The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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Film Synopses (Continued from page 66. permission to marry her until he is in control of his own money. Brown goes on a journey with his daughter. He flings tips right and left to bellboys, maids, waiters, etc. Jack follows. One day Brown is reprimanded by an hotel clerk for tipping the servants. In dis gust he is about to check out, when he discovers that be has no money with which to pay his dill. Jack turns up very opportunely and pays the old gentleman's bil! Thus he wins con gent to marry his lady love. THE HERO-COWARD (drama; release March 28; length, 1,000).—Jack Williams, policeman, is fired because of cowardice. He becomes elevator operator in the Hotel De Luxe. A bandit escapes the police just as they are about to arrest bim and jumps into Jack’s cab. Jack etruggies with him and finally overpowers bim and turns him over to the officers waiting on the main floor. He is then reinstated on the police force and ranked as a lieutenant as a reward for his bravey. BRONCHO BILLY’S GRATEFULNESS (W. drama; release March 29; length 1 .000).—John Hard‘ng, ranchman, and his wife, nurse Broncho Billy back to health, after be has collapsed on their doorstep. He thanks them for their kind mess and leaves. Fred Church forces his attentions on Mrs. Harding and Harding in revenge shoots him Harding is captured by the sheriff Broncho Billy, in a spirit of gratefulorss, holds up the sheriff's posse, which enables Harding to escape and cross the border into Mexico KALEM., THE BATTLE OF BLOODY FORD (drama; release March 22; tworeel special; length, 2,000).—Agatha Elwood allows two men to fall in love with her. The Civil War breaks out and both go to the front. In a very decisiv battle, Covington is wounded and is rescued from danger by Chase, who thinks that Agatha loves Covington. Later Chase also is wounded. While they are recovering in the hospital, they exchange confidences. Each declares his love for Agatha. Then a letter arrives from Agatha telling Covington of her love for Chase. Covington replies that he is coming to her bringing happiness. She is at a loss to understand his meaning, till he puts in appearance with Chase LUBIN, THE FIXER (com edy; relec-. March 25; length — m Gay is cauge while flirt ing, by his wife, who drives him from her home with the broom, after she has taken al! the presents which he bought to appease her wrath. He turns to his friend, Fixer, for assistance in his time of trouble. Fixer makes love to Mrs. Gay and gets thrown out of the house for his pains. Then his sweetheart breaks off her engagement because he tried to kiss Mrs. Gray. In Fixer’s office great gloom reigns supreme, because Fixer is sad because he is not married, and Gay is sad because he married. On the same reel is Such An Appetite. SUCH AN APPETITE (comedy; release March 2%; length—).—Adolpbus Haughton is about to attend a masquerade ball, when he fs taken suddenly ill. His valet, whom he sends back to the costumer with his sult of armor, which he was to have worn, is held up by four tramps. They take turns in wearing the outfit and all £0, one at a time, to the ball where they eat to the heart's content. Haughton’s sweetheart sees the same man, supposedly her sweetheart, eating ravenously during the whole evening, and she is disgusted with him The next day she returns his presents and then the joke comes to light. She consents to become his wife and nestles snugly in his arms, as the picture fades. MEMORIES OF HIS YOUTH (drama: release March 27; length 1,000).—Arthur James, a celebrated painter, has never married, always preferring to remain true to his first love, who had married another. Later Grace’s husband dies, and Arthur returns to his home town full of hope of at last coming into his own, but alas, Grace, too, is dead, and the old home in ruins. Arthur meets and becomes deeply attacht to Grace’ son. Phillip, a successful broker. Phillip intends to float some MA shells. TERRITORY Insurreetos led by General Oroszo THE Battles fought in Mexico City Modern buildings crumble like egg-|_ President Madero’s last effort to con| ing pleasure resorts, and amusements that quer his bitter foe, Felix Diaz have not changed since the days of Cortez. A Five-Reel Production Featuring the Present Revolution DIAZ Showing Actual Warfare versus DERO SE A five thousand-foot masterpiece that will app2al to the masses. Not only ¢ showing actual warfare of the present revolution, but touching on every interesting subject in Old Mexico. STATE RIGHTS NOW SELLING PETTER WIRE ABOUT YOUR STATE TODAY GOING LIKE WILDFIRE. pay AMERICAS FEATURE FILM Mexico as she really is today, mingling together its beauties and its terrors. tr) full of wonderful scenery, interest Notice—Don't ture unless you see it. We transportation to from Chicago, to purchasers of State Rights. 4 | A coun} | — Se | <2 seme buy a pic and | \ COMPANY r 406°7-8 SCHILLER BLDG < CHICAGO a oy Z Zi (VAAANY 7 i =. Phillip is finally won over to the right by Arthur, who tells his own story of his love for Phillip’s mother. Then Phillip receives a letter from the bank congratulating him on his decision. He also gets permission to wed the girl he loves. THE GIFT OF THE STORM (drama; release March 28; length 1,000).—Rose Richmond, lead ing lady of a theatrical troupe, fancies herself in love with the manager. A quarrel causes her to wander off into an uninhabited district bonds, altho he knows down “ss in his heart that it would be dishonest to do so (Continued on page 162.) SCENE IN ’TILL DEATH DO US PART A two-ree] production, Pilot release of March 20 DEMAND THAT Cut-Rate Film Service All makes Independent Films. Posters with every reel. Send for our list A million feet to pick from. PER WEEK. O2es wcisecenal $5.00 | 14 Reels ........ $10.50 SB DU. ocnssctacs 9.00 | 18 Reels ...... -» 13.50 a $15.0 CUT-RATE SUPPLIES SEND FOR OUR CUT-RATE ON ALL MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND PARTS | The Right Kind of Films at the Right Kind of Cut Rate Prices. THEATRE SUPPLY CO. Second Floor, 114 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. WANTED — FEATURES 2 and 3 Reel. Must be First-Class. FEATURES FOR SALE Title CELEBRATED CASE LAST HOUR ...... COLMS’ NECKLACE MEN ANOTHER’S CRIME CIRCUS GIRL . es ‘ COLMS' SPADES GANG WRITE FOR OUR RENTAL Heralds, free with films. All Posters, Banners B. (Banner), H. (Heralds), P. (Photos), 1, 2, 3, 8, indicates style of posters by sheets. Features shipped C. 0. D. on deposit of $5.00 CENTRAL FEATURE FILM SUPPLY CO., Rental and Sales Department, Fourth Floor Hartford Bidg., Chicago. "hone, Central 4547. recognised standard in pedal construction. Many imitations have been attempted, but none have succeeded in attaining the same perfect balance, smoothness of action or durability. The bearings of the Ludwig Pedal are made of case-hardened steel. The finishing of every friction-bearing part is being done by hand to a flawless smoothness which insures more than ordinary goed drum tone is obtained with the Laud wig Pedal becau . se the beater arm is placed slightly to the right, to avoid striking the head in dead center, where the tone is flat; light enough and small enough to carry in your pocket Send for catalog and five day trial effer. LUDWIG & LUDWIG, 2258 W. 20th Street, Chicago, Ii! We Buy and Sell Second-hand Moving Picture Machines and Films WESTERN FILM BROKERS 538 So. Dearbern St., Chicago, Ill BIG BARGAINS All of the best Independent makes of Films with Posters, for sale at a sacrifice, from $2.50 and up. Write quick for large lat They are going NAVENPORT FILM EXCHANGE, Davenport, ta. 'f you see it In The Billboard, tell them so.