The Billboard 1911-10-21: Vol 23 Iss 42 (1911-10-21)

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~~ Senile we Pamepegat 60 The Billboard OCTOBER 21, 1911 oc ’ . — — po FINE BILL AT MAJESTIC. and appreciative audience. Both Miss Millward and precocious Miss Minter as the chief attracand Mr. Glendinning are exceptionally clever tions of the stirring play of Civil War times. a ouse otes (Continued from page 9.) | dramatic people and have selected an excep Around the corner in Madison Street the La | tional vehicle for their efforts. The deadly Salle Opera House, with Louisiana Lou as the E has introduced comedy in a dog act. That tells | drug which had been placed in the wine accommagnet, begins the seventh week of a popular han the entire secret of his success. However, he | plishes its purpose. The Count falls dead and season. Alexander Carr, Sophie Tucker and @) J Girarg (Kan.) Opera House has recent] 162 has not confined the act solely to comedy; there | the sister of the wronged girl stands a murhost of comic opera favorites are seen to ad-| 0a hands and is now under the mange Bric & is an abundance of extremely clever stunts | deress but avenged. vantage in its principal roles. . » x of Wm. Osborn. The house has bx :?P submitted, all of which met with high favor. The final week of Over the River, with Eddie ; ment ¢ . = wo » ty en re. a oo 2 : .| modeled and renovated, and opens October 18 Bol The act ran twelve minutes, opening in ful! | ied as # alll ee R with The Crook as the attraction, stage and closing in one. | paker enjoying 8 wonted p verity. essrs. “ : Roe Mollie and Nellie King appear second, of THE YOUNG BUFFALO SHOW. Dillingham and Ziegfeld, the owners of tee The Jefferson Theatre, De Bete, Mo., on . fering A Little Musical Comedy in a Vaudeville new offering. have spared no expense in making | of the best theatres in Southeast Missour!l. The ~. Way. The offering is reviewed under New (Continued from page 26). it a sartorial and scenic, as well as a musical, | house is under new management this year and ae Acts. : treat. It will be taken East Saturday night | since the opening, September 18, has been play. us Ms. James Donavan and Charles MacDonald | The No. 1 advertising car of Young Buffalo to make way for the Rupert Hughes’ comedy, | ing to good business. — class road attrac. Cher submit a little novelty sketch replete with rich | Will close October 14 and the No. 2 car OcExcuse Me, — tions are booked, with moving pictures on r comedy. Both gentlemen appear in the char-| tober 9. Of the forty-seven biliposters, ban Will Deming, in the character made famous | open nights Following is the roster of the 7 acter of Irishmen and. work with a duo of con| 2eTmen and lithographers composing tne adby Thomas W. Ross and John Barrymore, and | Jefferson: F. R. Dean, manager; Frank Bob‘ a federates in the audience. The act is reviewed | Vance, twenty-one will draw a whole season’s for which Fred Niblo and William Roselle were | ner, stage manager; E. Pelley, head usher ander New Acts. | hold-back. The show has been extremely forvaritimes intended in the recent Chicago reG. A. Brown and W. Charles Weldon of a: Swor and Mack appear fourth in their com——, in its lineup of billers ont, — + alg bE ee ee ss Newark, N. J., have secured the Majestic The. Dats edy black-face offering. The act went very big | “X°®PUoOnS, every man engaged has been loya dice ee ee ae atre at Red Bank, N. J., and will give two Phi on Monday afternoon but it is to be regret-| °° the cause, and they deserve the highest praise week tomorrow night. performances of motion pictures and five vaudea ted that the best part of the io oer for their share in promoting the successful The Deep Purple, with a fortnight yet to] Vine pets each night. The Majestic was for. , P ine act Is not oF! tour of the Young Buffalo Show during the searun, is still turning away the late comers at > the Theatre » > va iginal. This is the pantomime card game with tg ; e riaker’ T merly the Bijou Theatre, but the name was muck which Bert Williams scored so heavily in the | 8°2,20W drawing to a close. McVicker’s. The Mizner-Armstrong melodrama | (nangea recently by W. W. Spalsbury, the les. Du . Folies last year. The gentleman of the act The future plans of the newest giant of of underworld life in New York is making &/ 206 “qhe theatre was built last year by Wm oa who pulls this piece of business is clev “ and the tented field will be announced by Col. VerTemarkable appeal to Chicago playgoers and Kelly and has been run since that time with wal it is really doubtful whether the famous Bthinon C. Seaver in The Billboard in the near an extension of its run would be wise business indifferent success. Mr. Brown was formerly Ba 4, opian comedian ever created such a riot as the | future and will include an addition to the Wild policy. connected with Proctor’s Theatre and Mr. Weley. above-mentioned artict ia thi tieul West performance that will undoubtedly cause The German Theatre Stock Company offers an | qon was manager of the Lyric Theatre of Newers ak; ain dens of on . one particular) some of the present Wild West purveyors to attractive program at their Sedgwick Street ark Rey to the old southern yh ny oy A sit up and take notice. eyhense — =~ 2 a Se -M jor N. B. Hackett has sold the Majes “0. Cotzebue’s r Rehbock will be enacted. n ajor N. . : esta jeeeasily have held down a more important spet CIRC G Pp Tuesday Das Vierte Gebot will be given. For | tic Theatre at Wausau, Wis., to P. J. Hanson 93 on the bil. US GOSSIP. the remainder of the week the following will | and Alex Taylor. Girls Gis Edwards New School Boys and Girls of_— be pdlayed: Boccaccio, Wednesday, Thursday and The Obion (Tenn.) Opera House is being reing fer a cheerful, musical school act, called GraduKing Cole, ventriloquist, who was with the Friday nights; Der Grosse Prophet, Saturday | modeled and renovated, and will be open for cin ation Day. The same idea of so many other! Kit Carson Wild West Show this summer, left afternoon, and Lumpazivagabundus, Saturday | pusiness in the near future. The house has High acts of this nature predominates in Mr. Ed| that aggregation at Rushville, Ill., and igs now night. been closed for several seasons. fay wards’ act. There's the Jew, the tough guy, | playing vaudeville dates in Chicago. Mr. Cole The Third Degree, exposing the methods used Elgin, Ill., will have a new vaudeville hou 2s the dago, the ‘‘sweet creature,’’ the sassy lit-| will take the management of a side show with to exhort confession from suspected criminals, ay ~ few weeks. The large double oe Idea tle girl and a number of other familiar char-{ one of the well-known circuses next year. will be the bill at the Haymarket all next | ¥ 2 160-162 Du Page Street is being con. cit sours. ee Sast indiutes Lahn Gonne, Sadie —_—— —_——— week. fare Paden, a Chicago girl, will have +n ey a 2 “playhouse. The start will be Imp eldman, a ckells, er ank, Lew the role of the faithful wife in the Charles ; on . ca Brice, Mickey Knowles, Roy Mack and Frank| SAID AND SEEN IN CHICAGO. _ kKicin play. with vaudeville and moving pictures. | Pres. 3,7) Alvin. The features of the act were introduced At the Imperial the Western classic, The oad —_ oo Bp » ys (E by. Frank alvin, singing Rosa Rigoletto: Lew (Continued from page 8.) Virginian, in which Dustin Farnum gained his ies CAE be given. Mesers. Henry P. Ree Li rice, in a great imitation of Bert Williams. early laurels, will be revived by an excellent ‘ . tt : ‘ ¢ Ken and Rhoda Nickells, singing When the World | Chapter of the American Institute of Ranking. | company. George Kelly will play the title role; |‘ ®9¢ Joseph Caughey of. Elgin are the lee. } Comes to An End. The act went very big and Henry B. House, formerly of the staff of naMrs. Elizabeth Forbes will appear as Mollie, oes, Elgin anew a, the devill an nr os responded to several encores. tional bank examiners, has written the dialogue, and H. C. Russell will play the character of ing road attract ions vous ° a th "Lr 7 Lad: The Six Stylish Steppers, a sextette of | John H. Grier has fashioned the lyrics. and Trampas. Dustin Farnum intends to see a | Pictures; the — a —<. end the Lyric, r brothers and sisters, appear in one of the pretGeorge Bainbridge has made the tunes. All the performance Tuesday afternoon. It will be the Temple and Globe, picture houses. 2 tiest dancing acts ever seen here. The offering | Parts will be taken by men. first time that he has ever seen it enacted from The new Princess Theatre in Fort Dodge, ; is reviewed under New Acts. Lawrence J. Anhalt. last season the manager the front. Ia., will soon be ready for its opening. Jessie Millward and John Glendinning are | of the Lyric Theatre, and to date this season Plenty of action is promised in The Boy De| Meyers, an Eastern decorator, is now working headlined this week and appear in a strong | the manager of the Adelphi Theatre in Philadeltective, the offering at the Bijou for the coming | on the interior. The date of the opening has dramatic playlet which as one of o e phia, will take to the road again as manager week, commencing Sunday matinee. Lyle La | not been set, but it will probably be about play ur leading 3 y Chicago critics says, ‘“‘Is not intended for high| of May Irwin and her new comedy, Mrs. ThompPine will be seen in the title part of Willie | Thanksgiving time. school girls.’’ The piece is reviewed under the | k!ns. : Live. ad The theatrical season of 1911-12 was sucheading of New Acts. The transcontinental tour of the M. W. W. Rowland & Clifford’s phenomenal success, The | cessfully opened at the Grand Opera House, Greetings! Gene Greene, The Bubbling, Bois| ADdree Imperial Russian Court Balalaika OrRosary, will begin its fourth engagement at | Wausau, Wis.. October 7. The opening proterous Blonde Boy, is with us. We're all grate| Chestra is arranged, with Chicago in view for the National Theatre on South Halsted and 62d duction was Wm. A. Brady’s Mother The ful ‘to you, Gene, for twenty of the merriest | % Considerable engagement. The programs of Streets tomorrow afternoon. Frank Kilday and play was given successfully and the cast was moments in our peaceful, uneventful lives. | this organization. which appeared last season —_ penaberty will be seen in the company, | one of the best. Mr. C. S. Cone manager of Genp Greene is a Chicago boy. He's right there | &t the Blackstone Theatre, are entirely new, | Kilday impersonating the priest. the Opera House, has many fine attractions with that breezy breeze which has made Chi| #Dd the assistance of several Russian opera At the Marlowe the Marvin Stock Company | pooked for the coming season. cag@ world famous. When you sing, ‘Piano | Stats is assured. will play The Lottery Man during the week The Vivola Theatre, Wrightsville, Ga., will Maan’ to ‘little’? Charles Straight you've got | Chicago, October 14 (Special to The Billcommencing next Monday evening. Albert Phil| pe completed and ready for occupancy October : us,; but when Steamboat Bill comes drifting | board).—A quartet of plays which have made = and Leila Shaw will have the leading 15. Qu : | vate ss degree , oles. : down the aisles we throw ourselves at the | gond in a greater or lest degree, but whlch TH. stock company which has been playing at | 4 The New State Theatre Prescott, Arizona un yo N litary lash e > “ | to the Loop theatregoers the coming week. the Alhambra will have a week's vacation der the management of Harry ( binese) Sa: you, Never a solitary splash either, “some ’ aoe nel . , . ton, has placed its bookings with the T. 0. Sa pilot,"* Gene—“‘Go to it!” These are Speed, which comes to the Garrick, | CO™mencing tomorrow afternoon, while a_ melo‘tle Vaudeville Agency, Dallas, Tex., com The show is closed by those “bumpety bump” | Rebellion, at the Grand, The Concert, at the drama called The Chief of the Secret Service | Tut “ Seemeer je ely 17 ' * St comedians. Clever acrobatic work abetted bs Blackstone, and Everywoman, at the Auditoriwwe fl 1 a seven days’ engagement previously a an eee 4 sane nd the riotously eo * ord * | ym. ywooked. e Majestic eatre, ress, 4 monty AE em — fn ioey mJ — Speed comes into the Garrick tomorrow night, At the Crown Theatre on the Northwest Side | Empire Theatre, Quanah, Tex., formerly booked 7! closing position in this house. A pair of cooing succeeding The Chocolate Soldier, which has Rose Melville in Sis Hopkins will hold forth | by the Frankel Bros.’ Circuit, have placed their Sees Goecmnsets "ae many ne been “cleaning up’ during the past fortnight. en the mock. bookings ae = T. O. Tuttle Vaudeville ce t is a comedy satirizing the auto mania that iiiigs P. Sweatnam will have his role of the | Agency, Dallas, Tex. _ ogy _ er age te ge A has recently enveloped the country. It is Pullman car porter in the play, Excuse Me, The Imperial Theatre, Ft. Worth, Tex., forw “Come darling this is one of tho tiresome from the pen of Lee Wilson Dodd, and_is enWhen that Rupert Hughes comedy comes to the | merly booked by the Hodkins Lyric Circult, acrobatic acts’? and this answer comp led saiq | 8cted by Orrin Johnson, Oza Waldrop, Wallace Studebaker on October 22 transferred its bookings to the T. 0. Tuttle swain to remain seated: “Oh George if you | 2rskine, Eisie Scott, Arthur Harris, Kathleen Arthur Kellar of New York is here in advance | Vaudeville Agency, Dallas, Tex., Monday, Oc. fy ieee fon, GG @ eoante Of eaiauies: T want to aznaia. Agnes Miller, Eric Bland and other good =e = oer. a is scheduled for pro| tober 9, playing four acts. Messrs, Ward & | : °° , ayers. , a he Cort some time i t Feegles have deci stituti see him break his neck. . On Monday night the first-nighters will have future. The star of A Man = ener te Te a png hy BF yo } Y to ——— between the three other attractions — 1 aon a who played the | degree of satisfaction to them, in consequence 7 mentioned. The removal of James K. Hackett e role in Checkers for several seasons, Is | , y hange in their bookq. ACTS NEW TO CHICAGO. in The Grain of Dust to Powers’ Theatre on 80 in the cast. Bg oe = that night makes possible the entrance of The Globe Theatre, at the corner of W a “ , abas } s vy » ir house yraggagmntbataanagay ico, Dirichstein and. company in “The Concert Avenue and) Husbard Court, wi resume apere | a( "je teed, MRE Heer Dicaned a fir Me ckstone. iis comedy was originally ions aS a combinatio: house e Sts . : “ ’ song hi wet.’ Finally a fourth party in the balcony | Written in German by Herman Bahr, and was Havlin direction on Octob. ~y 29 os an j tober 6, 1911. A number *. @ salen “butts in” and tells the owner of the ruined | adapted for the American stage by Ditrichattraction will be a cartoon musical comed | received repeated encores and Mr. bog li splenhat to stick up for his rights. The argument | Stein. who plays the principal role—that of called Mutt and Jeff. ay 7 | Carrie Weber and thelr support poe had Ptr PR is now being carried on by the team on the | Gabor Arany, a professional musician. who ts mies did. The parts were in SS oy guod. : stage and the duo of confederates when one of | idolized by his feminine patrons. The play | Sidney and — een, wee oé ‘ but they the Irishmen asks the gentleman in the balcony | G¢eliciously satirizes the tendency of some Amer HEARD IN ADVANCE The chorus is made up of gg = — — . whether or not the matter of the broken hat is |i¢8" women to worship at the shrine of muneed some improvement in thelr gene ‘the of interest to him and that any way “It is | sical genius. The supporting company includes (Continued from page 13.) Grilis. No doust a few weeks Werk Unt Ok . : ” Janet Beecher. a Chicago girl: Jane Grev “il . able direction of the veteran manager, frau none of his business’? the balcony man replies ho a go girl: Jane Grey, Wil| , ” “4 scessary to PR “Well, I'll make it my business.’? Then | !4m Morris, Alice Leal Pollock, Belle Theodore, is going through and is going to make many an Ld gg a a, : comes the big laugh finish of the act in the | C@therine Proctor, Helen Ryerson, Juanita Owoldtimer sit up and take notice. Watch their make © perfect performance. Irishman’s reply, ‘Well all right, sure and yb ag ee Barrett, Cora Witherspoon, Edna , career. General Manager W. 8S. Butterfield of ed R Me aA : | Griffin, Kathryn Tyndall and Julia Gray. — Butterfield Circuit of vaudeville houses as enn ae ae ae ‘ | On the same night Rebellion will be made Jacob Wilk did some enviable press work completed arrangements ae tines THE SIX STYLISH STEPPERS. Dancers. | *20W2 to Grand patrons, who have been witfor the Lyceum Theatre, Duluth. this pent United Railways Co., operating electri _ : Majestic, Chicago Sixth in nine-act | 2¢*sing The Affair at the Barracks for the summer. 5 througbout the state, whereby on Tuesday ‘nt ) show. Time 12 minutes in one Num| past fortnight. This play is from the pen of * Friday evening special rate tickets, including | ber of ladies, Que. Member ef cent the well-known Chicago writer, Joseph Medill Dorothy § . admission to the Butterfield houses, will be } nny HS . . of gentlePatterson. who has previously given us The x re 2 Rogers is doing splendidly with her / sold all over the M. U. R. system This plan , a | Fourth Estate, A Little Brother of the Rich. Me pn act. Babies a la Carte. A most de| jg winning popular favor with the people ia The Dennos Sisters and brothers have an) By-Products and Dope It deals with the prob served success! the smaller tow:s close to a Butterfield the< act which | any manager might well offer his | lem of Divorce in a radical manner and bas J * atre. Mr. Butterfield recently secured the patrons with true pride. Here is an act or-| awakened much controversy in religious and Jim Rutherford, the famous clown, has ar| vaudeville houses in Bay City and Flint, which ‘ iginal. The costumes are neat and conservative | sociological circles. Gertrude Elliott is cast for "4nged with Beehler Bros. to produce panto-| gives him practical control of vaudeville ‘np and wane a are made by both ladies and | the stellar part. She is supported by a company ™imes. Couldn't find pe man! Michigan. gentlemen. ne «action throughout the entire | which includes Eva Vincent Fuller Melish, “a . — orches« ae is —, _ — The music as | Soaume Farron, George La Guerre and A. Scott a Taylor, the comedy trickster, has been _ gh Jone Reneathare. new Majes 1 cheerful and well suited to an act of this na| Gatty. offered a part in a bi r } , "he i r second ture. While the solo work of each member is | James K. Hackett will continue his Chicago staged in New 6. i, Seoeuetion about to be Se Shentee in Dubuque, Ia., making his seco mB ng ay mye meet oo ne at me werk a he Grsle ot Dest at P Ww rs’ Theatre Wm. G. Hartshorn, one of the owners of on > « a > ) ne Y MM. OMS . ne seme cast as seen a 7 . ° 7 a Mj , ~o > wo » : subenvilie, score very heavily in their team work and re-| the Blackstone On Monday and Thursday —— hic ee eat ee bag oe. ae Onto “aan nae ae ce ‘a Sisit. to his sponded to several well earned encores. bey en give as an afterplece strains of divine melodies pour forth like the | home at Newark. Ohio, fell and broke his ; JESSIE MILLWARD AND JOHN GLENDIN-| sic constricted from. the opening Incident ot | £UsbiMg volcanoes, in such volumes that one can | thigh. The accident occurred In July and NING Dramatic Plavtet. As M | Victor Mende Semnertel te oo oi : hear the heart-beats in the audience. a Hartshorn is in the city for the first time Bowe, by MéithSinden. Mates i At the Cort Edit "El novel, Les Miserables. | got*che.) since the accident occurred. During the time ty La od — ™.. hiis Bone * ith Hi: ~*oe qt way, He ae he was absent Maurice M,. Kinsey acted as man > >a yw. ime, sve Ww is », is playing to increasing , os » ; Do ouse artshorn 18 minutes in full. patronage. Frederick Buckley plays the part ,,)°U can tell a “cub” agent the way he kids | Wi) 4 ye Py ye o_o The ever-true Biblical quotation, “‘As a man of the crude, honest farmer in appealing man pon Cem, time; he will however, resume his duties 48 soweth, so shall be reap” is brought home with | i@¢8S, While) Mae Buckley as Alida Arm : + manager of the National on October 16 decided force in the little playlet submitted by strong, the ‘‘hargain wife,”’ has a role that . Billy Sunday says: “If I were a minister I'd Jake Rosenthal. the Dubuque, lowa, theat Jessie Millward and John Glendinning at the Maideally suits her personality Mrs. Stuart Rob stick a brass band in front of my church every rical manager, planned and held the first aviajestic this wakk. Sen alot Genta with Parisian | <0" 38 Mrs. Watterly. the social leader of OakesSunday night to let the devil know there was | tion meet in that city on September 28-29, play actress who has pred s be ng tee at Gount | ville and Charlies Bradshaw as T. W. have something doing down there.’ I suggest that t~ to 25.000 at Nutwood Park Beachey was who (so the story goes) is a wrecker of the | ?°7Ular parts. Rill” Kibble send him the address of some | the aviator and the affair gave great satis liv : 7 : |} William Faversham does not play Sundays, musicians. facti ~~“ with the © A. 9 She be Misvited i ¢ Mr | wut on Monday night he wil! begin his second + “Manager Thos. P. Ronan of the Power's re with 1e Co . She has vitec im an reek “he i “Pies ‘ . . , . ° B z received him to her apartments. She pretends | ~ why The Faun at the Lyric. He has made C. J. Kays. formerly of the Alton R. R. and | Theatre, Decatur, Ill, has at last been Te to be friendly. toward the Count and offers him <a Se eee peer which sitnated in Peoria. is now C. P. A. of the | warded for his energetic efforts and has sesome wine which, unknown to the Count, she | jeg jesued ' Metin to Se members’ which Katy." with headanvarters in Chicago, 316 | cured Wm. Courtenay in Don to complete & has drugged. He drinks to her health and a bulletin to its members recomMarquette Building. Some accommodating class | Week of good things. Mr. Ronan has been dis ae I mending that they see the play The Drama to this ct Ks ‘ ~ kings after she realizes he is in her power she wrings | Cinh will attend on Wednesday Pane i chap, ays appointed by a number of his best boo nes Sho ceutensied tram Abus eek ts bean ele in sday afternoon. changing routes, but he is rapidly getting a! The Follies has two more weeks at the Colon! » busine > . f very of the child born to her seventeen-year-old | 9). and the Shentehl sodiew continence to Gea WILL I. LOVE, musiness filled There is a prospect of sister. She tells him that she will have 4 | large lences w A gyre iain: il few dark nights at the Power's, Rod Wagner, ; ge audiences with its many attractive and Bohemian Girl. he ane » Sherry ‘ife for a lif’ as she considers him respon| smart features 7, , the popular advance agent for Madame Sherry, sijle for the death of her sister, who really , That's the way the card reads. Don’t mis| which is booked at Decatur, Ill, October 18, nde a 1 § : 0 y Sunday will begin the eighth conseentive construe! It means “RII Love is » as 1 ‘ty » age lov c ove is ahead of | was in the city October 9. making arrange — nat eienetes. mee it ie at thie ppias week of The Littlest Rebel. and the Chicago | the Bohemian Girl last year ‘Bill’ was | ments for the appearance of his company here. —~ outieean’ ts % pe a outtenbenenn Opera Honse continues to play to crowded houses | ahead of Girls. Well. of course, far be It from | He renewed acquaintance with bis many De with the Brothers Farnum, Dustin and William, i me, but Let George Do It catur friends.