The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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The Billboard EI MARCH 22, 1913, 'S:-MAKE-DUP Ss ELLING AGENTS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED _ ; . i» 1sTO BA 2. wile al g. E Milter, 4 WAYNE a " ec. B. ag = | en ay Co. Ponies te Co., Dr ’ fecots, ‘Vasruacy = Basle OWN wa rug Siore Kicta's ‘Drag St mississipet Eotew's Pharmacy 1 & Blateble 2. See Feces Sheece ME NEW BRUNSW upe’s Pha NEW 7 at Teen's P RIDIAN Ve cK N rmac, BRI INDI barwa st n Doers. rw 4 P P pres Ce. 8. ~ae Charles "gy teers Satee's Pharmac pol t nemmes Movigan's fae oe CaswellOREGON rs atton-Pope Co NEW Hav Ferger’ . Elchrodt . B. Hu acy rr] M rmacy ell-Massey Ca . : EN ger's Pharma Sechuaek em’ King & Co iller's Drug 8 o Drug TEXA : & Son _F. Wood's Sons Weber Drug Co.” ward Drug Co. -» Drage Py Fe iw. eo. anr’ 8 byt" ee Bw Rake ome fee eee wissoun eS ie, Sr ce Netnainarae Oy 5 Mai vee Baue Broadway Pharma LARA ayoes Drug © ROOK FIELD nun tne leon FORD B. 0. 3 Ce c FAl\e is ree: rroll Dr Alex B. Hask acteon i. "MONTUOMERY w.—-. y AY. Riente Dru Rall & lyon Cor COLUMBEA PATERSO a PORTLAND = Pest BEAUMONT < e Bt L <a. Drugs c ane YR A an c Columbia N Pau, vorebard Powers & . OB. Biect LOOBA ham pay oe . Emmett Trees naplain Co. HANNIBAL Samee! Syk gert's Drug Woodaha, Clarke Ww BONHAM Drug Co, Riker & ERBURY w LOGANSV'ORT Onentnatn BRIDGE Joe O'Hern +e seen's Phe Store Rowe & Martié aca 8 Tonetiet, : ARIZONA | aw A i. H, Forter & Co, tughaw's Drugstore poi JOPLIN rw. Bowes” Coon, M. —” Skid Dr Harpe ec aa GLOB : gists 10N son Dri P Le.and : emner ‘ " “s LJ DIST. OF COLUM Tee esas bey Poarmacy on Dru ~ — Aupor Collins aed rr Co, The eT cc A ys Ovwing Drug Co. WAVERHII ge hee Ed TREN croy's Drag, rius ee » Faw. Sorte Boas , ec! Dru MUNCIE. YERH . c Chas. St Store 4 ‘. ; Geo. Martin ‘De. Co. Arma@urs, Drag. Store! Drag Store Hah & Lyon Co. Miaiand Poermecye gy ckert wR. Brotbers & PENNSYLVANIA ~ * Ruroy con” e : macy nee ts . ARKANSAS — tg hey amin Geo. ¥. —— paw Drug Co. ae on aS oO The Fg ee hg ' ~. BE. Ryan x ee ee, a 1 ade a i eg Me Z ee been 2 LORIDA ee gy all Carter & Sherbut oe iaa~Major's Pharmacy Detter ad Palace Pharmacy Covey" rug Store . Hor SPRINGS Ry > TERRE’ HAUT F. J. Campbell ablatt Bros. NEW MEXICO . B. Burt hy Se Reofro’s Pharm Morris Prng GB Rettoe Fuarmecs ere AUTE 3 _ LYN ST. JOSEPH ALBUQU POUGHKEEPSIE ty E. Peters & Co, GAL 4 , JONESBORO yder Drug Co. Averitt Dorey D AL —— Drugs Saint Joseph Drug Co. B. ee McCulloch's Pharmacy Boeckio yy gree Drug Store ; A AM yg OWA a ‘st -L0Ul NEW YORK su upie bres Cn | OW. ~t ao HOUSTON : NSACO! Browne F Schmit Riker _& ‘1 Armistesd: Pharmacy C7 stral <n BUR . NORTHAMPTON Anti — Costumer W. ALBANY dame . Hegeman Co. Kalp, Drage a4 4 Svodgrase yh Co, J oni AUGU ‘STINE Sutter-I ey Wiswell a _= aed Wa. Ba Drug Co, ¥.M Kies, +e The pn R Pa be Sees Stee Pittmeno’s Dr °y jefferson Theatre Pb CED. urn & Graves Foeser. ee Morr utter Co, Ki nang Walker Pb : og Stcre TAMP aT. Ro AR RAPIDS PITTS: fa Wigs is Drug Co, E EASTON armacy = , PINE BLUFF Tarlor’ PA yeon Drug C Colon FIELD ge & Dolph. Drugs Louis Saut Broughton Drug Co. 4. J. Oden PARI t tshan, Fenkersiey Co, Saachhanen's? ae Emerson's Pharmacy 80. ety oo = Siverling AMaTERDA w OHENECTADY awelder Saher5e Mebr wine etry” int ave Pred gy gor taNomam RV xnS Bee “ac malate Toe B rating ‘ a sP Ce » oF. ores . I : ey CALIFORNIA GEORGIA COUNCIL BLUFFS 2D. PRINGFIELD eee Drug Co. a AUBURN SY KACPSE Andrew's Panes. Drage ooh & aun 1 ' BAKERSFIELD Owl ~. Opera House Pharmacy Green, The Druge‘st Senne Jactece, Sree > 5. Droge ee tte i a GREENSBURG ~ oy Pha ; er Bros., Drugs we & DAVENPOR WESTFI Weipert Ch. ouse Phar s Four Stores epbenson C! ug Store : Kiste PORT Ecw Drug Co, as. H. Sa Monarch Di bem, Co, Cra RMA CHICO AMERICUS pmacher's Pb ard G. C : Regent P . Sager Co. F rug Co. HARRI yerof ; Lee Pharmac Murray & Hook G. Sehi ar. A Tg harmacy BINGH . J. Nye, Drugs SBURG t Stieasa, 5 s Phar. © egel & Sco ORCESTEL H. A. Kunz w AMTON : Gorgas the Dr Gilson, Drege 4 EU ATLANT ressey & Green, T aldroa D TARRY 3. f. Ola co u hr Pacific i pote eoctens Co. DES he =~ Brot * a See RO, Chas. E. — Russell & —_ ' __ ont afarer, leone iS Patt ESNO a Lee Miller Drag all & Lyon Oo. SPRING ici BROOKLYN Job TROY gue Sea Rexall Drag Stem de Patterson lock Phar. SRI e’ Mun is Oinen Pe MICHIGAN c RPRINGTIELD = PS Norneney ESockes & On ms = ” ¢ Monroe Drag Co. | Ag Bros. Co. DUBUQUE weer ARBOR MONTANA 2. Seer Oe an rica. pe Se we fs gue ven ee. t cura yonT Dopeb SATTLS caam a oie ts. So mentee —Staudoa Quin tos Culley Drog Gore Oles . > . n y : ‘V Seu ANGELES oe coLUunus Red C Rh" eon >< 4 oo pozeMaN } wage Somaners Cc. D. <cyem, yoo mS hs LAKE. city ir wus ~, ‘ va . ae: Seater & — Sots Comey MMASHALL TOWN Masoo & Beach ae ROT ESchlond ug Stores = Hegems i — “sills Droedl Ay oe of Ang: ug Co. M pert Drug © DET “4 t Drug Oo as. I’. Gow WORT : BANON yton Drog . oe Gao Pharmacy te Sparks Co. C.J. 18 + ‘i Mre. Clara M. * Carney's Pbarmacy A E. i ~CAROLINA 8. H. McGowan aed Drug Na Ma s Drug Store Ma arne Drug Co. MASON CI Standard Dr GREAT F Alex Gardner ‘ost. a McKEESPO fllea-Horne * 4! = Drug Ce : ela may ag Oo. Brady Drug Co. TY .. ‘Slggel, ‘Drugs. Mode] a a. © Kolpe ~~ an Smith’ ya Mlewatbe Drug _ = wae Co, Mia .! Marsden Dron 0. SAVANNA OTLUMWA Wu Worcester ELENA » Salons CHABLO EADVILLE | : Cc NAH w. Tis A BARR . I Te C OAKLAND pornos Pharmacy w siOUk CITY Waltney —s _ MISSOULA eee Wee a [gue NRW CASTLS p Kendrick & Co 7 al 3 a os ' 1) Hortman & Co. ove m. J. Kise, Droge pont . Pustuacy” a Cave Ores cription Wan MIN Store Love & Megown wane TTTEDOROD BS Cnet: TEDLANDS Benson NOLULU WAT c Pontchartra! NEBRASKA —— mm w.kK OlL CITY BUBLINOn con a s Drug Store sLLIN Smith & Co, Knapp a F. B. ariraia 1 barmacy BEATR ag he wer Drag Co. a ban uanoven ve | . mates bean ten InNoIs ° pengees Brow. Co Beck & Bulle Heegaard Shes ee Turlington & Me H i. --."— Wart RUTLAND rw BAcRAMENTO L. N. Benton, D 1. ggart, Drug Co. OPrians Pharmacy r Wikgrotcnan, en :— vi ~~~ Pres ay * a | el FE Punic Yaar ae Cee Lrncen \pees BERN Bl acy Her Drug’ . i . ; Ty RS Anpino aunt KANSAS EIN aman Ja . pas ai Pomsune | “id " eros) TTS PER ye Bee CHANUTE Prowtway Termacy — Kom Woret'& Co, Law SXOuFOLK ~ “e BAN DIE Pp. G p barmacy Co AND FOR Rumsey-Bo J s. Pharm : . ie ~ Go . Schub COFFEY V oe. Jobo 4 K y-Borell lordan’s acy ha ne oe Farce ta Co 'O~) PRICE-LIST. Jona Void Dregs Frank's Pe Bras On estes raarmacy As SAN FRAN » Oreeicae 8 Drug Co. me COLD CRE Central rma RICHMON . The Ow! a Go. F. WwW me coe w + — ORIA “NKMICKERBOCKER 40 —_* Tu The AKRON c. Ww. Las aad §, Siete, Drugs ° 0 pee Bag Sal et, Eo xsos avy suerte ee ae -m ee fast rn a ¢ 4 Wak ow hg Hair Store RB cago Costume Works riggs Bros . b Large. 7 RNT CORK ives, 25c. Vale, the 1 ANC e May Drug Co. . eftrive ‘>. Pharmaci evere Pharm INDEPEN edium. 4 c. . the Drug Man Exser Bros. OANOKE i* hy ores. a our Go, Hebrank PEXDENCE en SWHEATCROFT 25e. gnats Cammy CAMBRIDGE es. Heck 43& Co. MEAN Ba 'S. Drug C Waite a B IOLA aes ooueen LINING © Tubes Caxion Ry BT Keyser-Warren | Boericke & Ca. gE = up urrell’s Drvg Store Half-Pound © owner Stick. in Bolender's 10n J Kennen Drng Co. WA a On axe 5 aes On Frits Schoults & a. Stee crt a se oe} Se. worst .o— ~~ << — aptly p04 > Tennte. Drugs ag oS Se LEAVENWOR Complete with Rs gM — Dark. 25 bila & Schmidt McCulloch Dra SIIINOH AM MONRANTA, CR Buble Drag Co eae: Dew TOOTH ENAMEL 1 .ASBORT yo LY, Owl Pharmacy NTA M 5 en ° \y Palmer. Dre caus Consumers” Drog -~ Palace oy + ead weXICOLA over cswe = > CalnTs Toure ae — & ‘tmp 6.3 FLY MOUTE Dean’ Rn bd CKTON r 8. Betti PAK own ‘wn Tin C. Dow, Dra oe n, Druge armacy Holden Dru How ied w SONS ry iE Box. ag Ey R H zg Co e Drug Co. C. Mekee LACK max No. 18 ® Theo eger's Sons Ba EADING OQUIAM WOODLA : Ashland LD: r PITTSBU Dru 20c. Bo: a 20 jOUGE . Rosenth mford & K Frank Gill 3. V. Leithold MD Abaitoriom Puarmacy Roll Lin. Mure. De EYEBROW PEncns 2uc c purty aa te w p.——~ _ -lil ye nt 3 a NORTH YaKii CANADA E. => oe 3. P. ne EKA rugs es : bie, STICK Se. Bottle, with Brush w S. Marhes A. cm Medicine Oo. = Pharmacy a s ei e . * _— tte New Fennel com x Drugs Box with Ss on cneoue conx so OemeTIC Seana ben Son Bell's Drug Store oe > ug Co. H. E. Pe — L. J. Bauer Higginsen D nITA u nuf Large RK LiQuio Tube. Tue a tO BCRANTOW Quaker pesrs CALGAR’ Jno. J. Sam Dock nm rug Co. a actured novet Gleiw & *harmacy Baumeist “~. Sei if rug Co. pen AUGARY. ALTA Crown E Noe coe as Co. u. STEIN COSMET! pA Co. Sebecaiast. Feconety ow barmacies nadia Ti: : acy on. us , Costumer Wendell | ng gt Bees KENTUCKY 6 C0., “ver York. c. . Myerants spetteewe See. Bartel Bree’ Ca. hDMOUN G Stuart sta My pmaon, Costume y's Medicine SPOK 3. #. “Mecalow RB oe, ares FLINT a gots Demert Drug Co. FORT W nger Drug HH. Averill: Sonn «= ® Bgeett's yn Drog Store Watson D * Clarke Bros Litas as Queles c LEXINGTON Seanp TY Pon!’ FREMONE J. J. Lefts The Rn Ree w. Le Brown ce A . Cost. woe S & Du Peck Kros.’ sarees ah. l’barmacy CONEY ISLAN Boruie & SHAMOKIN — Dbarmacy @. A Bervage Cale’ Wititeld & Co” Boscbemes er thts West's Dra Drug Store dupe Oe ma || eee. ay Ay Bollestect & Rake? Morgitt: ae oo ge ladek a “s D , ba . 7 SUNBU irgittroyd’ ote, Seiettemc. faire | meee WT uncax” Tapers E iitetoo, owl Ra agli i KELOWNA. 1 cyer Drug & Truss Co. T. P. Tt Drug € neum Ibarma eee ibermac ohio & lugralen LYRIA WASHINGTO: : rug Co. psivinea co | Rin a A a ea ee o © ae ufemeicton Fos On! rae NGSTON H.R 8 NSBORO Rol AZOO st _ATTE } Brus. Drug © ‘DLAY RARRE Bon A ug Co. Mabood’s D Reuter, Dro; mith & Bat lips Bros. ose Drug Co. FISHKILL ON is ©o. Central Dr Frank & Barbe ney’s Pharm LETHBRIDCE art W Swobode Drug cimertt ABUCAH J. L. Wallace. Drugs OMAHA Lougbran’s — Rade’ ait tos 8 Mebane Tharmecy renee WALLA Alberta Drug Co. A my ge Louis Pharmacy Ey ewes & McConnell Be GLENS wale” ite Brg Co. —— Droge ares Sees Ca, « NDON Or g Co. 1AN on Drug © eaton Dru rH LIMA INSB jarmacy a & P sabe tenstein & V A Rouser's D; 0. Theo, se Co. Bentley, Drugs B. PF. Vv Bmith URG WE C mont CHICAG ouse AL . rug Store . Lieb n & GLOVERSVIL Prater ortkamp Drug Co. ST VIR Oliver Dower saad oe tiene Stores aca! =. 6G Fog Myers Dillon eo Windsor I harmacy Butlers Drug Store ‘nie wepicererD , nitary Pharm 1 ANVILLE v ATUN ROUGE MUSKEG Owl Drug C 0. HUDSON NEWARK A. B. B ug Co. Pharmacy e Myer Freema acy Lyric Pharmacy an Woods, Fred Bru UN Hain ig Co. Economy D ‘ T.3.£ . Hodges CHARLE DU 2 Woodbdr LAK Droge ndage, Druge es Drug C rug Store w tl Y Opera ESTON ; bert ary Brag Co. E CHARLES . PON Paxton 0. Co, . A. Erm H ORK Pharm ; J. A. Nault DECATU Von Pbul & ¢ EL NTIAC Hotel Pbarm ITHACA an & Son eigen & Hildebra 4 acy he P. 3ordon Keyser acy Arthu _ PIov na CLARKSRU ; Standard Phermacy =r a House pieniee MONROE YORT HUR NEW HAMPSHIRE a Brooks & Son Hedges’ & Hi RHODE ISLAND Waldo Drug pone » 4 ok. i an a xEw oO Kail's Drag 4 BERL! wwe ay Pen eT eMOUTR N RT ELKINS ; = TORT DE RTUR Eckert Drag za, American “Oke ae . ao Cournoyer -_ ith vO Gesire Foun Hall Lyon Co. ones ee Co. : .T. McEach Sondag. Drugs L, Cusachs one or MANCHESTE m. 3. Elti Central Dr Fisk AWTUCKET AIRMONT . ST. JOHN. — LGIN Katz & Best SAGINAW 0. L. Gi TER _. LITTLE ug Store Drug Co. Mountain City Drug i) iF akicahnst MB, -‘Bessomicsl Dene Co. meen REVEPORT oe 6 tate y, — vous @ Fauis a8. Whiten Pha a ON DENCE mE wa ' ‘OON, SAS $3. W. Hoo ros. Fr . MARI ok . "K10 RINGF rmacy rug Co. ra’s Pharm A. K. . W. Hoo Meyer Dr ed R. Pri E H. Wi Bay) KT nH TELD J. Fred . acy i ; mpbell ver & Co. Cart ug Co. Price, Drugs ngate yilex & Sweet . J. Churchma i Gibson Co, HUNTINGTON gapin STR, Manip Central Prog store MAINE BE Miller & Son ened zt. Xéam Shi Rate Dres — IM Pek 2 Tas SBURY P + T. Van Kenssel t Drugs : ’ | CF ite Cmca tate wm He pEMNEES® AMORY MEL, sonnet ee 8 oe as P. Henne MOLINE Partrid AUST. TLANT " Logers Hende > . J. Bannon tore ' i Liggitt's Timires Que Lindos BANGOR owe wmtuus habe een Drag Co. WOONSOCKET o, PARKERSBURG VANCOU erlebo's Drug Store A. Fowler. Droge: CkOOK8TO BAYONNE reon’s Pharioa wan tee tien Desrochers Bros. Droge tout & Co. McDuff VER MONMOU HOULT Yeo's Dr s Bi oat NEWBU [7 -Boody Ree Ph SOUTH WHEELIN Burns A. Cinna ea HOssHaTI. 0. F. Prech & on we store Opera Heung Le Merritt's Sons Fohnmeraenet CAROLINA Metals Drag stom , ou » : 8 OE ES ae ee ean a, ere «Sher er ae ro ean Cc ie ore A chfeld’ ei erson . rehber, egionano, sruinas Beiscan taermacy fe SPs aoe beciiee DOVER ea, NEM YORK Malte Mian” yz Brome beng . rug Co. QUINCY . H Hay Sons . Lamm . K. Ed Gib’ ker Pharm armacy regor's Drug Downer’ ETON ‘ Qntes tees oe ee FORD MB ey — — 7, RDOEWATER Heeeuen & Drogaist —_ Belth’s Ine. ic Store hd . W. Cara Cross Ph MA oy Charles H. Drug Co. water Pharm Ww. B. Rik ci RDMORE ermecy Ww. R. PI i The Adama Phe SPR armacy RYLAND v *Cirkler E acy Circle Pb: er & Sons ty one Sto SOUTH ank Drug . rma INGFIELD oegell Bros. LIZABET , Pharmac. re DA GRE aK Drug Store 7 = S. Coe, Droggiste enw Binith Contome Co = & Mc —_James’ Drug Sores Crom 4 . a RL MeDonsid | ru w ) : . F. Brow liten Drog Co; REA a ee 8. LeRoy = Som Public ey Drog 4 4. 8. Bicias & Ob c DURANT TEN ve. Droge Seton > pram Oo. : poet & Thiedobr te 2.8 OWALONNA Wm — ae Wigs — oo LA BY TRINIDAD » ul B. Ch . gs mage Vbar Peerless ATT. ieee thas DIANA Bonne nburg ilard. Droge Coristgau. | ¥. W. Te ager United Drag’ Ste + Drug Co. Bante aneees Hoeachier Bros CONNECTICUT Deateel Fheremncy tenet A Kube’s Drag score Fy malay mil gt Any Joupa Bron Tree 2be Hespie’s Seereeny Tee aes a 4 je ae no en a a 8 Roares * Stkowe Bos Menem en ee mm Pee, ee ab pac cate | iene | siiwatnee, a T IMBERLAND . Parker i an Co. G rger Viakoger g harp’s Pb * Store worth Bros. L. 1. Kimes & B City Co. N : rifith’s Wha } Anne Deng Co. DA armacy The A. Spiegel EVANSVILLI James K ro. a BWARK i cyestal Teng Cn 4 Rosenthal AEE oy Co. . . a 2 ILLE . Ford Ss yy? remen Ca elin Morhert 1 . M ug Co . . F. Bowm Drug HAGERST Chas, T. Bon ® bar Me's Ph Cart rng Ca, EMPHIS Diller’s Ph > Schlaepfer. Drugs Eatte 6 —_— ester tx Om oe. Hesbaver Drags Sayer Drug Co. eee trae Se, _ ralvel Coatume : . Bad no Pers A. ‘Hear Ww cITy Co. Edw. A. B peat se Ibs Harry eestchare ge Deng Co. ley-Robin On Pot Racing =e ye bY sd Drug Co, a NASHVILLE Kredwell Dros a Co. Rehasf Broa. ry aed | 5 Badoux. Hatr Gas SUPER Edward fvekor TULRA oo ne tet: Drees c. w. "hunt Deus The Rexall * Drag WYOMIN L Ings’ OMTNG CHEYENNE