The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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The Newton & Duffield Fireworks Compan fee tat Se 2 Successors to and The Gregory Fireworks Company ct > q c > = CS Z rs = w bave found that the combination ticket—on which includes one ride on six or seven of thes: devices—serves very well to keep them in com mission for some time after their usefulness | bas apparently died out. It may be compared somewhat to the bargain counter in the dd More new ideas and features be gets into bis park the greater will be his success He must | : Editor's Note as s the seve wf a series of articles dealing with the problems of managing summer | ) amuse me resorts From time to time other well-known park managers will contribute their experiences in similar articles me x is The B ar and ¢ symposium will therefore practically constitute the | purpose of a text book on the subject of Park Management | | I hh HOW I MANAGE MY PARK. good. Always remember quality in preference | N E W O N 4 to quantity. | at (By Alexander 8. Fischer.) Every park at one time or another accumu 4 : ; Me | lates a number of shows, rides, etc., which have } , Every park manager, if he is to be success become back numbers, out of style, as it were, | ry ful, must be a progressive. He must cou | but still not old enough to be discarded. 1| i f, tinually be on the alert for new ideas; the | [ [ | also be broadminded. He must be able to see things from other people’s points of view. In the course of bis business transactions he ‘ieee ~ a? agen ait = :" yotact with men) partment store, where old and out-of-sty« of all kinds an? calibers; business men, Pv | goods are disposed of at a reduced price but ’ fessional u j I yresentatives of | r i » | Manufacturers of 4 b still at a profit. the } S68, manuf " iabs apd ever) day akirs: all ti the enter to} Concessionaires, I believe, should be ad. es his f nus " . ‘ scuss his ' mitted to the park on as reasunabie a basis as = 8 = 8 affairs with them is I ntellige: I 1e possibie Each concession is an indispensibie | Pts a ir wor Ss and be must be able t ppreciat the posi| advertisement for the park, aud therefore cun| Sanna Saaua tions they may take ir iven case ‘ cessionaires should be encouraged. If you can be bigeted and narro i pean possibly control the coucession, it 8s a gum e tain failure at tl ry outset. S *b | plan to charge a commission on the business it | Factories and Magazines: the personality of the does. if however, you Cannel exercise auy . * . : Sage ste | control over the concessionaire, 1 would sug Franklin Park, Illinois Roby, Indiana ft experience a8 a par 1anager —COV| gest a low fiat rental—that is as low as is e ; ering wore vas # dozen years—1 Lave found | consistent with reason. Tu permit concession Jersey City, New Jersey " — the success of any siven —-. ~_ aires to operate in your park at only a nemina raction depends not a littie upon e kes | cost to them would be, of course, the beighth . " and dislikes of the park's patrons. For instance | of folly: but, on the other band they must oo Office: Some altractions which have been very suc-/ an opportunity to m sone money, otherwis« cessful in Coucy Island (N. ¥.) and Old Orchard | 2, “POCrtenity to make some money, otherwise 25 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. Beach (Me.), bave proven flat failures in our] jiemember in this connection to consider the | Pennsylvania and resorts and vice versa. | quality of your concessions in preference 1 Therefore the progressive park manager imusi, | juantity Permit only the highest-class conces ; before Purchasing & new devi ©, consult Bis | sions ‘park. D'spense with all shows ana ~ > 4 p patrons, and let their opinions govern bis fu-) geyices that have the appearance of evil rec m 0 ers 0 a anese a | 1rewor S ‘ ture actions, , th tl ‘ : , : a love . — jn | he jeater is, in My Opinion, se most lin 4 While I personally believe in the free gate,) rant attraction in the park, and as such Ps because it tends » increase your attendance, | *, > a ave —_ should not Db farmed oul to the concessionalr a which in turn increases your receipts and those but reta.ned entirely under the park manager's | yous eee ard tust depend largely apo, | c2arge. A theatrical manager is in a position GEORGE NEWTON, Pres. & Manager ' x pte in — e i gy alee By seg to either make or break your park, depend ' sac id ue tae as . al ema ing almost entirely on the quality of the shows | ' fix ae A ng PR pe! a" Se ‘Gian |} he --esents in your theater. The park man| I ’ ft : ¥ ‘ability : vat < t, | ageT musi first of a leteri ‘ “« iss of 7 —— ‘— 4 ) —_—, Pinch gy OR a ye. *|} show his patrons prefer, whether it be comedy, » cm pe tne: AtcRe 1g 4 x com | tragedy, drama, vaudevil or stock Whatever tition, a tree gat weuld naturally induce |,, . « . * “ | £ ; Selenite mena tm Se irk than to | 2t. 38, see to it that it is gooa he bes = ' P ane 1 f ‘ i ase . ofits — rid | hab i limes, abd remember always that i” ; os me : ceniianhien peoienenel be the sucerss of your 1 depends in no small a paca — ms + aes < ae in ca os which bars | deg ee upon the satisfaction of your theater , be spen Sir free gate offers « une sivantage | —— : & “ ot lu tina e pa gate ji that it affords | he matte of transportation facilities is you ‘ ght to eluse sdmission to any ob | one of the greatest problems with which tle ‘ = “ ‘ a ie Jectionable party. Under the pay gate system, | park manager has to deal. Arran ements show'd If you are looking for an attraction that is sure to draw the thousands you are sores 10 aCMmlt any «tie vio Has ne ’ ! ‘ i | poss Dist I in t | * . va a . = % R t. fee and you cannot eject him so long as he|or railroad company, which will induce them | then communicate at once with the famous “KILTIES BAND” keeps we within the aw in his manner of | to eve you nh excelent vace aaeagay a BoM! | Oe BELLEVILLE, CANADA. > f f conduct If you operate a pay gate park, you | schedule and a reduced rate of fare fo you ; must offer sor eturn for t admi pienics a1 “xcursions Arrangements may be “sé ” ne : “ : sie 2 = : Sais wag <6 quel teen Gttwactions made iranapertaiion someday wil! } THE ‘‘KILTIES’’ have proved the greatest draw in the history = s ' . ‘y° . a io so ya peseeae Sem te Fc ounon enttting the holte’ of bands. They have played more concerts, travelled more miles on ' atist ‘ eaving wit , » 4 the par A percentage o J \ ’ : . , 4 t m | » eipts z ”? Dale © the transportation . « « \ "> ro ree ~ « . , ale . ye they have been held up at the g d then | the receipts may be paid to the transportation | land and sea, and broken more records than any similar organization in 8 ; ha ‘ \ » re n f re) Lb Among | Colipany, thus creating a desire on the part owe Co > + oe >” : : 7 ‘ these special free attractions you may per-|of the company to sell as many tickets as pos |the world. They appear Mm full Kilted Regimentals and introduce at O Ped haps include a good band concert—and noth| sible. S enneares aaniniow 4 t! oh ay cial f ee t! at Pies ? | . th m fi ' : Tl ; 3 ¢: ing is m ulivening than good mus a ba Advertising is as important to a park a> ; eve ry I pi e! y " Ir specia oe Kilt lave aes el ~ one it : : 71% oe wan "|air is to the human being—without it it can| spect: ctori yaper user ) e ‘Ss e fines > land ' rope walking, trapeze work, etc These feat-| not exist Shere €:6 Ge Senay Giflerent on p la pl toria paper Us \ th Aulties Is th nest in the land. > i ures serve a d | purpose—they attract peo | ecient means of properly advertising you — 4 ple to your park and they also serve as a re | park, that it should not be a difficult matte —— * — for the ee fee nag patrons have |to devise a plan suitable for your particula Address... T. P. J. POWER, Gen. Mgr. 1 paid at the gate Many park Manarcers seem eds The most essential and perhaps thy . iz» to have the special faculty of attracting peu most profitable means is tarough the loca New York Office, 62 Ww. 66th St. ' ple to the parks, but when it comes to keep| prose. This goes directly into the home and « : 4 ing them there we satisied that they are] tread at the dining table, where all or nearly ed getting their money's worth these same man all of the family outings are planned. As oN va agers seem entirely at sea So too, the feat ther method is the poster A sixtern-sheet ae) ures mentioned above wi serve to keep your poster with a cut of your park and a we es ’ patrons interested as long as they remain within | worded sketch has proved of untold value, as 4 1 . your gates fas as my experience goes. That these posters . nd The suecess of a park, in my opinioa, de-| must be displayed prominently in places where \ pends not so much upon the quantity as upon | people cannot avoid seeing them goes without wr the quality of its attractions and amusement | saying I once had some caps made with the T 4 devices The park does not necessarily need to | words, “Go to Seaside Park’’ printed across a é : afford a large number of attractions, which | the peak. These I gave to newsboys, drivers. > eis. : are at the best only mediocre, but what it does | boot-blacks, etc. / 7 must be _— One or two excel . de To conclude, I would say to the park man ‘ 7 vices Wii serve © amuse more people or 4] ager “Be yrogressive; always alert for new longer per of time than any number of EM energetic: create new ideas and We are the only ones who have ever produced a first-class s A commonplace attractions which appeal to nobody | methods for amusing the public Keep your Paddie Wheel for $10.00. Ask any one. They will tell you : 4 in particular By this I most certainly do not patrons always excited in anticipation as to -_ a y~4 hy ~d ~~ os ant ~ — A a 4 mean that your attractions need be very elab 7 ‘ iets . "| : , | class whee! for the same price? fe furnish this whee ith arate and exnens.¥ Re me means On th what is coming next. And above all, advertise | }o or 15 paddies to the set. PRICE, $10.00. We also make : > 5 tains tek eames meeetl steniien and advertise well, and then do what you say | this wheel spaced for 72, 90, 96 or 120 spaces. Prices on apcontrary, believe that several smal! features you'll do. Do these things and victory will plication. Largest stock in 'U. 8 10,000 feet of show room. Sere kee ete Bee tern ne ee ree and | certainly perch on your banner.” Club Room Furniture, Trade Stimulators, etc. Send for our expensive outit. ut remember, they must catalog; expressed to all who ask for it, prepaid by us. H C. EVANS & CO. WwW. E. SULLIVAN ADDITIONAL PARK NEWS ON PAGE 72 75 W. VanBuren St., CHICAGO, ILL. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. THE COMING RIDE FOR SUMMER PARKS Away with your old riding devices that used to make money, but now hang like milistones. Open your eyes to the newest, the latest AMERICAN MONORAIL CAR, the only one-rail car in the world that balances U itself without a gyroscope or a guide-rail. ABSOLUTELY THE MOST UP-TO-DATE SAFE RIDE run either by gravity, gasoline or electric motor. It so chances that this is a young firm, full of fresh, vigorous ideas ‘ that will coln money for any live wire, but our finances are limited. In short, we have the invention, the idea, but not the capital required to handle a proposition of this kind. We have one eight-passenger car completed, and all the necessary patterns of construction, and therefore invite inspection from all interested parties who are willing to grasp a real opportunity. Many parks responded to our last advertisement with orders and inquiries, but we could not fill the orders. Why not step in the breach, and make yourself a member of this company by helping us through to success, incidentally reaping part of the harvest. The invention will certainly achieve everything we promise. Address, or still better, call in person. Mr. Sullivan is president and” general =a" ~ of the Eli Bridge Co.. of Roodhouse, Ill., buildAMERICAN MONORAIL CAR CO., 800 STEGER BLDG., CHICAGO, ILL. ers of the Big Eli Wheel, of which he is the in ventor and patentee, and is well known among amusement people of the United States and foreign countries.