The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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62 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. CARNIVAL NEWS FERARI-PAT@ICE GREATER UNITED SHOWS New York,.March 14 (Special to The Bill board).—The boise one hears on Broadway nowadays is the echo floating across the bay from the winter quarters of Joseph G. Ferarl, at Mariner Harber, § ! Just this genial past master of the rival end of the amusement business, and e me, he fairly radiates an enthusiasm that makes you realize that the show going out this year under the new name of Jos. G. Ferari & B. H Patrick Greater Shows United, Inc., is not only going tuo be . show,”’ but is going to have the word erit’’ driven into every iach of it and didicated to the public as a monums< nta undertaking of an aggregation of noveltics. To a Billboard representativ, who made the trip esjecially to interview him Captain Fe “The telegram I received this morning from Mr. Patrick edvising that five more consecu tiv weeks have been bookf, closes us almost eolid for th vear “A list of the good things we will put on the road this vear is a long one. The Dog Pony and Monkey Circus will line up under a brand new tent, behind a new carved, golden front, which is one of the finest and must elab erate fronts ever shown either in this country or Europ The celebrated ‘‘Laddie,’’ the talk ing pony, will be the feature, but with this animal will be associated eight other equine actors, some fifteen performing monkeys and a mule who works his legs faster than »istun rods on an engine “The Great London Ghost Show in Europe while I was abroad, and bas been put together. “One of my new features is the show ‘Wonderiand’—this is a museum, menagerie and purchased has arrived | Patrick nd shuck hands with | manufactured expressly for the purpose by the Berni Organ Co. “Of course, every carnival company, in order to be complete, should have a Ferris wheel, merry-go-reund and other riding devices Mr. myself will bave a brand new Ferris wheel, an imported ocean wave and a merry-goreund of great magnificence. “Added to this is a gorgeous band wagon— hand-carved panels—enameled in royal purple and trimmed in gold, built during the winter for parade purposes only, It seats 22 musi cians, and will bead the parade (another new feature) in each and every city visited by the company ‘eo transport the Ferari & Patrick Shows twenty-three 60-foot flat cars have been ordered. To this must be added the cars for stock, coaches and sleepers.”’ METROPOLITAN SHOWS OPEN. Americus, Ga.. March 12 (Special to The Billboard).—The Metropolitan Shows. of which C. E. Barfield is lessee and manager, opened their season here Monday, under the auspic*s of the board of trade, whose members as well as the public in general are deeply interested in a movement ty organize a baseball club so that this city may be represented in the Southern League Association. Nearly $5,000 was sub scribed at a meeting held here Saturday last in one hour, and it’s to be hoped from financial as sistance from the Metropolitan Shows, the bal ance askt for will be sufficient to insure the the safe launching, on a sound basis, of th<« team. On the vpening night vast throngs of people turned out and well patronized the various shows and attractions. The event is being held on the main streets, which are illuminated by nearly 00 incandescent lights and 20 are lights JOSEPH G. FERARI pret se Segees legawnre382 cebvbt aod G. Ferari and B Patrick Greater United Shows niva dom Mr. Ferari will have an entire new show this season, which will take to the road under the name Jos. In announcing his plans for the season, Mr. Ferari divulges some new schemes, and announces many features which will be revelations to followers of Car cireus side-show combloed: practically fifteen mammoth shows rolled into one. “Moulin Reuge is a musical comedy -<tar-ing a well-known acress, supported by a companys o* ten ladies in costly costumes and a chorus of five men. This company has been rehears ing for three weeks, and it goes without say ing when the company vpens next month Moulin Rouge will be as near perfect ax it ix possible to make it, “Minnie Ha-Ha is one of the old attractions which will occupy « prominent spot. “Another new show will be Heckle’s A Night at Coney Island, a brand new amuse ment palace A vast expenditure of time, money ani eort has been made to create a mew standard for shows and the public will undoubtedly appreciate all that we have to gay regarding this attraction “Heckler’s famous Flea Circus is o? the shows. This mite and Heckler are so well known that a good business can be depended upon from this quarter. “So far as shows back behind the tents are concerned, there are others wiich the com pany is working a crew of able show mechanics day and night in the one great effort to be ready when the bugle blows. “The fronts for all the shows are the Jo eeph G. Ferari style—that is. hand-carved: @ome solid gold, some svlid silver. some a com bination of both, some a creation of decal comania done in red, green and gold. Wegons are required to spread the each show: when these fronts are spread follows double and triple-winged extensjons Over all, and towering some ten feet for the full length of each front is an elaborate carved masterpiece, each with a figure relief Fach front is banked with just about al! the in candeacent lights it is possible to crowd into space; the bulbs are variegated in color and these color echemes have been worked in to harmonize with the front itself. Each front carries a central, or individual wagon con taining nothing excenting a mammoth organ. while the electric motor is honsed immediately In the rear of this wagon. These organs are anothe The outfit consists of 15 paid attractions and three riding devices. Prof. Antonia Passafumes’ Royal Italian Concert Band furnishes the music. The executiv staff is as follows: C. E. Bar field. lessee and manager; Joseph H. Thonet general contractor; Mrs. C. E. Barfield, secretary and treasurer; Harry Mains, promoter, an! L. D. Lynn, special agent and promoter. GURLEY-BRACKEN-MAXWELL SHOWS. Columbus, Ohio, March 13 (Special to The Bill board).—Gurley and Bracken, who now own the Maxwell Greater United Shows, are making great preparations for the coming year and have al ready closed for some of the leading carnival dates in the middle west. Opening in Marion, Ohio, on Saturday. April 26. Their continnous beking already closed will run them far into the summer and among the cities already bookt are some that have been eagerly sought after by many of the carnival companies. Mr. Maxwell, who looks after this end of the business has a very high stand'ng in this section and many requests from organizations and even officials are daily reaching their offices requesting return dates where they have shown before. It was their intention to open in Columbus, but when Mr. Maxwell secured Marion he cancelled the Columbus opening In favor of Marion where he states he will show carnival men a real live one. Another classy booking for the Gurley and Bracken-Maxwell combination is the semi-cen tennial and golden jubilee at Wheeling, W. Va in June, the Moose Silver Jubilee in July, at Cincinnati, and they have practically been assnred of the Perry celebration to be held at Erie, Pa. As in former years nothing but high class attractions will be carried by the United Shows. An added attraction will be one for the benefit of the troupe as well as a great ad for United people. Mr. Maxwell will have a base ball club In the troupe and already many players who are known have been engaged for the show. The United people are negotiating for a number of cars from the Wallace Shows and the dea! w'll prmhably be closed In th. eear future. Al! Pictures a Minute Taken Direct on Full Size Post Cards Reed Tiio— I made “On the trip I just came off from | made $55.00 in one day, and could not turn out the work fast enough,’ says Ethan Allen, Washington. Mr. Long, of Illinois, cleared $110.00 in two small towns in 15 days. Mr. McDowell, of New York writes: “Typhoid got me and took $10.00 a day profit from me.” Mr. E. Weber, of Idaho, writes: “On an eight-hour drive took 9 exposures, making an average of one dozen cards to each exposure, and received $2.50 per dozen ($22.50). These and many other letters —. do as well or better with this S abee NEW—PLATELESS DAY DARK (Trade-Mark.) The Only Street Photo Machine Making Foll Post Card Size Pictures Direct Here is a new, business with tremendous money-making possibilities, requiring no experience, no canvassing or later delivery. No Plates, no Films or Printing. You take and finish 4 Pictures a minute on the spot with onesies ease in this New DAYDARK. Big Money— Small Investment 500% Profit The quicket, cleanest money-maker ever known. A mint at all kinds of places where people gather with money to spend, at fairs, carnivals, on streets. at private homes, in large cities, in small towns or in the country—anywhere—everywhere. Why not be independent, come and go as as you please, work all or part of the time, follow the crowds, or seek unfrequented paths? Traveling, or at home, it is a retiable and never failing money-maker. Four Machines Combined in One. Makes large single pictures, groups and views, on full-sized post cards; single pictures, groups and views, on smaller post cards; 4 pictures a minute with one exposure, on full-size post cards, or two pictures a minute with one se on smaller post card. FOUR TIMES AS MANY PICTURES FOUR TIMES AS FAST (4 a minute) DAYDARK SPECIALTY CO., 4 in one day high-class direct on the card Yow finish them right on the spot in the DAYDA 4 THINK OF IT! fl FOUR TIMES THE PROFIT Investigate—Write today. Our Daydark Catalog—just issued. Write that postal NOW and mail it. 30! Daydark Bulicing, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Attention, Carnival and Concession People! Western Penna; Fair Circuit CONNEAUT LAKE, Aug. 26 to 29, Chas. T. Byers, Sec’y. CORRY, Sept. 2 to 5. (day and night) Wake Morgaridge, Sec’y. TITUSVILLE, Sept. 9 to 12, F. H. Flanders, Sec’y. STONEBORO, Sept. 16 to 19, John G. Cann, Supt. Priv. NO SHIP OVER 50 MILES. We can book good Carnival for entire circuit; also Wild West. Privilege and Concession Men of all kinds write. Good, clean Shows can make good money, no others wanted. 3 Turnstiles, excellent condition, good as new, $150 takes all three. WAKE MORGARIDGE, Circuit Sec’y, Corry, Pa. ATTENTION Local Committees and All Organizations Are you interested in a twenty-five car show? Are you interested in securing a safe, sane and orderly carnival. __No whips, slappers, squawkers, tin horns, wife beaters, confetti, rubber balls, or other “implements of war’ sold with us. Peace, Happiness and Good Cheer to All. SPECIAL TRAIN, WAGON FRONTS, NEW RIDING DEVICES, TWO ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS, FREE ACTS, LADIES’ CONCERT 4 GENTLEMEN MILITARY BAND, and in fact, sufficient of all that’s good in the Carnival field. PLEASED TO HEAR FROM ALL BRANCHES OF THE CARNIVAL BUSINESS. S. VW. Brundage Carnival LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS First-Class Show DID YOU READ OUR “AD” ON or Carnival Wanted /.),.... ANOTHER PAGE? furnished for Fairs and Exhibitions At the Great Colored Tri-State Fair, October 2, 3 and R. F. HARVEY, . Brooklyn, N. Y. 4, 7 at Tri-State Fair Grounds, Memphis, Tenn. L. G. PATTERSON, Secretary 1f you see it In The Billboard, tell them so. $55