The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard 63 ; MAGIC CITY OF THE Toledo, ais“ Bids You Come! Where the toilers in a thousand factories work day and night, and the wheels of industry turn with never-ceasing energy | ey THIS IS THE OPENING SPOT OF THE GREAT NORTHWESTERN SHOWS LZ hl 4 . . . « > Ss i « fa ne PF ave ‘ . ars . r . . | lhe “eo _ by te 0 giving two Saturdays, and the route that follows is the cream of the Northern Ohio mill ee . > » 4 >» ple r . > a 7 , . “ . . e pene yer me % glad furnished to all interested. Bands and rides are all engaged; a few privileges are still b¥ rT ¢ Ww — J ¢ y, « ae . > —_ > > « et 7. an. , m. : J a ~s = a a Ows If you have a real show, write us and we. will place you on terms ot surprising ‘ ore y* r > > + « 7 > m . » 2 e iberality; but write belore it is too late, for we book only one show of a kind. Address all letters to the manager ‘ " ; GREAT NORTHWESTERN SHOWS, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING, TOLEDO, OHIO } Teddy B Poodle D d Stuffed i . eddy Bears, Poodle Dogs an uffed Animals ; | ms | SCHOEN & SARKADY, Inc. Are Manufacturers, Not Jobbers, and Quality Is Their Watchword BEST MODELS PROMPT DELIVERIES M SQUARE TREATMENT j ’ ’ LAST SEASON’S CUSTOMERS KNOW THIS WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE THREE TIMES OUR LAST SEASON’S TRADE AND WE SHALL NEED ALL OUR FACILITIES SCHOEN & SARKADY, Inc. THIS WILL BE . + THE BIGGEST YEAR IN ¥ | LEADERS IN STUFFED ANIMAL NOVELTIES AND DOLLS 10 W. Eighteenth St, NEW YORK HE HISTORY OF BUY YOUR PADDLE WHEEL VASES AND JAPANESE | ' ) CHINA DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS | ' +. We manufacture and import the most complete line of VASES and JAPANESE CHINA, suitable for ” ’ PADDLE WHEEL purposes, of any house in the country, in consequence of which our prices are always the lowest. Ais 10-in. . up | CHOCOLATE SETS ....... " 12-in. . up BERRY SETS e} 14-in. . up | TEA SETS ... f 16-in, up | CAKE SETS : Sind ; We also carry a complete stock of other PADDLE WHEEL Prizes in a addition to a nice line of items suitable for STREETMEN, PICTURE ‘ SHOW SOUVENIRS, ETC. Illustrated Cata'ogue FREE upon request ‘ IF YOU MENTION YOUR BUSINESS and THE BILLBOARD a 4 | TAKITO, OGAWA & C0 SS Our Trade-Mark. 156 W. LAKE St: = CHICAGO. ILL. ‘a 4 of last year’s atttractions and concessions lave made application for places this year but all will t not be accommodated as they are going to ada Me @ number of high-class attractions. : ee : is! CONWAY CLAIMS WIFE IS INNOCENT. Per G , ; { onsen ee er Gross qileneo, Maree TT Wreciaty.coaries _». || STREETMEN, FAIR AND CARNIVAL WORKERS :: :: me — " . le . Ay P found "suits, wih ts eg hy Here is the Biggest Hit of the Season—SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN DESK PEN. Colors, green or red, with or without advertisCash with A Ryall Conway, of the murder vf Sophia Singer, ing. This is the only pen of its kind in this country or Europe. It is a red hot 10c seller. We can now make quick deliveries. Get order { of Baltimore, made a statement earlier in the in early. W. H. HOLLISTER & CO., Sole Manufacturers, Sales Dept., 313 South Clinton Street, Chicago, Illinois. : J week that his wife was innocent of com 4 plicity in the crime, and that he had evidence ? that would Ilberate her. Thru this feature the people of the United Many new names appear in the list of conces Mrs. Lilly Mack, on her return from her States will be shown more about the oe — ween Pnyacen Bay anne are — ppd aia ain ane oaemne ~ ge Ie PAD 7 ° ¥ of oriental ple, their occupations and their} Tritt, spot-the-spot: M. man, vase whee » \ » ‘ WOAN'S CEE.) FIRST NOUE-COMINE. pleasures <a vostinen, People who are foro. ao Ay RF gen age neg gg < Ag _— ut Py 2. ia etal ti: data f Eclipsing in magnitude and brilliancy any | tunate to see this exhibition will be made to adsworth, shovting gallery; B. L. Beckwith. ‘ . ; event of like nature which has ay realize how much better this country of ours | spot-the-spot; Sol Goodman, poodle dogs, ten~ tWhite Is bey ay ~~ a by the business element of Paducah, Paducah’s | is than the countries of the old world. pa gune end cvty sles: 5. J. Contes, get} , OS? Se Gna, fen moe one | First Home-Coming and Miniature Mardi Gras ws gues ~ S 5 Seman 4 nc onan an the Billboard sgent, It ig rumored that Mr. Seville * will be held May 19-24, inclusiv. Offices have Ce ene ee thir fortence with the Barkoot [19 with the Southern Shuw. . men opened in the Arcade Building in Paducah. BARKOOT SHOWS. Stow , eon cae have returned Henry Huhn has ordered new canvas for both ; The celebration is to be given under the aus re ae : t tt ular Isaac Ben-| his concessions, Country Store and Ten Pins. ‘ pices of the Paducah Board of Trade and the One of the worst trips this aggregation bas t Leo = pony Be = oe tgomacl ~ a Pv Felix Masso has a new concession—a combi 1 executivy board of the Paducah Boosters’ Club. | ever experienct was that from Fitzgerald to) ¥#kar. is again official mail man and messenger. | 10° oe candy and jewelry, Hundreds of Paducans from every part of the| Milledgeville, via the A. B. & A.. G. S. & F. S. BR. Smith's educated horse, Centaur, is Attractions at present are Sunny South, Lilly . world will visit their old home at the con-| and Georgia Railroads. Leaving Fitzgerald at making good. al Macy, owner; Pete Thompsun, mgr.; 5-1 or fluence of the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers for the midnight, Sunday. March 9, the Barkoot Special The executiv staff is as follows: K. G. BarJungle Show,, Lilly Macy, owner; Charley ve t time in many years. Paducah’s main thoro.| did not reach Milledgeville until 7 p. m. Mon-} koot, proprietor and general manager; George White, manager; Vaudevil & Picture Show. fare will be lighted brilliantly for the occasion. | day. It was a wornout, bedraggled crew which 8. Marr, general agent; F. H. Sevtt, agent; H. Lilly Macy, owner; Jim Snell, manager; Giant Of the $5,000 to be expended for free acts| alighted from the coaches and hastened to | Wilen, agent; Frank G. Scott, secretary and/ sng Jgora Show, Lilly Macy, owner; Terry & and fireworks, most of this will be expended in| hotels and boarding houses. The distance cov| treasurer; E. A. Potter. trainmaster: Fred MonSnell, managers; Merry-go-round, Lilly Macy, ‘ giving open-air attractions each morning of | ered in the 19 hours was about 125 miles. roe, lot man; R. R. Scott, electrician: J. Ben owner; Casey & Thompson, managers; Brutus home-coming week. None of the acts wil! o | show did not exceed the Georgia speed limit. yakar, traffic manager: Thomas J. Hurd, general Ivans, engineer; Hotel Car, Lilly Macy, owner. pulled off while shows are in operation. Prof. Wilhelm Fricke, the flea circus man, | 82nouncer; Frank Smith, night watchman; Leo Concessions include Cook’ House, Lilly Macy, jt c In addition to hydro aeroplane flights by a | left the show at Fitzgerald. It was understood | Benyakar, special messenger and mail man; G.| owner: Holden Pittman. cashier; Candy Wheel, a flyer along the river-front, President | that he was going to ship his outfit to St. Louis. Stewart, engineer; Major J. A. Boykin, Tu Slim Veal. owner; Lucile Veal, cashier; Coun teaan a will be one of the most dis Ralph Smith's Crazy House is now being vs Billboard man, try Store, Henry Hubn, owner; Glass Wheel, e guests. aged by Walter Nance. Walter is a familiar Crain & Veal, owners; Palmist, Madam Mo’ coere » Bede the Barkvot Shows, having distinMACY’S OLYMPIC SHOWS. zelle; Dogs, Anthony Stevens; Novelty Wheel. 1, NEW CARNIVAL ATTRACTION. cuisht himself last season on the front of Pal Felix Masso: Ten Pins, Henry Huhn. owner; —— leson’s Wonder City. Barney Allen closed and can be found with | fmtch Clark, cashier; Jewelry Wheel. Slim Carnival people will be interested to know The engagement at Greenville, S. C., is being | the Metropolitan Shows. Veal, vwner; John Robinson, cashier; Hoop-la, that the De Kreka Brothers, of the International | lookt forward to with considerable expectancy, Dan Kinsey, stage manager of the Old Plan-| King Crain, owner; Shorty Patterson. cashier; Carnival Company, are contemplating the in-| under the auspices of the Greenville City hus | tation Show, has added another team, Charley | High Striker, E. J. Yanz. Beb Leslie is also fuguration of a new feature this coming season, | pital, Tiler and wife, late of the Southern Fair | with the show. ' The attraction will be Oriental in style, based At Fitzgerald. March 7, the boys were treated | Shows. Mr. Kinsey now has fourteen performExecutive staff: Lilly Macy, sole owner; J. ;° primarily on the history of the orfent. The|to an informal supper by the local lodge of] ers and a three-piece orchestra, A. Macy. manager; L. McAbee, general agent; jj costumes, scenery and other parafernal'a re-| Elks. Several members of the company_ bear Mrs. Maud McAbee, wife of L. McAbee. gen-| Louls Thompson, assistant manager; Robert 4 Quired to produce this act will be historically | cards from Fitzgerald Lodge No. 1.036. B. P. | eral agent, is spending a few weeks with the | Thompson, trainmaster: H. H. Casey, electricorrect in every detail. The De Kreka Brothers] 0. B., having been initiated at the show's last | home folks at Clinton, Tenn. cian; E. J. Yanz, Billboard agent. have also decided to eliminate from their new] visit to that city a few years ago. ay sey all the old-time dancing acts. which Another new flat car arrived last week. More i h a measure tended to run this sort of act | coming. r a ‘nto the ground. It will, on the contrary, be Harry F. Dean is back home. ADDITIONAL‘CARNIVAL NEWS ON PAGE 114 >) high-class in every particular, It is intended| Alex. Thomas, billed as Modern Samson, ts $ ‘o Instrnet as well as to amuse and entertain. | now being featured In the Cirens Royal, 4