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The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboarad or Classification in the Various Departments CODY BANQUETS SHOWMEN’S LEAGUE Second Big Social Event of the Newly Formed Showmen’s League of Americals Given at La Salle Hotel, Chicago —Col. Cody Presides at Gathering of More Than a Hundred Showmen i y and loudly heralded, the banquet tend er » the members of the Showmen's League \ rica to their newly elected president W »n F. Cody (Buffalo Sill) took place t burst of brilliance, of pomp and wealtl f vymen's spirit and good fellowship at the juet hall on the nineteenth floor of the La s Hot Saturday evening, March 15 Long bad the committee in charge, consisting ft entire board of officers located at the present time in Chicago, workt unceasingly, t make the dinner one long memorable event an we they accomplisht their endeavors Indeed urdiy a Chicagoan, not to mention a resident the Middle West section was not acquainted ~ith the fact that March 15 markt New Year's Day on the calendar of the Showmen's League; for it is the beginning of a year of success and fraternal development. Col. Cody arrived in town from his home in North Platte, Neb., on Friday morning, at 0:10 via the Overland Limited, at the Northwestern Depot, and was received at the station with an automobile, full of officers of the showmen’s ot ganization. and escorted at vnce to the LaSall Hotel, where he remains the guest of the hous: until his departure for New York on Sunday. March 16 The day before, the the day of the banquet itself. did not pass by uneventfully, insomuch as the showmen’s o1 ganization—thanks to the committee in Chicagu had arranged the most enjoyable program, which is briefly outlined as follows On Friday morning at 10:00 o'clock, Col. Cody and a party of friends and brothers, 35 in num night before, as well as ber, including William F. Cody. John Warren, Charles Andress, William T. Hewitt (Red Onion). H, A. Kline, Barney Parker, A. L. Sal vail, Edward Neumann, Sam DuVries, J. M Hathaway, Dave Jarrett, Vernon €. Seaver. E fF. Carruthers. Baba Delgarian, W. Patrick. F L. Baker. Harry McCabes, €. J, O'Neil. A Davis, C. MeDonald, Stamley Twist and others left the LaSalle Hotel for the sights of Southern Chicago They visited the stock yards, as guests of the Libby McNeil Co.. also the Swift Packing Company and remained with this host for a complimentary dinner given in the honor of the Colonel From the Swift Dacking Com peny’s plant the party motored to the Sells Polyscope Company's studlo, also in the Southern portion of the town where motion pictures were taken of the entire assemblage. In this connection, it must be stated that the Essanay Company also secured pictures for their Screen Weekly likewise the Industrial Motion Pic ture Company for the Universal Weekly After motoring thru the magnificent system of Chicago, Colonel Cody and | irrived back nh town about S200 p dinner. after which they visited the Cor ter in a body as the guests of Ulysses mann of this house The next day was markt by a recu social festivity At the dinner hour, ¢ and the officers of the Showmen's took of the hospitality of a the Hamilton Here the ¢ mel delivered 10 ‘ dress and invited the officials of this organization to attend his banquet. In the meantime preparations were ntinuing unceasingly so as to have the banquet hall properly festooned and appropriately decorated for the evening event. The U. S. Tent & Awn ing Co, donated the tasty decorations that con verted the hall isto a big white top, and while on the subject let it be said that Sam DuVries of the cabaret talent “White Rock’’ water which ously In addition to the hall the U. S. Tent & a regular full size Club at Sullivan-( onsidine ban their Cicuit. of the evening, Wakefield came to the front and contributed the plentethe had erected entrance, flowed decorations Awning Co circus main full equipment of railings, ticket-boxes and ticket takers, so that the event be most becoming to an the white top fraternity. Promptly at 7:30 p. m., vited the gathered host to file at the banquet tables, where been prepared. To S. Woed) ment. a large who thus entered thru the canvas entrance, over which was inscribed in large, bold letters, **The Showmen’s League of America.’’ were Charles Andress, U. J. Herrmann, J. D. O'Neil. Arthur Inovis., J. M. Hathaway. Charles McDonald. William T. Hewitt, J. L. Browne. Vernon Seaver, Herbert A. Kline. Col. C. W. Parker, M. 8S. Bodk‘n, E. F. Carruthers. W. F. Driver, D. J. Jarrett, W. Patrick, J. B. Warren, Edw Pr. Neumann. Jr. George C. Newton. Barney Parker, W. K. Sibley. Hank Wakefield, Tom Rankine, C. F. Bell, Sam DnuVries. A Sal vail, BR. Irwin. John P. Ab Scott, Lew Nichols, Martin, Arthur B. and Hiram S. Gody circus i. J into realism so League donated while Henry the with spielers of the organization band Amongst the A McCabe, T. Windhorst, Charles 6. (Continued on page 160.) the announcers their seats covers the accompaniment of the elivring strains of Rudolph Berliner’s Twenrieth Century Band (thanks to the courtesy of George in regulation host filed to their pared for the big spread. had accoutrestations pre number Bolte ence a ——<—<—<—<—<—< LEASES NEW JERSEY THEATERS. show opens. We are not pemit#ed to tell you what she has planned to do except that it will Ked Bank, N. J., March 16 (Special to Th: Sillboard).—Charles W, Ritter, manager of the Empire Theater, Red Bank and another of the same tame at Rahway, announct, March 14, that he had leased poth playhouses for a term of years to Dan Casey, brother of Pat Casey, lead of the Pat Casey Agency, New York. Mr. and Mrs Ritter will not retire trom th theatrical business. On the other hand they have formed the Empire Theaters Company with a capital sto of $100,000. This stock com poy will build and operate theaters thruout th state, fhe theater will open under the new man agement Monday night, Mareh 24. It will b the policy to give the latest reels of motio pictures, together with five acts of vaudevil Klaw & Erlanger productions will be given a Valious times It is the intention of the man gement to have a legitimate production about week | BARNUM SHOW IN MADISON SQ. GARDEN. New York. March 17 (Special to The Billwoard) Peanuts and pink lemonade will soon ~ ripe, and the odor of new-mown 8: will permeate the air The Barnum and i yr Cir cus, gayest, gladdest, grandest, galaxy in all e de world, moved itself into Madison Square G ste y (Sunday) and will inaugurate . it sease next Saturday afternoon Richty-tive cars brought the big inst.tution from wint quarters in Bridgeport, Conn. Greatest Show on Earth’’ came in three ty sections, detra.ned at Mott Haven and trackt to the Gard on over the Harlem bridge and down First Avenue to Twenty-seventh street. Forty elefants, three herds of camels, 500 horses, 110 eages of animals and tableau chariots galore were Included in the picturesque cavalcade. Inside the Garden gangs of circus laborers dumpt and spread the tanbark, hung the net work of aerial apparatus, spread the three rings and 4 platforms, hammered and pounded away on the building at the far end of the arena of the double stage for the spectacle. To prepare the chaotic arena for the rehearsals which begin today was a labor ridiculous in its ease, every department agrees. The Garden engagement will witness the homecoming to the circus of the freaks. In this great assortment of weird, whimsical wonders of the world the Barnum and Bailey management has exercised the utmost care and discrimination. The exhibit will occupy the same quarters as of old, in the commod‘ous hall at the right of the main entrance of the Garden. The performance of the ‘‘Greatest Show’’ will open this year with a dazzling new edition of Cleopatra, the spectacle which was received with favor last spring . Following the glittering pantomime come the rapid success‘on of circus acts. The services of the world’s most illustrious equestrians, gymnasts, acrobats, aerialists, equilibrists and other **boss”’ athletes have been enlisted. The activ partici pants in the thrilling exploits below and aloft number nearly 500. Miss May Wirth is forecast as the individual sensation. Last year she won fame as the only woman who had ever successfully accomplisht a foreward somersault on a galloping horse’s back This vear she will do the back across, a feat which has never been approacht by a female rider. Lady May has just finisht her winter tour of the big-time vaudevil houses, and on the last day of her engagements establisht a new world’s record, turning three Somersaults once around a 27-foot ring. Watch her when the Barnum be ‘‘firey.’’ *“Oh!”’ Animal acts will be varied aha novel. The ball game between Harry Mooney’s elefants will Just wait, and be prepared to say be a feature hold over, Amone the spangled riders whose names are generations old in the circus world are Ella Bradna au@ Fred Derick; Orrin, Victoria and May Davenport, and Charlies Siegrist. Italy sends its Sch‘gvoni acrobatic troupe, the pride of the country.” Lupita Perea comes heralded as the most mmarkable girl aerialist of Spain. Julia Gonzales represents Cuba's claim to gymnastic Supremacy. England, France and Germany contribute their champions and two new troupes of Jap w res@lers have been added. Fred Brad@na is the big, boss with the whistle. Jay Ryal, Dexter Fellowes and Old Bill Thompson (good old Bill) are the dauntless three of the publicity department. : Success to the Barnum show, good luck to every performer. AMEEN BRINGS ARABS FOR TWO BILLS New York, March 14 (Special to The Bill board).—Ameen Abou Hamad, the well-know: manager of Arab acts who has been with th Buffalo Bill and Two Bill snows for many yeararrived here yesterday per S. S. Corona fron Meroeeco bringing with him a troupe of Aratacrobats and riders for the snow this season The party was met by Major John Burke of th Two Bill Shows and left here for Trenton N J., today. ELMIRA THEATER BURNS. Plmira, N. Y., March 13 (Specig! to The Bill board).—Fire starting in the Happy Hour The ater early this evening, destroyed the playhouse. the plant of the Elmira Telegram, and severai business places. The loss wen aggregate $150,000 W. VA. GOLDEN JUBILEE CéLEBRATION. Wheeling, W. Va., Maroh 14 (Special to The Billboard).—West Virginia’s Gold@n Jubilee wil’ be celebrated in this city from June 15 to 21 The state will fittingly celebrate the event, the celebration centering at Wheeling, where there will be a state exposition, a golden jubilee, city celebration, and the usual entertainment; pageants, parades, triumfal and mémorial arches, ete.. with music. ASKING $1,500,000 FOR EXPO. March 12 Washington, over a government (Special).—The fighs appropriatien for an ex hibit at the Panama-Pacifie Expesition at San Francisco in 1915 will be renewhd when Con gress re-convenes in April. The House and Senate compromised von an item of $500,0tfor this purpose on the sundry civil appropria tion bill in the closing days of Congress. Tli Californians in Congress’ will sist on th:item being increast to $1,500,000. while the ‘economy’? Democrats in the Haise will start a cuontest to have the item entirely elim! nated. j The Hugo Bros.’ Minstrels, with Billy Ker sands, after touring Austrslia for seven months sold their show to C. M. Coleman, an Australian amusement promoter, who will néike a tour of one-night stands in the smaller towns. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Kersands, James Lac and Vervna Piggs were the only members of The show to re turn to the United States. Showmen's League of America Ranauet at the La Salle Hotel. Chicago. Mareh 15