The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboara 77 ‘2’ MAPLE BEACH PARK 7,2" ATTENTION » — Park and — Se FARE FROM FIVE CITIES » Hotel Managers ALBANY—on the Hudson River between—TROY WE REPRESENT TWENTY OF THE LEADING BANDS DIVING GIRLS---Summer Engagement eas eal ae, WANTED aiznta: sce i ee LIVE CONCESSIONAIRES Women Orchestra S and Singers, Hungarians, Hawaiians, Russian Balalaika Orchestra, and men an Orchestras. Address Address P. O. Box 156 ALBANY, N. Y. GEORGE W. SMITH, Musical Manager, Putnam Building, 1493 Broadway, New York City. SANS SOUCI PARK “si Opens ninth season, May 26th, 1913. Concessions Wanted. New ideas particularly solicited. Write GEO. K. BROWN, Mgr., SANS SOUGI PARK, WILKES-BARRE, PA. Park Island, Lake Orion BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. A FEW MORE GOOD CONCESSIONS WANTED—Ferris Wheel, Lunch and Dining Room Concessions, Japanese Ba‘l Games, Indian Novelties, Fortune Teller, Photographer, Swimming Master, who will run Bowling Alley in connection Also want to hear from Wild West Shows, Small Circuses, and Open Air Attractions. Free ate and athletic gat field. No booze. Cpen Decoration Day. Slow thinkers will miss this. LAKE ORION SUMMER HOMES CO., Russell P. Winter, Secy., 1208 Chamber of Com. Bidg., Detroit, Mich, ONTARIO BEACH, few york’ Will play three open-air acts per week, Season: May 15th to September 15th, Send your ‘‘zero’’ terms to Ontario Beach Park Co., '* ® "OGERS. Manecer A HAPPY FAMILY OF FIFTY RATS RATTERS RAT-TERRIERS RINGTAILS RHESUS An Unique Animal Circus. Novelty Street Parade daily. PROF. HENRY WOLFORD, care Billboard, Cincinnati, O. WANTED -MOXAHALA PARK-1913 CARNIVAL COMPANIES, all kinds TENT SHOWS, CONCESSIONS, RIDING DEVICES and other LIVELY FEATURES. Free power. No competition within sixty miles. Largest and most up-to-date park in Southta-t €hio Addiess Y. A. PRICE, Manager, Zanesville, Ohio LONG IS LAND ——$—$§$§$§K¥KF«¥$K¥$ 1913—SEASON—1913 MATT GAY HOTEL AND PAVILION HIGH DIVER And All Other Privileges ; 0 : E ; Booked Season 1913 with POE hi SOLOMON & DORMAN LIBERTY SHOW B.B.B.& 1.60., 109 £. 14th St., New York City prance Thanking Managers tor Past Correspondence ATTENTION---PARK CONCESSIONERS aid a divi r 5 ent. its capital stock |: ear, CARNIVAL COURT, BUFFALO, N. Y., — st gtemesn trates capt egedien seaiba pic dosage in the amusement business. We are here to stay «1d want live concessioners to join us in making om next five years in the amusement park game, the greatest .n the mwey etd = city : re — — ~~ ) iti Si in Stre if ninutes ride by trolle the business district, w e lines We have no competition. Situated on Main Street, fifteen minutes ride by trolley from the heart o ith | ines of cars passing a entrance, giving a one minute service. _WE HAVE THE PEOPLE—WHAT HAVE YOU 10 GET THE rammed We ape pes to great advantage a FERRIS WHEEL, FROLIC, CIRCLE SWING and have building for THURSTON’S Kiss WALTZ. re tae parks being dismantled will find Carnival Court a LIVE WIRE to shift to. Get in touch with the management immediately. Down town office: Brisbane Bldg. CARNIVAL COURT, Buffalo, N. Y. ATTENTION PARK MANAGERS --FOR SALE LUNA PARK now O’LEARY’S PUBLIC MARKET, Sieizé,"#isici™ Herecell & Spellman Portable Merry-<GoRound, seating 78 $1500, Shooting Niagara and four boats, 800, hres ag ni ee et ace Sake Teun pig to tndheny $250; Push Batton, S50; — ure _ reenact se se: Richardson Roller Skates, $1 per pair; three mag ae begs set geome ag eh a cape Mternatiog ettny ape Ae cya ssa wena Brag Phe aeat too numerous to mention. All of the above will be SOLD ONLY abaya alan a camels saanan Proprietor, 1183S. Halsted Street, Chicago, [ll Telephone, Yards 628