The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. @ PADDLE WHEEL MEN AND ore DEMONSTRATORS HERE'S A PAZOR OUTFIT AT And Pay can get YOUR OWN PRICE for it. It’s .he equal of any Safety Razor on the market. It shows flashy and stands the test. Each outfit fn neat, individual case. THAT'S > ALL. $7.20 per gross; extra ca Blades, $1.50 per 100. Prompt z™ deliveries in any amount. No © waiting. Send 12 4 ue sample. EXOR SA co., World Building: 63 Park Row, New York. SALESMEN Are making big money selling the NKEE MATCH LIGHTER Depress the cutter and up pops a match ———— through the cover T Pull it out and it is Lighted. It is not a toy, but a large size machine, holding f a full box of matches. Beautiful nickel finish, perfect & mechanism, solidly constructed and will last for years. One of our agents has made as | much as $33 in a single day. Every cigar dealer is enthusimm 6astic the moment he sees it work. Send $2 for sample. Agents are also making big money we ® our Atlas ie Machine for oP counters agent 50c, for $2 _ Py ATLAS MANUFACTURING CO., Second y e Streets, C Ohio. es IR bpm ‘S TH, KeLLEY’S AUERMETAL CIGAR LIGHTER. Perfection at last, after year’s of experiment. Every lighter guaranteed for five on. Money back A A. satisfactory $3.50 per doz by mail 50c. KELLEY, oTHE “SPECIALTY ‘Ki KING, 21-23 Ann Street, New Y: Gunna” SO fi “ ase nd BETTER THAN BANDS Berni Organs Are Better Than Others Here are shown FIVE Examples of Beri Organs. Each of these, in its class, is the last word in 20th Century Organ Construction. Why should a Park Manager want a Berni Organ? THERE ARE MANY REASONS! It NEVER goes on strike. In the judgment of every Park or Camival Manager who has visited our New York show-rooms a Berni Organ produces Better Music than the average Band or Orchestra. It has as many variations as any symphony orchestra. _ It has a lasting value and isn’t on the salary list. } At the end of any season it is worth, in cash, almost as much as at the beginning. SAY—Do You Want a Nice, Clean | RAG ? To wipe the annoyance from the minds of your | audience, why not send for “If You Love Me, Please Let Me Know.” It has great sempieternal force, and will please any audience on earth. Professional copies, with quartette, are now ready If you are a _ noted Singer, we will send a copy FREE, or will send a copy to any address on receipt of 10c. Try thematic, cut on page 56 among Songs Publishers Are Boosting. Address THE “4 tines MUSIC COMPANY, Lock Box No. 8, Tutwiler, Miss. ES RE I RE oS =| Wanted ter Cash 1 2 OR 3-REEL Feature Negatives | AMERICAN OR FOREIGN Also will buy any Good Features Explain full information in your answer. Want to buy 2 and 3-reel Scenario or Synopsis, $100.00 to $200.00, if extra good. : C-H.CO. 643 Marquette Bidg.. Chicago, III. Mi FOR LEASE AIRDOME AT BEATRICE, NEBR. Fully equipped. WM. THOMAS, Box 203, * ae ee ee ee ee For particulars, address Beatrice, Nebraska. | FOR SALE Cheap. Two Magic Acts, one Escape Act, one Spirit Cabinet Act, lot of Handcuffs. Stamp for lists. HARKY M. WIKE. Box 77, Star Route, Altoona, Pa. FOR SALE Bossie, the six-legged Cow. Whole outfit, or will sell separate. Apply to JOHN WHITING, Clyde, 0. FOR SALE Carousel, portable. horses stationary. Almost new. Price $956. JOSEPH F. TAYLOR, Duryea, Pa. ANIMALS FOR SALE. Male African Lion, 2 yrs. old; y-4 Srenty Bear; Mt. Lion; Wrestling Rear; Tame Mn ry Badgers, Raccoons. AT WESTERN CARMI CO., 438 Wabasha, St. Paul, Minn. 120-Key Organs. Berni Organs are made in many sizes and styles to suit Dance Halls, Skating Rinks, Merry-Go-Rounds and traveling Showmen in general. Prices range from $500.00 to $7,500.00. Berni construction is the BEST in the world. facilities are unequalled anywhere and its workmen are artists and artisans of rare excellence, skilled by years of experience here and abroad; the pick of their profession. Its factory The Berni cardboard music system—exclusively used by it—is impossible to tear. The Berni 65-Key Instrument is superior to most of the Seeing is Believing. This, for the reasons given above. Send for our 1913 Catalogue and Descriptive Matter. <B> BerniOrgan “© on Company ©@ 220 West 14th Street, NEW YORK 5 ETS weenda 70 aa PROFITS PAY FOR MACHINE ee powertl 30 DAYS TRIAL guaranteed B. B. V; sold » instal inatall conta { if you ws wish. — ecide, Your earni r machi and leave handsome profit. — y FT, neh business—lots of repeat orde offices, churches, rooma, theatres, halls, hotela, eto. 2 Hour machine eavertines you, how, investigate. red _ of machine, ful! description, guarantee apd testimonials. Ad STREETMEN! AGENTS! DEMONSTRATORS! | “YANKEE” TIE FORMS MADE OF SOLID GERMAN SILVER An ingenious wire device on which a natty Four-inHand, made in three simple nuwves and never requiring untying, can be put on or taken off the collar in a twinkling. NEATEST. oe \ / ) SiMPLEST, | TROUBLE. AND AND MOST TEMPER. PRACTICAL, $2 50 Per Gross Including Circulars. Tremenious Seller Enormous Profits. Samples and particulars, postpaid for 10c im stamps. THE YANKEE NOVELTY CO, 94 E. 10th St.. N.Y. NET PROFIT OF OVER 200 cen: We have taken over the stock of a factory who have recently gone out of business, and are offering Brand New STAR MATCH MACHINES &t prices way below actual cost of manufacture. Here's an opportunity for operators STAR MATCH MACHINE Handsomest and most practical Match Vending | Device on the market Enormous profits Matches cost 40c per gross, and are sold through machine at | le per box. Every Saloon, Cigar, Drug and Grocery Store wants one. Formerly Sold at $5.00. OUR PRICE, $2.50 NET EACH. We are also manufacturers of Trade Machines for the cigar counter | THE ATLAS MANUFACTURING co., 2nd & Sycamore Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wire Artists, Supplies and Novelties WRITE FOR ‘ram. EAGLE INITIAL BROOCHES $13.50 Per Gross .... JEWEL BEAD NOVELTY co. 180 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. WANTED Billposters, Lithographers, Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co Advance opens at Denver, Colo., March 24th Addrere MILES BERRY, Gen. A Marquette Hotel, 1725 Curtis Street, Bannermen. Burk’s Big On cower, Colo. WANTED—LADY PARTNER. Take incerest, handle and lecture on Snake Pit. 1 furnish everything Good-looking, small brunette preferred. Open. Eastern Kansas, April 26. Write DOC BURGER, 111 Pulaski, Little Rock, Ark.