The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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ARCs ae The Billboard . 65 “4 —* Me —_—— ~ FAIR AMUSEMENT MFG. co. 28 W. 20th St., NEW YORK. Local and Long Distance Phone, Chelsea 1343 THE KINGS OF 'EM ALL! PADDLE WHEEL AND NOVELTY MEN! WE HAVE REAL ORIGINAL AND CATCHY NOVELTIES 24 FOR YOUR PURPOSES OUR TEDDY BEARS ARE THE TALK OF THE TRADE , | WELL PROPORTIONED OUR ENORMOUS FACILITIES | GOOD SQUEEKS FOR MANUFACTURING AND RIBBON BOW ON pocnag i OUR INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE OF AND CAPABLE OF STANDING THIS BUSINESS ENABLE US ON THEIR OWN FEET TO GIVE ALL ORDERS UNASSISTED ARE THE PROPER ATTENTION AND QUALITIES WHICH MAKE OUR Guarantee Prompt Deliveries BEARS VERY FLASHY AND LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND SS = -_— _— EASY TO SELL FULL COUNT AND FULL SIZE GUARANTEED WE ARE SHIPPING ALL GOODS IN SPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED, UNIFORM CASES, WHICH REDUCES TRANSPORTATION CHARGES. DEPOSIT REQUIRED ON ALL ORDERS. CORRESPONDENCE iNVITED. WHEN ORDERING, BUY FROM HEADQUARTERS. AMERICA’S PIONEER MANUFACTURERS. FAIR AMUSEMENT MFG. GO. iscsi] | _F.M.BARNES, Inc. | THE LARGEST FAIR BOOKING AGENCY IN i FAIR SECRETARIES Send for our 1913 SOUVENIR FAIR ANNUAL, which contains the Greatest Line of Sensational Feature Attractions ever offered by any Agency. Address | F. M. BARNES, Inc.,_ 906-908 CHICAGO/OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, CHICAGO, ILL. > —+— RUBBER BALLOONS —%s,,*0,, $280 ; RUBBER GOODS A% CANE RACK CANES | 1 9 1 3 KNIFE RACK KNIVES . SOUVENIR GOODS A O 13 18 | | For Carnival Sales Geiger, la., ct. ” SPIDERS foiue. "Gr, 358 New 40 acre inCARNIVAL WHIPS. j%22 82 THE REAL LITTLE MAGNET THAT DRAWS or ith at eee mile track and temples for exhibits. Want a well organized Carnival cies ae cena ans teeth “Gane. & fix ANGORA company with some real attractions that will stand strong individual F. MUELLER & CO. | (a. rb advertising. Some free attractions that have novelty taste. Conces 1702 N. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill | ¥)) Me Ve oe DOGS sions now all open. No strong games but a nice little teasing buy-back |] Maaufscturers: Shooting Galleries ary!” Amusement (\ * eS; rh has a chance. Want to buy some second-hand riding devices in good ae NYP AR eayery Ne: atte, 822/588 | shape, cheap for the cash. THE WORLD FAMOUS , & UY. Se SOR Gene, O88 Last year’s Pair demonstrated the thing can be done sonfatbig scale | @4 LAI R 99 ae ihe oldest Streetmen's Supply House in the | With our big territority to draw from. Cash premiums and {good sté wpe s sinety: gWe Gan sauisfy"you and want your busine | on al] es races. te i came air in the biggest jterritory o SAFETY RAZOR COE, YONGE MERCANTILE CO. | new development in the FIVE EXTRA BLADES— 907 Lucas Avenue, ST. LOUIS Address all correspondence to NEAT LEATHERETTE CASE c’y, GEIGER, ALA. Premium Users, "Sample, 55, cena; Parcel Peck Newton F air L. RUFUS spear ~ te : : . charees paid Gur Vert Hest Safety Razor ae, for the price. Sampie, 2 cents. uan y users, wr Sept. 8, 10, 11 and 12, 1913 TRACTION TO OPEN NEW OPERA HOUSE IN MAY)" = ‘ it Cant Cont. Ataste, Bown san oa| WANTED AT ST. CLAIR SPECIALTY CO. cessions. ; ne FACCER, oan Sary, Mewes, ‘tilinels. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. EATON, OHIO. .