The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard 75 — ———— | CUT OUT THIS PRICE LIST_BAKER CUT OUT THIS PRICE LIST—BA K E R—CUT OUT THIS PRICE LIST Painted BANNERS SPECIAL CIRCUS MANTLES, $49.50 PER M. FINE SEAT CUSHIONS, $150.00 PER M. OIL PORTRAIT PAINTINGS, $6.00 EACH STEEL TICKET BOXES WITH LOCKS, $3.00 EACH SCENERY Painted | Good Reliable Boss Canvas Man Wanted at Once | BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFG. C0. PANELS Painted SEVERAL S. H. PAINTINGS, $7.00 EACH S. H. BEACONS (WINDHORST). $8.00 EACH DOUBLE BURNER BEACONS S. H.. $12.00 EACH LONG DISTANCE PHONES: 774 MAIN KANSAS CITY, MO. CUT OUT THIS PRICE LIST BA K ERCUT OUT THIS PRICE LIST YAN VG—1Si1 Wed SIL 1N0 19 = ' Fowl : Frederick Docre, auditor; E. E. Fow '« ue agt.; W. B. Webster, local cou tract Walter Floyd, contract'ng press agt.; Ge | \ muzr side-show; D King, eques ector; Water Firth, gen, supt.; Chas. (J Embree, supt, privileges; Roy E. Cook il director; Arthur Thron, supt. reger ~ tickets; Clarence Mitchell, supt. canv \V Hamilton, boss hostler; C. " Everett, supt. commissary dept.; J. E. Bene fie g oss, mgr. advertis ing g N Corbett, mgr. adver t g AZ . A. Hibbard, announcer. Show . He, Ill., April ree iW Dog and Pony Show H. W. Free prop. and mgr.; Mrs. H. W. Freed, trea and secy.; P. D,. Miller, gen. agt. and co 1g press agt Chas. Alderfer, press agt ack with show, questrian director and ge supt.; Mrs. H. W. Freed, supt. privileges; Sam Free musical director; Mrs. Emma Al| derfer, supt. reserved seat tickets; John Rea| gan, supt invas; John Wilkinson, boss host| ler; H. W. Freed, supt. commissary dept.; H. J. Whitmarsh, supt. Iights; Nick Carter, supt. props.; Will Sherwood, supt. zing stock. Im Bros." Show—Gollmar Bros., props.: Chas. A. Gollmar, mgr.; W. 8. Gollmar, asst. ’. F. Gollmar, treas. & secy.; Chas r; Fred ¢ Gollmar. gen, agt.: wr, contractor; D. D. LaRue, Jocal contractor; Harry Wertz, in charge of tick ets; Lew Aronson, mgr. side-show; Dan Levn equestrian director; E, P. Wiley, steward; Doe Chapman, supt. privileges; John D. Hol linger musical director; Erle Clyne, supt reserved seat tickets; D. D. Cattanach, supt canvas; Chas. Herrman. trainmaster; George Holland, boss hostler; Sam Lord, supt. com missary dept.: P. W. Williams, supt, lights; Thomas Kehoe, supt. props Jack Tirney supt. ring stock; Geo. Holland, supt. stock: Frank Bullard. head porter; Emery Stiles supt. elefants; Joe Barron, boss carpenter: Emery Stiles supt. animals; Wm. H. Delly. mgr. advertising car No, E. E. Hutzler, mgr. advertising car No. 2; Harry Rigley, checker-up: M. E. Bacon, legal adjuster; Al. Mastiff, announcer, Haag, Mighty, Show, E. Haag, prop. and mgr.: Mrs. E. Haag, treas.; G. C. Moyer, gen. agt. and traffic mgr.; S. P. Cobb and Victor Foster, special agts.; J. Roy Gill, gen. press. agt.; A. L. Zimmerman, press agt. back with show; Doc Coates, gr. side show; Frank B. Miller, equestrian director; Henry Emgard, supt. privileges; Dick Masters, musical director; Fred (Dutch) Myers, supt. canvas; John Smith, asst. Supt. canyas; Roy Hague, trainmaster; H. D. Hubbard, boss hostler: D. M. Jesse, asst. boss hostler; Eddie VanCamp, supt. light; Frank Lank, asst. supt. lights; Albert Miller, supt. props.; Jas. Finnegan, 24-hour agt.; Harry Rhodes, supt. animals: Ruby Driver. asst. supt. asimals; W. B. Hicks, backsmitth; Victor Stout. mgr. advertising car No. 1; A. R. Hopper, mgr. advertising car No, 2: Bishop Turner and Frank McGuyre, legal adjusters: Bill Williams, supt. lot; H. V. Stout, steward: Joe R. Nelson, director side show band; Frea Delvey, mgr. up-town wagon; J. W. Campbell, advertising solic'tor: Thos. O’Hara. supt. side show canvas; Joe Edmonds, mgr. privil ege car; G. H. Hayes, boss billposter car No. as E. L. Will‘ams, boss billposter Car No. 2; J. C. Downs, route rider; Dan Hoffman, gen. contracting agt. Hagenbeck-Wallace Show, B. E. Wallace, prop. aod mgr.; C. E. Cory, asst. mgr.; J. R. Ap drew treasurer; C, W. Sprague, secretary; R M Harvey, general agent and R. R contractor; George Hedges and Palmer Robinson special agents: J E. Eviston and L. H. Heckman, contracting press agts.; Floyd King, advance press agt.: Geo. Atkinson, press agt. back with show; J. E. Eviston, excursion agt.; J. E. Ogden, mgr. side show; Geo. Conners, equestrian director: F. H Beatty, supt. privileges; Al J. Massey, musical director; J. F. Burke. supt. reserved seat lckets; Matt Schommer, supt. canvas; John : yd, trainmaster; Robt. Abrams, boss hoster; Jas. Davis, supt, commissary dept.; Tom Dunn. upt. lights; G. H. Williamson, supt. props.; Andy Dobbins, supt. ring stock; Jas. Wilson, “uperintendent wardrobe; J. J. Rogers supt. side iow; C. . Pheeney and Al. Hoff rin. 24-hour agts.; John Worden, supt. ele — A. 0. Duncan, boss carpenter; Emi! pa att ser, supt. animals; L. H, Heckman, mgr. Us'ng car No. 1; C. C. Cheuvront, mgr. rt “!ng car No, 2; R. B. Schaal, checker" (. S. Hagaman and W. R, Irons, legal 'sters: Bert Cole, announcer. Show opens Coliseum, St. Louls, Mo., April 12. Chas, N., Cireus & Trained Animal This show will go out this season with ically the same people as last year. adve ros.’ Greater Show, Reginald C. Heber, R. F. Heber. asst. mgr.; A. R. Heber, : 2 Harrison, secy.; R. BE. Heber, audiKenJ. C. Heber, gen. agt.; Frank Myers, we press = agt.: Bill Morris, mgr. side Rollo H. Heber, equestrian director; Heber, gen. supt.: Willis Brown, supt. hoy. Res: Reginald Franklin, musieal director; \\ Fox, supt. reserved seat tickets: Red us. spt. canvas; Geo. T, Heber, master vspertation; Ed Taylor, boss hostler; oe. supt. commissary dept.; Bill Rowe, : lights: Karl Mead, supt. props.; Earl a sunt. ring stock; John Walters, supt. k: Warner Ruxton. 24-hour agt.: Jas. ‘tg. supt, animals: Jas, 'vertising car No, 1: tising car No R. Ranisey, mer. Fred Watts. mgr. ad2; Bill Merkle, mgr. adver ' Horne’s Kennedy's Wild Ketrow t.sing car No. 3; Raymond Shannon, checker up; Arthur Mackey. announcer. Show opens at Columbus, Ohio, April 28. Henry's, J. E.. Show, J. E. Henry, prop. and mgr.; Geo. McKnight, asst. mgr.; Mabel C. Henry, treas.; Chas. N. Swinney, gen. agt. and contracting press agt.; Geo. McKnight, mgr. side show; J. E. Henry, equestrian direc tor; Arthur Henry, supt. privileges; Mack Waldren. musical director; Harry More, supt. reserved seat tickets; Bob Wright. supt. can vas; Capt. Ramie Lee, supt. elefants; W. R Lee, supt. animals; Arthur Henry, checker-up; Geo. McKnight, announcer. Show opened at San Antonio, Tex., March 1. Honest Bill’s Show, Honest Bill, prop.; Wm Newton, Jr., mgr.; Mrs. Mae Newton, treas and secy.; Wim. F. Cody, auditor; Nick Brooks, gen. agt.; Paul Szaz, contracting press azt.: Harry Erber, mgr. side show; C. A. Rathburn, equestrian director; M. E. Newton, supt. re served seat tickets; Sam Brooks, boss hostler; Wm. Morgan, supt. lights; Ed. Edwards. supt. props.; C. A. Rathburn. supt. ring stock; Roy Newton, supt. working crew and supt. ele fants; Jess Manola, mgr. advertising car No. 1 Show opens at Quenemo, Kan., March 29. Wild Animal Shows, E. P. and I. S&S. Horne, props. and mgrs.; E. P. Horne, mgr.; H. A. Horne, asst. mgr.; G. A. Horne, treas and seey.; L. Davis, auditor; Geo, Teasdale. gen. agt.;: I. S. Horne, R. R. contractor; J. W. Walmsley, special agt.: Frank Weicker, mer. side show; H. Patterson, supt. canvas; Joe Cababa, supt. lights; Paul Tueitt, supt. props.; Theo, Pabledo, supt. elefants; J. Car dona, supt. animals. Show opens at Hot Springs, Ark., April 15. Idaho Jack’s R. R. Show—Kemp Bros., props.. J. T. Kemp, mgr.;: W. L. Kemp. asst, mzr.: Mrs. W. L. Kemp, treas; Mrs. J. T. Kemp. secy.; J. M. Simons, supt. canvas; Jobnny Williams, trainmaster; Al. Williams, supt props.; Frank Swain. supt. Show opens at Muncie, Ind., working crew. April 14. Kennedy Bros. & Shields Show—Kennedy Bros & Shields, props.; Chas. C. Kennedy, bus. mgr.; Mrs. C. Kennedy, secy. & treas.; Jess Fielding, ticket seller; John Kennedy, supt rivileges; Ed. Kornbaum, musical director: . T. Kennedy, advance agt. Show opened at Elkhart. Texas, Feb. 22. West & Gray Bros.’ Cirens—W. H. Kennedy, gen. mgr.; V. L. Gray, asst. mer, and treas.; Bee Ho Gray, arena director in gen.; V. fray, front door man; Weaver Gray, asst. arena direc tor: Wm. Lynn, in charge of cookhouse; Jim Harris, supt. stock. Show opened at Winn’ wood, Okla., March 1. and Trover Show. Ketrow and Trover, props.; Wm. Ketrow, mgr.; 8. E. Trover, gen. agt.; Frank Peters, supt. privileges: Fred Roberts, musical director; Mrs. Wm, Ketrow. supt. reserved seat tickets; John Graham, supt Cowboy eanvas: Geo. Southard, boss hostler; Win Netklin, announcer. Kirby's Novelty Sensation Show. Alvin Kirby. prop. and mgr.; Grace Kirby, treas. Show opens at Foosland. Ill., May 5. LaMont Bros.’ Show, C. R. LaMont, prop. and mgr.; W.S. LaMont, asst. mgr.; C.D. Randolph, treas.: Fred Hayworth, secy.; Harry Gray, auditor; Robt. Taylor, gen. agt.; R. Evans, local contractor; G. Reeves, contracting press agt., E. Porterfield, mgr. s‘de show; M F. Rose, equestrian director; Charley Traylor, supt, privileges: V. 0. Thompson, musical di! gen. agt.: Geo. Bennett, local contractor: F. Brewster Smith, advance press agt.; John Lampe, press agt. back with show; Chas. Lampe, equestrian director; Otto Lampe. gen supt.: Bert Lampe, supt. privileges; Orvill Nesbit, musical director; Frank Evens, supt. reserved seat tickets; Pete (Bull) Murphr. supt. canvas: Louls Nesisco, supt. comm!issary dept.: Blackle Lane, supt. lights; Joe Stevens, supt. props; Lew Mulholland, supt. stock; Don Lobdell, announcer. LeClatr’s Dog and Pony Show, B. S. LeClair and props.; Geo. A. Manchester, mgr.: Mrs. Geo. A. Manchester, treas.: Chas Gordon, gen. agt.: E. Tracey. contracting press agt.: Jim Robinson, press agt. back with show: Wm. Manchester, equestrian director; Clyde Stevens, musical director; Chas. Phentx, supt, canvas; Wallace Lupin, boss hostler: Rill Hicks, supt. lights; supt. ring stock; Geo. Powers, supt. working Johnny Jones, crew: Pete Marquex, supt. an!mals: John Gar vey, mgr. advertising car No. 1; Earl Potter, announcer. Show opens at Riverpoint, R. I1., early In May. Littleten’s| Prof., Show—Prof. Wm. Littleton. prop.; Chas. Stoll, mgr.: John Blocker. Jr.. asst, megr.* Jno. Anderson, treas.; Milton Raker. gen. agt.: Ed, Pofall, local contrac tor: John Blocker Jr., mgr. side-show; Geo. Kline, supt. reserved seat tickets; Jas. Crile supt, canvas; Geo. Nevin, supt. lights: Geo Pofall. Wm. Hostler and Wm. Cramer, bil! (Continued on page 78.) Whitey Monthan. | rector: Wm. Randolph, supt. reserved seat tickets: Happy Warner, supt. canvas; Law rence Vanguilder. boss hostler; L. Gray, Supt. commissary dept.; Andy Nolan, supt. lights Slim Reese. supt. props.: Black Vanguilder. supt. ring stock; Omer Edins, supt. elefants | and supt. animals; W. White, blacksmith; Henry Wooley, legal adjuster; Charley Ran dolph, announcer. Show opens at Salem, Il.. May 3. Lampe Bros.’ Newest Shows, Lampe Bros., Showing front and back views of the biggest crowd catcher in the world. on Earth. Watch for their opening. All of our late built Calliopes have Loud and Soft Pedal, for in or out doors, for one block or a mile. KE. S. Brill, Bandmaster for the Barnum & Bailey Circus, says it is the greatest instrument he ever saw or heard, and a brass band is not complete without one of them. Will be featured by three (3) brass bands this coming season. It is now a standard instrument; music is now being atranged for our Calliope. Best crowd catcher in the world P. S.—Did you ever hear a “‘speiler’’ make this remark: “‘If I only had something to bring the crowd close to me I could turn the biggest part of them”? Answer—‘‘Our Calliope will do it.’’ PNEUMATIC CALLIOPE CO., Formerly of Newark, N. J. 403 Broad Street, BLOOMFIELD, N. J. KKK MIE HELE HII IIA IHG sve» GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO." 430-440 Wells St. CHICAGO, ILL. SHOW TENTS We are SPECIALISTS in every kind of canvas work for show equipment. Also Manila and Wire Rope, Tackle, Fittings, etc. We refer to our customers, Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey, etc. Write for prices. Write for our new Illustrated Catalogue of Tents and Camping Outfits. Your early order means better attention. Avoid the rush and let us have it at once. You know that CARPENTER stands for Quality and Full Weight. ee eb tb eR bt bb bb bb bb Calliopes een CIRCUS and SHOW BOAT THOS. J. NICHOL & CO. CINCINNATI, O. LIONS, TIGERS, LEOPARDS, PUMAS Wolves, Hyenas, Bears, Wild Boars, Seal, Kangaroo, Camels, Zebu, Yak, Antelope, Bultalo Elk, Baboons, Monkeys, Macaws, Cockatoos, and all small Animals, Birds and Reptiles, for pit shows, etc. IRL. E. BENNETT, CAMBRIDGE, OHIO MUSICIANS WANTED for GENTRY BROS. SHOWS First-class Solo Cornet, Eb Clarinet and Bass players. Others Write. Season opens in the Central States about the middle of April Low pitch Address, HARRY CRIGLER, Bandmaster, OXFORD, INDIANA. Featured by the Greatest Shows KKK KEKE EK fe a ee ee Deer, ’ » ed ae | { | ’