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The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1918. The Billboard —_— Concessioners ! Pop-Corn and Crispette Men! BIG MONEY OUTFIT & Dellenbarger’s “ Kettle-Popped” Pop-Corn Machine Pops 20% more bulk corn per pound than any other machine. Great big, light, fluffy kernels, that melt in your mouth. Our kettle-popped pop corn is seasoned while popping. Makes crispettes so delicious that they are beyond comparison. Everybody knows there’s wonderful ‘money in the Popcorn, Crispetie and Candy business—but there's twice as much if you use the Dellenbarger Outfit. Dellenbarger’s kettle-popped popcorn is seasoned while popping. Great big, light, fluffy kernels, that melt in your mouth. Makes Crispette so superior to others that there is no comparison. You can double your profits No question about it. Others have done it and are doing it. Discard the old-fashioned, out-of-date machines and get the Dellenbarger Outfit. You can double your profits because one girl with the Deilenbarger Outfit can do the work of two men with any other sort. You double your profits because Dellenbarger kettle popped corn and crispettes will corner the business for you, and Your pop-corn costs you nothing Because you get 20 per cent more bulk corn per pound than from any other machire. You absolutely save the cost of your corn and more on every batch. Don’t go through another season with an antiquated, outof-date outfit. Don’t buy until you have investigated this wonderful new Delleubarger Outfit. Dellenbarger Outfits cost no more than others—in fact, our prices are considerably less and our easy terms make it possible for you to Pay for your machine with the profits Si right down now and write for our new 1913 Catalogue, just off the press. Get full details of our amazing proposition and full information how to make big money in the Pop Corn and Crispette business. Dellenbarger’s Improved Automatic Crispette and Pop-Corn Ball Machine — \ae With one uninterrupted stroke of the lever, it automatically presses the Crispettes, ejects them from the mould and delivers “them on a tray. With this Machine ONE GIRL can turn out an entire batch of Crispettes in ONE-HALF the time that TWO MEN can with any other. The Popcorn is bigger—takes jess corn and less syrup to make a Crispette. C. E. Dellenbarger Company 621 East Jackson Bivd., Chicago, Ill. ~ OA WE TEACH T é CRISPETTE A et CANDY BUSINESS FREE. downward pressure of the lever. 1 cept bj) the use of your key $4.50; 100,000 Tickets for $38.00. Rapidity—Aceuracy—Privac IS WHAT YOU MUST HAVE IN YOUR CASHIER'S BOOTH The Concession that = the money the quickest gets the MOST money Our “TICKET SELLER AND REGISTER” cuts, counts and delivers your tickets just FOUR TIMES AS FAST as your cashier can possibly sell them by the old-fashi ned “‘tear-off’’ method. You not only handle the crowds FOUR TIMES AS FAST, but you have the added advantage of ARSOLUTE PRIVACY, as the machine uses UNNUMBERED tickets—no chance for your competitor ‘o The machine is substantially built of Half-Hard Cold Rolled S ‘ce! and Phosphor Bronze, has few parts and operates by a@ light t can not be tampered with, as YOU carry the key to the ticket roll magazine. issue a ticket without counting it. When not in use the lever can be locked from the outside, although it can not be unlocked ex The counting dial is covered with a metal plate, held in place by a padlock, the key to which you carry. By this method, even your Cashier does not know the number of tickets that she sells except by her ‘‘cash.”” All that she does is to “PRESS THE LEVER and MAKE CHANGE!" m The machine combines Speed, Accuracy, Privacy, Durability, Simplicity and Ease of Operation with Beauty of Design and Finish. Holds 2.500 Tickets, and can be refille’ in ten seconds. Price of Mechine, f PRICE OF STOCK TICKETS—2.500 to the Roll, per roll, 25c; 10, (uv Tickets for $1.00; Special Tickets to order. Write for prices. E. E. FULTON, General Sales Agent, 154 W. Lake St., CHICAGO Wholesale and Retall Moving Picture Machines, Stereopticons, Suppl ies, and Sundry Equipments for Projection Work. get a line’’ on your daily receipts. The lever can not be partially depressed so as to without Tickets, $30.06 o. b. Chicago. 1 > lh > y,/ ‘ i. 7 ISIE camo We on | i) ; : SSP Ni (2 a f An x i es" 25,000 Tickets for $2.40; 50,000 Tickets for The Heuek’s Opera House Co. Lyric Theatre, Shubert Attractions, Cincinnati, Ohio. | INCORPORATED 1886. People’s Theatre, Empire Circuit Burlesque, Cincinnati, Ohio. Empire Theatre, Empire Circuit Burlesque, Indianapolis, Ind. Heuck’s Theatre, Open after August, Cincinnati, Ohio. yo <b ah wy