The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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\ MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard 11 Al DOVER,| aa oe ie EE ¥ vegan, up-t -to~dato Yanderille and Picture Theater, . p sagan BEARS Blue Ribbon Teddy oe IS OUR 1913 LEADER q VERY 24-inch TEDDY BEAR has a 2-inch silk ribbon attached around the -body from shoulder to hindquarter, with a flashy big bow in front. MAKE Teustes Snake FOR SALE 25-ft. Regal Python. Acclimated, Healthy and Guarganteed Feeder. Address BIG SNAKE, Piggott, Ark. FOR SALE ving Shooting Gallery, Fairbanks ages and 19 = Arcade Machines eas Mills Punching Bag. Also Hat Rack; worth $1,500; wMfll sacrifice for $500. Other business; must ‘sell. Also Gasoline Lighting Outfit, 200 feet hollow wire, 2 tanks, 3 hey for $10. Arcade running now. Address WILLIAM KINNEY, 4207 Lorane Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. FOR SALE One full-grown Orangoutang mounted in standing position. Lot of K. D. Steel Sanitary Cages, Illusions, Doctor Lynn Vivisection Act, Side Show Paintings, pium Den Front, Knee and Punch and Judy Figures; Taylor Organ, 32 keys, a-No. 1 condition, $75. Lo second-hand Ice Cream Cone Ovens. J. K. JONES, 1030 Huron Street, Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE—TRAVELING PICTURE SHOW OUTFIT Edison Ex. Model Machine; Magazines and takeup, Blank Reel, Rewind, Model-B Gas Outfit, two burners, number Song and Announcement Slides, Reel Pictures, Toels, Screen, 3 Boxes Oxzone, 1 Eather, 1 Trunk, ete. Somatete road outfit in good condition at sacrifice. Price $75, $25 cash ~ c. 3 Also Tent, 10x14 feet, 6-ft wall and poles, $7. folding cot, good condition, $1,25. * RERSHFIELD. 3412 Calumet Avenue, Chicago, mn” : ec FOR SALE—BALLOON OUTFIT. Consisting of one 80-foot balloon made of ho Head muslin, double-headed down 12 ft., 5 times, good as new. One J. L. Case, Patd., = 6 cast rope, ioe, amon ee asd ecu! vat [Ml NO MISTAKE. THIS will be the Novelty Hit of the Teddy Bear Season. , qe 8550.00. Addvens B.S. THOMPSON, 269 Week rm Troupe 5 Trained’ Poodles A Sik velvet drop 12 z Watch them shufflin’ along, re i x oa | 24 ft, one leg drop and floor cloth for same Toxa4 7 H th ir usic and so . appoare recent y was . ut a feeble effort to : eve latge rolling globe. Address LOVELL cox. ear “e eet ar ; ee Pec: trade. ng ae piers ae : and dealers are wise to this fact. “ WILL BUY OR SELL You take that best friend, " Any kind of Circus, Carnival, Motion Picture, Freaks, And recommend The question is one of F inest Materials, Seinen tame oe et accurate deseription: Best Models, Full Sizes, Prompt Deliveries Ss Ss abe ae resus $25.00, Baboon 00. ce Female Mane ° . ‘a S500 a a0 To invest in his Teddy wb ea ' oe ee ‘ | omen, Sow . ’ . ere is noe erated ego, but rather ; sien ks rP minds thn menial At the Tip Top s busiest stand, a Rooseveltian frankness, in our claim to be _ St., San Antonio, Texas. The only place in the land. the Originators of a SLOT MACHINES FOR SALE . ~~. tee | 2 ae. iw a, .. half price It’s simply great, mate, B f ] "7 . z “PENNY ARCADE FOR SALE How the boys are YELLING ears of Qua ity 4 ompiete outfit 60 machines a makes neluding ' , ne aie Fiano: cost 0A, iq +o $700. 139 To help to swell the selling OUR ecw) have always been THE ? models for the trade. They are yet recog7 Big lot of Aroade” Machines." Alternating Edison Of Bears of New York’s best nized as the acme of perfection in size, _ Eighth,’ Philadelphia” ‘ist. MeCUSKER, 210-12 W. known brand. shape and material. ‘ ‘= SANTED—Sewey Gr boas) po oar Pees THE BURNING QUESTION before Wherever shown these qualities are reif known. SHELDEN. GREATER, Shows, ‘Trion, the present-day Carnival Man is no longer = mar ked by everybody. Our Bears attract Ga, 17-218t; ix, {ousand pay week Lafayette, one of price trade by their freshness of color and cuna aeer eae A FIRST-CLASS Teddy Bear can be —_ningness of design. ‘| Wants immediately Concert Hall ladies; year engagemade only at the established price, THE “ecTg: © ten M4 PALACE THEATER Sintcun, uy (OF 35 year MARKET PRICE. me EM an Tip Top Bears at principal Fairs, If YOU are offere ears a : + Wanted— Medicine Show Performers than the market price, BEWARE, for they Tip Top Doll Summer and Fall, a Seu vests Foseaa‘tas'ter'tomaer|am Will NOT be INST CLASS. _ renee | Loud Singers; Banjoists; Comedians; Ventriloquists: DO NOT BE DECEIVED ! Time “ Th 1 k h hi [ “sf Man with Power's Machine or will buy. State full no price question. e wise one nows t att IS IS 50. particulars. HARRY POLLWORTH, Lima, Ohio. Vaudeville Artists Vaudeville Salaries; the truth concerning them on the big time. A printed list of correct salaries that have een paid. Saves arguments. A means Ba ot ing money value of your own act. 25c. coin. ARK. 503 N. Clark Street, Chicago, Hl. WANTED THE BEST BALLOON AND PARACHUTE FOR THE FAIR AT TIFFIN, OHIO, SEPT, 2, 3, 4, 5. AD DRESS MORGAN INK, SECY., REPUBLIC, OHIO. WE ARE NOT THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF TEDDY BEARS IN NEW YORK, BUT i; WE ARE THE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF TIP TOP BEARS | AND AS THERE WILL BE A SCARCITY OF BEARSKIN THIS SEASON, ON ACCOUNT OF THE OVERWHELMING DEMAND FOR a4 BEARS, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR EARLY ORDERS. Tip Top Toy Co. | f Foremost Manufacturers of _ Teddy Bears, Dolls and Poodle Dogs in the World 220 West 19th Street NEW YORK 'T 1S GOOD AND WORTH TRYING—We know it's good, and those who use it say so, too. Costs only $1.00 and returns at least $6.40. Draws trade at 5c. Theatres, sells on streets, at stores, fairs, in households, etc. Hustlers Wanted. Keep our address. A. H. SASSE COMPANY, Pueblo, Colorado. CONCESSIONS nd ‘es Wildwood, N. J., a, 5 Rolling Ball, —— cmpmede Novelties, tic. OX 122, Wild TWO MERRY-GO-ROUNDS yon SALE—One 32 ft. Twentieth Century and one 0 ft. Stake Machine. Complete, with boiler, a organ, ete. A-1 condition and cheap. BOX Elyria, Ohio. WANTED ze wh Candy end _ Peariem, with a * reliable Cineinnati, a. = ae F