The Billboard 1911-09-16: Vol 23 Iss 37 (1911-09-16)

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SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. The Billboard 103 + met he Se Pe SSS SS ae a TSS STs SS PURE FOOD SHOWS CALIFORNIA, fan Jose—Third National Industrial & Food Ex| Elisworth—Merchants’ Asso, Third Annual Food position. Sept, 14-23. Fair. Feb. 19-24, 1912. Roy C. Haines, secy. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. MARYLAND WV iereation, ee 2. Seg S peel Reteenese-—leargtens Ind. & Pure Food Expo sition. Sept. 18-Oct. 7. Paul J. Quinn, secy., pa a = ee sian. Perry P. Patrick, German and Hopkins Place. wey.» * KANSAS WISCONSIN oad w. pu ces Wichita ComMilwaukee—Milwaukee Retail Grocers’ Assn. apm cheb. = 41 me P. Innes, secy., (Auditorium). April 21-28, 1912. -M. Slattery, Box 483. secy., 328 E. Water st. READERS WILL CONFER A FAVOR UPON THE BILLBOARD BY FILLING OUT BLANK SPACE BELOW: Name of Society under whose auspices Pure Weed Ghow te te be Bold... ..cccecccsccccsces eoeseee Name of Town aud State where Pure Food rr 2 Mee... cveddunnissevevavsunnbousade Ghenhaeol Date of Pure Food Show.........-s.eeceee eR ee ee ee ay a piexaw aed jate Name of Secretary. .....ccccccccececcccccscecscnereceeseesessseeeeseseessssceeeess ecveceees . Address Of Secretary... 2... cece cece eee wenn eee eeeenens ceedesosuooanae errr rerir eccoccecossese San Antonio—Texas Sheep & Goat Raisers’ Asen. @ : Between 3d and 12th of Nov. Alfred Giles. San Antonio—Natl. Mobair Growers’ Assn. Nov. 7. Chas. Schreiner, Kerrville, Tex San Antonio—Natl. Assn. Professional Baseball Leagues, Nov. 15-18. J. H. Farrell, Box 214, \L Auburn, N. Y. WISCONSIN. This list contains data procured by The Bill| ywitwaukee—Western Assn. of Electrical Inspecboard during the past two weeks only. The list tors, Jan. 23-25. Wm. S. Boyd, 76 W. Mon was published complete in the issue of August roe st., Chicago, Il. 12. oe gape aes} -—Makers’ Ph Jan. —. 1912 J . Baer, State ap ALABAMA. Bldg.. Madison, Wis. Montgomery— Mississippi to Atlantic Iniand Waterways Assn. Nov. 20. Leland J. Hen éerson, Apalachicola, <M New Street Fairs# Little eo? See Assns.’ State Con vention. Sept. 24-25. ILLINOIS. , —4¢@ J " 2. Little a —German-American Federation. Oc Cabery—Third Annual Corn Carnival & Street Little Rock—State Teachers’ Convention. Dec. Fair. Sept. 28-30. H. Trecker, secy. 29. Jersey ville—Street Fain auspices Jerseyville Little Rock—Natl. Convention Tight Barrel | Commercial Club. Oct. 9-14. John N. Stone, Stave Assn. Third Tuesday in January. secy. ‘ _ Sidell—Citizens’ Carnival & Home-Coming. Oct. CONNECTICUT. 5-7. John A. Cathcart, secy. Reppeut~aaee Business Men's Assn. Oct. INDIANA. a. ae Universalist Convention, | Sanborn—Street Carnival. Sept. 25-30. Address Sept. 20-21. Rev. W. F. Dickerman, D. D., 0. T. MelIndoo, Sanborn, Ind. 7 ; Winamac—Street Fair. Oct. 4-7. Geo. Meut Goeth Wats — Gene. Laughlin, chairman attr. com. MISSOURI. > ee yg A on Mee “— Wellston—Wellston Carnival & Street Fair. cago, Il. Sept. 20-23. Chas. J. Henninger, mgr. Urbana—Corn Growers & Stockmen’s Convention. NEW YORK. Jan. 15-27, Fred H. Rankin. Scotia—Street Oarnival, auspices John Miller INDIANA. Hook & Ladder Co. Sept. 11-16. Write Chas. Gary—Indiana Retail Merchants’ Assn. Jan. Rogers, 2 Sacandaga Road. —, 1912. Thos. F. Peafrey, 218 Main st., WISCONSIN. Vincennes, Ind. pond Fair. Sept. 26-28. %.. as Indianapolis—Indiana Engineering Soc. Jan. ee . —, 1912, Chas. Brossman, Union Trust Bldg. yilwaukee—Free Street Fair & Carnival, auspi KENTUCKY. ces Loyal Order of Moose and Business Men's Lexington—Ky. Corn Growers’ Assn, Jan. 2-5. Assn. Sept 11-17. Write W. A. Bautz, 341 Geo. Roberts, College of Agriculture. Grove st. MICHIGAN. | Grand Rapids—Mich. Retail Hardware Assn. 4 ts coh —, 1912. Arthur J, Scott, Marine City, ce neous ven ich. MINNESOTA. St. Paul—Twin City Hotel Clerks’ Assn (Minn, MICHIGAN and N. & S. D.). Second week in December. Detroit—Automobile Show. Jan. 22-27. Robt. . A. Temple, care of St. Paul Hotel. Davis, secy., 507 Woodward ave. St. Paul—State Medical Assn. Oct. 5-6. Dr. MISSOURI Thos. MecDavitt, 411 Lowry Annex. 7" St. Paul—Am. Assn. of Gen. Pass. & Ticket Skidmore—Skidmore Pumpkin Show. Oct. 3-6 Agenta. Sept. 18. C. M. Burt, Boston, Mass. R. A. Walker, secy. NEBRASKA. NEW JERSEY. Lincoln—State Christian Endeavor Unions, Oct. | Morristown—Seventeenth Annual Flower Show 26 30, Under auspices of Morris Co. Gardeners & Lincoln—Congress of Neb. Methodists. Oct. 25 Florists’ Society. Oct. 27-29. Edw. Reagan, 2 secy. Uisede jinternational Assn. of Labor Officials. . WISCONSIN, ept. 18-2 : aes NEW YORK. Milwaukee—International Dairy Show. Oct. 10-18 F. A. Cannon, secy. NEW BALL THROWING GAME. Buffalo—-Natl. Guard Assn. of U. 8S. Oct. 9-11, Gen, Chas. I, Martin, Topeka, Kas. Buffalo—N. Y. Osteopathic Soc, Oct. 28. Dr. Grant E. Phillips, Schenectady. N. Y. Buffalo—Rrotherhood of St. Andrew. Oct. 18| y : aaa ; . o.. 22. Hubert Carleton, Broad and Exchange The Cineinnati Novelty Co. of Cincinnati, sts.. Boston, Mass. inventors and originators of Novelty Ball ag Buffalo—t'nion \ i yi Yon. | ine Games, are putting another new one on thy tal Soeleties. Oct WO ITS ir. Fr Tan. market, called “Base Ball Ten Pin Game her, Sth Dis . 3 ° : : This game did a tremendous business at HighBuffalo—N wt, Mote. KY. Maater Rakers, | !@nd Grove Park and other picnic grounds Nov, 9-11 Philip Modry, 292 First ave. | Bear Cincinnati during the last few weeks of New York City. a the season and a number of these games are doBoffalo—American Historical Asen Dec, 27 ing the “proverbial land-office business’’ at the 80. J. Franklin Jameson, Carnegie Institu. | County fairs and carniv als. It's a safe bet that one or more of these games will be installed in all the leading parks next season. tion, Washington, D. C, Buffalo—American Political Selence Asan, Dec, 27-80. Prof, W. W. Willoughby, Johns Hepkins University, Raltimere, Md. New York—Natl. Cycling Assn. Feb. 6 R. A. Van Dyke, 148-150 W. 120th st OHIv, Dayt n—Ohlo Retail Furniture Dealers’ Assn, Feb 1912, Sales F OREGON, alem—Y. M. C A. of Ore. & Idaho Dee, & 10 I. BR. Rhodes, 305 Y. MOC. OA Ridg., Portland, Ore ATTENTION, STREETMEN New invention. Just out. Mes rr sburg sate nee (et 20. T he only pen that writes pa oe Pinger "Ha Thien’ ATewtowt, HA With WATER. Big seller. Ph lelphia 7 ate Mle oofers’ U of ‘ ~ = : $ = _— a Send 15 Cents na ' RHODE ISLAND. fer Samples. . ket Pst \tot Bl SWAY PEN & PENCIL CO., ” TENNESSEE, COLUMBUS, O. Kroxvitio Southern Coal Operators’ Assn, Sept, | BE. McCoy, Empire Ride, ie THE LATEST NOVELTIES __ ff Souvenirs, Specialties, Canes, Knives, Slum, Notions, Jewelry, Toys, Auctioneers’ and Streetmen’s Goods oy AT LOWEST PRICES. os WE SHIP THE SAME DAY. 400-page cata. logue mailed free to dealers. Write today. TERRE HAUTE mm mesnte.! Unie; GOLD TINSEL PENNANTS NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS WEBB-FREYSCHLAG MERC. CO. Kansas City, Mo. we ee Ae a ae ma a aalle oI aa Bde ead eg ete inte IR ER GO OL Sib NA AE Write for Free Catalog. rEMON. STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY AND CHERRY POWDERS. Each Pound Makes 45 Gals, Retails for $40.00. ‘ Guaranteed the finest flavored and strongest soft drink on the market. You ) ‘Bi add cold water and sugar—no trouble. Beautiful signs free. One pound can, any kind, Bt $2.25 prepaid; six assorted as desired, $12.00 prepaid. Samples to make one gallon, 10¢ é each, with catalogue of our ten drinks, glass jars, tumbler carriers, etc., tpaid. No : ye coal tar color or anything harmful in our powders. Beware of imitations. ly guarani teed under the Pure Food Law, U. S. Serial No. 11768. : it CHAS. T, MORRISSEY & Co., Dept. B, 3407 Ogden Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 4 } ai The Popular Windsor Fair — WINDSOR, ONTARIO, CANADA FIVE DAYS AND NIGHTS. OPENS SEPT. 26. | i ines Een All big clean shows on percentage basis, and games of re Wanted-™ all kinds on flat rental. Good inducements. Report | Be to VICTOR LEVITT, Pair Grounds, Windser, Ont., or wire HENRY | Bs MEYERHOFF, 1402 Broadway, New York. Bs Z We are the headquarters for the PAPER SHAKERS. Small size, $3.50; extra large size, $5.00. We also manufacture REPRODUCTION PENNANTS, Tinsel and Silver. HEADBANDS, Tinsel, $12.00 per thousand; Silver, $15.00 per thousand. GOLF CANES, $9.00 per gross. TICKLERS, solid colors, $12.00 per thousand. PRESTO GAS LIGHTERS $5.00 ner gross; Sample, 10c. A. EPSTEIN NOVELTY COMPANY, 265 Bowery, New York. NOW BOOKING FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS LIONHEART IN HIS SENSATIONAL WIRE ACTS Free Attractions at Lemps Park, St. Louis, Sept, 9th to 15th, and going big. A few dates still open. Address until further notice, 808 MISSOURI TRUST BUILDING, ST. LOUIS, MO. Brand New Tent For Sale Seventy-five foot Round Top. 3 20-ft. Middle Pieces, 4 Poles. Tent and sidewalls made of 10-os, kahki, trimmed in red; Blue Seats; will hold 2,500 people. Everything complete from stakes to flags. Finest outfit ever set up. Boxes, Trunks, 16-ft. Portable Stage, wired. Cost $1,600 used six weeks. No letter writing; no dickering; will sell to first man makes best offer. Must have money. Stored in Chicago. Address JAMES DAILEY, LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, BOOKING INDEPENDENT SHOWS And Concessions for Carnival Court of the WEST ALABAMA FAIR, TUSCALGOSA, ALA., OCT. 16-21 Attractions and Concessions write or wire Secretary at once. No chance schemes allowed. Best field in the South. HARRY N. ATWOOD Champion Long Distance Flyer of the World = SES ae ES ve apne os + ie —— “. a? ate : thet RRA A, EIB open for engagements under the careful management of A. Leo Stevens. Address BOX 181, adison Square, New York, U. S. A, |. == ns Ss SP ae