The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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= 26 Mew oe ee Mr eee ee MARCH 22, 1913. BETTER THAN OTHERS GUARANTEED 700 HOURS 1000 HOURS 6 cents clear. 8 cents clear. 6% cents colored. 8 cents colored. Prompt Shipments. SECURITY ELECTRIC LAMP CO. Incorporated. 155-157 N. Franklin St., CHICAGO. Wanted—Annual Tour The HALCYON PLAYERS @& Woman, gen. diz. specialty, under canvas; Comedian, with A-1 specialties, week stands; Musicians, Cornet, B. & 0.; Trombone, B. & O.; Tuba, B. & 0O.; Baritone, doubling stage, given preference; Trap Drums, B. & O. Opening May 5. Address THOS. HH. SEWELL, Lyceum Theatre, Toledo, 0. = wy t43 E Z Sek s iti BeQ@ Ege 72OvE.Ss g ~ i" ~» OQteesy -_ a “Ss .* —E O4%s<3 ' Zz Starz | JOHN MUZZIO & SON 178 Park Row, New York Established 1860. WANTED TUBA PLAYER (B. & 0.) SPECIALTY AND DRAMATIC PEOPLE That double brass; Novelty Acts of all kinds. People must play parts. Your salary is not too high if you are worth it Address RENTFROW’'S BIG STOCK GCO., J. N. Rentfrow, Manager. Bay City, Texas. WANTED For Quillin & Jolliffe’s Bright Light Good Versatile Sketch Teams, Sister Teams, Musical Acts and Singles Those doubling brass preferred. This is a 2-Car Show All private berths; from three to week stands. Show opens April 28th, at Boyce, Va. State lowest salary, with full particulars first letter. People that wrote before, write again Address L. QUILLIN, 1934 S. High St., Columbus. Ohio, until March 25th, then Boyce, Va. General Business Woman Capable of doing leads Pay own. Can also Show. Join on wire. State salary. lace strong street Trombone that doubles stage This is a three-night Rep. Show. Stop at hotels; show runs year round. Good, useful People that double brass, write Winside, Neb., March 20-22; Walthill, 24-26; Bancroft, 27-29: Tekamah, 31-April 2 APPLEGATE & HUGO. IRON JAW PERFORMERS, NOTICE | WANTED GIRL FOR IRON JAW ACT Not to weigh over 125. Year's work. We furnish all. Address MINERVA, 1350 N. Front Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. FOR SALE One 32 ft. Carousel, ene 40 ft. Tonawanda Merry-GoRound, two Armitage & Guinn Circular Waves. Cheap for cash. If you mean business, call at 210 Academy Street, Fulton, N. Y. FOR SALE OR TRANE—OPERA HOUSE; seats 625, Electric Light. full Scenic Equipment. Cost new $14,000.00. For full particulars write H. D. BLANDING. Detroit, Minnesota, SWORD SWALLOWING OUTFIT—Five nicely polished, nickel-plated swords, about 18 inches long, with round edges and ends with full instructions so $10.00 cash, with order field St., Boston, Mass. No danger; won't cut; anyone can swallow them. W. NELSON, 60 E. Spring FLINT’S PORCUFINES stand shipments Healthy, attractiv, vegetarians Inoffensive, inexpensive Unequaled drawing card for pit shows, zoos, etc LINWOOD FLINT, North Waterford, Me captivity and long FOR SALE—Carousel, 44 foot, 3 row, almost new, with organ, $2,500.00. One big 76-key paper roll, brand new, up-to-date Organ, $2,500.00. Can't be at. Also one $1,000.00; one $500.00. Must be sold. bargain c BECK, 180 Frost St.. Brooklyn. Tel. 1204. Greenpoint FOR SALE-—3 Moving Picture Machines with stero. camling rheostats, generator to make gas, lot of slides, 20 reels of good films; all for $150; somersault, highdiving trick dogs and doves, soda fountain; will exchange dogs and doves for good films. PROF. HARRY SMITH, Gratz, Pa DID YOU READ OUR “‘AD”’ ON ANOTHER PAGE? LIGHTING furnished for Fairs and Exhibitiens. R. F. HARVEY, ° Brooklyn, N. Y. FOR SALE—1 Edison Moving Picture Machine, been used 10 months, $35.00; 7 reels of Moving Pictures, at $10.00 each; 1 Galetea, ready for Show, Store or Carnival or Park, cast $350.00, will sell for $90.00; 1 Trick House, all ready for a good vaudeville act, for 2 or 3 people. For further information, send 2c stamp to WILFRED ALLARD. 87 Bradbury 8t., Biddeford. Maine TABLE OF CONTENTS dub pbene seo ooh ies bob eee See eS CEES COS R aN ee 24-6 rj , ; Ses AEP et ety 24-6 Will Burlesque Always Prosper? .....65--+++eeeeeeeee Where Joys and Sorrows are Reflected ........++ssseeeeeeeeeeeeee 24-7 24. Adventures of Pete Conklin .......00555-055 ee eee CER 24-8 9 Sam the Shell-Worker ....ccccccccscssessecseesesesesssecsssecs 2 ”» Wonders of the 1915 Exposition ......-..5 ete e rece eee renee ‘ 26 The Exposition That Will Be Ready .......+-eee e eee renee renee 27 ° What Is the State Fair of Today? ......ccee ec ee enc neeeeeenennrnne 28 The Relation of Music to AMUSEMENL ... cece eee cere ere err eeennnee 29 Novel Park Rides and Devices ......scccccscssccscccsscccccccens 30 The “Missing Link” Of AMUSEMENLS .cccccceerersenserreseeeereeee 31 The True Story of Rocky Mountain Kate (Poem) .......-..+++++++ 31 The State Fair in the Year 2000 .....cccsceeeseecncrcennenrerces 32 Courtesy to Visitors and Exhibitors ....eeeeeeeee cere cree eee eenee 33 Hints to Fair Secretaries ...cccccccccccccccccrccsvesssssssccesen 33 Kite Time, Marble Time, Circus Time..........-2-ee2 eee eeeeeeee 34 The Carnival, Past and Present ........c0 cle iwe ese ee ec ceerees -. 35 Mandy Get Your Glad ges de Carnival’s In Town Gem) . . a> ae 8 t, 35 Progress of Small-Time Vaudevil .......00--00sec ee ere reece reese 36 What’s to Become of Motion Pictures ........-.... eee ween eee enee 37 Chicago Amusement MeCCa ...... eee eee eee eee eee teens 38 What the Press Agent Represents ..... A Oe a ee 39 The Aeroplane aS an AttractiON ......c cece eee reer ere e eter ee eeeee 40 The Great American Public ............ ee, See Py Rees ie a ; 41 Talks with-Bastern Park Mamagers .....00. 22s cecccccccerceevcens 42-43 Carnival Conversation ....... . PS ELE TR eT ET 44 A New Ichthyological Wonder .......... ia a ke os ae o os ete Bere 45 Miscellaneous Amusement News of the Week ........--5....0080546-47 The Theatrical Week in New York ......s.scccescccessesseesveees 48 te “eenseens WOSON Gm CRAGRED oh occ ete osc ceva meta sestise cosecs 49 Motion Picture News of the Week .......................50, 51, 82, 83, 180 Reeticonwe Biews Of the Week 2.0m oscc nebo ccc toccscccsncevecssnccis 52 Music News and Song Reviews ...........-.+.08. <dihSRe ED ROE 53, 122 ee See en ee ae s ES ye 54 Chicago Vaudevil Reviews .........:... ee Py ere re ee 55 Songs Publishers Are Boosting ......-.-.-+-++++co ’ ys 56 Roy McCardell’s Column .......ncccscetocssecccesnccsessescccess 57 T. M. A. News and Walter S. Duggan’s Column .............5+4+57 Clee aie. BID Wank BIOWE .. «so dacs sg Joes oe win nee op sv cweccee wey ORs TCR E Te CLT ETT OL eee TITS CLEP T OT Tee 50 ces be es kW WD © eee ele 6 ew be eee ee 62, 63,114 eS BR eee Se eee. Pee ee eee .64, 105, 136, 152 NN his ein nee ©'s. 0 0 ON Os) Sab R ws Seeks 0006s Ons 64 va ee ees 66 eS, ee eee eae 5 68, 72 a r,s on wikd bd 0s We bie ates © 0 ebb eS 73 Cr oo wep wb ae cab hsb cp ese beeen es eee cures. tay 74 ee Ee ee ere 2 ars 80 NR i al eee bho ewe Se os ee Ee ae ae 86 na Se ae oe Se ee ee abe Le Sa eae Lae « 92 ace Ce |. 456 wee wes 6h yb, 6 0b auke wielele so 106 ES OE ERO POE, CPE TTT ee eT ee 112 rr ee rr oe Sere PROOGe . . Os. oss ae 5S a. SNe ps ok bea 117 Demy Gee Crore Brrbtiners Wor .. 2... ccc cceseevscnss 124 I es i vg i es ae ae Nie eee 132 NN EERE CE RE EO A Te 157 Carnival Directory ........-cce.:; 158 ee a Dg os ac on sae cee ow b8 161 =pe te Are Fou Going Abroea? .... 2. ccssuscewss 166 ROUTES— yo i 174 SS RS ree ee ee ee eae 179 Dramatic and Musical ........ 154 EE EI ET ee ne Pe ee 163 ERR oa. swish ce hel Data's ah esis See wate a 163 a eo wut encins woe 6-8 A 163 EE ls Cae as wale ode clan Wee ork oe pe Ee ove > Bo ae 163 Additional Circus and Carnival....... dks bealew ates naa s 163 ee NS CRN. occ nou tbeedotasdbesecesress 163 PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUBEVILLE SULLIV AN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS perees. GENERAL BOOKING BEPARTMENT AGENCY SULLIVAN AND CONSIDINE BLOG., THIRD AND 1465 BROABWAY, HEIDELBERG @LDGQ., MADISON STREETS, SEATTLE, WASH. NEW YORK GITY. CHRIS. 0. BROWN, Manager. FERD. LINCOLN, General Manager. BRANCH B@@KING OFFICES. 6 No. Clark St., | Sullivan & Considine Bidg., 965 Market Street, Empress Theatre Bids... San Franclisce, Cal. WwW. P. REESE. Strauss Bidg., Chicage, tl. Seattle, Wash. PAUL GOUDRON. MAURICE J. BURNS. LONDON OFFICE. No. 16 Green Street, London, England; 8. OBERMAYER, Representative a ere’s a Stone That Looks Exactly Like A Diamond ond cannot be told from a diamonc excep! by an expert with jeweler's glass Do not make the mistake of com. paring these stones with what is known eraet imitation diamonds—this is not an Ke nitation—no, not in any sense of the meotd—has no paste—no foil or back img guaranteed to contain no giass— »tands filing, fire and acid just like a 3.amond—will cut glass—it sparkles just ‘ee a diamond. Not an Imitation it is a marvelous synthetic gem, the most remarkable triumph as yet sebieved by the oxy-hydrogen blow 1 ‘\ve—it absolutely defies detection with the maked eye and only costs onetnirtieth the price of diamonds—why he Pay thirty times the price of emoh Gems sme are cut and faceted exactly ike diamonds and we set them only in idk Solid Gold Mountings. When worn. it is impossible for any one to realize that they are not genuine diamond: We employ the best expert diamon setters and use mountings exactly like tnose used for best diamonds. Read What Some Who Have Bought, Worn and Tried Remoh Gems, Say aa W+ have thousands of others on file. a Howard G:egory, Cameron, W. Va., Says “The Remoh £ up against a num stones, but the ditference could not be e P even by os ane a " lohn Nelson, Batchelor, La., Says: * alongside a rea) diamond and you can’t tell them apart.” Walter Barnes, Portland, Me., Says: “lan Waa perfectly satisfied—have worn my Remoh r: pAeed continuously, am in oil and acids sn¢ al! kin rviwof work and find when it is cleaned that the brilliancy and luster is as perfect as any diamond valued at $275.” Dwight Nage, Fitchburg, Mass., Says: ‘'} took my Remoh to a jeweler and asked him if it was 6 diamond or not. He looked at it through a giass then tried to file on it, then he turned around and said that ' it was a diamond all right.’ That is almost as good 8 compliment as possible.’ Two Days’ Free Trial See for yourseli—Look at the Remoh—thep decide if you cen tell the difference—costs you nothing to make the examination. We send you, prepaid, any piece of jewelry you want set with Remoh Gems for your two days’ examina tion and approval. Remember, you get a bind ing legal guarantee for life with every purchase Write Today for Your FREE Copy de Luxe Jewel Book in 4 Colors This Jewel Book ee x Gugtoge a large and varied geogitpent of peg —, rooches, ings, etc,. Remoh Gem. A is yours free. SPECIAL. NOTE—Unscrupulous dealers and fakers in many localities are offering hless ir frauds. Remoh Gems can be bought ONLY direct from us. . We have no agents. YOUNG MEN’S COLORED FAIR ASSN. (Incorporated. ) Will hold their Second Annual Fatr, jag 20, 21, 22 on. 23. 1913. Privileges and Concessions for sale for Midway. J. J. TUCKER, Secretary, 155 E, Locust 8t., Mt, Sterling, Ky. For 8 B. " weeks, traveling with Carnival Company. Want lightweight Salary is sure, but must be low s. The neatest and best ever. and full instructions and our illustrated, Sta. WANTED—A WHITE CLOWN. Anderson’s Dog and Pony Show, for 20 man to ride trick mule and other clown work Making large towns for one week. Boozers save your stamps. State lowest salary in first letter. B. ANDERSON, * Dupont, ind. MAGICIANS A DOLLAR TRICK FOR TEN CENTS. R. R. Ne. 2, THE VANISHING HANDKERCHIEF Using no threads, pulls, elastic, hand-box or bag A sure winner. Re member, you get a silk handkerchief, apparatus cataBox 1121, logue for 10¢. GORDON & A., Cambridge, Mass. HALL, PIANO PLAYER To double Cornet in Band of small tent show we pay all. in good condition, City Mo, 117 Commerce Bldg,, Kansas City, Mo. Also want second-hand Baby Pia» Open April 21 near Kanses Address PLAYER, Care The Billboard Amateur and and Late pela. THE JAMES AT amilton, Canada. NELLIE VERE James Atias’s 1913 Ballad. : Professional Performers send > Program for copy, Others de, post MUSIC COMPANY . oo ee wen ewww e weer eeeeerceee eee wwewee