The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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102 The Billboard SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. NOTES OF THE ROAD. (Continued from page 23.) According to a statement made by L. Scott Townsend, president of the New Castle (Del.) County Fair Association, the proposition to make Newark Del., a town just south of WilMington, the headquarters of the fair and to hold the annual exhibitions there, instead of | in Wilmington, will not be decided until a meeting of the directors, which will probably in a few weeks. The people of Newark have offered some flattering inducements in| order to obtain the fair, and are going to work hard toward securing it. Naturally, Wilmington being the larvest city in Delaware, and having excellent trolley facilities, as well as rail and water transportation, is favored: but tue offer made by Newark is such that it would lessen the annual risk of the association in running the gauntlet of the weather. Among acts now appearing on the Hodkins’ Lyric Circuit are: The Original Potts Brothers and Co., ‘‘The Aeroplane Girl,’’ Lucille Tilton, Dorothy Lamb and Co., “arl and the Rheil Sisters, Pirrl and Pirri, Yvonne D’Arci and Co., Reme and Ferguson, Manning Twins, Martell! and Rossi, Black and Black, Alberto, Britt Wood. The Trillers, Gladys Dix, Len and Dollie Wills, Sam Gilder, Eaton’s Dogs, Stanley and Gray, Apollo Quartette, Mosher and Likes, Slawson and Tyson, Nichols and Sherwood, Le Ora Vennet, Van and Davis, Palmer and Lewis, The Eatons, Hall and O’Brien, Blaisdell and Webster and many others. Crawford’s comedians opened their summer season May 1, with two companies, under the managements of Faymond D. and Talmage Crawford. The summer has been spent in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, aad business has been all that could be expected, as neither show has had a reverse week. Both companies carry thelr own Pullman cars. and a company of twenty-four people, featuring their bend and orchestra. Both companies go South this winter. The new play, The Black Sheep. written by Raymond D, Crawford, is the feature play and is making a hit. Axel Christensen, “‘The Czar of Ragtime,’’ decided to quit vaudeville a week or so ago, but had no more than reached that conclusion when Edward C. Hayman, of the estern Vaudeville Managers’ Association, tendered him a route which called for his opening at Eau Claire, Wis., Labor Day. To get there Christensen had to get a release from Sunday at the Ellis theatre, where he was appearing as a special feature for Alfred Hamburger, but this was accomplished. Jacobs and Daie, “‘The Jew and the Other Fellow,’’ report continued success around Western New York and Pennsylvania. Week of August 2ist they appeared at the Plaza, Buffalo with a lot of new material and scored an inStantaneous hit. A lot of good singing and with good, bright comedy, make the act ‘‘go,’"’ and these boys can get over big in any house. Robinson Newbold and Marie Gribbin is a team new to vaudeville, both having been connected with legitimate, music and dramatic companies for a number of years. Miss Gribbin, while prima donna at the New York Hippodrome playing Neptune’s Daughter, made 605 dives in the big pool and never missed a_ performance—nor a high note—during the engagement. Might Oaks has been drawing record crowds in Ohio and Indiana featuring his sensetional glass water tank escapes. The tank is the only one of its kind in the country, and Oaks escapes from it after it has been filled to the top with water and then locked. Oaks opens September 16, for a two weeks’ engagement at Winona Lake, Ind. The Ross Comedy Company are in their sixteenth week playing airdomes around St. Louis. The Larch & Carroll team joined the company. alse Dick Yargan (Dancing Dick), and sister. The company at the present time has nearly all its old bunch back, and is prac tically the same as for the last five years. Fourteen people are carried. Commodore Foote has returned to Ft. Wayne from La Fayette, Ind., where he participated in the K. of P. Encampment, August 7-12. There were over two thousand uniformed Knights of Pythias in line of parade, and the Commodore attracted considerable attention as the smallest K. of in the line of march. Mr. and Mrs. Blessing have finished playing the Greenwood Circuit and joined the Spellman Stock Company for the balance of the season, Madam Jewell, who has the Jewell Manikins, sailed for Europe August 17, on the S. 8. ric. During her absence the act will be presented by her daughter, Miss Lillie Jewell. Selbini and Grovini have returned from Eng land after a seven weeks’ engagement at Tivoli on the Strand, London, to fulfill bookings on this side until the last week in February, when they return to England for a run of one year. They have changed the opening of the act, add ing music and are using all new costumes. Capt. Sidney Hinman and his Water Circus & Life-Saving Dogs close September 4 at Lake Companvce, Conn. The show played fourteen weeks at parks with considerable success. He opens his vaudeville season Septem rr 11, featuring the new act. Man Overboard, with spec lal scenery and pictures. Francesco Doniganda, for the past season leader of the orchestra at Shady Grove Park, | Uniontown, Pa., has resigned to become musical Mirector for Billy Clifford, in The Man, The Game and the Girl. His wife, Wilbelmia BowMan. has been engaged as prima donna with the same company. The Norwoods, hypnotists, open their fall season at Topeka, Kas., September 11, with the strongest company they have ever had. Ed Wiley hes charge of the advance. The Norwoods carry their own stage settings of velvet and electrical effects. and will plax the very best time. Arthur O. May writes that after playing 4 ten weeks’ route for the Western Vandeville Managers’ Association single, he will take a short vacation at his home at Norman, Okla., and rejoin his partner, Mr. Charles Stutzman, October 9. They will again produce their well known rube comedy act, The Soap Peddler. The New Era Floating Palace is near the headwaters of the Kentucky River and will start South in a few days. This is the fiftysecond week and about forty more before the show can get over the route, and then it will be time to start again. “There is no rest for the wicked.”’ Tom Nawn and Company will play the Orpheum Circuit this season. opening at Omaha. Sep }and Fred M. fair week, | tember 17. He has with him, besides Mrs. Nawn, Frank Dawson and Miss Pauline Eck hart, playing Shau, the Pullock and Frutha, respectively, in When Pat Was King, the pro duct of Anna Marble Pollock's pen. John Howley, formerly of Howley and Leslie, has just been operated on the second time for his eyes. The operation was successful and he will be able to work in five or six weeks. He | would be pleased to hear from his friends. Address, 115 South Pooria Street, Chicago, Ill. Charles H. Doutrick reports that the houses booked from his office in Chicago, are doing a splendid business and predicts a big season for vaudeville houses. Every r-port which comes to hig office is of a nature which gives him confidence in the future of the vaudeville business. Perkins Fisher celebrated his 50th birthday at Brookline, Mass., August 26. Mr. Fisher also closed his 34th year on the stage, and his 12th in vaudeville, playing The Half Way House. His 13th season opened September 4 at Harrisburg, Pa., over the United Time. Frank Rutledge, Grace Bainbridge and Jack Dradshaw, after a three months’ vacation at Mr. Rutledge’s summer home at Spring Lake, Mich., opened August 21 at the Miles Theatre, Detroit, Mich., presenting their comedy, Our Wife. This is the third season for the act. A pleasant summer engagement and a_big hit at the Wonderland Theatre, Norfolk, Va., is reported by Nellie B. Chandler’s Orchestra, W. F. Crall, the manager, accorded them fine treatment and everybody is ‘“‘happy.’’ The engagement will close about Labor Day. Chas. E. Whitney opened as agent of Himme lein’s Imperial Stock Co., at Columbus, Ind., Aug. 7. This is Mr. Whitney’s fourth season ahead of the Himmelein attractions. The com pany comprises about the same cast as last season, and will play the Middle West. Tom Bra <ford, who has been operating an agency in Chicago, will open a tour of Western Vaudeville Managers’ Association Time ar Wichita, Kan., August 28. He has abandoned the agent game, preferring to take a chance on the applause of the audiences. Leona Cortel Musical Comedy Company. after playing twelve weeks through North Dakota and Montana, is working East again, and every jump that way brings a smile to Paden and Read, Galley and Gailey, Irene Heinman, Grace Bevis, Clara Frederick and Otto Cortel. Savoy and Savoy and Miss Helen Juliette, who are booked solid on the Unitied Time for the coming season, are spending a very pleasant week at Waldameer Beach, Erie. The shew, which is the last of the season at the park. proved to be a great success. Dolph and Susie Levino opened their thira season on the S. & C. Circuit at Louisville, week of August 20. sie Levino has entirely recovered from a severe attack of rheumatism. The Levinos have been summering with Jim Jarvis at LaCrosse, Wis. Estha Williams (Mrs. Arthur C. Aiston) will be seen in vaudeville during the coming season, her tour being directed by Valerie Bergerie, arrangements having been made to that effect br Arthur C. Aiston. Pat Casey will book the route for the sketch. Kleis Hypnotic and Vaudeville Co. were compelled to close for a time on account of Ray Barker sustaining a broken arm at Snperior, Neb. The company is at Lawrence, Kan., and has cancelled about eight weeks that had been booked Clara Blandick, after a successful season at Hartford, Conn., has resigned her position a» leading lady with the Poli Players, and wil: enjoy a short vacation before starting her win ter’s work. Frances McHenry has been selected to take her place. Mite Mooree, after a period of two months, played a return engagement last week as an added attraction at the Heib and Keily Alrdomes, St. Louis. This little lady was formerly known as the Miniature Female Sandow, Mabe} Valenteene Mooree. Frank Lewis, cartoonist and slack wire artist, is at present one of the special features with the Great Reed Shows, and has signed for the coming season with Rurkhart and His Own Company, making his fourth season with the Burkhart Show. Pinard and Manny were obliged to close with Rolf’s Band at Atlantic City, Angust 20, to zo to rehearsals with Billy Van’s new show, with which they will be connected this season. They will both play parts and do their specialty. Harnett and Kramer opened their new act very successfully at the Ludlow Lagoon. The act is blackface, entitled Hotel Take Your Time. eighteen minntes. full stage. Canfield "ee'ine Exchange of Cincinnati is going th booking. . Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mayo of the Courtney Morgan Dramatic Co.. which disbanded at Leavy enworth, Wash., a few weeks ago, spent their vacation at that place. The company has been re-organized and they will rejoin it at Seattle Robert Wingate the minstrel] magnate, writes that he is more than clean'r<« wn S on the Interstate Circuit with his little Bone Solo, and that the managers say that his act is one of the hest t ” s'nele the cirenit. H. C. Robertson, formerly manager of the Chicago office of Sullivan & Considine transferred to Seattle to manage that office. Linc: In, ceners! manager of the Circuit, has taken up headquarters in Chicago has heen Scobey and Earl are meeting with mueb success playing the Eastern Theatrical Exehange Time in St. Louis with their Irish Comedy act, “‘Riley’s Vacation.". They are using special scenery and electrical effects The White Rats Actors’ Union made arcongements to hear the grievatices of Major Doyle last week. but he could not report in New York as Matthews and Doyle were playing the Princess Theatre in Wichita, Kan. Mies Nella Prown will head Robt. H. Kane's Venhattan Opera Company thi« season Miss Prown has been a member of the company fr two seasons, but this year wil! be her first the role of a recognized star Nat Fields and Company. a vondeville act requiring fifteen players, pleved the Hamlin in Chicago, opening TLebor Day, and goes to the coast on the Sullivan & Considine Circuit. The act carried a ecarload of scenery Mertha Russell & Company will present The First Law of Nature In Now York the first week in October, under the direction of Pat Casey. Miss Russell is a clever ectrets whose work has gained for her a wide recognition. } } | tre was not affected, according to Manager Jack Ernest De Clemmon, the piano plaver and singer playing N. H. Hielsey Time, fell and bro’e his arm while on the way to the theatre . YY Elina Gardiner made her first vandevilis appearance at the Shubert in New Orleans re cently. 1 LorviNe N.Y. He whl be glad to bear) Charles Wood, of ‘Those Four Kids," ts ill at from all of his friends, Atlanta, Ga., and the act is forced to lay of ‘Irish’? Jack Lynch and Joe F. Dunn, late The Original Potts Brothers and Co. are of Tarkoot's Greatest Shows, bave sod out) making « tour of the Hodkins’ Lyric Circuit their business to John Leitz and are g tting | the crowds with the Point, on Lake Erie. Although the Empress and President Theatres are ‘“‘open,”’ the business of the Willard Thea Pullrush Dancers at Cedar Tooney and Norman are well spoken of by critics reviewing the Miles Cireult shows. . R, Sherry is manager of the “olontal at Indianapolis, which opened Labor Day **Bottles’’ Hardwick is stage manager at the Orpheum in Canton, O0., again this season. Boutin and Tilson recently on the Hodkins’ Circuit, are now playing the Gus Sun tour. Burch. The three houses are in the same eection of Chicago. Ralph Devak writes that he has closed with the Krause Shows at Monongahela, Pa. He Hanson and Drew returned to Chicago last states that he has paid all he owed and left | weex after an absence of three years. the show clean. He is now playing fairs with the crazy house, Dan McCoy, manager of the Empress Theatre in Kansas City, saw the wrestling bout in Chicago, Labor Day, accompanying Paul Goudron, bookine manager of the Chicago Sullivan & Considine Circuit. The Texas Tommy Trio, with Charley Kohn, John Cooper and Jennie Kohn. opened at the Wigwam Theatre, San Francisco, August 27. This is another of Edwin T. Emery’s production acts. Cross and Josephine opened at Dominion Theatre, Ottawa, Can., Aug. 14, for four weeks in vaudeville, previous to their engagement rest | | Blanch Ring's new production, The Wall Street | the gq Redmond Stock Co. in The Lion and the Girl. |Mouse, with Miss Beth Taylor and Mr. Hugh The Crafeaux have finished a successful sea| Medcalfe in the leading roles. Other well-known son through the East, and jump West, where | members of the company are: Manager Ed Redthey will play a few more weeks before going | mond, Aldin B. Wilson, Carl Case, Bert Chapto their home in Frisco for a much-needed rest. | man, ) ~~} ees —. ~ yes, Prof. J. H. Barnum, magician and ventrilo| Leslie in and telle Redmond. . . quist, has closed his tent show and wil! play | Dermody bas charge of the box-office. in halls through Ohio and Indiana this winter. The Lytell-Vaughn Company has just concluded Besides himseif he will have a sketch team. |a six ae ao ——_ oe Se. R. E. Robertson, known as a park and carni-| Albany, N. Y., and will play im Roe val promoter and manager, ron joined the week of September 10. Mr. Lytell and Miss Great Keystone Shows for the balance of the | Vaughn will then go to San Francisco to open season, acting in the position of adjuster. the new Alcazar Theatre. Rado and Bertman were on the opening bil) at the Orpheum in Canton, 0, John P. Reed is making a big suceess eut on the Pantages tour. The Electric theater at Kansas City, opened September 2. Pewitt is making a bit on the Miles Cir euit. Kau., STOCK COMPANY NOTES. Regmond & Blum reopened the Theatre Jose, San Jose, Cal., August 28, indefinitely, with 7 Comedy Com Harry Bonton and Company, now playing SulRoster of the Mason & Street y livan & Considine Time, are arranging a five| pany: Charles H. Perry, Harry F. } me act with a lion illusion for next season, They | Al. C. Wilson, Harold Mills, Harry Hanley, play Australia following S. & C. Time. Zeke Chalmers, James E. Street, O. J. Mason, > May Wilson, Ethel Pierce, Martha Chalkley and The act, formerly known as Foley and Earl, | Heien Kennedy will hereafter be known as McGee and Reece. nag ’ a hich They are playing a thirty-two weeks’ engave-| The Reese-Murdeck Stock Company, whic ment on the Brennen Circuit, Australia. Geert « ewask sie. y~ + -foe Ollie Young and April. soap bubble manipre., Bas epenet <a wee ee ; ulators, returned to America for a tour of the | [tis Theatre, Chico, Cal. Percy Williams houses, after three months at the Palace Theatre, London. England PLAYHOUSE NOTES. Charles E, Whitney, the well known ad vance agent, is again ahead of Hemmelein’s Imperial Stock Co. this season The company will play the Middle West as usual. Miss Josephine Hampton The Grand, Greenville, 8. C., T. Whit. mire, manager, has been completely overhauled | and opens September 8, with The Girl in Pink. week’s | A number of fine attractions have been booked engagement at the Royal Airdome, Yoakum, for the coming season. Texas, and made so favorable impression that Mr. J. G. England has been appointed manshe was retained for another week. ager of the Auditorium, Newark, 0., controlled The Merediths and dog, Snoozer, have ac-| by the Edward L. Moore Circuit. Mr. England cepted ten weeks more of Association Time. | was for several years manager of the Weller They have been playing for the W. V. M. A.| Theatre at Zanesville, 0. since November 14, 1910. played a The Dixie ‘Theatre, Uniontown, Pa.. opened The Beardsley Sisters have been forced to |its vaudeville season August 28, booking from cancel some of their Hodkins bookings, owing | the Gus Sun Circuit. Manager F. L. Hall to the illness of one of the girls was recently elected a member of the National laying off at St. Louls. Vaudeville Association. Billy Jones and Co. have formed a partner-| Edward J. Mahoney, who has been stage manship with the La Gardos, and will go on the |ager at the Grand Theatre, Montgomery, Ala., road as the Jones and LaGarlo Show, opening | for several years, has been appointed manager, in Illinois in September. having succeeded H. A. Fourton. Cedric Lindsay, th uilibrist, rt I. H. Greenwald has again assumed manage: the natives of. he Middl. "West e. Army aes ment of the Harris Theatre, Spartanburg, 8. C.. of equipoise. He will soon open for a long ride | Succeeding Hertozog & Radisail. The Harris over Southern Time. opened the season Sept. 12. Roscoe and Sims are spending a few weeks The Gem Theatre, formerly owned by Christat Wildwood and Atlantic City, after finishing | man and Fickinshire, Frederick Okia., has been twenty weeks for Nixon & Nirdlinger and Nor| 80ld to Charles Greaver, who will operate it in man Jefferies. connection with the Airdome. Onetta, Tom Brantford, Pero and Wilson, Gulfport, Miss., will have no theatrical at Provol, Williams Brothers =, Seigel and other | tractions this season, due to the fact that the They are acts play at the Lyric in Oklahoma City, Okla., | Gulfport Opera House was destroyed by fire next week. August 12 Harry Lioyd has just closed a successful seaDuncan Clark’s Female Minstrels will start son as leading man with The Cowboy and Girl | te season October 1. playing opera houses in the J s been making for . This fall and winter he will appear in | **™¢ towns this company has vaudeville. some years. Gene Mulier Trio American hoop manipulators, now touring Europe, are at the Fol les Ma rigny Theatre. for the month of September. John F, Reb and Trixie Leonard have parted company, and he is now booking ‘John F. Reh and his singing dog, Fluffy."’ Jake Sternad has his show at Kankakee, Ml., week of September 4 and showed his face to admiring Chicago friends Sunday, September 3. E. M. Stanley is managing the Colonial theatre at Akron, O., which began its Paris, France, C rescent Apple Cider Compound Rich flavor and fine color. Simply add cold season water and sugar. Just what you have been with the night performance on Labor Day. looking for May be mixed with cider, If Burt Carl and the Rbheil Sisters replaced desired. A 16-oz, bottle will make 32 gallons the Apollo Quartette at the Imperial theatre of the liquid. Price, $2.50, prepaid. Samin Fort Worth, Tex. week of September 4. nle. enough for 4 gallons, 40¢. postpaid. Julian and Dwyer played the Columbus in Guaranteed under the lure Food Law, Chicago recently and the act has greatly im CHAS. T. MORRISSEY & CO., proved since last witnessed in that city. 3407 Ogden Ave., Dept. B, Chicago, Tl. Stanley Chambers, box office man at the Princess in Wichita, Kan.. is on the job again Wis. after summering in The kee Waukesha. orchestra at the is greatly improved WANT TO BUY MERRY-GO-ROUND." Must be in first-class condition and cheap for cash. Ad dress J. i se 6) E. Schuyler Street, Empress in over last Milwau season. Oswego, MARVELOUS DE PHILS Novelty High Wire Artists and Flying Trapeze Experts Playing a return engagement at Gala Park, North Beach. L. 1 14-16, at Sturbridge Fair, Sturbridge, Mass. -, until September 10. September I have some open time after that date, OPEN FOR FAIRS, PARKS, CIRCUSES, ETC. I have the exclusive rights; my own invention. Positively th 1 vt , ~opyTighted. Address care The RBillihbeard y o om ont of tte hind 1440 Preadway, New York City WANTED, FOUR FIRST-CLASS ORIENTAL DANCERS fr HAGENBECK-W ALLACE SHOWS _Long*season South. Write or wire as per route in Billboard An duly