’ Marshalltown, Ia., 11-16: \ + Gotlar and in. Spiral lend Ta., 13-14: Walnut 15-1 7 irnundy Center 19 21. owing Bell. each Lockes (o.. Will H. Locke, mgr.: Chadron, | Winsiow Shows: Altamont. Ill.. 11-16; Breese | Rehards & Pringle’s. liolland & Filkins, mgrs.: bn 8 box, Pas., Nob.. 12-15. _ 8-25. : > 7 Manti Utah. 1%: Nephi 14: Spanish Fork 15: 75. Dos. Lynn Stock Co., Jack Lynn, mgr.: Canandaigua, at ag a? Minited Shows No. 1: Monroe. — Ringham Canyon 18: Salt Lake City 17: “Corni"’ Bead N cos. $0.76 N. ¥.. 18-23" Wtaetienss & Alon Tait. 7: cee No. 2; Milwan| Prove 18: Grand JInnetion, Colo.. 19: “Aspen Rend Long 1.76 Mack. Wlard. Stock Co.: Vancouver, B. C.. eS or te ‘eae wee 2; 3 ot Glenwood Springs 21: Leadville £2: Sa. Leng Tassel Bod Braided Iuly 2 . be v a Maber Stock see pat Maher. mgr.: Alexan| Young Bros.’ Shows: Lexington. m., 11-16. sai [B-ineh Prasei Be oe ee ; * i uvenir f-y =_ 83. + ER OS fg cr irae iene on ason ree 23 . . nen OP eis ssetas Kittanning. Pa. 11-18: Vandegrift 18-22. Circuses, Wild Wests and | 25-tneh Morey Stock Co.: (TaComte & Flesher’s North: ; MISCELLANEOUS ventr a. psa oe Ge 4 ae »~« . ‘abo e gd he AR sy ee Marshalltown, Ia Tent Shows | Rockmas's Animal Show: Salem, Ore., 11-16; sm” Mat Bands, all Nre inseriptions, . ’ ! Talla ole. Week... WER iii... Pe eee ee Oe eee ee. lias Co.: Peterborongh, Ont., Barnes’, Al G., Wild Animal Show: Sonth Ta| Barnum, Mypneti<t Ke G. Rarnom, mer.: Win Red White end mue ‘Bates Rosettes, tor Morer Stock Co (TeComte & Flesher’s Sonthroel —* 3; Olympia 14; Elma 15; Ab| ee. “— a . iniiie as | 16 met weiss. Me tay ern) r a Hicks mer.: Relleville, Kan.. ea 4 5 a a : ; arnum. *re a ‘ agiclan Fentriloqniet antieetn Ais ee ee? **? * ~ 11-1@° Ottewa 18-98. a me agg SBS a a pees —“ a" = New Pararls 189% | a en na Air" Da Mowe gross... ee Stock Co.: Bay City, Mich.. Wichita 18: Enid, Okla.. 10: Shawnee 30: Mages TE craggy rs ee “, HH Loretta, Rend Bquawhker Balicons a | aie c hom<« j 1. o~. . . “ E . Murray-Mackey Co.. John J. Wurray, mer.: Lison. "3. wabive Mens” coe er Ai =a uw; 1). A. Breen mer.: | @eeatght er Bont Raby eg — a S0-o>. Aaene — Ind 11-13 Ruffalo Pill-Pawnee Rill Combined Shows: Lear c witereil ‘a sean a a. oes. Tiisem “Uae Pape Meme Voy prose , Metronoliten Plsvers: Butler, nd., -13; enworth. Kas., 12: St. Joseph. Mo.. 14: at ~oxayae 7 JP ay lhe “ ' ’ E aes. s 5 Je eph. 2... A! Divine Giels (Marry Siv's). Rert Th oward ‘ for Bpeetel Prive bat a ¥. Stack Co.. F. OO. Francis ne 7 neagg ES 7a one A sige ik Ry (Fair Grounds) Pine’ amton. N. ¥ 14 “a bad wane Boe W. Meadieon St. Chicago, Hl. . ) wes abo ‘j . 0.14. : a8 a ay 4 aring Re BBexs 9: ed a «| Bd Diving Girls (larry S'x'e) Al Tlolet 1 er.: . “ie een et gg oe Cregeen 21; Maryville, Mo., 22; Chillicothe (Fair Gronnd«) Allentown. Ta 12°18 ~— seen tihceii —FOR SAt &arth trons ork .. arin. cr. ne “ “ | Sle “de: “OkIghomaCith Avla.. Sept. 18 _indef CambeN Pros *: Paine wr. Tex. 18: Tnbock Gliptan, The. we atin Remedy Ca.,.8 n on | oheeiaee? ml aaa titties — oo North Pros.’ Stock Co.: Topeka, Kans., Sept. 4. 14: Snvder 15: Coleman 16: Goldthwalte 18. pin, mer.: Weat Liberty, Ia.. 14-16: Inde| ween f all 4 4 = inde? Downle & Wheeler Shows: Middletown, Del. pendence 183% Avent “ i Pn ae, yy oe ae Nef & Pernington Comedy Co.: Warahachie 12: Chestertown, Md., 14; Centerville 15: Ilerhert & GNipin Show, Ed. 8. Gilpin, megr.: — aeeet. 3. Tex.. 10-16. Easton 16. | Cowling, M., 11-16. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them #0.