The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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nS J ae == ~ ¥ a se rigs Ve meee s a * ee ee a ‘ 66 The Bi llboard MARCH 22, 1913. FILM SYNOPSES PATENTS COMPANY. BIOGRAPH. THE POWER OF THE CAMERA (drama; releast March 17; length ——).— Two convicts the city jail escape from and avoid re cay > by posing as moving picture operators. But thelr success leads them to at tempt further escapades with the camera and they are at last apprebended by the authorities. On the same reel is A Delivery Package. A DELIVERY PACKAGE (comedy; releast March 17; length ——)}.—One of the two suitors for the hand of the girl in the case is the victor and on the eve of his wedding to the girl be at tempts to lord it over the vanguisht suitor and to bumiliate him mvre than ever How his scheme works out to his own disadvantage is shewn in this very unusual film NEAR TO EARTH (drama; release March 20; length ).—Gato, an Italian emigrant, lives on his farm with his wife and little brother. He neglects his wife for his work. This gives Sandro an opportunity to court the woman and to attempt to win he away from Gato. The little brother prevents the scheme from coming to a successful end. How he does so is shown in the film. FATE (drama; release March 22; length ——). —Sim Sloane aud his beloved son are the reprv bates of the vilage. Sim one day enters a house and tries to create havoc. He is thrown out and then swears vengeance. Later he blows up the house and kills the only thing he ever loved in this life, his son Thus is he punisht for his evil doings CIN-ES. GIRL AND THE HORSE(comedy; releast March 15; length ).—Pretty Rosetta finds a borseshoe and takes it home, be lieving that all sorts of luck will come to her if she keeps it. The next day an elderly banker calls to ask her band in marriage. In exasperation at the horseshoe, she throws it out of the window. It lands on the bead of a young map, who happens to be riding his bicycle past the house at the time. The two become acquainted, their friendship finally ripens into love and the horseshoe turned out to be THE SHOE lucky after all, On the same reel is Winning Smiles. WINNING SMILES (comedy; length ——).— Bloomer is lonesome and decides that only a smile can cheer him up. He sets to win some smiles. Every time he approaches a lady to get a emile from her, he gets something else instead, something not so pleasant as a Smile. Finally he comes to the conclusion that Getting Sm is not so pleasant an occupation as might seem at first glance. Thereafter every » he sees a lady self scarce. WHO'S CHAMPION NOW (comedy; releast March 18; length ——).—Bloomer boasts that he can throw any man in the world in a wrestling match. He arranges a match with the champion wrestler of the world. Then be goes into training and soon develops so much muscle that be can tear down buildings with hardly an effort. The day of the match comes and Bloomer easily defeats his opponent. On the same reel is Their Country Relations. THEIR COUNTRY RELATIONS (comedy; releast March 18; length ——).—Arthur Martin, and his wife, from the country, come to the city to visit thelr uncle. Their short taste of city life does not prove as sweet as they had anticipated and they soon depart for their old home in the country where they are happy. A MOTOR CAR ROMANCE (comedy-drama; release March 22: length ——).—Fred and Fiorence are engaged to be married. The advent of a dashing widow causes Fred to forget his fiancee for a short while Fred invited the widow to take an auto ride with him. He notices that the chauffeur seems to take particular interest in their affairs, but the reason is not disclosed till Fred finds out that the chauffeur is h's fiancee in disguise. On the same reel is Life in Somaliland, East Africa he immediately makes him LIFE IN SOMALILAND, EAST AFRICA (ecenic; length ).—This film presents an in teresting glimpse into the life of the inhabit ants of Somaliland in East Africa. HE NEEPED THE MONEY (comedy; release March 25: length ——).—George, broke. appeal © his wealthy uncle for aid. but is turned down cold. He plans revenge and his opportunity comes when be learns that Uncle has planned a little dinner at a cozy hotel with a nice little girl. Uncle arrives at the hotel with his guest and finds his nefew waiting on his table All goes well till the waiter presents the bill with a large addition at the bottom—a fee in consideration of the waiter’s silence in not telling Auntie of the dinner. Uncle pays like a good sport and credits the loss to experience. SPIRITS OF YOUTH (comedy; release March 29; length ———).—Jenkins, in need of money to Hquidate his pressing debts, is summoned to bis uncle, who ‘s about to die. having been given up by bis doctors. Uncle's old nurse finally succeeds in giving the old man a concoction of her own in spite of the advice of the doctor. The ““dope’’ works like a charm and soon uncle is dancing round the room like mad. So good in fact was it that Uncle and Jenkins decide to make mapey by sell'ng the stuff. Thus is Jenkins soon placed upon easy street. On the same reel is Glimpses of Naples and Vicinity. GLIMPSES OF NAPLES AND VICINITY (scenic; release March 29; length ——).—This film shows some very interesting and beautiful scenes of Naples and the surrounding country. ECLIPSE. AN INNOCENT OFFENDER (comedy-drama; releast March 19; length ——).—James. butler of Mr. Howard, Is filing some valuable papers, when he is called out of the room, Upon his return, the papers are found to be missing. A detectiv engaged on the case finally discovers the culprit in little George Howard. Little George had taken the papers and stuffed them into the mouth of his toy hobby-horse. Then the faithful James, who had been under suspicion, is aga'n placed in a position of trust in the Howard menage. HE SAW THE POINT (comedy; release March 26; length —Charlie seeks to protect his fellow buman beings by putting a cork on every point he Everything comes to his notice as being dangerous, women’s hat pins, their noses, sold‘ers’ bayonets, and what not. Then he even climbs the chfrch steeple to put a cork on the spire. This is his undoing for the falls off and is impaled on the fence below. Seeing six sharp spikes sticking thru his body, he in sists upon putting corks on the ends—game to the very last. On the same reel is Fjords and Waterfalls of Norway. FIORDS AND WATERFALLS OF NORWAY (scenic; length ——-).—In this film we are shown the most picturesque parts of Norway. On the same reel is The Crab and Lobster Industry. THE CRAB AND LOBSTER INDUSTRY (in dustrial; length ).—This film shows how the crabs and lobsters are captured in large nets, weighed and placed in large tanks to boil, and after a final washing ready for the market. sees. ESSANAY. THE SHERIFF'S HONEYMOON (W. comedy; March 25; length 1,000).— Sheriff Tom McCarthy, of Pine Ridge, Ark., ridiculed by the boys for doing his washing, decides to take to himself a wife, who will do those things for him. An advertisement inserted in the paper by a lady who wants a husband takes Jim out of town. In the meantime, 'SSANAY a 74 Ya \ Fe " the town rowdy goes off on one of his periodical ‘“‘drunks’”’ and shoots up the town in good old Western fiction style. Tom returns with his wife just in time to see the fun and to lock tp the ruffian. Later the boys give him a spread and he allows them to throw the town wide open in celebration of his marriage. THE SCRATCH (comedy; release March 26: length 1,000).—At a week-end party, Harry Scott, by mistake, gets into the room iu which Miss Green is sleeping. She thinking him an intruder scratches his face thoroly. The next morning she confidently awaits the arrival of her victim, when all the men in the party appear with court plaster on their faces to hide supposed scratches. Thus does Harry escape the wrath of the lady {n question. THE TRAIL OF THE ITCHING PALM (comedy; release March 27; length 1,000).—Jack Peabody, in love with Brown's daughter, is refused (Continued on page 70.) SCENE IN THE SPY’S DEFEAT An Essanay two-reel subject, to be released March 31. Softens old, brittle films in one night. THE PERFELTION LM TN mee Keeps new films pliable. Price $1.00 National Walecproal [lim Company National Waterproof Film Co. 4200-4202 West Adams Street, Chicago, IIL We Have Added Ryno Films | To our program of regular releases; first release about March 17th. Still that extraordinary feature list, the products of GAUMONT — ALL STAR — SOLAX — ITALA GREAT NORTHERN — PAN-AMERICAN Film Supply Co. sneac AMERICA 133-135-137-139 W. 44th St. NEW YORK, U.S. A. IT WAS THE JUNIOR CAMERA THAT MADE THE GREAT INDIAN PASSION PLAY, “HIAWATHA” 1 also made the negative and the first positive, and I Times Building professional, have this certified by the owner, The “JUNIOR” is the Camera, if you want one. I fully guarantee it to you, absolutely light, simple, convenient, never kicks, no loosing loop, no static, no scratches, genuine Zeiss lens, mechanism made of steel aluminum, bronze bearings, stable shutter, 200 feet capacity. Since the Edison Trust lost all their flimsy patents, scores of cream lifters, tree hiders, trade destroyers and non-mechanics went into the manufacture of cameras Beware of these trade parasites, who will only want your money, but will never make good. Write for the ‘Junior Professional Camera and Film-making Outfit,” IT’S THE BEST ON EARTH. EBERHARD SCHNEIDER, 219 Second Avenue, New York Forty years in the business. M R. EXH | B ITO R—**f. YOU AWARE OF THE FACT THAT WE NEED YOU AND YOU NEED US IN YOUR BUSINESS? We buy, sell, rent and exchange film. Our renovating process improves films 90 per cent. We make the best titles on the market, 8c per foot. Brighten up your business with new set of Announcement Slides. Slides made to order, 50c. Commercial Filmers Mr. Moore, 1212 173 N. Green St. CHICAGO, ILL. Good Light Means Big Crowds The Sandow Moving Picture Electric Light Plant gives perfect light any time you want it, at 1-10 the cost of public service. Light enough to ship as baggage. Carry your own electric lights, Catalog 200 tells you how and how much. Want it? DETROIT MOTOR CAR SUPPLY COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. BE WISE—Get Universalized WITH OUR SYSTEMATIZED SERVICE. ANTI-TRUST FILM CO., CHICAGO. FOR MOTION PICTURE PLAYS PLOTS WANTE You can write them. Manufacturers now paying $25 to $100 for each plot. We teach you how to write and sell. Our graduates get best prices No previous experience necessary. Write NOW for ASSOCIATED MOTION PICTURE SCHOOLS, 688 Sheridan Rd, CHICAGO SEND FOR OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE DRUMS, TRAPS AND MOVING PICTURE EFFECTS SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS LOUIS B. MALECK!I & CO., 337 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO Ee