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The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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ye 74 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. aw Ce ep SHOWMEN’S ROSTER A List of Circus and Wild West Organizations and the Names of Persons Who Will Be Employed in Executive Positions : Up To Press Time Several Shows Had Not Reported— %, These Will Be Publisht Later ° Arlington & Beckmann'’s Wild West Show—Lidw. Supt. commissary dept.; Charley Dickerson, ¢ Arlington and Fred seckinang, props.; Fred supt. lights; Will Hail, supt. props.; Bob Beckmann, gen. mgr Harold Bushbea gen. | Newton, blacksmith; Chas. D. Casto, anast & RK, R. ag Geo a. | a. egy — at Henderson, N. ‘3 ocal contractor ._ § reed and ear-| (Date not yet decided.) don a , wl weer ym ge met: | Clark, M. L., & Sons’ Show—M. J.. Clark, * Poe hoy ‘King U yg Pate oe og a mg ey prop. & mgr.; Lee Clark, assist. mgr.; E. a ~ a a ; B ~~ egg 2 : oe « | R, Paremon, treas. & secy.; H. C Long, —_ ay advertising car No. 1: J. Bear.| §°9.,96t-; W. E. Browa, 8. H. Clark and Freed. mgr. adver not Tag Rogge a "| J. W. Puller, G. W. Pagett. F. Sauers and . SrUunes CAE NO, Ss. Will Roark, billposters; H. C. Long. press Atterbury Bros.’ Show, Atterbury _— , — agt Chas. Lyles, mgr. sideshow; Ray R. L. Atterbury, mgr. Ww. tt Woods, equestrian director; Lee Clark. supt asst. mgr. ; Mr 8. Rose At y, ’ privileges; J. H. Hartley, musical director; and auditor; Carl Pn ng general agt.; Shanty Cvlewen, supt. canvas; Bill Gardner, dane Allen, contracting — es Frank| boss hostler: Chris. LaComa, supt, mee. enzo, equestrian director Lose tterbury, | sary dept.; W. W. Banks, supt. lights; Wi . supt. privileges; Prof. a. musical direc| Fisher, supt. props.; Henry Laffey, 24-hour = tor; Mike Whitney, su; canvas; Mr. Mcagt.: Al. Randall, supt. elefants; Dutch Cracken, boss hostler; Shorty Robertson, supt. Whity, supt. animals; R. R, Moss, legal ‘ commissary dept.; Shanty Abrams, supt adjuster; Rob Rankins announcer. Show lights; Joe Sullivan, supt. stock; Jerry Suilli-| opened at Doma Ana N. M., March 8, = Supt. working crew; Bob Atterbury, legal | Colorado Grant's Show, Mrs. Madalyn Grant, adjuster. | mgr.; S. Stanfield, mgr.; Henry Grant. treas.; Beckman’s Avimal Show—Jnv. T. Backman,| Miss Bettie Jackson, secy.; Nat C. Robinson, prop. & mgr.: ©. McBuneny, asst. mgr.; G.| gem. agt. and contracting press agt.; Poll S. Backman, secy. & treas.; W. E. Bozzell Smith, mgr. side show; Jos. Reed, equestrian press agt. back with show; Capt. Curley director: Daddie Lewis, supt. privileges; Fred“ Wilson, equestrian director; A M. Eslick, | erie Turner, musical director; C. Garnett, f musical director 2d. Scott, supt. canvas;| Supt. canvas; Jos. Lee, boss hostler; Jobn : Tex. Wheeler, boss hostier; J. Miller. supt.| Lewis, supt. commissary dept.; V. Whitton, lights; H. Brooks supt. props.; Claud supt. lights; Jim Hicks, supt. props.; Cliff i Ware, supt. working crew; C. Wilson, supt Boyd, supt. ring stock; C. Garnett, supt. animals. Show opens early in April. working crew; Frederic Turner, boss carpen. “ : . a . » ter; Poll Smith, supt. animals; Fattie Land: a Bg mo ag Fg Fe eri ers, blacksmith: Nat. Cc. Robinson announcer. ’ P. Mileham, guditor; H. L. (Buck) Massie, — at Sparta, Ky. (Date not yet general agt.; Wm. K. Peck, local contractor; | naxota, Max, Wild West and Trained Animal Samuel J. Banks, general presse agtent; Sat . Pete Stanton, mgr. side show; John Peter Show, Col. Sander and Dakota Max, props.; i" m4 eon, supt. canvas; Ernie Houghton, boss hosthay — a Fr Man. ong « ler; C. C. Pratt, supt. commissary dept.; et ‘Oa ‘Sande a a} Dakota io Robt. Thornton, supt. props; Sam Bergy, supt. poe a press -! Cole lenhar abvaner ring stock; B. F. Carvel, mgr. advertising oo ~~», a ry a Renee, oneness my car No. 1; Harry Davis, mgr. advertising car avila Oe * ean _P thes | q a . o show; Mrs. Frantz, mgr. side show: Dakota ee —Fy neat steward; 4 ~ ee. Max, equestrian director; W. Sander, gen. * gt a . ow opened at Santa Monsupt. and supt. privileges; S. W. Smith, a Bottini Bros.’ Show, Jos. and Paul Bottini. musical director; Gerals Trents, supt. sea pena: Jee Bottin! : Paul Bottini 4 served seat tickets; J. P. Frank, supt. canheathen Bettiol te te t "5 me vas; Louis A. Furtell, boss hostler; Geo. } 5 Sees Se, teeas.; 10Es Sein, Namen, supt. lights; Glen Eichorn, supt. 4 seey.; Hugh Williams, gen. agt.. R. R. con> ; > ° > rome 4} » eenionmiaes ii BR props.; Louis Furtell, supt. ring stock; J. P. i rator and loca! contractor; Harry Burns, mgr. Frank, supt. working crew; M. S. Sandberg, 8 side — Ve E. Whittemore, soa dl24-hour agt.; Dynamite, supt. animals; Col. ; rector; Jos. Bottini, gen. supt.; James Bottini, ier > oe _ ie : supt. privileges; Nuzio DeCicoo, musical di meng oe. SS oats cr; Babete oe vo weil — Bottini, supt. ‘reserved seat) poshington’s Vaudeville, Dog and Pony Show a od Ane —_ Brodie, supt._ canvas; Eugene| J J Dashington, prop. and mgr.; Mrs. J. J. § ii he: Caos. Bretha Dominick Sanson, supt. Dashington. treas.; Harry Chester, gen. agt.; Ry ents; as. Brodie, supt. props.; W. E. Jacob Hoesii, supt. canvas; Vic Samberg, supt. Whittemore. supt. ring stock; Chas. Brodie, stock, Show opens at Moline, Ill., May 15. : supt. working crew and boss carpenter; Harry | 1, nel’s Dog & Pony Show—W. M. Deuel, prop.; ae Burns, announcer, | z Geo, R. Deuél, mgr. & treas.; F. H. Deuel. . Boughton’s, Billie, Show, Billie Boughton, prop. agt.; Chas. W. Johnson, boss hostler; J. 0 —~4 pe et ge ge 2 — Tz: A Baxwell, 7. canvas; — — of ’ ° : t. ns nton enn., , (Mack) Berry, supt. canvas; Beach Alexander, Mey _ ateihiounics ¥ ’ ‘ a. a ae Mack, supt. lights; Bill! DeVaux’s Dog and Pony Show, O'Brien and a eed, . D Welch, props . O'Brien mer. ; as , Brown & Pommier's Shows, I. A. Pommier, Ed. Thompson, asst. mgr.; Joe Childs, treas.; t Fommicr. mar: Ba.'C. Brown, abst mgr 1 | tart one Webber, ech. thes Charley Temp , ler, “3 C. . ° »$ tor; John ebber, gen. agt.; Charley omp. > A. Pomm er, gen. agt.; Harry Cory, spec. agt.; son, R, R,. contractur; J. Webber, local conr: morteal director’ Ba. Ward, Saye. canvas H. | feng! 'comtseaiee "preee aat: Win. Bart y : Ed. » . ; H. rd. contracting press agt.; m. Burt. exwr Harris, supt. lights. Show opens at Richcursion agt.; Chas. Mitchell, mgr. side show; ‘ mond. Mo., April 26. J. O’Brien, equestrian director: John Reno, ; Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Pawnee Bill’s Far gen. supt.: Jack Johnson, supt. privileges; , East Combined Shows. Wm. F. Cody and Chas. Wolf. musical dir.; Albert Martin, supt. r G. W. Lillie, props.; G. W. Lillie, megr.: C. reserved seat tickets; Toney St. Aubin, supt. j N. Thompson. assist. mgr.; Chas. Metius, canvas; Burt Bedle, trainmaster; Wm. Black: mone Stanley Dawson, secy.; Toney Mason. ledge, boss hostler; Fred Seyman, supt. lights; : auditor: Louls E. Cooke, gen. agt.; George W. Roger Jones, supt. props.; Frank Blackedge, . Alken, R. R. contractor: D. F. Lynch, local supt. ring stock; Billy Blackledge, supt. ‘4 contractor; E. F. Lampman, contracting press stock: St. Aubin, supt. working crew; F. B. \ agt.; Major John M. Burke, historian press Cambell, 24-hour agt.; R. Jones, boss car; ast; J. F. Donaldson, press agt. back with penter; F. Blackledge. supt. animals; J. Det show; Vernon Reaver, excursion agt.; H. G. vanx, blacksig!th; J. Webber, mgr. advertising ‘ Wilson, mgr. side show; W. F. Cody, arenic ear No. 1: "Sam Johnson. checker-up; Burt : director; Thos. Smith, genl. supt.; Fred BidPerry, legal adjuster; C. Mitchel, announcer. ' pte dle, supt. privileges; Billie Sweeney. musical Show opens Hayes, Cal., April 5. ly director; Robt. Coverdale, supt. reserved seat Downle and Wheeler Show, ‘Andrew Downle and ; tickets; John Buck, supt. canvas; Peter Herst, Al. F. Wheeler, props. and mgrs.; Ed. M. . trainmaster: W. 8. Fifield, boss hostler: F. Jackson, assist. mgr.; Ernest H. Albright, Biddle. supt. commissary dept.; Jack Walz, treas.; Fred C. Marshal, secy.; Chas. E. Crasunt. lights: Geo. Walker. sunt, props.; Clark mer, auditor: F. J. Frink, gen. agt. and R. R. _= Smith, supt. ring stock: P. Hinz, supt. stock; contractor: Parson Miller, local contractor; W. ‘ ’ Tom Smith. supt. working crew; Deck RadH. Selvage and Geo. Caron, special agts.; . ford, 24-hour agt.: Morris Gruber. supt. eleHarry C. Curtis, contracting press agt.; Harry : phants; L. W. Murray, mgr. advertising ear| W. Harkness, advance press agt.; Al. F. VE No. 1: Victor B. Cooke, mgr. advertising car Wheeler, Jr., press agt. back with show: Ed, * No. 2: Dave Jarrett, mgr. advertising car C. Welch, excursion agt.; E. J. Kelly. mgr. F No. 3; G. 8. VanOsten, checker-up; C. N. side show: Orrin Hollis, equestrian director; Thompson, legal adjuster. Show opens in the Cc. E. McPhee, supt. privileges; Eugene A. . Sangerfest Bidg.. Philadelphia, Pa. April 38. Welker, mus‘cal director: Al. F. Wheeler, Jr.. : Carson, Kit, Buffalo Ranch Wild West P Show. supt. reserved seat tickets; Geo. Coy, supt. , Thos. F. Wiedemann, prop.: W. W. Damron. eanvas; Clint A. Graham, trainmaster; Chas ‘ sst. mgr.: C. H. Parker, treas.: Joe C. Evans, boss hostler: Frank W. Green, supt. Donahue, gen. agt: Pa. L. Brennan, R. R. commissary dept.: F. M. Koen, supt. lights; ye contractor: Wm J. Lester, local contractor: Chancey Jacobs. supt. prons.; Harry Rodney, ey Chas. W. King. contracting preas agt.: Jas supt. ring stock: Chas. Evans, supt. stock; be. H. Donahue. press agt. back with show: Wm Geo. Coy, supt. working crew; Chas. R. ; Wirt Damron. mgr. side show; Jas. 8. Lose, Dickey, 24-hour agt.; Walter Allen, supt. ele“ equestrian director; W. C. Cox. gen. supt.; D.| phants; Luce Henry, boss carpenter: Capt. H. * T. Bartlett. supt. privileges: Eéw. F. Moore, Snider, supt. animals; John Foley, blacksmith: musical director: Chester Monahan. supt. reHarry C. Curtis, mgr. advertising car No. 1; ’ served seat tickets: Geo. F. Millard. sunt. Fred E. Wheeler, checker-np: J. H. Huntley, \ canvas; 0. A. Devine, trainmaster: Wm. legal adjuster: Frank FE. Belmont, announcer. bY Wiggins. boss hostler; Hugh McCullough, Show opens at Oxford, Pa., April 19. Ds sunt. commissary dept.: J. H. Daley. sunt. | Eschman’s, J. H.. European Circus, J. H. Eschi lights; E. 8. Monroe, supt. prons.: Joe Deman, prop. and mgr.: O. E. Fowler, asst. . laney, supt. ring stock: Harvey Kinder, sunt. mer.: E. H. Smith, treas. and secy.: Harry , working crew: Jack Rhodes. 24-honr agt.: W. FE. Crandell, gen. agt. and R. R. contractor; A. Brown, boss carpenter: F. EF. Shisley, blackW. B. Elliot. local contractor: F. H. Parks smith: Art. Barlow, mer. advertising car No 1: Frank Walder, mgr, advertising car No. 2: Arthur Monelli. checker-un: John Sells special agt.; Wm. Johnston, contracting press agt.: Harry Dickerson. mer. side show: W. legal B. York. equestrian director: L. LeDoux, supt adinster: Ken'lworth LaCholsser, announcer privileges; J. J. Sanders, musical director: F ; Christie & Leonard Show, Florence & Leonard H. Steel, supt. reserved seat tickets: Wm Christie. prons.: G. W. Christie, mgr.: Mrs Witt, supt. canvas; Jack Piltcher. boss hostP= G. W. Christie. treas.: Mrs. Florence Christie ler: Chas. Beeley, supt. props.: Walter Col secy.:. Chas. Densmore, anditor: H. 0. Cungard, supt. elephants: Harry Eschman, legal 4 ingham. gen. agt.; Red Harris, R. R. conadiuster: D. H, Decreo. announcer. e, tractor: Pros. T. Nelson, mer. side show; | Finn's. Thos. L., Shows——Thos. L. Finn. pron Robt. Tandore, eqnestrian director: Chas. & mer.: Ed4.-L. Dunne. asst. mer.: Fred J Densmore, supt. privileges: Jack Walters, muNewell, gen. agt.: J. B. King. snectal net ‘ sice! Alrector: Eddie Mangiley, supt. reserved | Fowler and Clark’s Famous Dog and Pony Show, seat tickete: Ed. Davidson, supt. canvas: Fred D. Fowler and Carl H. Clark. props. ' Rato. Tiarris. boss hostler: Leonard Christte. and mers.: Carl H. Clark, treas.: Fred. D. me Barnetts, equestrians BOOKED FOR THE FIFTH SEASON WITH 101 Ranch Wild West Show 'HIGH'SCHOOL ACT Address 101 RANCH, Bliss, Okla., or H. S. ELTON, Manager, Box 307, Bristol, Conn LIP, Barnum's Original WHAT IS IT? November to April 1910—Clark & Snows Hippodrome and Museum, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. November to April 1911—Clark & Snows Hippodrome and Museum, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. November 1912 to July 1913—Same continuous engagement. THANKS FOR ALL OFFERS. CAPT. O. K. WHITE :SIDE SHOW BANNERS PAINTED BY WM. T. LEE Are the Best that Can Be Procured 1816 N. Halsted St., CHICAGO, ILL. SHOW LIGHTS Specialists in Every Kind of Light Used by Tent Shows. Oldest House in the Business. We Know How. = onnnvannvvnennooevsvunnanvvansnnn UUUEREUUUUEUUUERCUEEROUUEEOUEEEEOUEOGE THE BOLTE & WEYER COMPANY 125-127 S. Center Avenue, Chicago CUT anT THIC DRITE LI<T oa se eee & OO oe 1]