The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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‘ 76 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. ig THE CONCESSIONERS GolLbD MINE” ; ( ? 1 ow | Pfs ete ITS 12,000,000 PATRONS IN : ree VLA CAM IIA , i, + 2 e— . TURK SHOW : OPEN AIR SHOW es SEASON tk Ty ey SEASON .' MY4 PLATFORM SHOWS MAY 14 if 10 win r tah adnan te YOUR PROPOSITION 10 4 i? SEPT. 14 WRITE AT ONCE SEPT. 14 a. RIVERVIEWVV fe CLYBOURN—BELMONT—WESTERN — ROSCOE i CHICAGO. A SUGGESTION TO THE PARK MANAGER. | the usval modern offering and it is a wise he eaterer to the public’s entertainment who will 4 (Continued from page 73.) assume that there is a vast patronage that would ,°* be attracted to the summer parks to hear Fy a far less propitious era than that of the | adequate presentations of such old-time succesS Lae present, = oo oe Sat ee. Ee —— =r 4 New York's “‘Rialto’’ is full of comic opera ree Black Cloaks, Nanon, Nadjy, Falka nee is ' —_ . ’ “ eal , | Methusalem, The Queen’s Lace Handkerchief, organizers, conductors and principals and one a ined « . hl agency has facilities for the equipment of one Billee Taylor (an operetta almost forgotten but y 7 a ee quite as good and as funny as Pinafore). Die 7: yy a ee —— a. a an Fledermaus (which includes the best Strauss , or ie Coates ait die a ‘oaliin aan 1. the waltzes and which the Shuberts derived the ’ game causes that resulted in the melodrama Merry Countess Som) Thee we suray would . Ar Stagnation, but already we hear that many are not regret a revival of the opera bouffe scenes ’ re’ about to find engagements for the three dif. | Such as The Grand Duchess, Girofle Girofla, La eens a cin ving. wietures | Perichole, The Pretty Performer, Madame An ’ wt my e slson The Cort Eiteve and the gots Daughter, The Pearl of Pekin, Genevieve THE ONLY PARK EAST WHERE BUSINESS IS DONE oe . . “tnd ' de Brabant, and the immortal Offenbach’s Orphe ‘ wren empanies. us and Eurydice. all available without one penny And this means that the smaller parks will | o¢ royalty. . THE YEAR ROUND not have to wait very long for the day when their owners may secure the fono-film records : And it is ne < grey here thet, the out for petite operettas together with musical mogo| 400r amusements shoulk e accompanies ya . f : fom Sieuieiean mee yo ftusical program | Preponderance of volume rather than the ill CONC ESSLONS W AN’ IE 1) — Shooting ( iallery, Ping Pong, Novelty out! s as they were wo grant t penetrating dialog that characterizes the vaude pn Rgedirer. My Ag hy fesh na comme that vil offering, but there are many big parks where Games, good F re aks, Animal Shows. Good buildings for Me chi nic al rogress and e si th these latest scientific | Yaudevil would not be tabooed because of the re — shall vg ty of peeve Ge two were installation of comic opera, but even in these Shows. No fakirs or gamble rs. Re asonable terms for clean attractions Seenie R. R., Vaudeville Theatre, > Ps Py , arr y ‘ sychronized. One may well marvel as to what . preference a aoe = ae soe one i REE GA | E. W e have ( hutes is in store for showmen in smaller cities who | e eye would greatly ewhance the value o >, rhe a Y ‘ 7) ee E may not undertake to organize awed opera com. | the operat‘c offering. Picture Th -atre, Merry gu Round, Roller Coasters. Chis is the largest panies of singers and players in the flesh. And > > , y) . And | 1 yield to no man in my belief in the survival | Park between Coney Island and Revere Beac yet there ‘s no form of entertainment that is| of yaudevil and my plea for a revival of good \ < a | Re vere B a h. so concrete for organizing purposes or that can | light opera in our amusement parks shonld in be made available, considering the numbers re : no sense mean that it is to replace the varieties. quired, as comic opera, a company of eight ; } On the contrary a shifting of scenes as it were principals and a chorus of from twenty to| would be of incalculable benefit all around and thirty (easily the chorus may be obta‘'ned locally | where a long-neglected source of art and melody when desircd) constitnte the basic body. The | is to be made the basis of a revival. the laws of 5 t | conductor is the all-important figure and in mod 2 ; . i supply and demand will regulate the output so ern times he is also the stage director, save in| that no upheaval will be created and surely the the mos mportant organizations vander'llian need not fear for his calling: ne would be astonisht if he ng: Ww we ae 4 entlets for his talent will always outnumber ~ost of a canably organ’zed | these where demand for a change suggest a tem n + | 3 rorary substitute. even if that be necessary je with what he is accus in .9% the same time-worn stage | this era of prodig‘ous program and wholesale . encouraging for the past | preductivity. ap rat} } } j ? ; . s Y it is i ’ ; S ~ re 117EPm ¢ ‘ so) ’ t q 5 m0 fs “bell as ys. | In conclusion the writer would call attention \lso spac es Or loc ations ol diffe re nt SIZE 5, all choice plot on ; ‘ a yume patronage DY Pre-\ to the gradual indication of the approach of a j ea 3) : r 4 , j J senting artists who } ecome , ~ ‘ | , » ‘ . . : "C ' ha « ~y be const ent by: aaan t By ; ta “4% > a — | much desired emulation in this country of the Surt Ave = opposite subw il and suri e Cars te rminals No ‘ = | . . caae 5 swage er ne" | foreign mode of procedure as to operatic en ° j : he park u ager ‘s to i ' ? % ? 5 . , 3S in Ate tie ente on sinine ths Ny hts 7. operandi (deavor. In all the Latin countries and in nearir bet te t low ations on the Island. Address, 7 pan pa er it ie 11 pe on th is pind he ; SF er eee ee S E C Y ~ r © ” he ? ther methods y ined. | i r 3 “9 # 8 . cee stock, grand and come oprra is by far the . 2 — a +s aa le * a8 mn <M abi ay best i most compelling attraction for the people Hd = JA KMAN, Coney Island, N. 48 OV » ‘ 1 remakable vogue ¢ : dramatic stock companies in cities of every pos The pessimist of course will find a reason to , — size oCoast Se Coast Il can name a} =. ene of — — page an ag 4 is ralf-dozen cit*es within 25 miles of each other ndeed not require to be an optim’s n : near New York and ae one over 40.000 onal | or’ r to estimate or forsesee the tremendous ad’ ’ tion. where stock companies do a business in ex | vantage nossessed by the producer of comic ‘ cess of $2,000 a week and this too, mark you, in| onera In 1913. when onr libraries sre Inaugnrat cities where plays never conld attract for more | ing music rooms, when musical clubs are being i than one night. but now the intimate policy of launcht in every large city and ‘n many moderat stock Seunnae and the growing popularity of | s'7e? cit'es and when opera in English ts the A d ZOUAVE DRILL F A t — the actors results in the same faces in the same | Slogan of the hour. n ree Cc seats at every cheage of play. end I ms ‘ntain | And finally the teaching of vocal and instrn 4 —_ 4 fea K . ge at it can ~mental music in the public schools shonld All time open except July 15 to Se ple ymber 1. Spee ial ‘ nreser om n 1 1 TF ate rin ns, n the + Y irit f th vark manager P oon whe Guat Fee io tt thi is eve r changing Gel TY fate who hae it 9 te ener ho cmt 2 teat rene induceme nts for e ngage ments in the Middle West. Let's panies et ot Sa ag, best solution of their lesemech thet he is oh medinm — whom ge t toge ther on y OU Ree ‘ngagement. : he creates rortion o e amnesemen wvine Withont reyalties of any descript‘on some of | public must look for any nnlift that shall asco W “WING. Ch; alg ; the best operettas are available. some old enuf | character'ze the distinctly musical side of our Addre SS W. M. EM ING, ( hampaign, tl. ’ to be new to this generation and all better than | amusement parks.