The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. The Three Big Cabaret Headliners DIRECTION W. V.M A. Ul if VERA STANLEY C. DBD. SALISBURY, Manager, City National Bank. Kalamazoo, Mich. B R O fy K 5 B A N Db To the Amusement Park and Fair Managers, Gentlemen:-Get in line for the coming season, the Ellis Brooks’ Concert Band now booking, this is 1 anattraction that you can not afford to overlook. i. Our musical library is the largest in the counna try, our Mr. Brooks the peer of Band directors, our a instrumental and vocal soloists are the best that au: money can produce. ; —CUrawe The financial backing of the Ellis Brooks’ ConBy cert Band is such that we are able to carry out the most extravagant ideas. The Original Song Bird We would suggest an early correspondence inor der to insure bookings on dates required. Thanking N you for past favors, we beg to remain, Very truly yours, BELLE OLIVER ONOMOR ARABS--/ ELLIS BROOKS’ CONCERT BAND, I) C. D. Salisbury, Mngr. |. WC. WREST& CO. 7--B : Bs Late from s Sydney, Australia. The Tettrazzini of Ragtime. KITTY HART Now en tour with Eva Tanguay Road Show—open for Parks, Fairs and Carnivals for summer. Address 607 South Fifth Avenue, Chicago, III. : J ve : ; 4, ‘ \4 Presenting a comedy act, entitled “A Lady Partner N OT | E! Wanted,’ introducing a little circus, featuring Lady Pa ; . West and Prince, the famous trick horse. A Ring : , . Barn rehearsal, fun in a circus dressing-room. AbsoA i ' lutely the first appearance in America of this act. ;* ; Would be pleased to hear from responsible booking f 2 agents and managers. Most elegant stage setting and > box-office attraction. Address all mail to H..D. ZARROW, Manager. 417 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va. Behe” W.C. WREST, Manager, Booking Vaudeville and Novelty Acts in Virginia and { 245 So. Flower Street, Los Angeles, Calif. North and South Carolina : 4 WANT to hear from MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANIES of seven ° twelve people to play our circuit on h . percentage. Twelve weeks to shows of merit that can change. Al) short jumps and good towns. What i » » a 4 . 10 BIG ! RICKS have you got? Can place Sister Teams and chorus girls at all times. WANT—To hear from free acta, Character Delineator and Coon-Shouter % & Novelty and Sensational acts for our circuit of Fairs. Mr. Secretary: If you are not on our circuit, get a 1. Sensational Escape from Police, handcuffs. 2. Sub| our list and terms of free attractions for your Fair. Address all communications to the above address. l stitution Trunk Mystery. 3. Sensational Escapes from | | BRE: any Safe or Vault. 4. 20th Century Rope Tie. 5. su Challenge Escape from any Ordinary Trunk. 6. Kel/ lar’s Famous Rope Tie. 7. Houdini’s ~~ 1 Des EsSe 8 S aniels . ; cape 8. Excelsior Rope Bond Escape. 9. escape a \ from Barrel, top nailed on by committee. 10. EaA k Maude D escape from ‘Barrel filled with water. Will close all of Under the Finest Tent Theatre in the South _* w hy A] —_ os CODE Wwittnnne Wve Comedian and Soubrette with specialties; Orchestra Leader who doubles cornet or baritone in band; Piano or ( eor e S Van ’ : Player who doubles in band; Musicians who double stage, and Actors who double band, Address ° BE A CARTOONIST TORBETT & WHITE, 705 Hemphill, Fort Worth, Texas and make a HIT. No skill required to make lightaing Sketches with my outfit. Pays big oe. a Send stamp. AL. H. HAFFNER, 208 New St., Phila. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them se.