The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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The Billboard MARCH 2, 1913, ALABAMA 2. n wih . {kle BIRMINGHAM B. Nortos, dacobe’ Pharmacy Letew's Pharmacy Guoo's Pharmacy Adams’ Drug Co. Patton-Pope Co. W. H. Lee & Son : MOBILE Veo Antwerp’s, Drugs Dave 8. Bauer . MONTGOMERY HOT SPRINGS Drug Co. JONESBORO Pittmen’s Drog St re , VINE BLUFF Mann-Tenvkersiey (Co. TEXA —— Smith Drug CALIFORNIA BAKERSFIELD er Bros., CHICU Lee Pharmacy JREKA Pacific I’barmacy FRESNO Sateen Block Phar. b Chambers Drug Co. Godfrey & Movre Dean Drug Co. Angelus Pharmacy ay ~ Store r 0. The Owl Drug Co. Marsden Drug Co. OAKLAND } ody Owl Drug Co. Chas. Hoffman & Co, REDLANDS . Neblett Drug Store SACRAMENTO Neve oy. BAN BERNARDINO The Ow! Drug Store , Secombe Allison SAN DIEGO Please is an Kallam Drug RAN puancieco The Ow! Drug Co. Parent's ye! Goldstein's Hair Store Wakriee's Pharmacies No Percentage irene Is + tick fens Boeticke ‘ tunsoo Co. Curtis & Heatier PD ” CALGARY, ALTA J-a F'ndiar ‘Prog Co. Wendell MacLean RDMONTON 3. F. McCallom Fo Ganitary Pharmacy Myer Freeman A T. Adam Tg . D. McDougal, Drags Tbe Ow! Drug Co fea i Fiesuesr COLORADO DeKrosft's Tharmacy COLORADO SPRINGS ~ QUINCY Rebinson Dru, Bros DENV Pay Nad Bebolts Dr rors armacy w cna SI'RINGFIELD ‘The Adama Pharmacy Sell & Coe, Druggists Qwl Drug Store Mitchell's Drug Store OEBIO . STREATOR a ag Drug Co-> Wetss & Thiedobr TRINIDAD INDIANA “a Dra Stare . Rey CONNECTICUT COLUM BRIDGEPORT Hauser & UpDeGraf oo Pharmacy an'e Drug Sore Housewort a's Drag 2. ry ANSVILLE BRISTOL Bomm Prog WJ. Madden Schlaepfer, Drugs STED HARTFORD Cc. E_ Miller, Rapelye Drag Co. Goodwin's Pharmacy MIDDLETOWN Buell & Blatchiey NEW BRITAIN 8. P. Storrs NEW E HAVEN 4. F. Wond's Sons R‘ker Prue Store Wich am. Pharmacy STAMFOKD W. T. Marron, Drugs J. Champagne WATERBURY Riker & Hegeman Co. Brown, Druggists DIST. OF COLUM WASHINGTON Drug Store Riker & Hegeman Co. People’s Drug Store Leon Drug Co. FLORIDA JACKSONVILLE Rettes Pharmacy Snyder Droge Co. MIAMI The Palm arene PENSACOLA Crystral ( aetery ST. AUGUSTINE Jefferson Theatre Phar. TAMPA Tarior’s Drug Store Hutchinson's Pharmacy Central Ave. acobs Pharmacy Co. Grand Pharmacy Elkin Drug Co. COLUMBUS Reid's Pharmacy MACON Morray & Sparks Co. Tavior-Barne Drng Co. Max Morris Drug Co. sea > Phar. NNAR aonamnnle Pharmacy HAWAII HONOLULU Benson, Smith & Co. Coblentz Drug Co. Frey's Drug Store CALkKO G. Schuh & CHAMPAIGN a. Swanne! & G. P. Wisshack Co. Central Drug Co. Chicago Costume Works Revere V’barmacy ae ge? Drug Co. M. Moffett tr H. Krouskup ‘echter Prits Schoultz & Co. Harrison lbarmacy Public Drug Co. B E. E. Schlieizer New l’harmacy J. Baver Jno. J. Samuels Crown Pharmacy Theye 's Drug Store M. R. Stuart G. H. Mayr Hottinger Drug Co. Iver L. Qpales Cameron & Co.. Cost. Tangerman's Pharmacy Theos, Whitfield & Co Chiadek Bros. New York Costume Co. Meyer Drug & Truss Co. euter, Drugs LaSalle Sta. Drug 'W. Swoboda, Druggist Beyerman Drug Co. Ortenstein & Vause CHICAGO HEIGHTS Stolte’s Prne Stores DANVILLE Lyric Pharmacy Woodbury Drug Co. DECATUR P. Ewing Supply House Opera House Drug Store E. &8T. 10OU18 Central Drug Store TaSALIF Clancy's Drug Store MOLINE Gue Lindvall pater tA Store NMOUTH Red jm harmacy PEORIA Ferger's Pharmacy eT Drug Co. ‘ . Steckr. Drage . Bader LOGANSIORT > ay & Co, — tore HAUTE Averitt: Dersey Drog Valentine's Drag Shop lOWA BURLINGTON Sutter-Lodmen Drug oo BaPtss yeon Drug Co. Emerson's Pharmacy ogre COUNCIL BLUFFS Opera House Pharmacy DAVENPORT Kistenmacher's Phar. G. Schlegel & Bon Cressey & Wingate DES MOINES Co. Red Cross Drug Store MAKSHALLTOWN es Drug Co. J WATELKLOO Koapp Drug Co. Wangler Bros. Co. T. ggart Drug Co. c. J. Mier Public I’barmacy KANSAS CHANUTE Brown iermecy Co. COFFEY VILLE Jordan-Florea INDEPENDENCE Hebrank Drug Co. IOLA Burrell’s Drvg Store KANSAS CITY . ° a LEAVENWORTH Ed. C. Fritsche, MANHATTAN Palace Drug Co. . rugs VITTSBURGH TOVEKA J. P. Rowley. Dri WICHITA Higginson Drug Co. Dockum Drug Co. Means Bros. KENTUCKY FRANKFORT W. H. Averill's Sone LEXINGTON r & Dunn LOUISVILLE Buschemeyer Bros. Taylor Isaacs Drug Co, A. Kuprion, Cost. Newman Drug Co. T. Pp. T PADUCAH Gilberts Pharmacy LOUISIANA ALEXANDRIA Rapides Drug Co. . BATUN ROUGE a Von Pbhul & Gordon ONROE . L. Cusachs Kats & Besthor AUGUSTA VORTLAN _ . ay Sens WATERVILLE Daviau's Pharmacy MARYLAND BALTIMORE Willlaason & Watts 8. LeRoy Kuvinsoa H. 8 Hartogensis Morgan & Millard. Drugs Sonnenburg Habliston Bpetzier-Krug Co. Schanzes harmacy Tee Wilitameon & yn Associated Stores Co. CUMBERLAND L. L. Kimes & Bro. James K. Ford enn AGERSTOWN Young Central Drug Co. lirug Co, Co. n A. Woods, Drugs LAKE CHARLES BOSTUN Kielo’s Drug Stores Green's Pharwacy huigot's barmacy W. B. Hunt Co., Woodward Drug Co. 8. A. D. Sheppard & Co. —— . oo ay rug Co BROCKTON Hall Lyon Co. W. A. Chaplain Co. CAMBRIDGE Cupolughaw's DrugStore FALL KIVER ‘s Pharmacy 1. Werke Drage jetherell HAVERHILL Hall & Lyon Co. HOLYOKE U'Connor LOWELL INS-MIAKE-OP ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED “eelilae AGENTS MISSISSIPPI , MERIDIAN MISSOURI BROOKFIELD Green COLUMBIA Columbia Jackson Drug Co. McCarthy's Drug Store KANSAS CITS ) — —S “pene barmwacy Owl Fs = Federmann's Drug Store Central Vharmacy Club Pharmacy Goldblatt Bros. NEW BRUNSWICK Movigan's l'barmacy NEW YOBK—Conté. Ven Doert.o Pharmacy | Coswen. -Massey Ca an Dees Co. Miller's Drug Store URANGE Jemes C. Hakes TR Chas. Stuckert Riker's Drug Store TNION HILL NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE wa, 2 > nt Joseph J. M. Nelson, “s Pharmac NEW YORK Olympia Pharmacy 8T.+LOU! ALBANY + W BEDFORD R. Schmidt. Costumer Warner Drug wne Pharm Ant! Monopoly Ww. Sautter Co, x NORTHAMPTON Enderle Drug vo. orris Drug Co, at ee Druggist . Pucge : Lg Louis Sautter Coburn sraves a Do ph. Drugs PITTSFIELD Mire i. Siverling . AMSTERDAM Union Drug © City Hall Drog Store W™. Wilson, Jr. 80. FR IINGHAM B. Katzky Drug Co. AUBURN Waverly Drag Central Drug Co. A. E. Adams, Drugs SPRINGFIELD Grand-Laciede Drug Osborne House Phar. . D. — a Wolff Wilson > Chas. H. Sagar Co. Treen, The Weipert Drug Co. NG 3 WESTFI Regent Pharmacy anne Ecward G. Crotty’ H. A. Konz Chas. E. Reeves WORCESTER SEDALIA BROOKLYN Green, The Beotten Drug Co. BI ° Scott * SPRINGFIELD ack Brag Co. | Hall & Lyon Oo. C. H. Dalremple ed go Drugs MICHIGAN MONTANA R. Burkbardt ANN ARBOR BILLINGS M. J. Kantrowits Eberbach Pharmacy Lee Warres. Toeo. H. Sommers BAITLE CREEK BOZEMAN Kitvr's Drug Stores Baker-Jones Co Rose Co. 1. Schlossberg BAY Cr BUTTS Chas. I’. Goerrig M & Beach Colbert Drug Co AE. Lawrene, Cost. DETEO: Carney's Pharmacy Alex Gariner Mrs. Clara M. Read a FALLS — & Sons Stavdard Drug St «| Pharmacy ° . E. C. Kinsel, buss HELENA BUFFALO ray & Worcester n Drug Central I rescription Ww. W. Fiero. ore Iss Gibb's Drug Store hone id Goctun Missoula Drea Co. Kianette sad ie re. ° A) ter-Buescher . all's pally NEBRASKA Rudin’s Drug Stere Pontchartrain | bas macy BEATRICE Heegaard Sloan Co. F. B. Hibbier Beck & Bullis O'Prien’s Pharmacy EANS MAKED ALPINE om nig TSe. Halves, ars, 15c. Tubes, 10c. “NKMICKERBOCKER enue CREAM Pound Cans. Halves, 25c. gt Soeur CORK GREASE PAINT c. Small 25¢ 25e. Stick in Cardboard ” sunavenert Pe Bn sne | 40c. Bottle or Tin. 15¢. rdboard Half-Pound Cans, 30 veers ~~ pee WEXICOLA rover pack Te 20c. Box. EYEBROW PENCILS Ife. Each. MASCARO Box with Mirror, 40. + Cc. B. Cram) GRAND RAPIDS Peck Kros." Drag Schruuder's Sean ; West's Drug Stores JACKSON Athenaeum I’barmacy White's Store Fred Brundage. » PONTIA E. L. Keyser VORT HURON Koill's Drug Store J. Loberstorfer Cc. EB. Bricker SAGINAW Marwinske & Loebrich SAULT STE. MARIE Fred R. Price, Drogs TRAVERSE CITY E. E. Miller & Son MINNESOTA AUSTIN J. Lamm MINNEAPOLIS .D. peon Drug Charles H. Cirkler “Kube's Drog store RT. v FACE POWDER Quart BLACK-EYE PAINT Compige with Puff, 25c Co. “woisT. mouGe ers, 20 Light. Medium, Dark. 25c. CREOLE ROUGE 2¢e Box. ASSORTED ed TOUPEE WAx 20c. Tin Box. chown ‘wuire Ne. 18 ROUGE 20c. Box. nose Pury SPIRIT Gum 2uc. Box 15e. Bottle. with Brush Lip STICK COSMETIC Metal Tube. 1Se. Tin CREOLE — =. nouce Large FREMONE Pobl’s l’barmacy GRAND ISLAND Clayton Pharmacy LINCQLN Riggs I'bearmacy Co. Meier Drag Co. NORTH PLATTE Stose Drug Co. OMAHA Sherman & McConnell Heaton Drug Co. Theo. Lieb pn & Son Unitt-Doceka!l Co, Myers-Dillon Co, 1 Drug Co. Haines Drug Co. Paxton Hotel Pharmacy NEW HAMPSHIRE BERLIN Cournoyer I'barmacy MANCHESTER 0. L. Gignere: Droge NASHUA Frank H. Wingate NEW JERSEY ASBURY PARK ttison Ave. Pharmacy ATLANTIC CITY Apollo Vharmacy BAYONNE Bijou Pharmacy Opera Housg Lrug Store CAMDEN EDGEWATER Edgewater Pharmacy ELIZABETH Grabam & McCi Mackey Bros. 7s HOBOKEN Wom. Kawiab ¥. W. Te ager JERSEY CITY Hartnett Drag Co. ¥.G Manufactured by THE u. ” STEIN COSMETIC 00., 1 New York. CONEY ISLAND Edwerd A. Ancelin ELMIKA TerbdeH Calkins Co. Colvio & Ingraham Pharmacy Gerity Bros. Drug Co. FISHKILL ON HUDSON Lougbran’s l’barmacy GLENS FALL8S Bert H. bentley, GLOVERSVILLE Windsor lbarmacy HUDSON Economy Drug Store Co. ITHACA Arthur B. Brooks & Son JAMESTOWN Bwane o D ug Co. w, Dg w. LITTLE FALLS O'Rourke & Hurley LOCK1 ORT Bayliss & Sweet MECHANICVILLE N. T. Van Kensselaer MIDDLETOWN ~MeMonagle & Kogers NEWBURGH Merritt's Sons NEW ROCHELLE N. J. Patterson NEW YORK Koickerbocker Vharmacy Giblaa, the Druggist Hegeman & Co. Ww. B. Riker & bons Circle Pharmacy James’ Drug Stores w A. i. Geo. Shindbelm, Wigs Volu's 4 barwacy United Drug Stores —— & Lo. ‘epna. Stat. Drug Co, Halper Bros. 8. Holaman, Ih. G. Setitt's Festmeey ritith’s r Ee J. Emelin Colllo's Vharmacy 9 Drug Co. Druge A Keed Co. L. % 0, Goidiust A. wal Alex Hudsut’s Phar ay lobigs Seana Collins Pharmacy NIAGAKA FALLS Croy’s org, Store 0 F R. Brothers & Co, NBONTA City Drug Store OBWEGO gy ~ pened . RB. Bur PoLUNKEEPSIE McCulloch's Pharmacy KOCHESTER B. M. Hyde Vrug Co. Riker & Hegewan Co. iamwe Drug Co. ¥. M4. Kiiwe & Co, OM Broughton Vrug Co. w we -—y 4 ° . Quins, Drugs Lyon Drug Stores 8YKACPSE Stols bros., Vrugs liggett's Four Stores Monarch Drug Co. F. J. Nye, Drugs TARRYTOWN i & Lawrie TROY Joba F. Killiles Koowlson & Co. UTICA _ Sullivan & Stsusos WATERTOWN ASHEVILLE Smith’ . Drug Store Wake Drug Store WILMINGION Hanover Drug Co. WILSON Turlington & Moore WINSTON-SALEM, P. A. Toompsen NORTH DAKOTA FARGO Broadway i barma GRAND FORK Jobo H. Void Drugs OHIO AKRON The eet oF Drug Co, Vale, CANION Bolender's Phermacy Roth & Hug Co. Sibila | & Schmidt CLEVELAND W. G. Marshall W. Krause & Son Standard Drug Co. The Prospect Pha Gleim & Selzer Co. COLUMBUS P. PF. Mykrantz Kampmann, Costume May Drug Co. Liggett's c. Ww. Phillins FINDLAY Gume. a Store AMILTON Redcliffe Drag Ce. HF. Vortkamp Frternrice Drug Store Batlers Drug Store WARK Hedges & Higgins PORTSMOUTH & &treich Phar. SANDUSKY Oentral pA. Store aiDN A. &. White's Tee SPRINGFIELD H. J. Churchman Westie's Cut Rate Drees Adam Schmidt Droge STEUBENVILLE OR. Pleree & Co. Henderson Drug Co. TOLEDO Weet Drag Store Boot y Fons Mharmacy YOUNGSTOWN Rrabl'« Dene Store BStroucs-Hirshberg Co, FSVILLE Pairt’s Iharmacy ——- MORE City gar ’store Maskeger Deng Co, Crvyetal Deng Co, oKr AROMA ‘CITY Weetfall Dene Co, OREQON TEXAS A avtaTin Wootwerih Drag Cy te Drag Ce Leon B. Haskins, Drege post Opes Dons 1 a — ow pone Woodard, Clarke @ Oe, 7 Wop mgst:, Dress Rowe & Martié Keaner Co. Leand Drug Co, The Sree Ce. SALEM Gane & Sous om eee Pe PENNSYLVANIA "BL aso ALLEGHENY & Bs oC The May Lowe's Drug & ALLENTOWN & Martin Palace Bs ‘s Henry E. Peters &Co. Star ee Bee ALTOONA 4. 2. t Boeckiog & Meredith HOUSTON ADDOCK Rovee's Wa. — 4 ne Drug Store The — sueouiieg Walker Pasmeey a7. Odenwelder Saeere Fae ERIE N AN tame puoi, Mac. Melterer Andrew's Pharmacy Ssoteey ed GREENSBURG SHERMAN neon Chem. Co. Craycroft Stinson, Droge HARRISBURG ou a my gt WICHITA FALLS HAZLETON Rexal! Drug 8 Pbarmacy UTAH MeKer ‘as Cc cover ‘0. Marshal! * JOHNSTOWN Culle: a hy » SALT LAKE CITY LANCASTER ‘B. FP. Ott Prug Co. Brubaker bot Druetl & Franken obo H. ‘Miller Dayton Drug Co. LEBANON Ow! Deng Co, 8. McGowan Willes. Horne ‘Drug Co, McKEESPORT VERMONT Hiawathbe Drug BAKRE ‘ —— C. H. Kendrick & Co. . sae BRATTLEBORO NEW CASTLE Wilfred FP. Root Love & Megown BURLINGTON OIL CITY Bellrose Pharmacy w . George, RUTIAND i. Wart Drog Store A olte Ys VIRGINIA Wass & Son, Costumer LYNCHBURG Miller Drug Co, tral Pharmacy Jacobs Bros. NORFOLK l.. Horst & Co, Law Bldg. Pharmacy Philip Rarlement an's Colonia! Hate! Rumsey-Borel! Dryg Co. Coote'’s Pharmacy BE. J kelly & Co. RICHMON Peacock ® Pharmacy J. Blair. Drugs ° Central Drur Co. Tragle Drug Co. C. W. Lindig Drugs Thos. T. Jeffriwe PITTSBURGH ROANOKE The May Drug Uo. R. G. Dalby & Co EE. Heek ene gy c ms ne ir arren o, McKeonse Deng Go. 4 WASHINGTON Jenkins Arcade PbarBELLINGHAM mecy rg’s Pharmacy McCulloch Owl Pharmacy Union Depot ar. EVERETT PLYMOUTH Dean's Pharmacy G. J. Durbin, Drugs HOQUIAM READING Frank Gillette Bamford & Kemp NORTH YAKIMA Stein's Pharmacy Clark's l’harmacy American Medicine Oo. Pioneer Drug Co. A. Schaich SEATTLE Bell's Drag Store aker Drug Co. SCRANTON wift's Pharmacies Baumeister Pharmacy Kinsel Bros Fabrenbolt, Costumer Bartell Drug Co. Matthews Bros. Kennedy s Medicine Sempe Drog Store J. J. Loftes ub P’barmacy SHAMOKIN Western Drug Co, Hollenback & Rake? Murgittroyd's SUNBURY vner's Drug Store Russell B. Kelly MeXab Drug Co. WASHINGTON TACOMA WILKINSBURG Smith Drug Co. WEST VIRGINIA BLUEFIELD WILLIAMSPORT White Pharmacy a) Drug Co. CHARLESTON B. ~ ~* Opera Pharmacy Heiges & Hildebrand Woles =— mpone RHODE ISLAND ELKINS NEWPORT Prog Co Hall & Lyon Co FAIRMONT PAWTUCKET Mountain City Drug Co. Co. GRA PROVIDENCE Comerford's Pharmacy Colonial brvs Co. HUNTINGTON J. Fred Gibson Co. Wild & RBoette Hall & Lyon Co. 3. M. Park Renier Co MORGANTOWN WESTERLY Ream's Drog Store Thos. J. Bannon PARKERSRURG WOONSOCKBT 0. J. Stout & Co. Desrochers Bros. ete ee = n's Drug Store SOUTH CAROLINA =< Taln's, Drog CHARLESTON J. Front Pararyon Drug Co. WISCONSIN Taylor Drug Co. Bowante 3 macy McGregor's Drog Store r c Rmith's Ine. goue DU LA W. BR. Plank Drug Co. Miot's Pharmacy SOUTH DAKOTA x. 1. "Miboneie Droge SIOUX FALIS KENOSHA R. ¥. Brown, Droge Kradwell Drug Co. TENNESSEE Hosechicr qpecss ney ag wae tad m es Pharmacien Ss People’s ¥ The, Mena Pharmacy ChORVIGLE Pisten Kubiman's Drug Stores The A. egel Co. Sharp's tae D AR Schrader Drug Co. nthe Diller’s Pharmacy MEMPHIS Carnival Costume Co, Wm. Kasten RACINE A. Renkert & Pokorny Drug ley Robinson Co Kradwell Drug Co. NABSHVILAB SUPERIOR A .— =. Roly Ot Cc. W. Aust jompter, Moville Drag Os, WYOMING Jennings’ CHEYENNE