The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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Pa GF . ’ 8 . The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. Valerius & Valerius wremedO4 2? S82 = nA Oxs Pasa Se O44 DANISH IRON] JAVV é NOVELTI ES « POSITIVELY THE ONLY:ACT FIRST TIME IN AMERICA SHOWINGTPHENOMENAL JAW DEVELOPMENT FEATSINEVER ACCOMPLISHED BY OTHERS OF THIS KIND IN VAUDEVILLE AN ABSOLUTE NOVELTY PRESENTING 15 TO 20 MINUTES OF REFINED, SENSATIONAL" ENTERTAINMENT. WHAT SETS THE PEOPLE TALKING? WHAT PROVES TO BE THE BEST ATTRACTION? NOVELTY! WHAT DOES THE PUBLIC WANT? . HERE IT IS THE ENTIRE ACT WORKED WITH THE TEETH Performing Feats of Strength with their Teeth that others fail to accomplish with their hands WANT TO HEAR FROM FIRST-CLASS AGENTS, MANAGERS OF BURLESQUE AND VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS WHO ARE LOOKING FOR NEW AND NOVEL FEATURES. (2 IF YOU WANT AN ABSOLUTE NOVEL ATTRACTION, WRITE FOR OPEN TIME. Address J. F. BARBER, Producer and Manager, 1019 Vine Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Make Money Fast IN THE MAIL ORDER BUSINESS MY FREE BOOK SHOWS YOU HOW TO WIN WITH AN IDEA AND A CAPITAL OF ONLY ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS | BUILT A BUSINESS THAT BROUGHT ME SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN EIGHTEEN MONTHS SELLING MERCHANDISE BY MAIL. LET ME SHOW YOU HOW The New Parcel Post Means Millions to Mail Order People 1 want to help mem and women to success. 1 KNOW what others MUST KNOW to succeed. If you are a siave of the pay-check, grinding away your life for others, let me show you how, while still earning a salary, on small capital, yuu can start a business that will free you forever from wage slavery. I will supply you a carefully devised completely equipped set of plans to start with. i explain everything. The whole mail order plas will be supplied you. It is the most complete, thorough instruction possible, each plan capable of earning you a splendid income. I show you how to make the start with just a few dollars, and the postman will soon wear a path to your door laden with letters and orders for the things that I show you how to sell. Fortune awaits you in this business, if you will let me start you now. . Even a ten-dollar bill will start you right into America’s Mail Order Wizard, making money with my plans. In the mail order President o, the Mail Order School. «. bysiness YOU GET CASH IN ADVANCE WITH WHICII TO FILL ORDDRS, so you don’t need capital invested in a stock of goods. Don’t say you have no experience. I will give you my experience and mail| order knowledge that cost me a million dollars to in. I'll guide you to quick success and show son toe vy things to do so money-making will easy. No office needed, simply space at home; no office force, or expensive equipment, little capital and no experince, as I offer to furnish the instructions you need to start with, showing the goods to sell, where to get them, and how to sell them, Write today sure for my free book, ‘‘How to Achieve Mail Order Success.”” Address WALT C. CUNNINGHAM, President The Mail Order School, Suite 5209 Brecht Bldg., Denver Colo. WANTED MERRY-GO-ROUND Other Concessions The Right Place for the Right Amusements. Season Opens May 31st. Pine Lake Amusement Co., Lansing, Mich. WALT C. CUNNINGHAM, OLYMPIC PARK Within 5-Cent Car Fare of a Million People Opera, Free Attractions, Band of Music, largest and most popular Dance Hall in city, Horse Racing and Athletic Games, Merry-go-Round, Toboggan, Bowling, etc. Everything open and‘running daily, afternoon and evening. RESTAURANT OF METROPOLITAN CALIBRE Now Ready To Do Business With Parties Promoting Large Attractions PRIVILEGES FOR SALE Such as Candy, Fountain, Sausage, Cane Rack, Photograph Galle all Business and Amusement Propositions of a clean order. mation, address J. M. BELDON, Manager Olympic Park, Newark, N. J. HERMAN H. A. SCHMIDT, Sole Owner of Plant and Grounds. Everybody’s Going in 1913! Where? Why To GREATER HOLLYWOOD PARK BALTIMORE, MARYLAND THE GREATEST PARK IN THE SOUTH. We want Concessions and Attractions of the latest and most sensational kind for coming season. Daily attendance, 10,000; Sundays and holidays, 25,000. If you have ® thriller, let us hear at once, as the early bird catches the worm. Address WEST NELLIS, Manager Greater Hollywood Park, ROSSVILLE, Baltimore County, ° Maryland. and ee Telor FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.