The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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64 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. FAIRS AND EXPOSITIONS WE ARE MANUFACTURING VIRGINIA FAIR CIRCUIT O&AGANIZED. j tion, target shooting, trap sheoting, cavalr) : . ! . jdrilis, baseball, football, bowling, billiards, ten : ; Lynchburg, Va.. March 15 (Special to The | nis, salsboats and canoes, ° a Billboard) At a meeting of a number of secre. | : 2 taries of Virginia a ricuiturai fairs held ta Se ae ae a ae 3 Roanoke jast Friday in the office of the Roanoke KY. FAIRS ORGANIZE STATE ASSN. . . . . . . ry Fair Association, the \V irginia Fair Circuit was f, orgamzed fo we current year by the election Louisville, Ky., Mare h 13 (Special to Th of the fo lowing officers President, Frank a sillboard ). At a meeting of twenty counts «One Pa Lovelock, Lynciburg: vice-president, ‘G. F. Carr, | {4ir secretaries at the State Faig officcs yest M Galax; secretary, J. P. Flippo, Roanoke day, au organization was forméd, which wi WA A circult wilh the folowing dates was ar| probably be known as the County Fair Asso ranged and it is key that two or three more| ciation. Commissioner of Agriculture Newman fairs will be added Galax, Sept. 3, 4 and 5, | presided at the meeting until the following of $ $ . oJ G. F. Carr, secretary: Radford, Sept. 10, 11 and | ficers were elected: Ww. P. Jobnson, of She. with colored designs and mas2 2, J. L Vaugh an, of Roanoke, secretary; Taze-| byville, president; A. Oberson. of Hodgenvill . well, Sept. 4, a7, 1s and 19, W. G. O'Brien, | vice-president; B. C, Nelson, Hopkinsville, sec secretary; Roanoke, Sept. 2 244. 25 and 26, L. | retary; L. P. Thompson, London, treasurer. cots, and also with sewed letters i 4 Sholz retary: Pynch g. Spt. 30-Oct. 1 Committees on by-laws and legislation were f ll C l , 2 and 3 Frank A. Lovelock, secretary; Danville, | appointed, and will submit reports at anoth«: 4 : Oct. 14, 15. 16 and 17, A. D. Starling, secre| meeting to be held during the state fair week or a purposes: Oo leges, tary The association will ask the legislature to ex Racing matters were freely d scust, and while | tend the law which requires showmen and nm. Schools, Societies Summer Re. the cireult was net authorizd (© arrange aa | taurant men to purchase an annual license fu: program for any fair, that being for the officers | every county in which they do business. Th: . i of each _ to decide, a number of sugcestions | sc. etaries believe that one license is sufficient sorts, and for all Business Ads were made. ; The meeting was thoroly harmonious and Kgl: Marae a | = ° those present felt that the foundation had been THE TEXAS STATE FAIR. vertising. Designs reproduced ' laid for a successful fair circult in Virginia > — b this fal] provided the weather is propitious. Dallas, Tex., March 13 (Special to The Bill aes board).—-The State Fair of Texas, will hold PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION NEWS. its 28th annual fair, exposition and race meet ing Oct. 18th to Nov. 2nd, from postal cards or any other intidaieata ma | San Franciseo, Cal., March 12 (Special to The The largest improvement to be made this year S k e tches. Write for special | ta ‘ rillbeard).—A grand international military tourHy the Pn mage ae thorely modern and a S 1 . nament will be held at the exposition in 1915, re-proof cattle and swine barns in the live — | when 100.000 soldiers from all parts of the | Stock department. In conformity with ali prices. amp es issued upon | ” world will assemble to compete in the contests, | other construction on the grounds, the materia i . 4 which will be held thruout the summer. The] used will be reinforced concrete. The swine receipt of 15c In stamps. i t entire tournament will be under the direction of | barns will have concrete floors thruout and } Major Sidney A. Cloman, military director of the pens will be of steel and heavy woven F the exposition, The troops will consist of the | Wire, thereby making same absolutely sanitary .* i. crack regiments from foreign nations, incind| in every particular. It is also proposed to In . t ing the famous English Hussars, the Frenci | stall modern feed and little carr‘ers to affor: r Ss a 9 Dragoons and Grenadiers and a troop of the | every convenience for exhibitors. Lh J . . . ? 4 | 32 Atlantic Avenue, BOSTON, MASS. : . . R} MELLOR ; ‘ : a OUR CELEBRATED nt a ye phe a Floss Machines = Will make 500 per cent profit — .* Ave a Operates entirely by electricity. No gas or gaso a § line necessary Compact, light and durable. Weighs \ mly 37 pounds. This machine is not a hand-power : ' ‘ ‘ machine with a motor attached. It can not be im | \ a —— itated. We also manufacture HAND-POWER CANDY aa ae FLOSS MACHINES. If you are in New York, tt 4-4 will pay you to come and see them in operation. vO ! PROGRESO MFG. CO. hs 244 East 52d Street, NEW YORK CITY AY TENTION, WIRE ARTISTS | THE NEW ENGLAND PEARL COMPANY PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND } Will mate for you any design or article in pearl you want The line of Novelties we make vow are Pendants, Mr. Mellor is secretary of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture (Nebraska State Fair) Lincoln, Neb geooved oF kufe edge; Fob Chain Pearls; Bar Pin, any size: Beauty Pins, Bracelet Pearls. Also Crescents i » a —_ |} Clover Leef and any other styles wanted. We make —=—— . . ‘ these Pearl Novelties in any natural color or imitation Raiser’ wn Potsdam Garide France. Itaiys | Increast appropriations have been made by you want. Kipairers of Art Goods, Opera Glasses, Umbrellas, Cane Handles, Fans, in Ivory, Celluloid, Pear!, | j r’s o 1 ysis it ar > aly j as F; @ 2 3 . Austria and even the Balkan States will send | the board of directors for all departments and Horn, et« Sample orders from $5.00 to $16.00 shipped at once their quota of pickt men to compete in tie | at a recent meeting of the racing committee, contests While it is not possible for all the | it was unanimously decided to offer a grand THE NEW ENGLAND PEARL co , 235 Eddy Sa... Providence, R, I. troops to be encampt on the grounds at the same | total of $39,000.00 for purses in the harness time, Major Cloman is arranging to have as | division, of which $27,000.00 is for ten early many as possible of the foreign troops quar| closing events, entries for which close July tered on the camping grounds at the time w | Ist, as follows: the one g-eat international tournament to be beld the latter part of the summer. 2:14 Trot $5,000.00 2:11 Pace $5,000.00 ‘ 2:24 Trot $2,500.00 2:15 Pace $2,500.00 E The convention of the gy > Grape Grow 2:10 Trot $2,500.00 ° Pace $2,500.00 FOR CAROUSELLS, SIDE SHOWS, CIRCL ers’ Association held in New ork, March 8./ 2°. .. Hog = . ray acnounct that the foreign committee, in charge | 2'20 Trot $2,000.00 2:07 Pace $2,000.00 SWINGS, FERRIS WHEELS, VAUDEof the selection of the next convention of the | 2:08 Trot $1,500.00 : Pace $1,500.00 VILLE STAGE, Etc. International Vitacultura Commission, haw . F pledged “ee to ae San Fran—_ a» a ay hs rOrT $25.00 Up cisco for the 1915 convention iis meeting i. ; yo sla 3 | for $600.00 each to suit all classes from freeDoes your organ need a Spring tonic? We can prescribe for any possije Dasees —" of its kind ever held In the | forall to 2:30. As the Lexington dates this ble ailment, such as: New Music FEVER: Pains in the wind-chest; : y : : year are Oct. 6th-16th, there is ample time Tuberculosis of the bellows; Rheumatism: of the intestines; Worn out A nitional children’s week, with picturesque | for shipment to” Dallas and many commenda and decayed Teeth; Tuning of the nervous system, and any sickness e [ie pageants and ceremonies, in which children tory expressions are already being received quickly cured by the World-Renowned 7 a al! walks «f life will participate. will be hel | from the most prominent horsemen in the ? at > x 1D ageants me estivals ili b ° + I : steen V5 Pascants ue festrain wilt | counter, alt stating that they wii be In Dal| PROFS. MUZZIO & SON, Organ Hospital, 178 Park Row, New York 7 depicting th l : i if ! play and reereational life of al ? nations The amusements are also being carefully Doctors always in attendance. Telephone, Worth 1767 \ . workt out and notwithstanding the high stand 4 ard of the past, still greater attractions are SPORTSM'tN AND MOTOR BOAT SHOW. promist for this year. The carnival attrac © e@ é —— tions have again been placed in the capable A Toledo, O., March 14 (Special to The Bil) hands of Herbert A. Kline and contracts will ; board). One of the largest and most important | be let at an early date for bands and other : expositions ever held in Toledo will be the | stellar free attractions for the Coliseum. 7 “ International Sportsmen and Motor Boat Show ee , SHOOT ING ACT : April 19-26, maleate. {It will be staged aan Exhibit space and concessions are being wold FOR INDOOR SHOW MAN AND WOMAN : Terminal Auditorium. occupying the entire bul't: | Sq" every concession "was sold” before August WE HAVE THE FOL ition ye arena. There wi!! every concessic i solr ‘ore J ‘ x i ogy * 4g se sport. vis.: Ist last year, every indication for 1913 points 0 LOWING CONCESSIONS To LET: \ Motor boats, motor boat en ines, motorcycles, towards a clean sweep much cariier this year. NJ MH Ye y were « eo "rife « ‘6 » ack i" Se See eeteeeeeee. | Sones, the Buiplen, Hatin, “The City of te Shooting Gallery a e¢ for Box ym Alleys— Knife and Cane Rack ¥y* ing horses, live animal exhibit, hunting dogs. | Hour.’’ and the entire Southwest are reflected j 7) Jodve ‘ “* 1m te game cocks, fishing tackle, guns and ammuni-| thru the State Fair of Texas. rican I odge r Candy Juice I alc. ¥ GPENS SAT. APRIL 19th, CLOSES APRIL 26th | | aDpITIONAL FAIR NEWS ON PAGES 105 and 152. | Address Manager International Sportsmen's and Motor Boat Show ; TOLEDO, OHIO