The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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a MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard 15 aE earl DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS Sul John D. Rockefeller Never Made a Dollar as Easily as You Can If You Will Take Shure’s Sure System to Suecess $300,000.00 Would not Cover the}Wholesale Value of the Enormous Stock which is Now Ready for Your Inspection Streetmen—Concessionaires — Vendors WE HAVE SOMETHING GOOD FOR EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR GET OUR BIG 1913 CATALOGUE AND SEE LFOR YOURSELF We Protect Our Customers STREETMEN, FAIR WORKERS, AUCTIONEERS and CANVASSERS — The most convenient Trunk ever made for Circus usage. Size, 24 inches long, 18 inches wide and 18 inches deep. Send for complete 1913 Catalogue } | CA TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS HICAGO: 35 E. Randolph St. New YORK: 131 W. 38th St. NOVELTIES CARNIVAL AND FAIR FOLLOWERS, HOOP-LA MEN, TEDDY BEAR AND POODLE DOG WORKERS, PENNANT AND CANE MEN; in fact, everyone in the Amusement Field, send $9.00 per gross. wo. $3.25 per gross. Write for our new 1913 illustrated catalogue. It contains only the best sellers that you are interested in, We cubmit a few in the price list below, Per Gross ae Diamond Scarf Pins, tinest quality..$ 3.25 | Electrical Diamond Studs, finest quality 3.25 for our Big Catalog, which contains mee aot with white stone brilliant es .2,000 illustrated Novelties. Connect ° ‘ ° ° ‘ | Stone ing, gold plated, engraved sides.... .. 7. , ats Signet Ring, gold plated, white stone set.... 9.00 with us and you will profit by it. By not Sending Our ( atalogue, nor Shipping Goods Horse Shoe Pins, best quality aones. : Sieenl 9.00 " . i. ‘ . Cluster Scarf Pin, best quality stones.......... 9.00 ee ee ee ee -_ to Consumers, Remember that Brooches, set with fine quality white siones... 9,00 Per Dozen Nove IT’S THE EARLY BIRD THAT CATCHES THE WORM. — Bat a ee? escen rooc' set with th in ast Db ants. ° CE ELTIES G a THE EARLIER THE BIRD—THE FATTER THE WORM Grostsrgold’ plated set with’ che finest qualiiy L R 1ON o0O0DS z “~~ gold ‘plated, set with the finest brilEe wate i PENNANTS “BE AN OWL” Star, gold plated, set with the finest brilliants 33 ‘| ee ae WOLLIBAY NOVELTY & M'F'G CO. We'll Do the Rest Say Rings, gold plated. serew back, fine bell es East 4th Strost, Now York City. _ Binge, ary ae peomasions, ine teens 7% ar ngs, gold plated, pierceless, pearl mounte WHOLESALE Beart Pies, atoried color stones,.........-°.-9 OM HERE IS A LEADER ES ee u | STREETMEN § SPECIALTIES poe oo and Link Button Set, poet color ‘= ; Link Buttons, white metal, assorted patterns... ‘75 “ MADISON AND FRANKLIN STS., CHICAGO, ILL. tw bee Ge were sae ie ; Combination Sete, Link Buttons. Scarf Pin ‘and iis Tis Heldere. sak 5 ieee engraved ee Tie Holders, enameled, assorted designs... Tie Holders, pearl, best quality........ 4 0 Chains, gold plated, with charm.... ee | Chains, gold plated, double curve, each on an eard ana — ¥ieceiee Ge Chains, double gold plated, with charm...... by 4 Chains, gold plated double curb, with charm.. (8. It’s new. Only $2.00 per 100. Shipping weight by Five-In-One or Jungle Show Complete—Banners, Tent, Watches, nickle case, stem wind and stem “ee e pounds. : Ev 3. a Oe” ER Pre See $0 .55 Wesrehw PUzzLe WORKS. Si. Paul_Minn Animals, Cages, Etc. $500 Cash for Quick Sale Weesten, gun mctal onto, sie wind end stems 58 7 s Watches, gilt case, stem wind and stem set, Tent and Banners worth the money, MOVING PICTURE SHOW COMPLETE, Black Tent, Banners, Powers guaranteed ga Sibdiek ob ad oma aie aaa 5-A Machine, 8 Reels Film, 2 Sets Lecture Slides, $200.00, bargain for quick money; Machine and Film | Watches, gol: plated, hunting case, Swiss movemore than worth the money. LUNETTE FLYING LADY OUTFIT, $30.00, made and used by Jack Shields; meat RU ia’ as sabe dip. od tae Tea brea a9 88S Gon eee eal belt alone worth more money COOK HOUSE, complete, Tents, Stoves, Lights, etc., $100.00; or will give | Watches, gold plated, hunting case, American a A-1 Griddle Man 50-50 on same. Slim Ory, write. Can place one more SHOW; also few more LEGITIMATE movement ........ UES SFA 65. t . I § h t CONCESSIONS; only carry one of a kind. Coal Mine and Stack Towns all summer, Car. and Va. Have | Alarm Clocks, imported, nickle case............ ‘2 rm rus er S$ reenvi e C ue zen seven Alabama Fairs booked now. This Show got the money at same Fairs: last fall. Alarm Clocks, American make, guaranteed...... 4 view and Gates Avenues “Double Bell Alarm Clock, large size, nickle or Bes * |J. A. MACY, Manager. Norcross, Ga., 17-22; Seneca, S.C., 24-29. aioe eae JERSEY CITY, N. J. : Razors, Lion Brand, black or white nana 3 2.00 se cena werent sun fe meetee | WANTED—CONCESSIONS AND ATTRACTIONS [f= 's's!"He'%i5 Sisonn a and sell the property. The park is beautifully located Razor Hones, each in box. on the Hudson Boulevard, extending to Newark Bay, Alarm — Cy —, : auazersaionss 4 Si Park Boulevard, MACY’S OLYMPIC SHOWS precnis Beit Rive ag et 3 1.00 is accessible by trolleys, which pass the door from | | d Ci °° @ | Razor Straps, good quality, black handle Eten 9.00 New York, Newark, Jersey City, Hoboken and BayShears, nickle plated, 7 and 9-inch, assorted. .$0 .75 My Coney siand, INCUNMIAR |stats BRUSTER. SEASON OPENS MAY 25 Folding vanes Scissors, each in case.......... Pin: WANTED The Coney Island Park Co., 1011 First Nat’lBank Bldg., Cincinnati, O. | Bocket Knife, tour blades Knife, vex auaiey — FOR THE sonnet fae GREATEST EP re ee ee eee Combination Memorandum Book and Card Advance Agent with wagon show experience; a few Case, best quality ° e ES Git; Sk. GUAM: 6c... neseiscec scatscrres 4.50 useful Performers Also two Cornets Only those Combination Memorandum Book and Card that appreciate good treatment and a long season 0 Case, oil cloth cover vsapeue ee write. BRIGHT JONES, 745 Pear St., Reading, Pa Nickel Sliding Pencil and Pen Holder...... 1.75 Nickel Indelible Pencil, with box of leads.... 2.78 tee 3 (eer ery: | Hse « OJ r . WANTED TRAP DRUMMER CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS., September 15 to 19 | oad at Key “Rings, bone tag. 7 60. "ec p She No 8 7 ' a t tt a ¢ re ee foe Moen Mowe tte 10 Fe 'ad | The Second Largest air in the State. Open night and day, Daily attendance from 15,000 to 25.000. a RE th gg EES 3 DREAMLAND THEATRE. Apalachicola, Fla. "| Everybody gets the money. Shows and Concessions wanted. W. G. COX, President; W. F. Horn, Secy.; Ghee Lecce, geod quallity................. "32 Jerrie Palmer, Treas.;JNO. HORRIGAN, Supt. Concessions. Shee Laces, heavy and wide.......... ‘2 WANTED. Top Mounter for Hand to Hand Balane ey Toilet Sets, mirror, comb, tooth Gis dee ue een ee eee W A NTE For HARRY HILL'S Wild West | seistinns’ rountain pens 00 aeeeer x < Gold-mounted Fountain Pens................. 14.00 . Ave., Chicago, Il. Show and Mexican Bull Fight Combination Opera and Field Glasses........ 19.98 e ains east dtetestionvcadecweek Sade bs “es ss z IGH SCHOOL or MENAGE HORSE; must be a good looker. Also a | Shell Collars 2.000... ccc c cece ec eenee 9.00 DOGS, DOGS, DOGS. Lady = Can ay —~y~ Weigh over 150 pounds; man and wife preferred; both must be good | Shell Purses, heart shape .................--15.00. Wiseman’s Dogs, at liberty for season; also for sale, + wy A good, pleasant, full season’s engagement for the right parties; good, sure salary. No one-day We have a special assortment of Knives, Jewelry World’s Greatest Somersault Dog, and other Trained | stands. Wagon Show or Carnival, but at home in a Park. Yes, you must be able to deliver the goods. | and other Novelties for Pick-outs, Fish Ponds, Spin \ Dogs; complete act; also position wanted by an A-1] Tickets, if I know you. You boozers, four-flushers and trouble makers, save stamps. Address HARRY A. dies and Jewelry Stands. Trainer. 490 Lorimer St., Brooklyn, N. Y¥ HILL, Washington C. H., Ohlo. rg orders shipped same day as soaetets 0. orders must have a de . . — a in ree | for samples do not an to remit suffient pos ri FOR SALE mal |\A/| E HAVE BEEN MAKING CUTS ~AND. ee caf hcanosslodaadee ent 8, $8.00; Pose O : : Bick Art Outi Hikes; ictie Diated ‘wide tables | Ii SIGNING ER HEADS FOR KEEP TH E 1 is . Film, Cre ‘ ] . Ene i ‘ samp for "Sietk Bice "he WILSON” SUPPLY | THEATRICAL HOUSE, 85 Broadway. Rochester, N.Y. WE KNOW HOW ~ gee LEON WILDER & SONS oa -_ s mes ver WANTED Can | f 1001 i KNOXVILLE. ENGE — ’ ail 83 BOWERY ' L. O. RILEY, Mer., Williamson, W. Va. 'f you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. NEW YORK