The Billboard 1911-10-28: Vol 23 Iss 43 (1911-10-28)

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The Billboard OCTOBER 28, 1911. — ‘tEven 1es 80.000 visitors are expected _ Manila, P. I., wil! hold its annual February 8 to 10, 1912, Inclusive Robison Brothers, carnival the animal and bird deal ers, received this week from the China steam ‘rT an ‘Urang-outang, which is pronounced the best specimen of its kind ever imported to this country It a three year old and weighs twenty-one pounds. This firm recently sold a pair to the Sells-Flote Circus, , Edith Mote, the we appeared as a single, Singing act for makes severe] q I-known soprano, who has has now a pretty novelty two people during which she ace whe ulek changes and uses her part Of the ae ames In a frame during the rendition e songs. Five special drops are used, with Special ele tric effects, ns ome the midget tight-rone per ~ T, te ere Oct : vO Cheyenne, where ober 13 going direct to she 4 ~ , Pi Pittman’s Time. — Maytag over Bort Idora Park, Oakland, close > day, October 18. losed its season Sun at midnight The roller skat ay will remain open during the winter Pe. My theatres report extra big business of wan e week, owing to the immense lot on ‘tors here to attend the ground-breaking > monies. Standing room was at a premium a! a!) the principal houses RURE COHEN, a eeenettneeanene INDIANAPOLIS, IND. wn it Promise to be the best theatrical sea a for Indianapolis managers. Few of beta managers ean complain of the lack of _ meme “s many of the houses are playing pa. aa the average crowds, There has been ettore Ube here lately regarding the Sunday Performances. The vaudeville houses want d to This playhouse is located in the heart of the business district, and is theatres in New Engl one of the best pmying and. was he called upon to at the Bat recitation. show Mr. Hopper has ences have not ceased their applause until Mr. Hopper gave them Casey. But in Pinafore Mr. Hopper has escaped Casey. Of the Four Londons on the bill at the Orpheum the week of October 15, one did not appear. It seems that one of the members of this family of excellent acrobats was injured in Oakland, Cal., but the act decided to with thelr season and so one of them ‘doubles up" and does the work and positions of two | men so instead of The Four Londons, as they are billed, actually now there are but three performers. tion at the Orpheum the week of October 15. Dr. Wullner has been seen and enjoyed here many times in concert and his vaudeville en cagement proved just as successful, for the Or pheum had a very fine week, Kitty Cheatham, the famous pianologist and | render his famous Casey | Every time and in every | appeared here the audi| | lation go) Calvert of the local | is composed of well-known Vancouver musicians The famous lieder singer, Dr. Ludwig Wull| ner, made his first appearance in vaudeville in | Kansas City when he was the headline attrac Mr. Calvert expects to have the theatre ready for opening before the Christmas holidays, North Vancouver is a thriving city just across the bay from Vancouver and boasts of a popuof 9,000. Mr. Calvert thinks that the time is ripe for opening a theatre there and is | confident that his venture will prove a success in every respect. Signor Pereira and Company opened on the Pantages’ Time in Calgary on October 12, wit) the rest of the time to follow. This act is a high-class musical act and was booked over the circuit on the recommendation of Manager Pantages house. The act and is expected to be a big success over the circuit. Jobn W. Considine was in the city for a couple of days last week and commissioned several local real estate agents to search for suitable locations for the new S. & C. theatre to be erected here. Mr, Considine left for the East and will be away about three weeks and upon his return he expects to have a loca : bs : > SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. | bots’ concerts at the Murat Theatre, October VANCOUVER, B. C. funeral was largely attended by professionals hot a as : 1S. Miss Farrar sang before a capacity house. and other friends. / 5 : i holiday atthre Extra and | The Murat seats about 1,800, i ee 0. S. Pinney, stage er Se ae o e t : « olids ° » ai | i ‘ > > » ie, i , Ae piel ~ A — seca from every point, | The Halton Powell Stock Company, with Rita The musical Scason Was opened here October on — + ee hig Bing acne t st. | ‘ ry ‘the city and all over the shipping in| Lawrence as the leading lady, and E. C. Rex-| 9, when Mme, Eames and Signor DeGogorza The motion picture business is starting to 1 Pi : y. Flags, bunting garlands, flowers, | ford as the 1 ading man, is the only stock play-| gave a point recital at the Vancouver Opera | boom again in this city. Four new theatres ; mination and a gayly-dressed throng ing in gery ee now. College Life, the eae Society eae ~ ea a to = are contemplated in the suburbs of the <itv. | is oO visiters all on pleasure tours play week of October 16, met with the approval ese amous artists and gave e artists a © e 9 a “ “ wnt @ -eiiPat Bi. f t he 6 o ir pe nen sceing. and above all of the theatre critics, and the company ‘iaeenl great ovation, Bi ng um pictute heunns repens cosaies Ay . f t the ost beautiful weather This is ali in| to crowded houses a number of times The Civie Building Committee met last week | ” Phe National Theatre celebrated its first. 32at x ; het f ground breaking ceremonies, which took | Sherry is manager of the Halton Powell Com in reference to the Orpheum Theatre license, niversary recently. The first year was very > ee Dd ~ S day, October 14, when our President | pany, and M. J. Meyers is treasurer, but little progress was made and it was desuccessful and Manage: Gillis expects this evashies faft turned the first spadeful of earth and | LESTER GOODMAN. cided to meet again on October 23. The trouble son to be even more so. Mr, Gillis bas at all 4 ; bin t ling of the greatest exposition — the with regard to the license is that Sullivan & times given his patrons the best talent y}ro{' § . \ saw was wane a earnest, —— | ~ ‘ Considine, lessees of this theatre, applied a short | curable and he has been reward:d by haviag 4 i 1 Irs nt was escorted to Golden Gate ar time ago for a renewal of the license. A mem| » ying to capacity at every show. ! tary parade and over 200,000 peopl KANSAS CITY, MO. ter of the committee th n pointed out that Mr. | gg A ye the Some of Tnusicai | witnvssed (Be COmemeny: ' Lucas, the owner, had agreed to forfeit $5.00) | comedy in this city, is doing good business. oF s lay mig Rane ee Fag eee the scone | It is an interesting coincide ec sieht to the city if the building was in use as a thea Tom Beeson and his company are playing this i | of g carnival, ane ” thousands of visit. | s 3 resting coincide we at "\ tre after five years. The five years were more se » } vd. Hig ; ors fan epwrtunity to feel the welcome that | Mill rs engagement at the Willis Wood Theatre than a At the anatone above referred to it Reuse at present end are nen ne cLMAN. i 4 ; Frisco always gives to strangers on all holiday | the week of Oct: ber 16. in The Havoe, brought was learned that no trace could be found of the : cae dh, 5 \ feature of this i ebration Was nee te Ken as ( ity laters Cananeey —— agreement having been registered against the aise Tt a ae ; * : ging of mae ilan ordica in Opes nd oe “ngagemen 1 Macush a “property. The Assistant City Solicitor said P| al wfor a! a ass etege and _ th not a —, w = aera ee — that the former City Solicitor bad told him MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. P ¥ e of October ow's tha or ciimate? ‘ cot ieotl s a ane ( ect ¢ 4 Le aaa s Valentine & Co., the ploncer show | Company rehearsals. Mr. Miller witnessed the wat it had been registered. A Corinne Cantwell, one of the best ingenues { hy | whose business was recently destroyed | performance of Macushla Thursday afternoon, Some of the members did not favor punishever seer in stock here, and wke made many ' ; by fire, are again in the field and have estab| October 19, at the Grand with the expert eye ing Sullivan & Considine for what Mr. Lucas | triends and admirers in the city during her en; shed their business in a fireproof building | of one who secrutiniz s the work of which he is | bad don». Others were in favor of having the gag ment with the Lyric Stock Company at the s. e i d at 777 Mission Street. the co creator. building condemred in any case. It was final| Tyrie Theatre here, is now leading lady with j ad : \. J. Aylesworth, a Nevada theatrical man On Friday afternoon, October 27, the first of | 1¥ decided to meet again on the date mentioned the Forbes Stock Company at Duluth, Minn ; , i . ag has secured the Coast rights for The | the W.M. concerts of this season, will be Alice | above when the former City Solicitor and the Helena Churchi'l, a local girl, who appeared | oj , Chorus Lady and is organizing a company here | Nielsen in concert at the Willis-Wood Theatre, | @rchitect who designed the building would be with the Lee Baker Stock Company at the Shnhe re and will opem at Reno, Nev.. October 31. | Miss Nielsen is a great Kansas City favorite | Present, bert Theatre last summ-r, will support J. R. ie, © se . Among the company engaged are Agnes Johns, | and the advance seat sale for her concert is Manager George A. Calvert, of the Pantages’ Amory, formerly character man with the same } ‘. ) Will Abrams, Pietro Sosso, Auda Due, Harry | unusually large, and the afternoon promises to Theatre, has filed plans for the erection of a company, in-a vaudeville sketch, adapted by Sie ; > ’ tuttenbury, Anna McNanghton and Grace Ayles| see a capacity house. theatre in North Vancouver to cost $22,000. It | Mrs, Winchester of St. Paul, Minn., the coming : a ‘ worth. F. B. Ross will be manager back with Dick Dead Eye, alias De Wolf Hopper. the | will have a frontage of 44 feet with a depth | season, ; Ly ? th mpany and Harry Davis will be in ad| comic opera star and favorite, while here in of 120 feet. The rest of the building will be | When the company producing Mother arrived 4 + ’ tan the allstar revival of Pinafore the week of occupied by stores and offices. The theatre! at the Shubert Theatre here, the week of Oc‘ z ' Max Dill returned to San Francisco Octobe: | October &, at the Shubert Theatre, had his will have a seating capacity of over 500, and tober 8, a telegram was received by them, or~““ia i > 11 from Fresno, owlng to illness He was | ninety-dollar overcoat stolen from his dressing every convenience will be installed for the dering the abandonment of the Western tour ah 7 : fureed to cancel many dates in order to seek | room The theft was reported to the police. comfort of patrons. The stage will be 18 feet; with the Saturday night (October 14) performme 7 mivtical attendance As soon as he is in con-| but when Mr. Hopper left he still mourned in depth with an opening of 24 feet. It is the ance. Then a second telegram was received, i dition, be says, he will continne his tou the loss of bis handsome satin-lined overcoat intention of Mr. Calv rt to run several reels of stating that the trip to the coast would be con“ef f ’ “ he stated, was most satisfactory finan A coincidence of Mr. De Wolf Hopper’s stay films together with thre vaudeville acts, with | tinued, if the players would consent to @ redou d ‘ y here this year was that at not a performance the price of admission set at 10 cents, duction of 25 per cent in salaries. As the : Bg The advance sale for Gertrude Hoffman's en season is wel] started, and little prospects of ! if cement at Cort’s Theatre opened up most pam ey securing new engagements in N ap gree f i spiclously All day long a steady line of , the company acce a w | a cole. 25 or See i FRANKLIN SQUARE THEATRE, WORCESTER, MASS. st Sele date, the clapeey scereted ent wet Lit ; At a big women’s suffragist meeting held at Putnam, an old-time favorite actress, and wellr ' ; ¢ Dreamland Rink October 10, fully 6,000 people known to local theatre-goers, is leading lady i Were accommodated and almost a Hike number with this company. $ 7 : at the overflow meeting, all guests of the Elis Olsen Ellis, one of Sweden’s foremost comExaminer. When the people assembled to hear ic actors and singers, will appear at the Auditorj s the statins returns, in order to add enter fum Thursday evening, November 16, in the ' i talpment, the following well-known artists ap le of Sten Stenssen Steen. . peared: Pasquale Amato, the eminent baritone pon ae oe RODERIC STH. FLBURE. i singer: Madame Longari, the popular so nT 5 Miss Ids Barr, from the Empress The re é Miss Loulse Arnold Gilbert. a gifted singer TOLEDO, oO. . : ah Avon Comedy Four, from the Orpheum me . 4 Mrs. Jules Levy and Family, from the Empress . : beatre. and Same " ae Larry Nelms, one of the old-timers and whe Thee re, : Baye a —, pleat a has never entered this city in the show —a tober 15 with The House Next Door, featuring will pay us a visit with the entrees a $ William H. Mong. The Flower of the Ranch oP eee, Sey Se Se: eee bt ren bs will help to spend a ——Sa teal Alexander Patty, *“ " ) is 3 A Giny party and su»per is the latest Toled bead.” was a Billboard caller thie eer ; fad and was pulled by J. H. Hewit, the business fourth visit here—once ‘on Orpheum Circuit . manager of the Brewster’s Millions a = ge —, > ngling’s Circus and new ; it was a select affair and no one knows w feature on the Sulliv kk » Cireuit ° . Sacramento will el BR. ay —~ Dave Seymour is keeping us supplied with =! in honor of annexation. Races, band con heavy editorial matter from his tour with Day a and parades will lead up to Mardi-Gras Lewis in the West. Paul Ainsworth, formerly sporting writer on The Times, is now handling the dope for the Lyceum and American Theatres. Bill Donnelly, the one-nigbt, ete., manager at Battle Creek, Mich., is doing the Barney Oldfield act with his touring car, with the traveling managers lately. Buffalo Mystery is not in it with his speed. On Sunday, October 15, Abe Shaperio, the manager of the Bonita Company, which played the Lyceum, gave up $85 of the Sunday business for charity. Harry Winters still makes his Paul Bevere rides to Cleveland for the coming of his next Eastern Wheel shows. Harry knows his press matter for the opening of each show amd the Empire theatregoers -_ always bank op his reports for the attractions. Frank Rurt, the Denver manager of the Little Gold Mines, paid Detroit a visit last week, but overlooked our city. Like Jeffries, he never came back. Edward Kelsey of the publicity departmen? of the Toledo Ry. & Tight Co., is back from the convention at Atlantic City. Edward visited New York and will have some = oe the i mpress picture 7 picture line for his Emp LOK TIBRNEY. DENVER, COL. The big Electrical Show was held week October 1621, and too much credit can not be given to Cecil Connor, who has charge of the publicity arrangements, for the success of this show. The parade on opening night, was a big feature and it is estimated that 200.000 people crowded the down-town streets to witness this novel electrical parade. onafhemmaemipenaeiinineetiis . 2 put on aon . ~< a , | drawing-room entertainer and singer of children’s | tion to decide on, The Apple Show to be held tm Denver + of the metagee a ee — Hd a | *00Ks, Is in the United States. She will be in| George B. Howard and Company, who are| November’ will be the big event of the —_ ETeat tnmime witil the preachers stuctet | Kansas City in recital this coming winter. holding forth at the Avenue Theatre, are gain-| ern States and will be the real National Apple sn wnd now the petice have ruled “that ENery music lover in Kansas City and vi| "8 ! favor each week with local theatregoers. | show. The entries listed now will cover ere Ms ‘ “ _ n be nothing but moving pictures and sing. | cinity will be glad to know that Walter Dam Miss Isabelle Fletcher, Vancouver’s favorite | mense floor space and the big Anditorium wi ‘ ke care of the ‘Nk on Sundaye, osch, with the famous New York Symphony | Stock actr ss, is again at the head of the San-| be taxed to its capacity to take to B. ¥ Keith's has been doing a roshing busi Orchestra and a -uartette of noted pot re | ford Players at the Empress Theatre. She made | exhibits and show . oa. om ee —_ hese. They have been putting on some very | has been engaged for a grand spring festival to | het reappearance with this company in Lillian] advise our readers t mt + in charge ine js ls Amt the public seems to be appreciat-| be given at the Willis-Wood Theatre as the | Russell's great success, Wildfire, and received | has the publicity of thie show in nt, and that ons it. It ts not unusual for the house to be closing event of the W.-M. concert series. a tremendous ovation at each performance. There is another big show we want, 4 Signin completely on two, three or even four well Fe week. Ned Hastings, the manager, is this Hleased with the outlook and he looks for season to be the best in the history of the is the national convention for either party next year, and we are informed that Denver will make a strong bid for the big Repub'ican convention. President Taft’s visit here a few Fred Karno’s London Company were the headliners at the Orpheum last week and proved such a big drawing card that it was necessary WILLIAM W. SHELLEY. to give an extra performance on Saturday. and since honwe MONTREAL, CAN. Alice Raymond and Company, now touring the | weeks ago, the —— in charge are very Phil Brown. ¢ atic . — Pantages’ Circuit, closes her tour at Los An-| much more encour . beatre Ctateg thet rcemagee of the — a geles and jumps back to Vancouver, where JULIAN HELBER. brighter than they are now. He says that the Mr. Laudon Charlton, the manager of the’ she leaves for Australia to play a four months’ reelpts have run far ahead of the correspond. | Philharmonic Society of New York, expressed | engagement on Rickard’s Circuit. Dick, Jr.. outside spieler on the Obra. (Kid) Ing time of last season and this Is the greatest | hime lf surprised at the great strides this city Several rumors have been circulated in the | Cutler Wrestling Show will attend High preof of > waa making in the musical direction. He places Montreal fourth in musical cities of America. Mr. Chariton has made arrangements for a re _ = the conditions in Indianapolis, agen Eimnire. burlesque, F. K. Rurton, manwenn ee ‘a featuring Cora Livingston, the coast theatrical papers that the Armstrong Musical Comedy Company were to open at the Avenue Theatre here on October 16. It is in Chicago during the Winter months bus will “*tell it to ‘em’’ again in the wrestler, week of October 10. is de. | cital by Mlle. Alda on December 6. emphatically denied by the management of the ing better pret ; he coming winter season bids fair to boom, | Avenue Theatre. . . : as fame pony ng Ee men they OS a : a periodical visits of royalty, es Mrs, Maud Henderson, wife of V. T. HenAdditional Big City Letters will ey : Farrar, the great soprano, and Clemont, derson of the Sanford Players, died in this city mor, starred in the first of Ona, B. Tal be found on page 58. last week after a very lingering illness. Her the i the opera season. ay Ss per’ x. 'W. SHANNON. ~ Fn Ti sunaerenimnraanine te as ee oe ee 7