The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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Sm a *. rd The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. 5 No. Wabash CHICAGO EVERYTHING IN JAPANESE GOODS AND NOVELTIES 546-548 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 144 “7. aw *® > ' ee ee oe $ se = age Ps Ss an ~* =f ® s pon | oy a“ — | -™on® ° ie a> -= _~ -= = “n ee] “Conquest Apply our Fireworks Drama, 35,000 spectators; Vancouver, Copyright.) HITT’S FIREWORKS wRAMA AND SPECTACLE, “CONSTANTINOPLE.” And by the Spaniards,” the 1912 success at Tacoma Sta WORKS CO., Columbia Station, Seattle, Wash. uni Spokane Interstate Fair. dium, Park News KANSAS CITY (MO.) PARKS. Kabsas ment Bone but two amuseparks this summer, Electric Park, the handpark on the South Side, and Fairmount Park, the beaut .ful park in the woods, just out side of the Bast city limits, Workmen have been busy and winter preparing Electric Park for its open ing about the middle of May. The entire park has been repainted, and everything will be a glistening, clean, attract.vy, white, and all the electric lights have been rehung, and arranged in new and art‘stic desigus. M. G. Heim, owner of this splendid amusement park always spends City, Mo., will have the entire autumn his winters in the South and is at present in Florida, and will leave there March 28, for West Raden. Ind. Mr. Heim will return about April 15 and will then make known some of the new rides. concessions and features he has secured for Electric Park. The lake has been ent'rely made over this winter, a new bottom laid, and new sand and beaches prepared. The manage ment will place in service over five thousand new bathing suits, all those of last season having been disposed of. This is the seventh year of the New Electric Park, as it is known, for seven years age Mr. Heim moved h’s park from the East bottoms to the present desirable location. Sam Benjamin has been manager of Electric Park during its history here. Of course the *6 acres of Fairmount Park are not devoted to the rides, concessions, etc., for more than 30 acres are used for picnics, camping. ete. Of the 56 acres that are occupied by the amusements, 20 acres are of natural lake, and boating and swimm‘ng are the great summer sports at Fairmount. Manager Thomas L. Taaffe, has devoted a great deal of his time th‘'s winter, to getting Fairmount ready to greet park patrons by the middle of May. The grounds have been rolled and sodded and new flowers planted, and the lake cleared. There is a gate admission of ten cents to Fairmount, but Man ager Taaffe gives the visitor ‘‘with'n the gates” more than the price of admission in the excellent quality of the free attractions, free vaude vil and free band concerts ARMSTRONG EXPECTS BIG SEASON. (Chicago, March 12 (Special to The Billboard) According 10 present indications, C. H. Arm strong will this season realize the height of h's ambition in createst Side the building Show he of has the biggest and ever framed A! ready, he has under contract one of the strong est aggregation of freaks and side show attrac ti ms that have ever been assembled under one white top. This he will line up as a big 20in-1 show at Riverview Park. He intends bill ing the big show like a circus, as be has order] 300 24-sheet stands of paper to be pasted fo the opening Mr. Armstrong will also run his 6-in-1 Plat form Show. in which he only uses small. tall fat and thin human curiosities. The Armstron’ Show In ople enjoyed a paid attendance of over 270.009 at Riverview last season and will un questionably claim even more generous pat-| Among the attractions are a fine theater, boatrenage the coming season. After Riverview | ing, merry-go-round, restaurant, box ball alleys, Closes, this cag agen showman ~— contracted | roller coaster and bandstands. for a tour thr . cy o » Unite airs Booking "Aenealtien. te a le oan i= _ Manager Daly, of Idlewild Park, Sharon, Pa., Southern state fales end cireases with t's two} @ making improvements on the riding devices i sihotnttenn. that park The management will probably ruy —_S e 7 a —_ —— this _——e. , . Many improvements are being made and new CARNIVAL COURT PARK, BUFFALO. features installed in Hillside’ Pleasure Park, . _— Newark, N. J., under the management of W. Carnival Court, the only amusement park in] ~ Thaller. or around the big city of Buffalo, N. Y., enjoyed siaesiteditliaaistinaiieitlaitindan ove of the most prosperous seasons in the his tory of the park last year, and that notwithTHURSTON’S WALTZ RIDE AT EXPO, Standing the fact that weather conditions were about the worst ever known, lresident Johnson attributes Carnival Court ‘n a large measure to the fact that he built a big airdome in the center of the park and gave his patrons free motion pictures. This proved to be one of the most valuable im Howard Thurston has just arranged with E M. Maguire for the construction of the waltz ride at the Panama Exposition. A novel effect ‘s to be produced by the arrangement of the building as there will be two floors, one 14 feet above the the success of provi ments he inaugurated as was attested by the a A erparete = ~ — al each great throngs that n‘ghtly packt the big buildBy a novel caeeumemaat of ‘aa ie “iii ing. + : , = concessionaires are arriving in the sionary effect will be bad in which the r‘ders — — » > >) m, rg > city with many new ideas for the coming season wate Ba a = id every oo ivable aud contracts are being closed daily for the |! Scien aes the ae ae ae a if ae, were “games, ete., that are rented on a yearly basis , eu aes OF tne wall as well a8 uponly side down on the ceiling. Carnival Court is situated on Main street. wan a Se ae ances the Thurston within 15 minutes ride on the Main street car building othe ap tl a A “ar ny a ag lines, ‘n the very business center of the city] "Hohert § Bryning has been aA. 24 one and will have many new attractions to offer “ os < > ot ates Sales its patrons for the season 1918. Big outdoor | ™#"aser for the Thurston Waltz Ride Company aul has opened demonstrating rooms at 302 West Thirteenth street, New York City, where inter esting persons can have an actual demonstration of the waltz ride in operation. Contracts have been closed for many of the lead'ng parks tn America Perhaps the most elaborate waltz ride to be acts will be featured, the same as last year. It is proposed to open the park about May 20 this season and with that end in view, work will be started in the park earlier than in years past. PARK NOTES. and most expensiy constructed this season will be Geo. K. Brown, for the past nine years | on the Million Dollar Pier at Atlantie City, for manager of Sans Souci Park, Chicago. bas | which specially designed cars are being made. recently taken his seat as a member of th State Legislature. Mr. Brown has completed at Pe eee oe contracts for the enlarging and improving of HUGH ROBINSON'S FLIGHTS. Sans Souci for the coming season. and is building a large new restaurant. He expects. —— te open on May 26, and has already bouked a St. Louis, Mo., March 14 (Special to The Bill large number of picnics for the coming season. | boxrd).—-Two successful trial flights of a flying Munchoff Bros.. lessees and managers of Krug | #0@t. Whose construction involves a radical de Park, Omaha, Neb., will make many improve parture in hydro-aeroplane making. were made ments on their park and also erect several new | !@8t Sunday afternoon on the Mississippi River buildings and attractions, including a new dance | bY Hugh Robinson, designer and builder of the hall, three-abreast jumping horse carry-us-all, | CTaft, attracting thousands of persons te thy end a new 50-foot big Eli Ferris wheel. The | ™ver banks. The first flight started about + cocster will be strengthened and remodeled. and | 0’Clock and lasted more than half an hour, and the red mill will be rebuilt and new scencry | 0D the second trial, starting at 4 o'clock, Robin installed. son a in the -¥ almost 40 minutes. Robinson ’ ui . ,, | attained a speed of 50 miles an hour in th: Tg gm ay ee = Sonehent water and seventy miles an hour in the air t 3 ‘ + Robinson, who until about eight months ago parks in the state. It has a theater with 4] woe an aviator for the Curtiss Cot >| ating capacity of 1,000, roller coaster, larg: loyed "by “th , oe ih : , MpPAny . s em lnke, dance hall, skating rink and ball grounds | e%¢4 _»! > ir raft Company ° 5 After severa] years of experience in handling The Lakewood Amusement Company will open | hydro-acroplanes, he constructed bis new ma its park in Charlotte, N. C., May 15. A number of high-class features will be included in the program for this season, which, according to all indications will be the best ever. Midway Park, Middletown, N. Y., is situated in a large natural woods on the Wallkill River. chine in the Penoist factory. TENTS ALL SIZES IN STOCK M. MAGEE & SON, 147 Fulton St., New York City. The Fool Flyer| WHY NOT HAND THEM A GOOD ONE? YOU KNOW if this was your “‘Ad,”’ 300 feet in the air, over the busiest streets of your city, would be A BUSINESS PL Wir a It is a TWO PAGER, and in the COLORED SECTION at that DON'T DELAY. Write at once for full information. SILAS J. CONYNE 3508 McLean Ave., (1 HAVE NO AGENTS.) Gas and Whi tling —Balloons -= A SPECIALTY Gur Balloons are made of the Chicago. best English rubber sheets. Also all seasonable Novelties. Write tor Catalogue, free of charge. Samples sent upon receipt of l'c in stamps. FRANCE RUBBER BALLOON MFG. CO., 32 Atlantic Ave., Boston Mass. THE LAST CONDERMAN FERRIS WHEEL FOR SALE Used twelve weeks. Price $1,200 cash. If you mean business, write. J. A. CONDERMAN, Care Julian Theater, 918 and 920 Belmont Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. if you see it in The Billboard, tell them so.